{- BirchBeer.MainDiagram Gregory W. Schwartz Main function for generating the diagram, processing the preliminary arguments. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module BirchBeer.MainDiagram ( mainDiagram ) where -- Remote import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import Data.Tree (Tree (..)) import qualified Control.Lens as L import qualified Data.Clustering.Hierarchical as HC import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Diagrams.Backend.Cairo as D import qualified Diagrams.Prelude as D -- Local import BirchBeer.ColorMap import BirchBeer.LeafGraph import BirchBeer.Load import BirchBeer.Plot import BirchBeer.Stopping import BirchBeer.Types import BirchBeer.Utility -- | Main function for generating the diagram and all needed arguments. mainDiagram :: (Eq a, Ord a, TreeItem a, MatrixLike b) => Config a b -> IO (D.Diagram D.B, Maybe LabelColorMap, Maybe ItemColorMap, Maybe MarkColorMap, Tree (TreeNode (V.Vector a)), ClusterGraph a) mainDiagram config = do let tree = _birchTree config labelMap' = _birchLabelMap config smartCutoff' = _birchSmartCutoff config customCut' = _birchCustomCut config maxStep' = _birchMaxStep config minSize' = case (fmap unSmartCutoff smartCutoff', _birchMinSize config) of (Just x, Just _) -> Just . MinClusterSize . round . (2 **) . smartCut x (Just . logBase 2 . getSize) $ tree otherwise -> _birchMinSize config maxProportion' = case (fmap unSmartCutoff smartCutoff', _birchMaxProportion config) of (Just x, Just _) -> Just . MaxProportion . (2 **) $ smartCut x getProportion tree otherwise -> _birchMaxProportion config minDistance' = case (fmap unSmartCutoff smartCutoff', _birchMinDistance config) of (Just x, Just _) -> Just . MinDistance $ smartCut x getDistance tree otherwise -> _birchMinDistance config minDistanceSearch' = case (fmap unSmartCutoff smartCutoff', _birchMinDistanceSearch config) of (Just x, Just _) -> Just . MinDistanceSearch $ smartCut x getDistance tree otherwise -> _birchMinDistanceSearch config drawLeaf' = _birchDrawLeaf config drawCollection' = _birchDrawCollection config drawMark' = _birchDrawMark config drawNodeNumber' = _birchDrawNodeNumber config drawMaxNodeSize' = _birchDrawMaxNodeSize config drawMaxLeafNodeSize' = _birchDrawMaxLeafNodeSize config drawNoScaleNodes' = _birchDrawNoScaleNodes config drawLegendAllLabels' = _birchDrawLegendAllLabels config drawLegendSep' = _birchDrawLegendSep config drawPalette' = _birchDrawPalette config drawColors' = _birchDrawColors config drawDiscretize' = _birchDrawDiscretize config drawScaleSaturation' = _birchDrawScaleSaturation config drawFont' = fromMaybe (DrawFont "Arial") $ _birchDrawFont config order' = fromMaybe (Order 1) $ _birchOrder config mat = return $ _birchMat config simMat = _birchSimMat config -- Prune tree. tree' = foldl' (\acc f -> f acc) tree $ [ (\x -> bool x (flip clusterGraphToTree 0 . flip customCut (treeToGraph x) . unCustomCut $ customCut') . not . Set.null . unCustomCut $ customCut' ) , (\x -> maybe x (flip proportionCut x . unMaxProportion) maxProportion') , (\x -> maybe x (flip distanceCut x . unMinDistance) minDistance') , (\x -> maybe x (flip distanceSearchCut x . unMinDistanceSearch) minDistanceSearch') , (\x -> maybe x (flip sizeCut x . unMinClusterSize) minSize') , (\x -> maybe x (flip stepCut x . unMaxStep) maxStep') ] -- Load