# 2018-01-01 Dr. Alistair Ward ## * First version of the package. ## * Minor changes required to build on Windows. ## * Added **Paths_bishbosh** to **Other-modules** section of cabal file. ## * Changed references to author's domain-name. ## * Added ability to specify the text-encoding used in a PGN-database file. * Updated list of test-compilers. ## * Fixed failure to persist game-state after requesting that the game be restarted. * Fixed parsing of **TextEncoding** in **PGNOptions**. * Replaced module **Distribution.Verbosity** with **BishBosh.Input.Verbosity**. ## * Rewrote function **BishBosh.Data.RoseTree.countTerminalNodes** in accordance with the suggestions of David Feuer. * Amended function **BishBosh.State.EnPassantAbscissa.mkMaybeEnPassantAbscissa** to guard against exposing one's King after En-passant capture. ## * Corrected the parsing of FEN when an Enpassant-destination defined on file **b** was erroneously interpreted as a bishop in the previous **CastleableRooks** field. * Added parent type-class **BishBosh.Property.ExtendedPositionDescription.EPD** for **Property.ForsythEdwards.FEN**, for which the latter typically has a default implementation of both methods. ## ### Bug-fixes: * Upgraded the transposition-table in module **Search.DynamicMoveData**, from merely recording moves (which doesn't include the rank to which a Pawn is promoted), to recording qualified-moves. * In function **Search.AlphaBeta.negaMax.descend.selectMax**, amended bound function **isFitter** to prefer shorter move-sequences where fitness is equal, & corrected the scenario in which all nodes were skipped because they were repetitious, but without ever defining alpha. ### Features: * Added the configurable runtime ability to asynchronously decompress PGN-databases, & to set a maximum number of games to read. * Added a configuration-option to normalise the values of specified piece-square tables into the closed unit-interval. * Modularised the packaged config-files, by defining XML **External Entities** in the DTD. * Added suggestions on failure to parse a user-command, & created a module **Text.AutoComplete** to contain common code. * Added **makefile** to facilitate common tasks. * Removed the configuration-option **preferMovesTowardsCentre** & its implementation in function **Cartesian.Coordinates.radiusSquared**, because of it's conceptually wobbly foundations. ### New Runtime Cmmands: ----------------------------------------- Command | Purpose --------------------------------| ------- **availableMoves** | to report all available moves from the current position. **maxPositionInstances** | to reveal the maximum number of instances any available position has been visited. **reversiblePlyCount** | to count the number of consecutive reversible plies that have been made. ----------------------------------------- ### Command-line Options: * Added a new module **Input.CategorisedCommandLineOptions** to improved the partitioning of command-line options into functional categories. * Added a command-line option **--formatPieceSquareTableForGNUPlot** to print the piece-square tables in a format suitable for **GNUPlot**. ### Performance: * Included a compilation-flag **unboxedarrays**, to request the use of unboxed arrays where (infrequently) possible. * Changed data-type **Component.PieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank.EitherPieceSquareValueByNPiecesByCoordinates**, bringing type **Cartesian.Coordinates.ByCoordinates** inside **Either**, leading to significant space/time gains. * Constructed each large constant data-structure in parallel. Bracketed all data-parallel operations with CPP-conditionals controlled by the compilation-flag **threaded**. * Parallelised function **Attribute.CriterionValue.calculateWeightedMean**. ### New Modules: ----------------------------------------- Module | Purpose --------------------------------| ------- **Component.CastlingMove** | Forked from module **Component.Move**. **Data.Enum** | Currently single-function. **Data.Foldable** | Currently single-function. **Property.FixedMembership** | Defines a type-class to which sum-types can conform. **StateProperty.Censor** | Relocated from directory **State/**. **StateProperty.Mutator** | defines a type-class to express the dual implementations within **State.Board**. **StateProperty.Seeker** | defines a type-class to express the dual implementations within **State.Board**. **Text.Case** | Forked from **Text.ShowList** to contain case-related operations. **Text.Prefix** | Forked from **Text.ShowList** to define the constant prefixes of log-messages. ----------------------------------------- ### Testing: * Split **src-test/Main.hs** into **src-test/HUnit.hs** & **src-test/QuickCheck.hs**, each referenced independently from the cabal file. * Added an executable **duel** (to coordinate a battle between two independently configured instances of **bishbosh**) & a