{- Copyright (C) 2018 Dr. Alistair Ward This file is part of BishBosh. BishBosh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. BishBosh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with BishBosh. If not, see . -} {- | [@AUTHOR@] Dr. Alistair Ward [@DESCRIPTION@] The data-type threaded through the moves of the game, transporting the changing /game/-state & configuration. -} module BishBosh.State.PlayState( -- * Types -- ** Type-synonyms -- Transformation, -- ** Data-types PlayState( -- MkPlayState, -- getCriterionValues, -- getZobrist, -- getMoveFrequency, getSearchState, getOptions, getMaybeApplicationTerminationReason ), -- * Functions calculateCriterionValueStatistics, suggestCorrections, -- ** Constructor initialise, -- ** Accessors getGame, -- ** Mutators reconstructPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree, resetPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree, -- setPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree, updateWithAutomaticMove, updateWithManualMove, resign, -- ** Predicates hasMorePlies, hasApplicationTerminationBeenRequested ) where import Control.Arrow((&&&)) import qualified BishBosh.Component.Zobrist as Component.Zobrist import qualified BishBosh.Data.Exception as Data.Exception import qualified BishBosh.Data.List import qualified BishBosh.Evaluation.PositionHashQuantifiedGameTree as Evaluation.PositionHashQuantifiedGameTree import qualified BishBosh.Evaluation.QuantifiedGame as Evaluation.QuantifiedGame import qualified BishBosh.Input.IOOptions as Input.IOOptions import qualified BishBosh.Input.Options as Input.Options import qualified BishBosh.Input.UIOptions as Input.UIOptions import qualified BishBosh.Metric.CriterionValue as Metric.CriterionValue import qualified BishBosh.Model.Game as Model.Game import qualified BishBosh.Model.GameTree as Model.GameTree import qualified BishBosh.Notation.MoveNotation as Notation.MoveNotation import qualified BishBosh.Search.SearchState as Search.SearchState import qualified BishBosh.State.ApplicationTerminationReason as State.ApplicationTerminationReason import qualified BishBosh.State.TurnsByLogicalColour as State.TurnsByLogicalColour import qualified BishBosh.Type.Crypto as Type.Crypto import qualified BishBosh.Type.Mass as Type.Mass import qualified Control.Exception import qualified Data.Bits import qualified Data.Default import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Ord import qualified Factory.Math.Statistics -- | The type threaded through the sequence of /game/s during play. data PlayState positionHash = MkPlayState { getCriterionValues :: [[Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue]], -- ^ The /criterion-value/s accumulated during the game. getZobrist :: Component.Zobrist.Zobrist positionHash, -- ^ The constant hash-codes used to construct position-hashes. getMoveFrequency :: Model.GameTree.MoveFrequency, -- ^ The constant frequency of moves extracted from file. getSearchState :: Search.SearchState.SearchState positionHash, getOptions :: Input.Options.Options, -- ^ The constant options by which the game is configured. getMaybeApplicationTerminationReason :: Maybe State.ApplicationTerminationReason.ApplicationTerminationReason -- ^ Whether the game has terminated. } -- | Constructor. initialise :: Data.Bits.Bits positionHash => Input.Options.Options -> Component.Zobrist.Zobrist positionHash -> Model.GameTree.MoveFrequency -> Model.Game.Game -> PlayState positionHash {-# SPECIALISE initialise :: Input.Options.Options -> Component.Zobrist.Zobrist Type.Crypto.PositionHash -> Model.GameTree.MoveFrequency -> Model.Game.Game -> PlayState Type.Crypto.PositionHash #-} initialise options zobrist moveFrequency game = MkPlayState { getCriterionValues = [], getZobrist = zobrist, getMoveFrequency = moveFrequency, getSearchState = Search.SearchState.initialise $ uncurry Evaluation.PositionHashQuantifiedGameTree.mkPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree ( Input.Options.getEvaluationOptions &&& Input.Options.getSearchOptions $ options ) zobrist moveFrequency game, getOptions = options, getMaybeApplicationTerminationReason = Nothing } -- | Accessor. getGame :: PlayState positionHash -> Model.Game.Game getGame MkPlayState { getSearchState = searchState } = Evaluation.QuantifiedGame.getGame . Evaluation.PositionHashQuantifiedGameTree.getRootQuantifiedGame $ Search.SearchState.getPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree searchState -- | The type of a function used to transform a 'PlayState'. type Transformation positionHash = PlayState positionHash -> PlayState positionHash -- | Mutator. setPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree :: Evaluation.PositionHashQuantifiedGameTree.PositionHashQuantifiedGameTree positionHash -> Transformation positionHash setPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree positionHashQuantifiedGameTree playState@MkPlayState { getSearchState = searchState } = playState { getSearchState = searchState { Search.SearchState.getPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree = positionHashQuantifiedGameTree } } -- | Reconstruct the /positionHashQuantifiedGameTree/ (in the /searchState/), with the apex set to the specified game. reconstructPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree :: Data.Bits.Bits positionHash => Model.Game.Game -> Transformation positionHash {-# SPECIALISE reconstructPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree :: Model.Game.Game -> Transformation Type.Crypto.PositionHash #-} reconstructPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree game playState@MkPlayState { getZobrist = zobrist, getMoveFrequency = moveFrequency, getOptions = options } = setPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree ( uncurry Evaluation.PositionHashQuantifiedGameTree.mkPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree ( Input.Options.getEvaluationOptions &&& Input.Options.getSearchOptions $ options ) zobrist moveFrequency game ) playState -- | Reset to the initial state. resetPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree :: Data.Bits.Bits positionHash => Transformation positionHash {-# SPECIALISE resetPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree :: Transformation Type.Crypto.PositionHash #-} resetPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree playState = reconstructPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree Data.Default.def playState { getCriterionValues = [], getMaybeApplicationTerminationReason = Nothing } -- | Mutator. updateWithAutomaticMove :: [Metric.CriterionValue.CriterionValue] -> Search.SearchState.SearchState positionHash -> Transformation positionHash updateWithAutomaticMove criterionValues searchState playState = playState { getCriterionValues = criterionValues : getCriterionValues playState, getSearchState = searchState } -- | Mutator. updateWithManualMove :: Model.Game.Game -> Transformation positionHash updateWithManualMove game playState@MkPlayState { getSearchState = searchState } = setPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree ( Data.Maybe.fromMaybe ( Control.Exception.throw $ Data.Exception.mkIncompatibleData "BishBosh.State.PlayState.updateWithManualMove:\tEvaluation.PositionHashQuantifiedGameTree.reduce failed." ) . Evaluation.PositionHashQuantifiedGameTree.reduce ( ( == Data.Maybe.fromMaybe ( Control.Exception.throw $ Data.Exception.mkResultUndefined "BishBosh.State.PlayState.updateWithManualMove:\tModel.Game.maybeLastTurn failed." ) ( Model.Game.maybeLastTurn game ) ) . Evaluation.QuantifiedGame.getLastTurn . Evaluation.PositionHashQuantifiedGameTree.getQuantifiedGame ) $ Search.SearchState.getPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree searchState ) playState -- | Calculate the /root-mean-square/ & the /standard-deviation/, of the values of each type of /criterion/. calculateCriterionValueStatistics :: ( Floating standardDeviation, Fractional mean ) => PlayState positionHash -> [(mean, standardDeviation)] calculateCriterionValueStatistics MkPlayState { getCriterionValues = criterionValues } = map ( ( Factory.Math.Statistics.getMean &&& Factory.Math.Statistics.getStandardDeviation ) . map ( \criterionValue -> realToFrac criterionValue :: Type.Mass.CriterionValue ) ) $ Data.List.transpose criterionValues -- | Resignation by the player who currently holds the choice of move. resign :: Transformation positionHash resign playState@MkPlayState { getSearchState = searchState } = setPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree ( Evaluation.PositionHashQuantifiedGameTree.resign $ Search.SearchState.getPositionHashQuantifiedGameTree searchState ) playState -- | Given a string from which either a /move/ can't be parsed or the one that can is illegal, returns the closest matches amongst the currently available /move/s. suggestCorrections :: String -- ^ Move-string. -> PlayState positionHash -> [String] -- ^ Suggested corrections. suggestCorrections moveString playState@MkPlayState { getOptions = options } | Model.Game.isTerminated game = [] | otherwise = BishBosh.Data.List.findClosest moveString . map ( Notation.MoveNotation.showNotation . Input.UIOptions.getMoveNotation . Input.IOOptions.getUIOptions $ Input.Options.getIOOptions options ) $ Model.Game.findQualifiedMovesAvailableToNextPlayer game where game = getGame playState -- | Whether the game in the first /play-state/ has more plies than that in the second. hasMorePlies :: PlayState positionHash -> PlayState positionHash -> Bool hasMorePlies playState playState' = Data.Ord.comparing (State.TurnsByLogicalColour.getNPlies . Model.Game.getTurnsByLogicalColour . getGame) playState playState' == GT -- | Whether the user has requested application-termination, or the configured maximum number of turns has been reached. hasApplicationTerminationBeenRequested :: PlayState positionHash -> Bool hasApplicationTerminationBeenRequested MkPlayState { getMaybeApplicationTerminationReason = maybeApplicationTerminationReason } = Data.Maybe.isJust maybeApplicationTerminationReason