{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module PaymentChannel.Internal.Error.User where import PaymentChannel.Internal.Error.Status (HTTPError) import Bitcoin.Compare import PaymentChannel.Internal.Types import PaymentChannel.Internal.Util import GHC.Generics data PayChanError = SigVerifyFailed -- ^ Signature verification failed | BadSigHashFlag -- ^ Unexpected 'SigHash' flag. Expected: SIGHASH_SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY. | BadPaymentValue BtcAmount -- ^ Payment assigns less value to server than previous payment. Client change value is greater by the specified 'BtcAmount'. | PaymentError (TxMismatch ChanParams) | ClosingPaymentBadValue -- ^ The closing payment only changes the payment transaction change address. Sending value is not allowed. | ChannelExpired -- ^ Channel has expired or is too close to expiration date | StatusError HTTPError -- ^ Channel not ready for payment. 409=try again; 400=don't do that; 410=channel gone. deriving (Eq, Generic) instance Show PayChanError where show SigVerifyFailed = "Signature verification failed" show BadSigHashFlag = "Unexpected SIGHASH flag. Expected: SIGHASH_SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY (0x83)" show (BadPaymentValue valDiff) = "out-of-order payment (assigns " ++ show valDiff ++ " less value to receiver)" show ClosingPaymentBadValue = "payment not of zero value." ++ " cannot receive value in closing payment." show ChannelExpired = "channel too close to expiration date" show (StatusError (_,e)) = "Status error:" ++ e show (PaymentError (TxInMismatch (InPrevOutMismatch op _))) = "unexpected outpoint. expected: " ++ show op show (PaymentError (TxOutMisMatch (OutAddressMismatch addr _))) = "unexpected change address. expected: " ++ show addr show (PaymentError (TxInMismatch (InRdmScrMismatch scr _))) = "unexpected redeemScript. expected: " ++ cs (serHex scr) show (PaymentError e) = "unexpected error: " ++ show e -- instance Serialize PayChanError -- Generic PayChanError instance