corresponding section-1 man-page. * Validated the list of ranks supplied to construct either **Attribute.RankValues.RankValues** or **Input.PieceSquareTable.PieceSquareTable**. ### Refactoring: * Flattened the nested array **Component.Zobrist.getRandomByCoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour**, by means of a composite index. * Reimplemented function **Cartesian.Coordinates.getLogicalColourOfSquare**. * Reimplemented function **Cartesian.Coordinates.interpolationsByDestinationBySource** in terms of function **Cartesian.Coordinates.extrapolationsByDirectionByCoordinates**. * Used the **LambdaCase** language-extension. ## ### New Modules: --------------------------------------------------------- New Module | Purpose ----------------------------------------| ------- **BishBosh.Time.StopWatch** | Replaces module **BishBosh.Data.Time** to encapsulate interaction with module **Data.Time.Clock**. **BishBosh.Time.GameClock** | Contains two **BishBosh.Time.StopWatch**es to enable module **Duel.Process.Intermediary** to measure the time used by each player. **BishBosh.Property.Switchable** | Exports a type-class, which both **BishBosh.Time.StopWatch** & **BishBosh.Time.GameClock** implement, to expose their functionality. **BishBosh.Property.SelfValidating** | Exports a type-class, which both **BishBosh.Time.GameClock** & **Duel.Data.Options** implement, to validate themselves. **BishBosh.Type.Countable** | Defines *newtype*s to enhance type-safety, replacing type-synonyms for **Int**. There is a performance-degradation, so this enhancement can be disabled using a new cabal-flag. **BishBosh.Type.Crypto** | Self-documentation. **BishBosh.Type.Length** | Replaced the polymorphic type-parameters **row** & **column** with *newtype*s to enhance type-safety. **BishBosh.Type.Mass** | Self-documentation. **BishBosh.Metric.RankValue** | Replaced the polymorphic type-parameter **rankValue**, with a *newtype* & a smart-constructor to guard permissible bounds. ### Duel: * Added command-line option **--verifyConfiguration**, to request that the mutual compatibility of the two configuration-files be verified before forwarding each to a forked instance of **bishbosh**. ### BishBosh: * Created a new directory **Rule/** to which **Model.**{**DrawReason**, **GameTerminationReason**, **Result**} were relocated. * Refactored functions **BishBosh.ContextualNotation.PositionHashQualifiedMoveTree.findNextOnymousQualifiedMovesForPosition**, **BishBosh.Model.MoveFrequency.insertMoves** & **BishBosh.Model.GameTree.toMoveFrequency**. * Evaluation-criteria: + Moved **BishBosh.Attribute.**{**CriterionValue**, **CriterionWeight**, **WeightedMeanAndCriterionValues**} to a new directory **Metric/** + Implemented type-classes [**Num**, **Fractional**, **Real**] for data-types **BishBosh.Metric.**{**CriterionValue.CriterionValue**, **CriterionWeight.CriterionWeight**}, nullifying the requirement for exports. + Replaced the pointless polymorphic payloads in data-types **BishBosh.Metric.**{**CriterionValue.CriterionValue**, **CriterionWeight.CriterionWeight**, **WeightedMeanAndCriterionValues.WeightedMeanAndCriterionValues**} with concrete types. * Moved **BishBosh.Attribute.RankValues** to **BishBosh.Input**. * Checked that (with the possible exception of the King) the Queen is configured as the most valuable rank. * Avoided repeated calls from module **BishBosh.Evaluation.Fitness** to function **IBishBosh.nput.RankValues.calculateMaximumTotalValue** by adding the record-field **BishBosh.Input.EvaluationOptions.getMaximumTotalRankValue**. ## * Features: + Added a Boolean configuration-option **BishBosh.Input.NativeUIOptions.getDepictFigurine** to specify whether the native UI should depict pieces using Unicode figurines rather than merely ASCII letters. + **duel** now accumulates the frequency-distribution of games played in order to detect duplicates & warn when there's insufficient randomness. + Added the runtime ability to set the position using *Extended Position Description*. * Efficiency: + Reimplemented function **BishBosh.Cartesian.Abscissa.getAdjacents** to promote memoisation. + Made **BishBosh.Cartesian.Coordinates** & **BishBosh.Attribute.Direction** strict. + Changed to use **Double** rather than **Rational** to perform the calculations defined by **BishBosh.Evaluation.Fitness**, before conversion to **BishBosh.Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue**. + Added a Boolean switch **preferVictories** to **standardOpeningOptions** to govern whether from all matching positions extracted from the PGN-database, to prefer moves which result in a greater probability of victory, for the player who has the next move. Turning this off reduces the evaluation required of the PGN-parser; & there's no down-side if the PGN-database is known not to actually record any victories. + Improved **BishBosh.ContextualNotation.PositionHashQualifiedMoveTree.findNextOnymousQualifiedMovesForPosition**, by independently comparing the pieces of each player, between the target game & a node of the tree, allowing earlier termination of the search. * Bug-fixes: + Avoided potential divide-by-zero @ **BishBosh.Input.CriteriaWeights.getWeightOfMaterial** / **BishBosh.Input.RankValues.calculateMaximumTotalValue** @. + Guarded against starting from a persisted, but terminated, game. + Added guards to function **BishBosh.Component.Piece.promote**. + Amended **BishBosh.Evaluation.Fitness.measurePieceSquareValueIncrementally** to forward Castling moves to **measurePieceSquareValue**. + Polymorphism: * Replaced the polymorphic type **distance** in **BishBosh.Component.Vector**, with two concrete types **BishBosh.Type.Length.[XY]**. Removed the type **BishBosh.Type.Length.Distance**. * Replaced the polymorphic type-parameters **x** & **y** with *newtype*s to: + eliminate the fragile **RULE** pragmas required to switch to memoised function-implementations for specific type-parameters, + eliminate chains of **SPECIALISE** pragmas down the call-stack to hot-spots. + allow external calls from [**Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Lazy.runParser**, **Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.parse**], to access specialised implementations (see previous items), + permit unification of the similar type-classes **BishBosh.Component.Zobrist.Hashable[12]D**, & to avoid the requirement for the **MultiParameterTypeClasses** pragma. * Structural: + Moved the type-class from module **BishBosh.Component.Zobrist** into a new module **BishBosh.StateProperty.Hashable**. + Replaced non-specific type @ (Int, Int) @ coordinates in **BishBosh.Notation.{ICCFNumeric, PureCoordinate, Smith}** with @ (**BishBosh.Type.Length.X**, **BishBosh.Type.Length.Y**) @, & moved common code into a new module **BishBosh.Notation.Notation**. + Added type **BishBosh.Type.Count.NCoordinates** for use by function **BishBosh.Cartesian.Coordinates.nSquares**. + Added a method **BishBosh.StateProperty.Seeker.countPawnsByFileByLogicalColour** including a default implementation, & relocated the implementation from module **BishBosh.State.CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour**. + Added a type-class **BishBosh.Component.Account.Accountant**, with a single method used to sum piece-square values; thus permiting a common interface between the implementations in **BishBosh.State.CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour** & **BishBosh.State.MaybePieceByCoordinates**. ## * Efficiency: + Replaced the polymorphic type-parameter **pieceSquareValue** with a *newtype*, to then implement *unboxed* arrays without cluttering interfaces with type-constraint **Data.Array.Unboxed.IArray Data.Array.Unboxed.UArray pieceSquareValue**; performance-improvement was regrettably insignificant. + Added some strictness to **BishBosh.Board.{exposesKing, movePiece, sumPieceSquareValueByLogicalColour}** & **BishBosh.Game.applyQualifiedMove**. + Added function **BishBosh.Cartesian.Coordinates.applyAlongDirectionsFrom** to reduce sequential indexing by direction when extrapolating in all directions; deployed in new functions **BishBosh.State.MaybePieceByCoordinates.{findBlockingPieces, findAttackerInDirections}** + Refactored function **BishBosh.Cartesian.Vector.toMaybeDirection** to eliminate call to **BishBosh.Property.Orientated.isStraight**. + Refactored function **BishBosh.Component.Piece.canMoveBetween** to remove **let**-binding. + Refactored function **BishBosh.State.EnPassantAbscissa.mkMaybeEnPassantAbscissa** to reduce calls to **BishBosh.State.MaybePieceByCoordinates.{findAttackerInDirection, findBlockingPiece}**. * Structural: + Added method **BishBosh.StateProperty.Mutator.movePiece** & implemented whole type-class in module **BishBosh.State.CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour**. + Implemented type-class **BishBosh.Property.SelfValidating.SelfValidating** in modules **BishBosh.State.{MaybePieceByCoordinates, CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour, Board}**. + Created a new type-class **BishBosh.StateProperty.View.View** (implemented in **BishBosh.State.{MaybePieceByCoordinates, CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour}**), to abstract construction of a view & translation between views. + Rewrote module **BishBosh.Attribute.Direction** to remove the 9th invalid state from the data-structure, & to express the division between *parallel* & *diagonal* instances; which degraded performance slightly. Added new methods to class **BishBosh.Property.Orientated.Orientated**. + Relocated colour-related modules from **BishBosh/Attribute/** to **BishBosh/Colour/**. + Re-ordered the parameters of functions which access record-structures, to make the record the first parameter; cf. those that mutate the record-structure, which receive it last.