{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Graphics.Blank.Types.Font where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad

import           Data.Char
import           Data.Default.Class
import           Data.Ix (Ix)
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as TS
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B (singleton)

import           Graphics.Blank.JavaScript
import           Graphics.Blank.Parser
import           Graphics.Blank.Types
import           Graphics.Blank.Types.CSS

import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as ReadP
import           Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP hiding ((<++), choice, pfail)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec as ReadPrec
import           Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec (ReadPrec, (<++), lift, pfail)
import           Text.Read (Read(..), readListPrecDefault)

import           TextShow (TextShow(..), Builder, FromTextShow(..), showbSpace)


-- | A data type that can represent a browser font.
class CanvasFont a where
    -- | Convert a value into a JavaScript string representing a font value.
    jsCanvasFont :: a -> Builder

instance CanvasFont Text where
    jsCanvasFont = jsText

instance CanvasFont Font where
    jsCanvasFont = jsFont


-- | A CSS-style font data type.
data Font = FontProperties
  {   fontStyle   :: FontStyle
    , fontVariant :: FontVariant
    , fontWeight  :: FontWeight
    , fontSize    :: FontSize
    , lineHeight  :: LineHeight
    , fontFamily  :: [FontFamily]
  } -- ^ A font specified by its individual longhand properties.
  | CaptionFont      -- ^ The font used for captioned controls (e.g., buttons, drop-downs, etc.)
  | IconFont         -- ^ The font used to label icons.
  | MenuFont         -- ^ The font used in menus (e.g., dropdown menus and menu lists).
  | MessageBoxFont   -- ^ The font used in dialog boxes.
  | SmallCaptionFont -- ^ The font used for labeling small controls.
  | StatusBarFont    -- ^ The font used in window status bars.
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- |
-- Creates a new font from the 'FontFamily' list, using the 'Default' instances
-- for the other five longhand properties. If you only wish to change certain
-- properties and leave the others alone, this provides a convenient mechanism
-- for doing so:
-- @
-- ('defFont' ["Gill Sans Extrabold", 'sansSerif']) {
--     'fontStyle'  = 'italic'
--   , 'fontSize'   = 12 # 'px'
--   , 'lineHeight' = 14 # 'px'
-- }
-- @
defFont :: [FontFamily] -> Font
defFont = FontProperties def def def def def

-- | Shorthand for 'CaptionFont'.
caption :: Font
caption = CaptionFont

-- | Shorthand for 'IconFont'.
icon :: Font
icon = IconFont

-- | Shorthand for 'MenuFont'.
menu :: Font
menu = MenuFont

-- | Shorthand for 'MessageBoxFont'.
messageBox :: Font
messageBox = MessageBoxFont

-- | Shorthand for 'SmallCaptionFont'.
smallCaption :: Font
smallCaption = SmallCaptionFont

-- | Shorthand for 'StatusBarFont'.
statusBar :: Font
statusBar = StatusBarFont

instance IsString Font where
    fromString = read

instance JSArg Font where
    showbJS = jsFont

jsFont :: Font -> Builder
jsFont = jsLiteralBuilder . showb

instance Read Font where
    readPrec = do
        lift skipSpaces
            [ CaptionFont      <$ lift (stringCI "caption")
            , IconFont         <$ lift (stringCI "icon")
            , MenuFont         <$ lift (stringCI "menu")
            , MessageBoxFont   <$ lift (stringCI "message-box")
            , SmallCaptionFont <$ lift (stringCI "small-caption")
            , StatusBarFont    <$ lift (stringCI "status-bar")
            , readFontProperties Nothing Nothing Nothing
    readListPrec = readListPrecDefault

-- | Like 'Either', but with three possibilities instead of two.
data OneOfThree a b c = One a | Two b | Three c

