{- BirchBeer.Types Gregory W. Schwartz Collects the types used in the program -} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module BirchBeer.Types where -- Remote import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Colour (AlphaColour) import Data.Colour.Palette.BrewerSet (Kolor) import Data.Colour.SRGB (Colour (..), RGB (..)) import Data.Colour.SRGB.Linear (toRGB) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import Data.Tree (Tree (..)) import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo import Diagrams.Prelude hiding (distance) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import TextShow (showt) import qualified Control.Lens as L import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as A import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A import qualified Data.Clustering.Hierarchical as HC import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as G import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Sparse.Common as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V -- Local data ClusterEdge = ClusterEdge { _edgeDistance :: Maybe Double , _edgeSignificance :: Maybe Double } deriving (A.FromJSON, A.ToJSON, Generic, Read, Show) makeLenses ''ClusterEdge data NamedMatrix = NamedMatrix { _namedMat :: S.SpMatrix Double , _namedRows :: V.Vector T.Text , _namedCols :: V.Vector T.Text } class MatrixLike a where getMatrix :: a -> S.SpMatrix Double getRowNames :: a -> V.Vector T.Text getColNames :: a -> V.Vector T.Text instance MatrixLike (S.SpMatrix Double) where getMatrix = id getRowNames mat = V.fromList . fmap showt $ [1..S.nrows mat] getColNames mat = V.fromList . fmap showt $ [1..S.nrows mat] instance MatrixLike NamedMatrix where getMatrix = _namedMat getRowNames = _namedRows getColNames = _namedCols -- instance Generic (Colour a) -- instance NFData a => NFData (Colour a) instance NFData (Colour a) where rnf x = seq x () deriving instance (Eq a, Ord a, Fractional a) => Ord (RGB a) instance (Eq a, Ord a, Fractional a) => Ord (Colour a) where compare x y = toRGB y `compare` toRGB x -- Basic newtype Delimiter = Delimiter { unDelimiter :: Char } deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show) newtype LabelFile = LabelFile { unLabelFile :: String } deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show) newtype Label = Label { unLabel :: T.Text } deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Generic,NFData) newtype Id = Id { unId :: T.Text } deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show) newtype Feature = Feature { unFeature :: T.Text } deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show) newtype Cluster = Cluster { unCluster :: Int } deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Num,Generic,A.ToJSON,A.FromJSON) newtype MinClusterSize = MinClusterSize { unMinClusterSize :: Int } deriving (Read,Show) newtype MaxStep = MaxStep { unMaxStep :: Int } deriving (Read,Show) newtype MaxProportion = MaxProportion { unMaxProportion :: Double } deriving (Read,Show) newtype MinDistance = MinDistance { unMinDistance :: Double } deriving (Read,Show) newtype MinDistanceSearch = MinDistanceSearch { unMinDistanceSearch :: Double } deriving (Read,Show) newtype CustomCut = CustomCut { unCustomCut :: Set.Set Int } deriving (Read,Show) newtype SmartCutoff = SmartCutoff { unSmartCutoff :: Double } deriving (Read,Show) newtype Order = Order { unOrder :: Double } deriving (Read,Show) newtype EdgeThreshold = EdgeThreshold { unEdgeThreshold :: Double } deriving (Read,Show) newtype MaxWeight = MaxWeight { unMaxWeight :: Double } deriving (Read,Show) newtype LeafGraphNodes = LeafGraphNodes { unLeafGraphNodes :: Set.Set G.Node } deriving (Read,Show) newtype DrawMaxNodeSize = DrawMaxNodeSize { unDrawMaxNodeSize :: Double } deriving (Read,Show) newtype DrawMaxLeafNodeSize = DrawMaxLeafNodeSize { unDrawMaxLeafNodeSize :: Double } deriving (Read,Show) newtype DrawNodeNumber = DrawNodeNumber { unDrawNodeNumber :: Bool } deriving (Read,Show) newtype IsLeaf = IsLeaf {unIsLeaf :: Bool} deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show) newtype DrawNoScaleNodesFlag = DrawNoScaleNodesFlag { unDrawNoScaleNodesFlag :: Bool } deriving (Read,Show) newtype DrawLegendSep = DrawLegendSep { unDrawLegendSep :: Double } deriving (Read,Show) newtype DrawLegendAllLabels = DrawLegendAllLabels { unDrawLegendAllLabels :: Bool } deriving (Read,Show) newtype LabelMap = LabelMap { unLabelMap :: Map Id Label } deriving (Read,Show) newtype LabelColorMap = LabelColorMap { unLabelColorMap :: Map Label Kolor } deriving (Read, Show, Generic, NFData) newtype ItemColorMap = ItemColorMap { unItemColorMap :: Map Id Kolor } deriving (Read,Show) newtype MarkColorMap = MarkColorMap { unMarkColorMap :: Map G.Node (AlphaColour Double) } deriving (Read,Show) newtype NodeColorMap = NodeColorMap { unNodeColorMap :: Map G.Node Kolor } deriving (Read,Show) newtype DrawScaleSaturation = DrawScaleSaturation { unDrawScaleSaturation :: Double } deriving (Read,Show) newtype DrawFont = DrawFont { unDrawFont :: String } deriving (Read,Show) newtype ClusterGraph a = ClusterGraph { unClusterGraph :: G.Gr (G.Node, Maybe (Seq.Seq a)) ClusterEdge } deriving (Read, Show) newtype LeafGraph a = LeafGraph { unLeafGraph :: G.Gr (G.Node, a) Double } deriving (Read, Show) newtype LeafGraphMap a = LeafGraphMap { unLeafGraphMap :: Map G.Node (LeafGraph a) } deriving (Read, Show) newtype LeafGraphDiaMap = LeafGraphDiaMap { unLeafGraphDiaMap :: Map G.Node (Diagram B) } newtype CustomColors = CustomColors { unCustomColors :: [Kolor] } deriving (Read, Show) newtype DiscreteColorMap = DiscreteColorMap { unDiscreteColorMap :: [Kolor] } deriving (Read, Show) newtype L = L Double newtype C = C Double newtype H = H Double newtype U = U Double newtype V = V Double data (MatrixLike a) => SimMatrix a = SimilarityMatrix a | B2Matrix a -- Advanced data DrawItemType = DrawLabel | DrawContinuous [T.Text] | DrawThresholdContinuous [(T.Text, Double)] | DrawSumContinuous | DrawDiversity deriving (Read,Show) data DrawLeaf = DrawItem DrawItemType | DrawText deriving (Read, Show) data DrawCollection = CollectionGraph Double Double [Int] | PieRing | PieChart | PieNone deriving (Read, Show) data DrawNodeMark = MarkModularity | MarkSignificance | MarkNone deriving (Read, Show) data Palette = Set1 | Ryb | Hsv | Hcl deriving (Read, Show) data DrawDiscretize = CustomColorMap [Kolor] | SegmentColorMap Int deriving (Read, Show) data DrawConfig = DrawConfig { _drawLeaf :: DrawLeaf , _drawCollection :: DrawCollection , _drawNodeNumber :: DrawNodeNumber , _drawMaxNodeSize :: DrawMaxNodeSize , _drawMaxLeafNodeSize :: DrawMaxLeafNodeSize , _drawNoScaleNodesFlag :: DrawNoScaleNodesFlag , _drawLegendSep :: DrawLegendSep } deriving (Read,Show) data Config a b = Config { _birchLabelMap :: Maybe LabelMap , _birchSmartCutoff :: Maybe SmartCutoff , _birchCustomCut :: CustomCut , _birchMinSize :: Maybe MinClusterSize , _birchMaxStep :: Maybe MaxStep , _birchMaxProportion :: Maybe MaxProportion , _birchMinDistance :: Maybe MinDistance , _birchMinDistanceSearch :: Maybe MinDistanceSearch , _birchOrder :: Maybe Order , _birchDrawLeaf :: DrawLeaf , _birchDrawCollection :: DrawCollection , _birchDrawMark :: DrawNodeMark , _birchDrawNodeNumber :: DrawNodeNumber , _birchDrawMaxNodeSize :: DrawMaxNodeSize , _birchDrawMaxLeafNodeSize :: DrawMaxLeafNodeSize , _birchDrawNoScaleNodes :: DrawNoScaleNodesFlag , _birchDrawLegendAllLabels :: DrawLegendAllLabels , _birchDrawLegendSep :: DrawLegendSep , _birchDrawPalette :: Palette , _birchDrawColors :: Maybe CustomColors , _birchDrawDiscretize :: Maybe DrawDiscretize , _birchDrawScaleSaturation :: Maybe DrawScaleSaturation , _birchDrawFont :: Maybe DrawFont , _birchTree :: Tree (TreeNode (V.Vector a)) , _birchMat :: Maybe b , _birchSimMat :: Maybe (SimMatrix b) } data TreeNode a = TreeNode { _distance :: Maybe Double , _item :: Maybe a , _significance :: Maybe Double } deriving (A.FromJSON, A.ToJSON, Generic, Read, Show) makeLenses ''TreeNode instance (Semigroup a) => Semigroup (TreeNode a) where (<>) x y = TreeNode { _distance = L.view distance x , _item = (<>) (L.view item x) (L.view item y) , _significance = L.view significance x } instance (Semigroup a) => Monoid (TreeNode a) where mempty = TreeNode { _distance = Nothing, _item = mempty, _significance = Nothing } instance Semigroup LabelMap where (<>) (LabelMap x) (LabelMap y) = LabelMap $ Map.union x y instance Monoid LabelMap where mempty = LabelMap Map.empty class TreeItem a where getId :: a -> Id instance TreeItem T.Text where getId = Id