graph. gr = treeToGraph tree' -- Load draw configurations. drawConfig = DrawConfig drawLeaf' drawCollection' drawNodeNumber' drawMaxNodeSize' drawMaxLeafNodeSize' drawNoScaleNodes' drawLegendSep' -- Get the color of each label. let labelColorMapRaw = case drawColors' of Nothing -> fmap (getLabelColorMap drawPalette') labelMap' (Just cs) -> fmap (getLabelCustomColorMap cs) labelMap' labelColorMap = fmap (maybe id saturateLabelColorMap drawScaleSaturation') labelColorMapRaw -- | Get the mark color map. markColorMap = case drawMark' of MarkNone -> Nothing _ -> Just $ getMarkColorMap drawMark' gr defaultGetItemColorMap :: Maybe ItemColorMap defaultGetItemColorMap = do lcm <- labelColorMapRaw lm <- labelMap' return $ labelToItemColorMap lcm lm -- | Get the discrete color list. discreteColors = drawDiscretize' >>= getDiscreteColorMap drawLeaf' drawColors' labelColorMap -- | This function will decide whether to update a map or not based on -- user input. discretizeColorMapHelper :: (Eq a, Ord a) => Map.Map a (D.Colour Double) -> Map.Map a (D.Colour Double) discretizeColorMapHelper cm = maybe cm (flip discretizeColorMap cm) discreteColors -- | Get the item color map. itemColorMapRaw <- case drawLeaf' of DrawItem (DrawContinuous x) -> fmap ( fmap ( either (const (ItemColorMap Map.empty)) id . getItemColorMapContinuous drawColors' (fmap Feature x) ) ) mat DrawItem DrawSumContinuous -> fmap (fmap (getItemColorMapSumContinuous drawColors')) mat _ -> return defaultGetItemColorMap -- | Get the node color map. let itemColorMap = fmap ( ItemColorMap . discretizeColorMapHelper . unItemColorMap . (maybe id saturateItemColorMap drawScaleSaturation') ) itemColorMapRaw nodeColorMap = fmap ( NodeColorMap . discretizeColorMapHelper . unNodeColorMap . maybe id saturateNodeColorMap drawScaleSaturation' ) $ case drawLeaf' of (DrawItem DrawDiversity) -> fmap (getNodeColorMapFromDiversity drawColors' order' gr) itemColorMapRaw _ -> fmap (getNodeColorMapFromItems gr) $ itemColorMapRaw -- | Get the graph at each leaf (if applicable). getAllLeafNodesSet = Set.fromList . F.toList . fmap fst . mconcat . fmap (getGraphLeaves (unClusterGraph gr)) (maxWeight, edgeThreshold, leafGraphNodes) = case drawCollection' of (CollectionGraph m e l) -> ( MaxWeight m , EdgeThreshold e , LeafGraphNodes . getAllLeafNodesSet $ l ) _ -> (MaxWeight 1, EdgeThreshold 0, LeafGraphNodes Set.empty) leafGraphMap = fmap ( clusterGraphToLeafGraphMap maxWeight edgeThreshold leafGraphNodes gr ) simMat -- | Get the legend of the diagram. legend <- case drawLeaf' of (DrawItem (DrawContinuous x)) -> fmap ( fmap ( plotContinuousLegend drawFont' drawColors' discreteColors (fromMaybe (DrawScaleSaturation 1) drawScaleSaturation') (fmap Feature x) ) ) mat (DrawItem DrawSumContinuous) -> fmap ( fmap ( plotSumContinuousLegend drawFont' drawColors' discreteColors (fromMaybe (DrawScaleSaturation 1) drawScaleSaturation') ) ) mat (DrawItem DrawDiversity) -> return mempty _ -> return $ do lm <- labelMap' lcm <- labelColorMap return . plotLabelLegend drawFont' . bool (subsetLabelColorMap gr lm) id (unDrawLegendAllLabels drawLegendAllLabels') $ lcm -- | Get the entire diagram. plot <- plotGraph legend drawConfig itemColorMap nodeColorMap markColorMap leafGraphMap gr return (plot, labelColorMap, itemColorMap, markColorMap, tree', gr)