{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {- Copyright (C) 2018 Dr. Alistair Ward This file is part of BishBosh. BishBosh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. BishBosh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with BishBosh. If not, see . -} {- | [@AUTHOR@] Dr. Alistair Ward [@DESCRIPTION@] Implements 'Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary' & defines /QuickCheck/-properties. -} module BishBosh.Test.QuickCheck.Model.Game( -- * Constants results ) where import BishBosh.Test.QuickCheck.Input.EvaluationOptions() import Control.Arrow((&&&)) import qualified BishBosh.Attribute.MoveType as Attribute.MoveType import qualified BishBosh.Attribute.Rank as Attribute.Rank import qualified BishBosh.Component.Move as Component.Move import qualified BishBosh.Component.Piece as Component.Piece import qualified BishBosh.Component.QualifiedMove as Component.QualifiedMove import qualified BishBosh.Component.Turn as Component.Turn import qualified BishBosh.Evaluation.Fitness as Evaluation.Fitness import qualified BishBosh.Input.EvaluationOptions as Input.EvaluationOptions import qualified BishBosh.Model.Game as Model.Game import qualified BishBosh.Property.FixedMembership as Property.FixedMembership import qualified BishBosh.Property.ForsythEdwards as Property.ForsythEdwards import qualified BishBosh.Property.Null as Property.Null import qualified BishBosh.Property.Opposable as Property.Opposable import qualified BishBosh.Property.Reflectable as Property.Reflectable import qualified BishBosh.Property.SelfValidating as Property.SelfValidating import qualified BishBosh.Rule.DrawReason as Rule.DrawReason import qualified BishBosh.State.Board as State.Board import qualified BishBosh.State.CastleableRooksByLogicalColour as State.CastleableRooksByLogicalColour import qualified BishBosh.State.CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour as State.CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour import qualified BishBosh.State.MaybePieceByCoordinates as State.MaybePieceByCoordinates import qualified BishBosh.StateProperty.Seeker as StateProperty.Seeker import qualified BishBosh.State.TurnsByLogicalColour as State.TurnsByLogicalColour import qualified BishBosh.Type.Count as Type.Count import qualified Data.Array.IArray import qualified Data.Default import qualified Data.Foldable import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Ord import qualified System.Random import qualified Test.QuickCheck import qualified ToolShed.Data.Foldable import qualified ToolShed.System.Random import qualified ToolShed.Test.ReversibleIO import Test.QuickCheck((==>)) instance Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary Model.Game.Game where arbitrary = let play game (randomGen : randomGens) | Model.Game.isTerminated game = game | otherwise = ( \qualifiedMove -> play (Model.Game.applyQualifiedMove qualifiedMove game) randomGens -- Recurse. ) . Data.Maybe.fromJust . ToolShed.System.Random.select randomGen $ Model.Game.findQualifiedMovesAvailableToNextPlayer game play game _ = game -- Terminate recursion. in Test.QuickCheck.arbitrary >>= ( \randomGens -> play Data.Default.def . (`take` ToolShed.System.Random.randomGens (System.Random.mkStdGen randomGens)) <$> Test.QuickCheck.choose (1 :: Int, 64) ) -- | The constant test-results for this data-type. results :: IO [Test.QuickCheck.Result] results = sequence [ let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_readPrependedWhiteSpace" . ToolShed.Test.ReversibleIO.readPrependedWhiteSpace in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: String -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f garbage = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_read" $ case (reads garbage :: [(Model.Game.Game, String)]) of [_] -> True _ -> True -- Unless the read-implementation throws an exception. in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> String -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_readTrailingGarbage" . ToolShed.Test.ReversibleIO.readTrailingGarbage (const False) game in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_fen/nFields" . (== 6) . length . words $ Property.ForsythEdwards.showFEN game in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_fen/Half move clock" $ uncurry (&&) . ( (>= 0) &&& (<= Rule.DrawReason.maximumConsecutiveRepeatablePlies) ) . fromInteger . read . ( !! 4 -- Half-move Clock. ) . words $ Property.ForsythEdwards.showFEN game in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_fen/Full move counter" $ ( > (0 :: Type.Count.NMoves) ) . fromInteger . read . ( !! 