{- BirchBeer.Interactive Gregory W. Schwartz Interactive version of the tree. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module BirchBeer.Interactive ( interactiveDiagram ) where -- Remote import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.Colour.SRGB (sRGB24reads) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe) import Data.Tree (Tree (..)) import Safe (headMay) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import System.IO.Temp (withTempFile) import qualified Control.Lens as L import qualified Data.Clustering.Hierarchical as HC import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Diagrams.Backend.Cairo as D import qualified Diagrams.Backend.Gtk as D import qualified Diagrams.Prelude as D import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as Gtk import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified Typed.Spreadsheet as TS -- Local import BirchBeer.MainDiagram import BirchBeer.Types -- | Interactive version of the tree. interactiveDiagram :: (Eq a, Ord a, TreeItem a, MatrixLike b) => Tree (TreeNode (V.Vector a)) -> Maybe LabelMap -> Maybe b -> Maybe (SimMatrix b) -> IO () interactiveDiagram tree labelMap mat simMat = graphicalUI' "birch-beer" $ do minSize' <- fmap (MinClusterSize . round) $ TS.spinButtonAt 1 "Minimum cluster size" 1 maxStep' <- fmap (MaxStep . round) $ TS.spinButtonAt 1000 "Maximum number of steps from root" 1 order' <- fmap Order $ TS.spinButtonAt 1 "Order of diversity" 1 drawLeafTemp <- TS.radioButton "Leaf type" DrawText [ DrawItem DrawLabel , DrawItem DrawSumContinuous , DrawItem (DrawContinuous ["GENE"]) , DrawItem DrawDiversity ] drawContinuousGene' <- TS.entry "[GENE] for DrawItem DrawContinuous" drawCollection' <- TS.radioButton "Leaf shape" PieChart [PieRing, PieNone, CollectionGraph 1 0 []] drawMark' <- TS.radioButton "Node mark" MarkNone [MarkModularity] drawPalette' <- TS.radioButton "Palette" Set1 [Hsv, Ryb] drawNodeNumber' <- fmap DrawNodeNumber $ TS.checkBox "Show node number" drawMaxNodeSize' <- fmap DrawMaxNodeSize $ TS.spinButtonAt 72 "Maximum size of drawn node" 1 drawMaxLeafNodeSize' <- fmap DrawMaxLeafNodeSize $ TS.spinButtonAt 72 "Maximum size of drawn leaf node" 1 drawNoScaleNodes' <- fmap DrawNoScaleNodesFlag $ TS.checkBox "Do not scale nodes" drawLegendSep' <- fmap DrawLegendSep $ TS.spinButtonAt 1 "The amount of space between legend and tree" 1 drawColors' <- fmap (\ x -> ( (\xs -> if null xs then Nothing else Just $ CustomColors xs) . catMaybes . fmap (fmap fst . headMay . sRGB24reads) ) =<< ( (\x -> readMaybe x :: Maybe [String]) . T.unpack $ x ) ) $ TS.entryAt "[]" "Custom node colors [\"#e41a1c\", \"#377eb8\"]" drawScaleSaturation' <- fmap (Just . DrawScaleSaturation) $ TS.spinButtonAt 1 "Saturate colors in the HSV model" 1 return $ let drawLeaf' = case drawLeafTemp of DrawItem (DrawContinuous _) -> DrawItem (DrawContinuous (fromMaybe [] $ readMaybe (T.unpack drawContinuousGene') :: [T.Text])) x -> x config = Config { _birchLabelMap = labelMap , _birchMinSize = Just minSize' , _birchMaxStep = Just maxStep' , _birchMaxProportion = Nothing , _birchMinDistance = Nothing , _birchMinDistanceSearch = Nothing , _birchSmartCutoff = Nothing , _birchElbowCutoff = Nothing , _birchCustomCut = CustomCut Set.empty , _birchRootCut = Nothing , _birchOrder = Nothing , _birchDrawLeaf = drawLeaf' , _birchDrawCollection = drawCollection' , _birchDrawMark = drawMark' , _birchDrawNodeNumber = drawNodeNumber' , _birchDrawMaxNodeSize = drawMaxNodeSize' , _birchDrawMaxLeafNodeSize = drawMaxLeafNodeSize' , _birchDrawNoScaleNodes = drawNoScaleNodes' , _birchDrawLegendSep = drawLegendSep' , _birchDrawLegendAllLabels = DrawLegendAllLabels False , _birchDrawPalette = drawPalette' , _birchDrawColors = drawColors' , _birchDrawDiscretize = Nothing , _birchDrawScaleSaturation = drawScaleSaturation' , _birchDrawFont = Nothing , _birchTree = tree , _birchMat = mat , _birchSimMat = simMat } in fmap (L.view L._1) $ mainDiagram config -- | Build a `Diagram`-based user interface using an IO updatable. graphicalUI' :: T.Text -> TS.Updatable (IO (D.Diagram D.Cairo)) -> -- ^ Program logic IO () graphicalUI' = TS.ui setupGraphical processGraphicalEvent where setupGraphical :: Gtk.HBox -> IO Gtk.DrawingArea setupGraphical hBox = do drawingArea <- Gtk.drawingAreaNew Gtk.boxPackStart hBox drawingArea Gtk.PackGrow 0 return drawingArea processGraphicalEvent :: Gtk.DrawingArea -> IO (D.Diagram D.Cairo) -> IO () processGraphicalEvent drawingArea diagramIO = do diagram <- diagramIO drawWindow <- Gtk.widgetGetDrawWindow drawingArea (w, h) <- Gtk.widgetGetSize drawingArea let w' = fromIntegral (w :: Int) / 2 h' = fromIntegral (h :: Int) / 2 minSize = fromIntegral $ min w h maxIsWidth = if max (D.width diagram) (D.height diagram) == D.width diagram then True else False resizeFunc = bool (D.scaleUToY minSize) (D.scaleUToY minSize) maxIsWidth diagram' = diagram D.# D.toGtkCoords D.# resizeFunc D.# D.center D.# D.moveTo (D.p2 (w', h')) D.renderToGtk drawWindow diagram' -- | Build a `Diagram`-based user interface using an IO updatable. Draws to a -- png first. graphicalUIPng' :: T.Text -> TS.Updatable (IO (D.Diagram D.Cairo)) -> -- ^ Program logic IO () graphicalUIPng' title updatable = withTempFile "." "temp_tree.png" $ \file h -> do TS.ui setupGraphical (processGraphicalEvent file h) title updatable where setupGraphical :: Gtk.HBox -> IO Gtk.DrawingArea setupGraphical hBox = do drawingArea <- Gtk.drawingAreaNew Gtk.boxPackStart hBox drawingArea Gtk.PackGrow 0 return drawingArea processGraphicalEvent :: FilePath -> IO.Handle -> Gtk.DrawingArea -> IO (D.Diagram D.Cairo) -> IO () processGraphicalEvent file h drawingArea diagramIO = do dia <- diagramIO D.renderCairo file (D.mkHeight 1000) dia IO.hClose h diagram <- fmap (either mempty D.image) $ D.loadImageEmb file drawWindow <- Gtk.widgetGetDrawWindow drawingArea (w, h) <- Gtk.widgetGetSize drawingArea let w' = fromIntegral (w :: Int) / 2 h' = fromIntegral (h :: Int) / 2 minSize = fromIntegral $ min w h maxIsWidth = if max (D.width diagram) (D.height diagram) == D.width diagram then True else False resizeFunc = bool (D.scaleUToY minSize) (D.scaleUToY minSize) maxIsWidth diagram' = diagram D.# D.toGtkCoords D.# resizeFunc D.# D.center D.# D.moveTo (D.p2 (w', h')) D.renderToGtk drawWindow diagram'