-- | Accounts API endpoints {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} module Blockfrost.API.Cardano.Accounts where import Servant.API import Servant.API.Generic import Blockfrost.Types.Cardano.Accounts import Blockfrost.Types.Shared import Blockfrost.Util.Pagination import Blockfrost.Util.Sorting data AccountsAPI route = AccountsAPI { _account :: route :- Summary "Specific account address" :> Description "Obtain information about a specific stake account." :> Capture "stake_address" Address :> Get '[JSON] AccountInfo , _accountRewards :: route :- Summary "Specific reward history" :> Description "Obtain information about the reward history of a specific account." :> Capture "stake_address" Address :> "rewards" :> Pagination :> Sorting :> Get '[JSON] [AccountReward] , _accountHistory :: route :- Summary "Account history" :> Description "Obtain information about the history of a specific account." :> Capture "stake_address" Address :> "history" :> Pagination :> Sorting :> Get '[JSON] [AccountHistory] , _accountDelegations :: route :- Summary "Account delegation history" :> Description "Obtain information about the delegation of a specific account." :> Capture "stake_address" Address :> "delegations" :> Pagination :> Sorting :> Get '[JSON] [AccountDelegation] , _accountRegistrations :: route :- Summary "Account registration history" :> Description "Obtain information about the registrations and deregistrations of a specific account." :> Capture "stake_address" Address :> "registrations" :> Pagination :> Sorting :> Get '[JSON] [AccountRegistration] , _accountWithdrawals :: route :- Summary "Account withdrawal history" :> Description "Obtain information about the withdrawals of a specific account." :> Capture "stake_address" Address :> "withdrawals" :> Pagination :> Sorting :> Get '[JSON] [AccountWithdrawal] , _accountMirs :: route :- Summary "Account MIR history" :> Description "Obtain information about the MIRs of a specific account." :> Capture "stake_address" Address :> "mirs" :> Pagination :> Sorting :> Get '[JSON] [AccountMir] } deriving (Generic)