-- |
-- The formal syntax for the font CSS property
-- (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/font#Syntax) is surprisingly complex.
-- It requires that font-style, font-variant, and font-weight must be defined, if any,
-- before the font-size value. Furthermore, each of those three properties may only be defined at
-- most once, and the relative order of the three does not matter. This is a tall order for the
-- Text.ParserCombinators modules, so we use a heavily monadic utility function to detect
-- make it easier to catch bad input. The three Maybe arguments each represent whether its
-- respective property has not (Nothing) or has (Just) been read. If it has been read, then
-- readFontProperties will not attempt to parse it again.
-- readFontProperties will proceed to parse the remaining Font longhand properties once
-- either all three of the first properties have been parsed, or when it is unsuccessful at
-- parsing any of the first three properties.
readFontProperties :: Maybe FontStyle -> Maybe FontVariant -> Maybe FontWeight -> ReadPrec Font
readFontProperties style variant weight =
    -- If all three properties have been parsed, proceed to the remaining three properties.
    if isJust style && isJust variant && isJust weight
       then readFontProperties' style variant weight
       else do
               -- If the property has already been parsed, do not parse it again.
           let parseCheck :: Maybe a -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec a
               parseCheck mb parser = if isJust mb then pfail else parser
               readStyle, readVariant, readWeight :: ReadPrec (OneOfThree FontStyle FontVariant FontWeight)
               readStyle   = One   <$> parseCheck style readPrec
               readVariant = Two   <$> parseCheck variant readPrec
               readWeight  = Three <$> parseCheck weight readPrec
           -- First attempt to parse font-style, then font-variant, then font-weight (unless one
           -- of them has already been parsed, in which case skip to the next property parser.
           prop <- maybeReadPrec $ readStyle <++ readVariant <++ readWeight
           -- Check to see which property, if any, was parsed.
           case prop of
               Just (One style') -> do
                   when (isJust style) pfail -- Safeguard to ensure a property is not parsed twice.
                   readFontProperties (Just style') variant weight
               Just (Two variant') -> do
                   when (isJust variant) pfail
                   readFontProperties style (Just variant') weight
               Just (Three weight') -> do
                   when (isJust weight) pfail
                   readFontProperties style variant (Just weight')
               -- If no properties were parsed, proceed to the remaining three properties.
               Nothing -> readFontProperties' style variant weight

-- |
-- Parses the remaining three Font longhand properties (font-size, line-height, and
-- font-family). Make sure to also parse the forward slash, if any, that separates
-- the font-size and line-height properties.
readFontProperties' :: Maybe FontStyle -> Maybe FontVariant -> Maybe FontWeight -> ReadPrec Font
readFontProperties' mbStyle mbVariant mbWeight =
  FontProperties (fromMaybe def mbStyle) (fromMaybe def mbVariant) (fromMaybe def mbWeight)
  <$> readPrec
  <*> lift (option def $ skipSpaces *> char '/' *> unlift readPrec)
  <*> (lift (munch1 isSpace) *> readPrec)

instance Show Font where
    showsPrec p = showsPrec p . FromTextShow

instance TextShow Font where
    showb (FontProperties style variant weight size height' family)
        = showb style
       <> showbSpace
       <> showb variant
       <> showbSpace
       <> showb weight
       <> showbSpace
       <> showb size
       <> B.singleton '/'
       <> showb height'
       <> showbSpace
       <> showb family
    showb CaptionFont      = "caption"
    showb IconFont         = "icon"
    showb MenuFont         = "menu"
    showb MessageBoxFont   = "message-box"
    showb SmallCaptionFont = "small-caption"
    showb StatusBarFont    = "status-bar"


-- | Specifies if a 'Font' is italic or oblique.
data FontStyle = NormalStyle  -- ^ Selects a font classified as normal (default).
               | ItalicStyle  -- ^ Selects a font that is labeled italic, or if one is not available,
                              --   one labeled oblique.
               | ObliqueStyle -- ^ Selects a font that is labeled oblique.
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ix, Ord)

-- | Shorthand for 'ItalicStyle'.
italic :: FontStyle
italic = ItalicStyle

-- | Shorthand for 'ObliqueStyle'.
oblique :: FontStyle
oblique = ObliqueStyle

instance Default FontStyle where
    def = NormalStyle

instance IsString FontStyle where
    fromString = read

instance NormalProperty FontStyle

instance Read FontStyle where
    readPrec = lift $ do
            [ NormalStyle  <$ stringCI "normal"
            , ItalicStyle  <$ stringCI "italic"
            , ObliqueStyle <$ stringCI "oblique"
    readListPrec = readListPrecDefault

instance Show FontStyle where
    showsPrec p = showsPrec p . FromTextShow

instance TextShow FontStyle where
    showb NormalStyle  = "normal"
    showb ItalicStyle  = "italic"
    showb ObliqueStyle = "oblique"