5 -- Full Move Counter. ) . words $ Property.ForsythEdwards.showFEN game in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_fen" . ( \game' -> and [ uncurry (==) $ (($ game) &&& ($ game')) Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour, uncurry (==) . (($ game) &&& ($ game')) $ State.CastleableRooksByLogicalColour.unify . Model.Game.getCastleableRooksByLogicalColour, uncurry (==) $ (($ game) &&& ($ game')) Model.Game.getBoard, uncurry (==) $ (($ game) &&& ($ game')) Model.Game.getMaybeChecked ] ) . Property.ForsythEdwards.readFEN $ Property.ForsythEdwards.showFEN game in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = not (Model.Game.isTerminated game) ==> Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_isValidQualifiedMove" . all (Model.Game.isValidQualifiedMove game) $ Model.Game.findQualifiedMovesAvailableToNextPlayer game in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 4096 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_findOrderedQualifiedMovesAvailableToNextPlayer" . ( == if Model.Game.isTerminated game then [] else sort $ Model.Game.findQualifiedMovesAvailableToNextPlayer game ) $ sort [ qualifiedMove | source <- State.CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour.listCoordinates $ State.Board.getCoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour board, destination <- Property.FixedMembership.members, source /= destination, let move = Component.Move.mkMove source destination, maybePromotionRank <- if Data.Maybe.maybe False (`Component.Piece.isPawnPromotion` destination) $ State.MaybePieceByCoordinates.dereference maybePieceByCoordinates source then map Just Attribute.Rank.promotionProspects else [Nothing], let qualifiedMove = Component.QualifiedMove.mkQualifiedMove move $ State.MaybePieceByCoordinates.inferMoveType maybePieceByCoordinates move maybePromotionRank, Model.Game.isValidQualifiedMove game qualifiedMove ] {-list-comprehension-} where sort = Data.List.sortBy $ Data.Ord.comparing Component.QualifiedMove.getMove board = Model.Game.getBoard game maybePieceByCoordinates = State.Board.getMaybePieceByCoordinates board in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 4096 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_inferMoveType" . all ( \qualifiedMove -> let moveType = Component.QualifiedMove.getMoveType qualifiedMove inferredMoveType = State.MaybePieceByCoordinates.inferMoveType (State.Board.getMaybePieceByCoordinates $ Model.Game.getBoard game) (Component.QualifiedMove.getMove qualifiedMove) Nothing {-promotion-rank-} in if Attribute.MoveType.isPromotion moveType then Attribute.MoveType.isPromotion inferredMoveType && Attribute.MoveType.getMaybeExplicitlyTakenRank moveType == Attribute.MoveType.getMaybeExplicitlyTakenRank inferredMoveType else moveType == inferredMoveType ) $ Model.Game.findQualifiedMovesAvailableToNextPlayer game in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_findQualifiedMovesAvailableToNextPlayer/unique" . uncurry (==) . (id &&& Data.List.nub) $ Model.Game.findQualifiedMovesAvailableToNextPlayer game in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 512 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_getNextLogicalColour" . uncurry (==) . (Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour &&& State.TurnsByLogicalColour.inferNextLogicalColour . Model.Game.getTurnsByLogicalColour) in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_getCoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour/unique" . all ( (== 1) . length ) . ToolShed.Data.Foldable.gather . State.CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour.listCoordinates . State.Board.getCoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour . Model.Game.getBoard in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_(getAvailableQualifiedMovesByLogicalColour == mkAvailableQualifiedMovesFor)" . Data.Maybe.maybe True ( == Model.Game.mkAvailableQualifiedMovesFor game nextLogicalColour ) . Map.lookup nextLogicalColour $ Model.Game.getAvailableQualifiedMovesByLogicalColour game where nextLogicalColour = Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour game in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 4096 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_(findQualifiedMovesAvailableTo => countPliesAvailableTo)" $ all ( \logicalColour -> Model.Game.countPliesAvailableTo game logicalColour == ( if Model.Game.isTerminated game then 0 else fromIntegral . length $ Model.Game.findQualifiedMovesAvailableTo game logicalColour ) ) Property.FixedMembership.members in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_(getNDefendersByCoordinatesByLogicalColour == countDefendersByCoordinatesByLogicalColour)" . uncurry (==) . ( State.Board.getNDefendersByCoordinatesByLogicalColour &&& State.Board.countDefendersByCoordinatesByLogicalColour ) . Model.Game.getBoard in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 2048 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_getNPawnsByFileByLogicalColour/non-zero" . Data.Foldable.all ( Data.Foldable.all (> 0) ) . State.Board.getNPawnsByFileByLogicalColour . Model.Game.getBoard in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_(getCoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour => getNPawnsByFileByLogicalColour)" . all ( \(logicalColour, nPawnsByFile) -> Data.Foldable.sum nPawnsByFile == fromIntegral ( length $ State.CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour.dereference (State.Board.getCoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour board) logicalColour Attribute.Rank.Pawn ) ) . Data.Array.IArray.assocs $ State.Board.getNPawnsByFileByLogicalColour board where board = Model.Game.getBoard game in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_(getPassedPawnCoordinatesByLogicalColour == findPassedPawnCoordinatesByLogicalColour)" . uncurry (==) . ( State.Board.getPassedPawnCoordinatesByLogicalColour &&& State.CoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour.findPassedPawnCoordinatesByLogicalColour . State.Board.getCoordinatesByRankByLogicalColour ) . Model.Game.getBoard in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 512 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_(getMaybeChecked == isKingChecked)" . uncurry (==) . ( Data.Maybe.isJust . Model.Game.getMaybeChecked &&& uncurry State.Board.isKingChecked . (Model.Game.getBoard &&& Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour) ) in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 512 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.