blockfrost-client- basic client
Safe HaskellNone



Address queries



getAddressInfo :: Address -> BlockfrostClient AddressInfo Source #

Obtain information about a specific address.

getAddressDetails :: Address -> BlockfrostClient AddressDetails Source #

Obtain details about an address.

getAddressUtxos' :: Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AddressUtxo] Source #

UTXOs of the address. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAddressUtxosAsset :: Address -> AssetId -> BlockfrostClient [AddressUtxo] Source #

UTXOs of the address containing specific asset.

getAddressUtxosAsset' :: Address -> AssetId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AddressUtxo] Source #

UTXOs of the address containing specific asset. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAddressTransactions' :: Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> Maybe BlockIndex -> Maybe BlockIndex -> BlockfrostClient [AddressTransaction] Source #

Transactions on the address. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder. Also allows support for limiting block ranges using from/to BlockIndexes.