-- | Specifies the face of a 'Font'.
data FontVariant = NormalVariant    -- ^ A normal font face (default).
                 | SmallCapsVariant -- ^ A font face with small capital letters for lowercase characters.
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ix, Ord)

-- | Shorthand for 'SmallCapsVariant'.
smallCaps :: FontVariant
smallCaps = SmallCapsVariant

instance Default FontVariant where
    def = NormalVariant

instance IsString FontVariant where
    fromString = read

instance NormalProperty FontVariant

instance Read FontVariant where
    readPrec = lift $ do
      (NormalVariant <$ stringCI "normal") <|> (SmallCapsVariant <$ stringCI "small-caps")
    readListPrec = readListPrecDefault

instance Show FontVariant where
    showsPrec p = showsPrec p . FromTextShow

instance TextShow FontVariant where
    showb NormalVariant    = "normal"
    showb SmallCapsVariant = "small-caps"


-- |
-- Specifies the boldness of a 'Font'. Note that 'FontWeight' is an instance of
-- 'Num' so that the nine numeric weights can be used directly. For example:
-- @
-- ('defFont' ['sansSerif']) { 'fontWeight' = 900 }
-- @
-- Attempting to use a numeric weight other than the nine given will result in
-- a runtime error.
data FontWeight = NormalWeight -- ^ Default.
                | BoldWeight
                | BolderWeight
                | LighterWeight
                | Weight100
                | Weight200
                | Weight300
                | Weight400
                | Weight500
                | Weight600
                | Weight700
                | Weight800
                | Weight900
  deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ix, Ord)

-- | Shorthand for 'BoldWeight'.
bold :: FontWeight
bold = BoldWeight

-- | Shorthand for 'BolderWeight'.
bolder :: FontWeight
bolder = BolderWeight

-- | Shorthand for 'LighterWeight'.
lighter :: FontWeight
lighter = LighterWeight

fontWeightError :: a
fontWeightError = error "invalid font-weight operation"

instance Default FontWeight where
    def = NormalWeight

instance IsString FontWeight where
    fromString = read

instance NormalProperty FontWeight

instance Num FontWeight where
    (+)    = fontWeightError
    (-)    = fontWeightError
    (*)    = fontWeightError
    abs    = fontWeightError
    signum = fontWeightError
    fromInteger 100 = Weight100
    fromInteger 200 = Weight200
    fromInteger 300 = Weight300
    fromInteger 400 = Weight400
    fromInteger 500 = Weight500
    fromInteger 600 = Weight600
    fromInteger 700 = Weight700
    fromInteger 800 = Weight800
    fromInteger 900 = Weight900
    fromInteger _   = fontWeightError

instance Read FontWeight where
    readPrec = lift $ do
            [ NormalWeight  <$ stringCI "normal"
            , BoldWeight    <$ stringCI "bold"
            , BolderWeight  <$ stringCI "bolder"
            , LighterWeight <$ stringCI "lighter"
            , Weight100     <$ string   "100"
            , Weight200     <$ string   "200"
            , Weight300     <$ string   "300"
            , Weight400     <$ string   "400"
            , Weight500     <$ string   "500"
            , Weight600     <$ string   "600"
            , Weight700     <$ string   "700"
            , Weight800     <$ string   "800"
            , Weight900     <$ string   "900"
    readListPrec = readListPrecDefault

instance Show FontWeight where
    showsPrec p = showsPrec p . FromTextShow

instance TextShow FontWeight where
    showb NormalWeight  = "normal"
    showb BoldWeight    = "bold"
    showb BolderWeight  = "bolder"
    showb LighterWeight = "lighter"
    showb Weight100     = "100"
    showb Weight200     = "200"
    showb Weight300     = "300"
    showb Weight400     = "400"
    showb Weight500     = "500"
    showb Weight600     = "600"
    showb Weight700     = "700"
    showb Weight800     = "800"
    showb Weight900     = "900"


-- | The desired height of 'Font' glyphs.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- ('defFont' ['sansSerif']) { 'fontSize' = 'xxSmall' }
-- ('defFont' ['sansSerif']) { 'fontSize' = 30 # 'pt' }
-- ('defFont' ['sansSerif']) { 'fontSize' = 50 # 'percent' }
-- @
data FontSize = XXSmallSize
              | XSmallSize
              | SmallSize
              | MediumSize -- ^ Default.
              | LargeSize
              | XLargeSize
              | XXLargeSize
              | LargerSize
              | SmallerSize
              | FontSizeLength Length
              | FontSizePercentage Percentage
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- | Shorthand for 'XXSmallSize'.
xxSmall :: FontSize
xxSmall = XXSmallSize