(prop_getCastleableRooksByLogicalColour == fromTurnsByLogicalColour)" . uncurry (==) . ( Model.Game.getCastleableRooksByLogicalColour &&& State.CastleableRooksByLogicalColour.fromTurnsByLogicalColour . Model.Game.getTurnsByLogicalColour ) in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 1024 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_reflectOnX" . uncurry (==) . (id &&& Property.Reflectable.reflectOnX . Property.Reflectable.reflectOnX) in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 32 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_reflectOnX/isValidQualifiedMove" . all ( \(game, turn) -> Model.Game.isValidQualifiedMove game $ Component.Turn.getQualifiedMove turn ) . Model.Game.rollBack . Property.Reflectable.reflectOnX in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_cantConverge" . not . any ( \(game, turn) -> Model.Game.cantConverge game $ Model.Game.takeTurn turn game ) . Model.Game.rollBack in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = not (Property.Null.isNull game) ==> Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_rollBack/restart" . (== Data.Default.def) . fst {-game-} . last {-original-} $ Model.Game.rollBack game in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 1024 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_rollBack/takeTurn" . (== game) . foldr ( Model.Game.takeTurn . snd {-turn-} ) Data.Default.def $ Model.Game.rollBack game in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 1024 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_(findAttackersOf => listDestinationsFor)" $ all ( \(destination, destinationLogicalColour, destinationRank, source, sourceRank) -> (destination, Just destinationRank) `elem` State.MaybePieceByCoordinates.listDestinationsFor maybePieceByCoordinates source ( Component.Piece.mkPiece (Property.Opposable.getOpposite destinationLogicalColour) sourceRank ) ) [ (destination, destinationLogicalColour, destinationRank, source, sourceRank) | (destination, piece) <- StateProperty.Seeker.findAllPieces maybePieceByCoordinates, let (destinationLogicalColour, destinationRank) = Component.Piece.getLogicalColour &&& Component.Piece.getRank $ piece, -- Deconstruct. (source, sourceRank) <- State.Board.findAttackersOf board destinationLogicalColour destination ] {-list-comprehension-} where board = Model.Game.getBoard game maybePieceByCoordinates = State.Board.getMaybePieceByCoordinates board in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 1024 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f game = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_(listDestinationsFor => findAttackersOf)" $ all ( \(source, piece, destination) -> (source, Component.Piece.getRank piece) `elem` State.Board.findAttackersOf board ( Property.Opposable.getOpposite $ Component.Piece.getLogicalColour piece ) destination ) [ (source, piece, destination) | (source, piece) <- StateProperty.Seeker.findAllPieces maybePieceByCoordinates, (destination, Just _) <- State.MaybePieceByCoordinates.listDestinationsFor maybePieceByCoordinates source piece -- Identify attacks. ] {-list-comprehension-} where board = Model.Game.getBoard game maybePieceByCoordinates = State.Board.getMaybePieceByCoordinates board in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 1024 } f, let f :: Input.EvaluationOptions.EvaluationOptions -> Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f evaluationOptions game = Data.Maybe.isJust ( Input.EvaluationOptions.getMaybePieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank evaluationOptions ) && not ( Property.Null.isNull game ) ==> Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_measurePieceSquareValueIncrementally" . #ifdef USE_PRECISION uncurry (==) #else ( < recip # if USE_NARROW_NUMBERS 100000 # else 10000000000 # endif ) . abs . uncurry (-) -- Tolerance for floating-point errors. #endif $ ( measurePieceSquareValueDifference' &&& Evaluation.Fitness.measurePieceSquareValueDifferenceIncrementally (measurePieceSquareValueDifference' oldGame) pieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank ) game where pieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank = Data.Maybe.fromJust $ Input.EvaluationOptions.getMaybePieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank evaluationOptions measurePieceSquareValueDifference' = Evaluation.Fitness.measurePieceSquareValueDifference pieceSquareByCoordinatesByRank (oldGame, _) : _ = Model.Game.rollBack game in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 2048 } f, let f :: Model.Game.Game -> Test.QuickCheck.Property f = Test.QuickCheck.label "Game.prop_isValid" . Property.SelfValidating.isValid . Model.Game.getBoard in Test.QuickCheck.quickCheckWithResult Test.QuickCheck.stdArgs { Test.QuickCheck.maxSuccess = 256 } f ]