module Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel.Internal.Bitcoin.Amount where

import qualified Data.Serialize     as Ser
import qualified Data.Serialize.Put as SerPut
import qualified Data.Serialize.Get as SerGet
import           Data.Word

-- |Represents a bitcoin amount as number of satoshis.
--  1 satoshi = 1e-8 bitcoin.
--  Only natural numbers (>= 0) can be represented ('fromInteger' caps to a 'Word64').
--  It is thus not possible to construct a negative BitcoinAmount which, when added to
--  another BitcoinAmount, subtracts from its value. So we avoid the problem of being
--  able to invert subtraction/addition by supplying a negative value as one of the
--  arguments.
newtype BitcoinAmount = BitcoinAmount Integer
    deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show BitcoinAmount where
    show amount = show (toInteger amount) ++ " satoshi"

instance Num BitcoinAmount where
    (BitcoinAmount a1) * (BitcoinAmount a2) = BitcoinAmount (fromIntegral . capToWord64 $ a1*a2)
    (BitcoinAmount a1) + (BitcoinAmount a2) = BitcoinAmount (fromIntegral . capToWord64 $ a1+a2)
    (BitcoinAmount a1) - (BitcoinAmount a2) = BitcoinAmount (fromIntegral . capToWord64 $ a1-a2)
    abs = id    -- Always positive
    signum (BitcoinAmount 0) = BitcoinAmount 0
    signum (BitcoinAmount _) = BitcoinAmount 1
    fromInteger = BitcoinAmount . fromIntegral . capToWord64

instance Enum BitcoinAmount where
    toEnum = BitcoinAmount . fromIntegral . capToWord64 . fromIntegral
    fromEnum (BitcoinAmount amount) = fromIntegral amount

instance Real BitcoinAmount where
    toRational (BitcoinAmount amount) = toRational amount

instance Integral BitcoinAmount where
    toInteger (BitcoinAmount int) = int
    quotRem (BitcoinAmount _) (BitcoinAmount _) =
        error "Division of two BitcoinAmounts is undefined"

-- | Convert to 'Word64', with zero as floor, (maxBound :: Word64) as ceiling
capToWord64 :: Integer -> Word64
capToWord64 i = fromIntegral $
    max 0 cappedValue
            cappedValue = min i $ fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word64)

instance Ser.Serialize BitcoinAmount where
    put = SerPut.putWord64le . fromIntegral . toInteger
    get = BitcoinAmount . fromIntegral <$> SerGet.getWord64le