-- | Shorthand for 'XSmallSize'.
xSmall :: FontSize
xSmall = XSmallSize

-- | Shorthand for 'SmallSize'.
small :: FontSize
small = SmallSize

-- | Shorthand for 'MediumSize'.
medium :: FontSize
medium = MediumSize

-- | Shorthand for 'LargeSize'.
large :: FontSize
large = LargeSize

-- | Shorthand for 'XLargeSize'.
xLarge :: FontSize
xLarge = XLargeSize

-- | Shorthand for 'XXLargeSize'.
xxLarge :: FontSize
xxLarge = XXLargeSize

-- | Shorthand for 'LargerSize'.
larger :: FontSize
larger = LargerSize

-- | Shorthand for 'SmallerSize'.
smaller :: FontSize
smaller = SmallerSize

instance Default FontSize where
    def = MediumSize

instance IsString FontSize where
    fromString = read

instance LengthProperty FontSize where
    fromLength = FontSizeLength

instance PercentageProperty FontSize where
    percent = FontSizePercentage

instance Read FontSize where
    readPrec = do
        lift $ skipSpaces
            [ XXSmallSize        <$  lift (stringCI "xx-small")
            , XSmallSize         <$  lift (stringCI "x-small")
            , SmallSize          <$  lift (stringCI "small")
            , MediumSize         <$  lift (stringCI "medium")
            , LargeSize          <$  lift (stringCI "large")
            , XLargeSize         <$  lift (stringCI "x-large")
            , XXLargeSize        <$  lift (stringCI "xx-large")
            , LargerSize         <$  lift (stringCI "larger")
            , SmallerSize        <$  lift (stringCI "smaller")
            , FontSizeLength     <$> readPrec
            , FontSizePercentage <$> readPrec <* lift (char '%')
    readListPrec = readListPrecDefault

instance Show FontSize where
    showsPrec p = showsPrec p . FromTextShow

instance TextShow FontSize where
    showb XXSmallSize            = "xx-small"
    showb XSmallSize             = "x-small"
    showb SmallSize              = "small"
    showb MediumSize             = "medium"
    showb LargeSize              = "large"
    showb XLargeSize             = "x-large"
    showb XXLargeSize            = "xx-large"
    showb LargerSize             = "larger"
    showb SmallerSize            = "smaller"
    showb (FontSizeLength l)     = showb l
    showb (FontSizePercentage p) = jsDouble p <> B.singleton '%'


-- | The height of the line boxes in a 'Font'.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- @
-- ('defFont' ['sansSerif']) { 'lineHeight' = 'normal' }
-- ('defFont' ['sansSerif']) { 'lineHeight' = 50 }
-- ('defFont' ['sansSerif']) { 'lineHeight' = 30 # 'em' }
-- ('defFont' ['sansSerif']) { 'lineHeight' = 70 # 'percent' }
-- @
data LineHeight = NormalLineHeight -- ^ Default.
                | LineHeightNumber Double
                | LineHeightLength Length
                | LineHeightPercentage Percentage
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

lineHeightError :: a
lineHeightError = error "no arithmetic for line-height"

instance Default LineHeight where
    def = NormalLineHeight

instance Fractional LineHeight where
    (/)   = lineHeightError
    recip = lineHeightError
    fromRational = LineHeightNumber . fromRational

instance IsString LineHeight where
    fromString = read

instance LengthProperty LineHeight where
    fromLength = LineHeightLength

instance NormalProperty LineHeight

instance Num LineHeight where
    (+)    = lineHeightError
    (-)    = lineHeightError
    (*)    = lineHeightError
    abs    = lineHeightError
    signum = lineHeightError
    fromInteger = LineHeightNumber . fromInteger

instance PercentageProperty LineHeight where
    percent = LineHeightPercentage

instance Read LineHeight where
    readPrec = do
        lift skipSpaces
            [ NormalLineHeight     <$  lift (stringCI "normal")
            , LineHeightNumber     <$> readPrec
            , LineHeightLength     <$> readPrec
            , LineHeightPercentage <$> readPrec <* lift (char '%')
    readListPrec = readListPrecDefault

instance Show LineHeight where
    showsPrec p = showsPrec p . FromTextShow

instance TextShow LineHeight where
    showb NormalLineHeight         = "normal"
    showb (LineHeightNumber n)     = jsDouble n
    showb (LineHeightLength l)     = showb l
    showb (LineHeightPercentage p) = jsDouble p <> B.singleton '%'


