module Bio.Sequence.PhdData where import Bio.Core.Sequence import qualified Bio.Sequence.PhdTag as PT import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBC {-- A .phd file consists of a DNA block with base and quality values, followed by one or more (optional) tag blocks. --} data Phd = Phd { comment :: Comment , dnaBlock :: DNABlock , phdTags :: Maybe [PT.PhdTag] } deriving (Show) {-- These types are subject to change if it improves functionality, but for now it's simplest to just call them String, Int etc.--} data Comment = Comment { chromatFile :: FilePath , abiThumbprint :: String , phredVersion :: String , callMethod :: String , qualityLevels :: Int , time :: String , traceArrayMinIndex :: Int , traceArrayMaxIndex :: Int , trim :: String , chem :: String , dye :: String } deriving (Eq) instance Show Comment where show (Comment cf abit pv cm ql ti mintai maxtai tr ch dy) = ("\n" ++) $ unlines [ "CHROMAT_FILE: " ++ cf , "ABI_THUMBPRINT: " ++ abit , "PHRED_VERSION: " ++ pv , "CALL_METHOD: " ++ cm , "QUALITY_LEVELS: " ++ show ql , "TIME: " ++ show ti , "TRACE_ARRAY_MIN_INDEX: " ++ show mintai , "TRACE_ARRAY_MAX_INDEX: " ++ show maxtai , "TRIM: " ++ tr , "CHEM: " ++ ch , "DYE: " ++ dy ] data DNABlock = DNABlock { label :: String , bases :: SeqData , qualities :: QualData , traceIndices :: [Int] } instance Show DNABlock where show = LBC.unpack . toFasta instance BioSeq DNABlock where seqlabel db = SeqLabel $ LBC.pack $ label db seqdata db = bases db seqlength db = Offset $ LBC.length $ unSD $ bases db instance BioSeqQual DNABlock where seqqual = qualities -- Some default values for the data types, useful for debugging in ghci defaultComment = Comment { chromatFile = "" , abiThumbprint = "0" , phredVersion = "0.980904.e" , callMethod = "phred" , qualityLevels = 99 , time = "" , traceArrayMinIndex = 0 , traceArrayMaxIndex = 1 , trim = "" , chem = "unknown" , dye = "unknown" } defaultDNABlock = DNABlock { label = "some_dna" , bases = SeqData $ LBC.pack "aatgcatcta" , qualities = QualData $ LBC.pack "0000000000" , traceIndices = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] } defaultPhdTag = PT.PhdTag { PT.tagType = "polymorphism" , PT.source = "polyphred" , PT.unpaddedReadPosition = [5, 5] , = "01/01/70 00:00:00" , PT.comment = "" }