{-# LANGUAGE  OverloadedStrings #-}

module Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel.Internal.Serialization where

import Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel.Internal.Types
import Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel.Internal.Util
    (BitcoinAmount(..), toWord64, deserEither, toHexString)

import            Data.Aeson (Value(Number), FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..),
                              withText, withScientific)
import            Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import            Data.Scientific (Scientific, scientific, toBoundedInteger)
import            Data.Text.Encoding       (decodeLatin1, encodeUtf8)
import            Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict, fromStrict)
import qualified  Data.Binary as Bin
import qualified  Data.Binary.Put as BinPut
import qualified  Data.Binary.Get as BinGet
import qualified  Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString as B

import Debug.Trace

instance Show Payment where
    show (CPayment val sig) =
        "<Payment: valLeft=" ++ show val ++
        ", sig=" ++ toHexString (toStrict $ Bin.encode sig) ++ ">"


padToMod4 :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
padToMod4 bs =
        lastGroupSize = B.length bs `mod` 4
        numPadChars = if lastGroupSize > 0 then 4 - lastGroupSize else 0
        B.concat [bs, B.replicate numPadChars 61] -- 61: '=' ASCII

b64Encode :: Bin.Binary a => a -> B.ByteString
b64Encode = B64.encode . toStrict . Bin.encode

instance ToJSON Payment where
    toJSON = toJSON . decodeLatin1 . b64Encode

instance FromJSON Payment where
    parseJSON = withText "Payment" $
        \b64 ->
            failOnLeftWith "failed to deserialize binary data: " . deserEither =<<
            (failOnLeftWith "failed to parse base64 data: " . b64Decode) b64
            b64Decode = B64.decode . padToMod4 . encodeUtf8
            failOnLeftWith e = either (fail . (e ++)) return

instance ToJSON BitcoinAmount where
    toJSON amt = Number $ scientific
        (fromIntegral $ toWord64 amt) 0

instance FromJSON BitcoinAmount where
    parseJSON = withScientific "BitcoinAmount" $
        fmap fromIntegral . parseJSONInt

-- Needed to convert from Scientific
instance Bounded BitcoinAmount where
    minBound = CMoneyAmount 0
    maxBound = CMoneyAmount $ round $ 21e6 * 1e8

parseJSONInt :: Scientific -> Parser Integer
parseJSONInt s =
    case toBoundedInteger s of
        Just (CMoneyAmount i) -> return i
        Nothing -> fail $ "failed to decode JSON number to integer. data: " ++ show s

instance Bin.Binary PaymentChannelState where
    put (CPaymentChannelState par fti payConf valLeft (Just sig)) =
        Bin.put par >> Bin.put fti >> Bin.put payConf >> Bin.put valLeft
        >> BinPut.putWord8 1 >> Bin.put sig
    put (CPaymentChannelState par fti payConf valLeft Nothing) =
            Bin.put par >> Bin.put fti >> Bin.put payConf >> Bin.put valLeft
            >> BinPut.putWord8 0
    get = CPaymentChannelState <$> Bin.get <*> Bin.get <*>
        Bin.get <*> Bin.get <*> (BinGet.getWord8 >>=
        \w -> case w of
            1 -> fmap Just Bin.get
            _ -> return Nothing)

instance Bin.Binary ChannelParameters where
    put (CChannelParameters pks pkr lt) =
        Bin.put pks >> Bin.put pkr >> Bin.put lt
    get = CChannelParameters <$> Bin.get <*> Bin.get <*> Bin.get

instance Bin.Binary FundingTxInfo where
    put (CFundingTxInfo h idx val) =
        Bin.put h >> BinPut.putWord32be idx >> Bin.put val
    get = CFundingTxInfo <$> Bin.get <*> BinGet.getWord32be <*> Bin.get

instance Bin.Binary PaymentTxConfig where
    put (CPaymentTxConfig sendAddr) =
        Bin.put sendAddr
    get = CPaymentTxConfig <$> Bin.get

instance Bin.Binary Payment where
    put (CPayment val sig) = Bin.put val >> Bin.put sig
    get = CPayment <$> Bin.get <*> Bin.get

instance Bin.Binary PaymentSignature where
    put ps = Bin.put (psSig ps)
        >> Bin.put (psSigHash ps)
    get = CPaymentSignature <$> Bin.get <*> Bin.get