-- |
-- The name of a 'Font' family. Note that both 'FontFamily' and @['FontFamily']@
-- are instances of 'IsString', so it is possible to produce 'FontFamily' values
-- in several different ways. For example, these are all of type 'FontFamily':
-- @
-- 'FontFamilyName' "Gill Sans Extrabold"
-- "Gill Sans Extrabold" :: 'FontFamily'
-- 'serif'
-- "serif" :: 'FontFamily'
-- @
-- These are all of type @['FontFamily']@:
-- @
-- ['FontFamilyName' \"Helvetica\", 'serif']
-- [\"Helvetica\", "serif"] :: ['FontFamily']
-- "Helvetica, serif" :: ['FontFamily']
-- @
data FontFamily = FontFamilyName Text -- ^ The name of a custom font family.
                | SerifFamily         -- ^ A generic font family where glyphs have
                                      --   serifed endings.
                | SansSerifFamily     -- ^ A generic font family where glyphs do not
                                      --   have serifed endings.
                | MonospaceFamily     -- ^ A generic font family where all glyphs have
                                      --   the same fixed width.
                | CursiveFamily       -- ^ A generic font family with cursive glyphs.
                | FantasyFamily       -- ^ A generic font family where glyphs have
                                      --   decorative, playful representations.
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- | Shorthand for 'SerifFamily'.
serif :: FontFamily
serif = SerifFamily

-- | Shorthand for 'SansSerifFamily'.
sansSerif :: FontFamily
sansSerif = SansSerifFamily

-- | Shorthand for 'MonospaceFamily'.
monospace :: FontFamily
monospace = MonospaceFamily

-- | Shorthand for 'CursiveFamily'.
cursive :: FontFamily
cursive = CursiveFamily

-- | Shorthand for 'FantasyFamily'.
fantasy :: FontFamily
fantasy = FantasyFamily

instance IsString FontFamily where
    fromString = read

-- |
-- There are two separate 'IsString' instances for 'FontFamily' so that single font
-- families and lists of font families alike can be converted from string literals.
instance IsString [FontFamily] where
    fromString = read

instance Read FontFamily where
    readPrec = lift $ do
          [ SerifFamily     <$ stringCI "serif"
          , SansSerifFamily <$ stringCI "sans-serif"
          , MonospaceFamily <$ stringCI "monospace"
          , CursiveFamily   <$ stringCI "cursive"
          , FantasyFamily   <$ stringCI "fantasy"
          , let quoted quote = between (char quote) (char quote)
             in quoted '"' (readFontFamily $ Just '"')
                  <|> quoted '\'' (readFontFamily $ Just '\'')
                  <|> readFontFamily Nothing
    -- readListPrec is overloaded so that it will read in a comma-separated list of
    -- family names not delimited by square brackets, as per the CSS syntax.
    readListPrec = lift . sepBy1 (unlift readPrec) $ skipSpaces *> char ','

readFontFamily :: Maybe Char -> ReadP FontFamily
readFontFamily mQuote = do
    name <- case mQuote of
        Just quote -> munch (/= quote)
        Nothing    -> unwords <$> sepBy1 cssIdent (munch1 isSpace)
    return . FontFamilyName $ TS.pack name

instance Show FontFamily where
    showsPrec p = showsPrec p . FromTextShow
    showList    = showsPrec 0 . FromTextShow

instance TextShow FontFamily where
    showb (FontFamilyName name) = showb name
    showb SerifFamily           = "serif"
    showb SansSerifFamily       = "sans-serif"
    showb MonospaceFamily       = "monospace"
    showb CursiveFamily         = "cursive"
    showb FantasyFamily         = "fantasy"
    -- Omit the square brackets when showing a list of font families so that
    -- it matches the CSS syntax.
    showbList = jsList showb


-- | A convenient way to use the 'Default' normal value for several 'Font'
-- longhand properties.
class Default a => NormalProperty a where
    -- | The default value for a CSS property. For example, it can be used
    -- like this:
    -- @
    -- ('defFont' ['sansSerif']) { 'lineHeight' = 'normal' }
    -- @
    normal :: a
    normal = def