One great way to help is just to use the library, and give me feedback from your experience. What do you like? What don't you like? What is fast? What is slow? This stuff is really important for me to know. If you are interested in hacking on the library, there is tons of work to do. Here is a partial list. Let me know what you would like to work on, and I can give you some guidance on the best way to approach the task. Small projects -------------- * Write tests. Look at the HPC output (from `make hpc` in the `tests` directory), to find what functions are not being tested. * Write benchmarks, especially ones that allow comparisons with C or Fortran. The LU decomposition [on my blog][] is a good starting point. [on my blog]: * Write a tutorial or blog post about the library. * The tests for solving triangular systems fail when an ill-conditioned matrix gets generated. I have investigated some of the failing cases in R, and have determined this isn't a bug. Ideally, we should only test with well-conditioned systems. * Put better checks in swapElem for WriteTensor. * Better error reporting. Change the "check" functions in BLAS.Internal to be like "checkIsSquare". * The ReadTensor/WriteTensor functions for Banded matrices are really terrible. Re-write these to be more efficient. * Add getSum/sum. Put in re-write rules from scale and add to axpy. Here is the old code and re-write rules (from version 0.4):

    unsafeGetSum :: (BLAS1 e) => 
        e -> DVector s n e -> e -> DVector t n e -> IO (DVector r n e)
    unsafeGetSum 1 x beta y
        | beta /= 1 = unsafeGetSum beta y 1 x
    unsafeGetSum alpha x beta y
        | isConj x = do
            s <- unsafeGetSum (E.conj alpha) (conj x) (E.conj beta) (conj y)
            return (conj s)
        | otherwise = do
            s <- newCopy y
            scaleBy beta (unsafeThaw s)
            axpy alpha x (unsafeThaw s)
            return (unsafeCoerce s)

    {-# RULES
      "scale/plus"   forall k l x y. plus (scale k x) (scale l y) = add k x l y
      "scale1/plus"  forall k x y.   plus (scale k x) y = add k x 1 y
      "scale2/plus"  forall k x y.   plus x (scale k y) = add 1 x k y
      "scale/minus"  forall k l x y. minus (scale k x) (scale l y) = 
                                         add k x (-l) y
      "scale1/minus" forall k x y.   minus (scale k x) y = add k x (-1) y
      "scale2/minus" forall k x y.   minus x (scale k y) = add 1 x (-k) y
Medium projects --------------- * Looking at the HPC output, there are a few important code paths that aren't getting covered by the tests. Specifically in the following functions: gemm, hemv, hemm, hbmm, trmv, trmm, etc. These functions are in Data.Matrix.Banded.IOBase and Data.Matrix.Dense.Base. It is impossible to test these code paths using pure code. You need to use STMatrix and STVector. I suggest stealing "Mondaic.hs" from QuickCheck2 for this purpose. * There do not yet exist bindings for `ger`, `syr`, etc. Add them. The bindings should only be for mutable types, and should have names like `rank1UpdateMatrix`, `rankKUpdateHermMatrix`, etc. * I haven't really tested it, but probably the library doesn't build on Windows. See if it is possible to build the library on windows. If not, figure out how to do so. This may involve using something other than autoconf on windows. * Provide custum `unsafeGetRow`/`unsafeGetCol` functions for Herm Matrix, Tri Matrix, etc. rather than using matrix multiplication, which is what the default instance does. * Provide Read/Write Tensor instances for Herm Matrix, Tri Matrix, Herm Banded, etc. * Write tests for STBanded. The easiest way to do this is to mimic what is done in the STMatrix tests. * Add getDenseMatrix/toDenseMatrix to MMatrix/IMatrix. Ideally put in customized versions for all 6 matrix types. * Optimization: Add `isRealType :: e -> Bool` and specilize hemm. * Add functions for arithmetic on banded matrices, and provide a `Num` instance for Banded. * Right now BLAS.h, double.c, zomplex.c, Double.hs, Zomplex.hs, and BLAS.Level{1,2,3}.hs are all (somewhat tediously) generated by hand. It would be nice to have a script that automatically generates them from a standard "cblas.h" header file. Ideally, the script would also work for "clapack.h". This would be *really* useful for the upcoming LAPACK bindings. It's a chance to play around with Language.C for anyone who is interested. Big Projects ------------ * Support for packed storage of symmetric and triangular matrices. Add a Data.Matrix.Packed class with a heirarchy similar to Data.Matrix.Banded. Provide MMatrix/IMatrix instances for Tri Packed and Herm Packed. * Data.Matrix.Dense.Base is really, really ugly. Unfortunately, I didn't figure out the best way to write these functions until after I had written all of the dense matrix ones. The cleaner approach is the one followed in Data.Matrix.Banded.{IOBase,Base}, where all of the functions are determined in terms of IO types (instead of using the general type classes). Reorganize Data.Matrix.Dense.{Base,IOBase,STBase} to mimic the style of Data.Matrix.Banded. Notes ----- * There is one remaining functional dependency in `Shaped x i | x -> i`. We cannot get rid of it since GHC 6.10.1 has not yet implemented equality constraints in superclass contexts, which are required for MatrixShaped. When GHC implements this feature, get rid of this last remaining dependency.