{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} -- | -- This module provides a mechanism by which a client of the library can -- subscribe to new incoming Bitcoin transactions. To facilitate this, the -- library requires an external tool to send USR1 or USR2 signals whenever -- wallet activity takes place. The library will write its process id to a -- provided file for this purpose. An external tool like PidNotifier ( -- ) can then be used in combination with -- the -walletnotify feature of the Satoshi Bitcoin daemon to notify the -- library. The library will then use commands like listsinceblock and an -- internal state to figure out which transactions are new, if any, and provide -- those to the subscribed client. -- -- How to use: -- -- 1. Use 'initBitcoinEventTask' to start a thread which will listen for Bitcoin -- events. -- -- 2. Use 'waitForBitcoinEvents' to listen for event updates. Every batch of -- updates will also include a new state description, which can be passed to -- 'initBitcoinEventTask' when it needs to be restarted. -- -- Note: For every new transaction you are guaranteed to receive a -- 'NewTransaction' as well as either a 'TransactionAccepted' or -- 'TransactionDisappeared'. Usually you will also receive 'TransactionUpdate' -- when the number of confirmations change, but these events might not be -- generated if you are catching up from an old state. -- -- Example usage: -- -- > module Main where -- > -- > import Control.Monad -- > import System.Environment -- > import System.Exit -- > -- > import Network.BitcoinRPC -- > import Network.BitcoinRPC.Events -- > -- > acceptTest :: TransactionHeader -> Bool -- > acceptTest txHeader = thConfirmations txHeader >= 3 -- > -- > rpcAuth :: RPCAuth -- > rpcAuth = RPCAuth "" "rpcuser" "localaccessonly" -- > -- > main :: IO () -- > main = do -- > args <- getArgs -- > progName <- getProgName -- > when (null args) $ do -- > putStrLn $ "Usage: " ++ progName ++ " " -- > exitFailure -- > let pidfile = head args -- > -- > betHandle <- initBitcoinEventTask Nothing rpcAuth pidfile -- > acceptTest initialEventTaskState -- > forever $ do -- > (_, events) <- waitForBitcoinEvents betHandle -- > mapM print events -- -- Example output: -- -- @ -- NewTransaction {beUTxID = UniqueTransactionID {uTxID = TransactionID {btcTxID = -- "fc96f113e87a031de7d6e066613f216cfb18f37da9cade0c78cfd7a81272124e"}, uEntry = -- 0}, beTx = ReceiveTx {tEntry = 0, tAmount = BitcoinAmount {btcAmount = 20741}, -- tAddress = BitcoinAddress {btcAddress = "1ATeVDCQHjEePi7R66ivSTpz3SdkbyCV2a"}, -- tConfirmations = 1867, tTxid = TransactionID {btcTxID = -- "fc96f113e87a031de7d6e066613f216cfb18f37da9cade0c78cfd7a81272124e"}, tTime = -- 1387825867}, beOrigins = [BitcoinAddress {btcAddress = -- "1NhPxwJ6mCr5auoQzzqr4qVd1w65zzJw8r"}]} -- TransactionAccepted {beUTxID = UniqueTransactionID {uTxID = TransactionID -- {btcTxID = "fc96f113e87a031de7d6e066613f216cfb18f37da9cade0c78cfd7a81272124e"}, -- uEntry = 0}} -- @ -- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, CPP #-} module Network.BitcoinRPC.Events ( initialEventTaskState , initBitcoinEventTask , waitForBitcoinEvents , killBitcoinEventTask , BitcoinEvent(..) , UniqueTransactionID(..) , EventTaskState , BitcoinEventTaskHandle #if !PRODUCTION , LSBCheckpoint(..) , determineNewTransactions #endif ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Watchdog import Data.Serialize import GHC.Generics import System.Posix.Process import System.Posix.Signals import qualified Data.Map as M import Network.BitcoinRPC -- | How deep in the block chain does a block need to be so that it -- is considered final - i.e. will not change because of a re-org. lsbBlockDepth :: Integer lsbBlockDepth = 100 data BitcoinEventTaskHandle = BitcoinEventTaskHandle { bethChan :: Chan (EventTaskState, [BitcoinEvent]) , bethThreadId :: ThreadId } -- | Create identifier that can differentiate between the outgoing and incoming -- side of the same transaction id. Slightly confusing as this means that a -- single Bitcoin transaction can result in multiple unique transactions. data UniqueTransactionID = UniqueTransactionID { uTxID :: TransactionID , uEntry :: Integer } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic) -- | Keep track on how we need to call 'listsinceblock' next to get -- everything new that happened. data LSBCheckpoint = LSBCheckpoint { lsbBlockHash :: Maybe BlockHash , lsbKnownTxIDs :: [TransactionID] } deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Generic) -- | Keeps track of confirmation count for recent unique transactions. type UTXPool = M.Map UniqueTransactionID Integer data EventTaskState = EventTaskState { etsLSBCheckpoint :: LSBCheckpoint , etsPool :: UTXPool } deriving (Show,Generic) data BitcoinEvent = NewTransaction { beUTxID :: UniqueTransactionID , beTx :: Transaction , beOrigins :: [BitcoinAddress] } | TransactionUpdate { beUTxID :: UniqueTransactionID , beConfirmations :: Integer } | TransactionAccepted { beUTxID :: UniqueTransactionID } | TransactionDisappeared { beUTxID :: UniqueTransactionID } deriving (Show) instance Serialize UniqueTransactionID instance Serialize LSBCheckpoint instance Serialize EventTaskState initialEventTaskState :: EventTaskState initialEventTaskState = EventTaskState { etsLSBCheckpoint = LSBCheckpoint Nothing [] , etsPool = M.empty } getUniqueTransactionID :: Transaction -> UniqueTransactionID getUniqueTransactionID tx = UniqueTransactionID (tTxid tx) (tEntry tx) onlyReceive :: Transaction -> Bool onlyReceive ReceiveTx{} = True onlyReceive _ = False getNewBitcoinEvents :: Maybe WatchdogLogger-> RPCAuth-> (TransactionHeader -> Bool)-> EventTaskState-> IO (EventTaskState, [BitcoinEvent]) getNewBitcoinEvents mLogger auth acceptTest (EventTaskState lsbCheckpoint utxPool) = do (lsbCheckpoint', newTxs) <- getNewTransactions mLogger auth lsbCheckpoint let newReceiveTxs = filter onlyReceive newTxs newPoolEntries = map (\tx -> (getUniqueTransactionID tx, 0)) newReceiveTxs utxPool' = utxPool `M.union` M.fromList newPoolEntries appearingEvents <- mapM (augmentNewTransaction mLogger auth) newReceiveTxs (utxPool'', updateEvents) <- updatePool mLogger auth acceptTest utxPool' let newState = EventTaskState lsbCheckpoint' utxPool'' return (newState, appearingEvents ++ updateEvents) updatePool :: Maybe WatchdogLogger-> RPCAuth-> (TransactionHeader -> Bool)-> M.Map UniqueTransactionID Integer-> IO (M.Map UniqueTransactionID Integer, [BitcoinEvent]) updatePool mLogger auth acceptTest utxPool = go utxPool (M.toList utxPool) where go pool [] = return (pool, []) go pool ((utxid, confs):entries) = do -- Note: This will sometimes make redundant calls to gettransaction, -- but keeps things a little simpler. probe <- getTransactionR mLogger auth (uTxID utxid) let (pool', events) = checkUpdate acceptTest pool utxid confs probe (pool'', moreEvents) <- go pool' entries return (pool'', events ++ moreEvents) checkUpdate :: (TransactionHeader -> Bool)-> M.Map UniqueTransactionID Integer-> UniqueTransactionID-> Integer-> Maybe TransactionHeader-> (M.Map UniqueTransactionID Integer, [BitcoinEvent]) checkUpdate acceptTest pool utxid confs (Just updatedTxHeader) | thConfirmations updatedTxHeader == confs = (pool, []) | otherwise = if acceptTest updatedTxHeader then (M.delete utxid pool, [TransactionAccepted utxid]) else let updatedConfs = thConfirmations updatedTxHeader in (M.insert utxid updatedConfs pool, [TransactionUpdate