module Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel.Test
    module Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel.Test
  , module Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel
  , module Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel.Types
  , module Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel.Internal.Types
  , module Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel.Internal.State


import           Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel
import           Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel.Types
import           Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel.Internal.Types
import           Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel.Util
import           Data.Bitcoin.PaymentChannel.Internal.State hiding (channelIsExhausted, channelValueLeft)
import            Network.Haskoin.Internals       (toPrvKeyG)
import qualified Network.Haskoin.Crypto as HC
import           Network.Haskoin.Test
import           Data.Time.Clock                 (UTCTime(..))
import           Data.Time.Calendar              (Day(..))

import Test.QuickCheck

-- TODO: We don't bother testing expiration time for now
nowishTimestamp :: UTCTime
nowishTimestamp = UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 57683) 0     -- 2016-10-22

mIN_CHANNEL_SIZE :: BitcoinAmount
mIN_CHANNEL_SIZE = cDustLimit defaultConfig * 2

data ArbChannelPair = ArbChannelPair
    SenderPaymentChannel ReceiverPaymentChannel [BitcoinAmount] [BitcoinAmount] (HC.Hash256 -> HC.Signature)

instance Show ArbChannelPair where
    show (ArbChannelPair spc rpc _ _ _) =
        "SendState: " ++ show spc ++ "\n" ++
        "RecvState: " ++ show rpc

doPayment :: ArbChannelPair -> BitcoinAmount -> ArbChannelPair
doPayment (ArbChannelPair spc rpc sendList recvList f) amount =
        (amountSent, pmn, newSpc) = sendPayment spc amount
        eitherRpc = recvPayment nowishTimestamp rpc pmn
        case eitherRpc of
            Left e -> error (show e)
            Right (recvAmount, newRpc) ->
                ArbChannelPair newSpc newRpc
                    (amountSent : sendList)
                    (recvAmount : recvList)

instance Arbitrary ArbChannelPair where
    arbitrary = fmap fst mkChanPair

instance Arbitrary PaymentChannelState where
    arbitrary = fmap getPCS mkChanPair
        where getPCS (ArbChannelPair _ rpc _ _ _ , _) = rpcState rpc

instance Arbitrary ChanScript where
    arbitrary = ChanScript . getRedeemScript <$> arbitrary

instance Arbitrary FullPayment where
    arbitrary = fmap snd mkChanPair

instance Arbitrary ChannelParameters where
    arbitrary = fmap fst mkChanParams

instance Arbitrary FundingTxInfo where
    arbitrary = do
        ArbitraryTxHash h <- arbitrary
        i <- arbitrary
        amt <- fmap fromIntegral
            (choose (fromIntegral mIN_CHANNEL_SIZE, round $ 21e6 * 1e8 :: Integer))
            :: Gen BitcoinAmount
        return $ CFundingTxInfo h i amt

instance Arbitrary BitcoinAmount where
    arbitrary = fromIntegral <$> choose (0, round $ 21e6 * 1e8 :: Integer)

mkChanParams :: Gen (ChannelParameters, (HC.PrvKeyC, HC.PrvKeyC))
mkChanParams = do
    -- sender key pair
    ArbitraryPubKeyC sendPriv sendPK <- arbitrary
    -- receiver key pair
    ArbitraryPubKeyC recvPriv recvPK <- arbitrary
    -- TODO: We use an expiration date far off into the future for now
    let lockTime = parseBitcoinLocktime 2524651200
    return (CChannelParameters
                (MkSendPubKey sendPK) (MkRecvPubKey recvPK) lockTime,
           (sendPriv, recvPriv))

mkChanPair :: Gen (ArbChannelPair, FullPayment)
mkChanPair = do
        (cp, (sendPriv, recvPriv)) <- mkChanParams
        fti <- arbitrary
        -- value of first payment
        initPayAmount <- arbitrary
        -- create states
        let (initPayActualAmount,paymnt,sendChan) = channelWithInitialPaymentOf defaultConfig
                cp fti (`HC.signMsg` toPrvKeyG sendPriv) (getFundingAddress cp) initPayAmount
        let eitherRecvChan = channelFromInitialPayment nowishTimestamp defaultConfig cp fti paymnt
        case eitherRecvChan of
            Left e -> error (show e)
            Right (initRecvAmount,recvChan) -> return
                        sendChan recvChan [initPayActualAmount] [initRecvAmount]
                        (`HC.signMsg` toPrvKeyG recvPriv),