{- birch-beer Gregory W. Schwartz Displays a hierarchical tree of clusters with colors, scaling, and more. -} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module Main where -- Remote import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Char (ord) import Data.Colour.SRGB (sRGB24read) import Data.List (isSuffixOf) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Math.Clustering.Hierarchical.Spectral.Load (readSparseAdjMatrix) import Options.Generic import System.IO (openFile, hClose, IOMode (..)) import Text.Read (readMaybe, readEither) import TextShow (showt) import qualified Control.Lens as L import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B import qualified Data.Csv as CSV import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Sparse.Common as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Diagrams.Backend.Cairo as D import qualified Diagrams.Prelude as D -- Local import BirchBeer.ColorMap import BirchBeer.Interactive import BirchBeer.LeafGraph import BirchBeer.Load import BirchBeer.MainDiagram import BirchBeer.Options import BirchBeer.Types import BirchBeer.Utility main :: IO () main = do opts <- getRecord "birch-beer, Gregory W. Schwartz.\ \ Displays a hierarchical tree of clusters with colors,\ \ scaling, and more." let input' = unHelpful . input $ opts inputMatrix' = unHelpful . inputMatrix $ opts delimiter' = Delimiter . fromMaybe ',' . unHelpful . delimiter $ opts labelsFile' = fmap LabelFile . unHelpful . labelsFile $ opts minSize' = fmap MinClusterSize . unHelpful . minSize $ opts maxStep' = fmap MaxStep . unHelpful . maxStep $ opts maxProportion' = fmap MaxProportion . unHelpful . maxProportion $ opts minDistance' = fmap MinDistance . unHelpful . minDistance $ opts minDistanceSearch' = fmap MinDistanceSearch . unHelpful . minDistanceSearch $ opts smartCutoff' = fmap SmartCutoff . unHelpful . smartCutoff $ opts customCut' = CustomCut . Set.fromList . unHelpful . customCut $ opts order' = fmap Order . unHelpful . order $ opts drawLeaf' = maybe (maybe DrawText (const (DrawItem DrawLabel)) labelsFile') (fromMaybe (error "Cannot read draw-leaf.") . readMaybe) . unHelpful . drawLeaf $ opts drawCollection' = maybe PieChart (fromMaybe (error "Cannot read draw-collection.") . readMaybe) . unHelpful . drawCollection $ opts drawMark' = maybe MarkNone (fromMaybe (error "Cannot read draw-mark.") . readMaybe) . unHelpful . drawMark $ opts drawNodeNumber' = DrawNodeNumber . unHelpful . drawNodeNumber $ opts drawMaxNodeSize' = DrawMaxNodeSize . fromMaybe 72 . unHelpful . drawMaxNodeSize $ opts drawMaxLeafNodeSize' = DrawMaxLeafNodeSize . fromMaybe (unDrawMaxNodeSize drawMaxNodeSize') . unHelpful . drawMaxLeafNodeSize $ opts drawNoScaleNodes' = DrawNoScaleNodesFlag . unHelpful . drawNoScaleNodes $ opts drawLegendSep' = DrawLegendSep . fromMaybe 1 . unHelpful . drawLegendSep $ opts drawLegendAllLabels' = DrawLegendAllLabels . unHelpful . drawLegendAllLabels $ opts drawPalette' = maybe Set1 (fromMaybe (error "Cannot read palette") . readMaybe) . unHelpful . drawPalette $ opts drawColors' = fmap ( CustomColors . fmap sRGB24read . (\x -> read x :: [String]) ) . unHelpful . drawColors $ opts drawDiscretize' = (=<<) (\x -> either error Just . either (\ err -> either (\y -> Left $ finalError err y) (Right . SegmentColorMap) (readEither x :: Either String Int) ) (Right . CustomColorMap . fmap sRGB24read) $ (readEither x :: Either String [String]) ) . unHelpful . drawDiscretize $ opts where finalError err x = "Error in draw-discretize: " <> err <> " " <> x drawScaleSaturation' = fmap DrawScaleSaturation . unHelpful . drawScaleSaturation $ opts drawFont' = fmap DrawFont . unHelpful . drawFont $ opts output' = fromMaybe "dendrogram.svg" . unHelpful . output $ opts tree <- loadTreeOrDendFromFile input' -- Get the label map from either a file or from expression thresholds. labelMap <- case drawLeaf' of (DrawItem (DrawThresholdContinuous gs)) -> error "Threshold not supported here." -- fmap -- ( Just -- . getLabelMapThresholdContinuous -- (fmap (L.over L._1 Feature) gs) -- . fromMaybe (error "Requires matrix.") -- ) -- mat _ -> sequence . fmap (loadLabelData delimiter') $ labelsFile' let readMat file = if isSuffixOf ".mtx" file then do mat <- loadMatrix file let items = V.fromList . fmap showt $ [1..S.nrows mat] return . SimilarityMatrix $ NamedMatrix mat items items else do let decodeOpt = CSV.defaultDecodeOptions { CSV.decDelimiter = fromIntegral (ord . unDelimiter $ delimiter') } h <- openFile file ReadMode (items, mat) <- readSparseAdjMatrix decodeOpt h hClose h return . SimilarityMatrix $ NamedMatrix mat items items simMat <- sequence . fmap readMat $ inputMatrix' let config :: Config T.Text NamedMatrix config = Config { _birchLabelMap = labelMap , _birchMinSize = minSize' , _birchMaxStep = maxStep' , _birchMaxProportion = maxProportion' , _birchMinDistance = minDistance' , _birchMinDistanceSearch = minDistanceSearch' , _birchSmartCutoff = smartCutoff' , _birchCustomCut = customCut' , _birchOrder = order' , _birchDrawLeaf = drawLeaf' , _birchDrawCollection = drawCollection' , _birchDrawMark = drawMark' , _birchDrawNodeNumber = drawNodeNumber' , _birchDrawMaxNodeSize = drawMaxNodeSize' , _birchDrawMaxLeafNodeSize = drawMaxLeafNodeSize' , _birchDrawNoScaleNodes = drawNoScaleNodes' , _birchDrawLegendSep = drawLegendSep' , _birchDrawLegendAllLabels = drawLegendAllLabels' , _birchDrawPalette = drawPalette' , _birchDrawColors = drawColors' , _birchDrawDiscretize = drawDiscretize' , _birchDrawScaleSaturation = drawScaleSaturation' , _birchDrawFont = drawFont' , _birchTree = tree , _birchMat = Nothing , _birchSimMat = simMat } (plot, _, _, _, tree', _) <- mainDiagram config -- Plot tree. D.renderCairo output' (D.mkHeight 1000) plot -- Write new tree if necessary. mapM_ (\x -> B.writeFile x . A.encode $ tree') . unHelpful . jsonOutput $ opts when (unHelpful . interactive $ opts) $ interactiveDiagram tree labelMap (Nothing :: Maybe NamedMatrix) simMat return ()