{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | This module provides functionality to manipulate raw transaction. It
--   automatically interprets transactions using the `bitcoin-tx` package, so
--   you can work with actual 'Btc.Transaction' objects rather than their
--   serialized format.

module Network.Bitcoin.Api.Transaction where

import           Data.Aeson
import           Data.Aeson.Lens
import           Data.Maybe                                   (fromMaybe)

import           Control.Lens                                 ((^.), (^?))

import qualified Data.Base58String                            as B58S
import qualified Data.Bitcoin.Transaction                     as Btc
import qualified Data.Bitcoin.Block                           as Btc (Block (..))

import qualified Network.Bitcoin.Api.Blockchain               as Blockchain
import qualified Data.Bitcoin.Types                           as BT
import qualified Network.Bitcoin.Api.Internal                 as I
import qualified Network.Bitcoin.Api.Types                    as T

import           Network.Bitcoin.Api.Types.UnspentTransaction

-- | Creates a new transaction, but does not sign or submit it yet. You provide
--   a set of unspent transactions that you have the authority to spend, and you
--   provide a destination for all your bitcoins.
--   __WARNING: Check your math!__ If the sum of the Btc in unspent transactions
--   of your request is more than the sum of the Btc in the destinations, this
--   will be the miner's fee. It is reasonable to leave a small amount for the
--   miners, but if there is a large discrepancy between input and output, there
--   are no guarantees you will be warned.
--   All this function does is create a default script on how to spend coins from
--   one or more inputs to one or more outputs. Checking and verifying the
--   transaction will only happen when you actually submit the transaction to
--   the network.

create :: T.Client               -- ^ The client session we are using
       -> [UnspentTransaction]   -- ^ The inputs we are using for this transaction
       -> [(BT.Address, BT.Btc)] -- ^ A key/value pair which associates a
                                 --   destination address with a specific amount
                                 --   of bitcoins to send.
       -> IO Btc.Transaction
create client utxs outputs =
  let configuration = [toJSON (map txToOutpoint utxs), object (map outToAddress outputs)]

      txToOutpoint tx = object [
        ("txid", toJSON (tx ^. transactionId)),
        ("vout", toJSON (tx ^. vout))]

      outToAddress (addr, btc) = (B58S.toText addr, toJSON btc)

  in (return . Btc.decode) =<< I.call client "createrawtransaction" configuration

-- | Signs a raw transaction with configurable parameters.
sign :: T.Client                   -- ^ Our client context
     -> Btc.Transaction            -- ^ The transaction to sign
     -> Maybe [UnspentTransaction] -- ^ Previous outputs being spent by this transaction
     -> Maybe [BT.PrivateKey]      -- ^ Private keys to use for signing.
     -> IO (Btc.Transaction, Bool) -- ^ The signed transaction, and a boolean that is true
                                   --   when the signing is complete or and is false when
                                   --   more signatures are required.
sign client tx utxs pks =
  let configuration = [configurationTx tx, configurationUtxs utxs, configurationPks pks]

      configurationTx tx' =
        toJSON (Btc.encode tx')

      configurationUtxs Nothing = Null
      configurationUtxs (Just utxs') =
        toJSON (map utxToDependency utxs')

          utxToDependency utx = object [
            ("txid",         toJSON (utx ^. transactionId)),
            ("vout",         toJSON (utx ^. vout)),
            ("scriptPubKey", toJSON (utx ^. scriptPubKey)),
            ("redeemScript", toJSON (utx ^. redeemScript))]

      configurationPks Nothing = Null
      configurationPks (Just privateKeys) =
        toJSON privateKeys

      extractTransaction res =
          (error "Incorrect JSON response")
          (res ^? key "hex" . _JSON)

      extractCompleted res =
          (error "Incorrect JSON response")
          (res ^? key "complete" . _JSON)

  in do
    res <- I.call client "signrawtransaction" configuration :: IO Value
    return (extractTransaction res, extractCompleted res)

-- | Sends a transaction through the Bitcoin network
send :: T.Client
     -> Btc.Transaction
     -> IO BT.TransactionId
send client tx =
  let configuration = [toJSON (Btc.encode tx)]

  in I.call client "sendrawtransaction" configuration

-- | Returns a list of transactions that occured since a certain block height.
--   If no block height was provided, the genisis block with height 0 is assumed.
--   The transactions returned are listed chronologically.
list :: T.Client
     -> Maybe Integer
     -> IO [Btc.Transaction]
list client Nothing       = list client (Just 0)
list client (Just offset) = do
  limit  <- Blockchain.getBlockCount client
  blocks <- mapM (Blockchain.getBlock client) =<< mapM (Blockchain.getBlockHash client) [offset..limit - 1]

  return $ foldl (\lhs rhs -> lhs ++ Btc.blockTxns rhs) [] blocks