utxid updatedConfs]) checkUpdate _ pool utxid _ Nothing = (M.delete utxid pool, [TransactionDisappeared utxid]) augmentNewTransaction :: Maybe WatchdogLogger -> RPCAuth -> Transaction -> IO BitcoinEvent augmentNewTransaction mLogger auth tx = do let txid = tTxid tx utxid = getUniqueTransactionID tx probe <- getOriginsR mLogger auth txid return $ case probe of Just txOrigins -> NewTransaction utxid tx (toOrigins txOrigins) Nothing -> NewTransaction utxid tx [] getNewTransactions :: Maybe WatchdogLogger -> RPCAuth -> LSBCheckpoint -> IO (LSBCheckpoint, [Transaction]) getNewTransactions mLogger auth lsbCheckpoint = do -- get (possibly) new transactions SinceBlockInfo txs _ <- listSinceBlockR mLogger auth (lsbBlockHash lsbCheckpoint) -- pick a block somewhat deep in the blockchain for the next query blockCount <- getBlockCountR mLogger auth let safeBlockHeight = max 0 (blockCount - lsbBlockDepth) safeBlockHash <- getBlockHashR mLogger auth safeBlockHeight let lsbCheckpoint' = lsbCheckpoint { lsbBlockHash = Just safeBlockHash } return $ determineNewTransactions lsbCheckpoint' txs -- | Figure out which are actual new transactions and update -- pool of known transaction ids. We simply keep the current list of -- transactions returned by listsinceblock and check against it the next time. -- This should work, as long as transactions never reappear after the have -- dropped of the list. This should be true, as long as blockcount is always -- increasing. determineNewTransactions :: LSBCheckpoint -> [Transaction] -> (LSBCheckpoint, [Transaction]) determineNewTransactions (LSBCheckpoint mBlockHash knownTxIDs) txList = let newTransactions = filter (\tx -> tTxid tx `notElem` knownTxIDs) txList knownTxIDs' = map tTxid txList in ((LSBCheckpoint mBlockHash knownTxIDs'), newTransactions) setupBitcoinNotifcation :: FilePath -> IO (MVar ()) setupBitcoinNotifcation path = do pid <- getProcessID writeFile path (show pid ++ "\n") installSignalHandlers installSignalHandlers :: IO (MVar ()) installSignalHandlers = do semaphore <- newMVar () _ <- installHandler userDefinedSignal1 (Catch $ signalHandler semaphore) Nothing _ <- installHandler userDefinedSignal2 (Catch $ signalHandler semaphore) Nothing return semaphore where signalHandler semaphore = putMVar semaphore () notifiedPollLoop :: MVar ()-> Maybe WatchdogLogger-> RPCAuth-> (TransactionHeader -> Bool)-> EventTaskState-> Chan (EventTaskState, [BitcoinEvent])-> IO () notifiedPollLoop semaphore mLogger auth acceptTest firstState chan = go firstState where go state = do _ <- takeMVar semaphore -- Will succeed right away the first time, -- then later only after signals have been -- received. (state', events) <- getNewBitcoinEvents mLogger auth acceptTest state writeChan chan (state', events) go state' initBitcoinEventTask :: Maybe WatchdogLogger -> RPCAuth -> FilePath -- ^ PID will be written here to get -- notifications from Bitcoin daemon -> (TransactionHeader -> Bool) -- ^ test to decide whether a transaction -- can be accepted -> EventTaskState -- ^ state from which to resume -> IO (BitcoinEventTaskHandle) initBitcoinEventTask mLogger auth pidfile acceptTest state = do chan <- newChan semaphore <- setupBitcoinNotifcation pidfile threadId <- forkIO $ notifiedPollLoop semaphore mLogger auth acceptTest state chan return $ BitcoinEventTaskHandle chan threadId -- | Wait for new Bitcoin Events. This might sometimes return an empty list of -- events. waitForBitcoinEvents :: BitcoinEventTaskHandle -> IO (EventTaskState, [BitcoinEvent]) waitForBitcoinEvents betHandle = readChan (bethChan betHandle) killBitcoinEventTask :: BitcoinEventTaskHandle -> IO () killBitcoinEventTask betHandle = killThread (bethThreadId betHandle)