-- | Cardano Scripts endpoints {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} module Blockfrost.API.Cardano.Scripts where import Servant.API import Servant.API.Generic import Blockfrost.Types.Cardano.Scripts import Blockfrost.Types.Shared import Blockfrost.Util.Pagination import Blockfrost.Util.Sorting data ScriptsAPI route = ScriptsAPI { _listScripts :: route :- Summary "Scripts" :> Description "List of scripts." :> Pagination :> Sorting :> Get '[JSON] [ScriptHash] , _getScript :: route :- Summary "Specific scripts" :> Description "Information about a specific script." :> Capture "script_hash" ScriptHash :> Get '[JSON] Script , _getScriptRedeemers :: route :- Summary "Redeemers of a specific script" :> Description "List of redeemers of a specific script." :> Capture "script_hash" ScriptHash :> Pagination :> Sorting :> "redeemers" :> Get '[JSON] [ScriptRedeemer] , _getScriptDatum :: route :- Summary "Datum value" :> Description "Query JSON value of a datum by its hash" :> "datum" :> Capture "datum_hash" DatumHash :> Get '[JSON] ScriptDatum , _getScriptDatumCBOR :: route :- Summary "Datum CBOR value" :> Description "Query CBOR serialised datum by its hash" :> "datum" :> Capture "datum_hash" DatumHash :> "cbor" :> Get '[JSON] ScriptDatumCBOR , _getScriptJSON :: route :- Summary "Script JSON" :> Description "JSON representation of a `timelock` script" :> Capture "script_hash" ScriptHash :> "json" :> Get '[JSON] ScriptJSON , _getScriptCBOR :: route :- Summary "Script CBOR" :> Description "CBOR representation of a `plutus` script" :> Capture "script_hash" ScriptHash :> "cbor" :> Get '[JSON] ScriptCBOR } deriving (Generic)