blockfrost-client- basic client
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Blockfrost client



getRoot :: MonadBlockfrost m => m URLVersion Source #

Root endpoint has no other function than to point end users to documentation

getHealth :: MonadBlockfrost m => m Healthy Source #

Return backend status. Your application should handle situations when backend for the given chain is unavailable.

getClock :: MonadBlockfrost m => m ServerTime Source #

Get current backend time

getMetrics :: MonadBlockfrost m => m [Metric] Source #

Get Blockfrost usage metrics over last 30 days

getMetricsEndpoints :: MonadBlockfrost m => m [(Text, Metric)] Source #

Get Blockfrost endpoint usage metrics over last 30 days

getAccount :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m AccountInfo Source #

Obtain information about a specific stake account.

getAccountRewards :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m [AccountReward] Source #

Obtain information about the history of a specific account.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAccountRewards' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AccountReward] Source #

Obtain information about the history of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountHistory :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m [AccountHistory] Source #

Obtain information about the history of a specific account.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAccountHistory' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AccountHistory] Source #

Obtain information about the history of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountDelegations :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m [AccountDelegation] Source #

Obtain information about the delegation of a specific account.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAccountDelegations' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AccountDelegation] Source #

Obtain information about the delegation of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountRegistrations :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m [AccountRegistration] Source #

Obtain information about the registrations and deregistrations of a specific account.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAccountRegistrations' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AccountRegistration] Source #

Obtain information about the registrations and deregistrations of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountWithdrawals :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m [AccountWithdrawal] Source #

Obtain information about the withdrawals of a specific account.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAccountWithdrawals' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AccountWithdrawal] Source #

Obtain information about the withdrawals of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountMirs :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m [AccountMir] Source #

Obtain information about the MIRs of a specific account.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAccountMirs' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AccountMir] Source #

Obtain information about the MIRs of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountAssociatedAddresses :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m [AddressAssociated] Source #

Obtain information about the addresses of a specific account.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAccountAssociatedAddresses' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AddressAssociated] Source #

Obtain information about the addresses of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountAssociatedAssets :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m [Amount] Source #

Obtain information about assets associated with addresses of a specific account.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAccountAssociatedAssets' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [Amount] Source #

Obtain information about assets associated with addresses of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAddressInfo :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m AddressInfo Source #

Obtain information about a specific address.

getAddressDetails :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m AddressDetails Source #

Obtain details about an address.

getAddressUtxos :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m [AddressUtxo] Source #

UTXOs of the address.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAddressUtxos' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AddressUtxo] Source #

UTXOs of the address. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAddressUtxosAsset :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> AssetId -> m [AddressUtxo] Source #

UTXOs of the address containing specific asset.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAddressUtxosAsset' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> AssetId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AddressUtxo] Source #

UTXOs of the address containing specific asset. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAddressTransactions :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m [AddressTransaction] Source #

Transactions on the address.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAddressTransactions' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> Maybe BlockIndex -> Maybe BlockIndex -> m [AddressTransaction] Source #

Transactions on the address. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder. Also allows support for limiting block ranges using from/to BlockIndexes.

getAssets :: MonadBlockfrost m => m [AssetInfo] Source #

List all assets

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAssets' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AssetInfo] Source #

List all assets Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAssetDetails :: MonadBlockfrost m => AssetId -> m AssetDetails Source #

Information about a specific asset

getAssetHistory :: MonadBlockfrost m => AssetId -> m [AssetHistory] Source #

History of a specific asset

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAssetHistory' :: MonadBlockfrost m => AssetId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AssetHistory] Source #

History of a specific asset Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAssetTransactions :: MonadBlockfrost m => AssetId -> m [AssetTransaction] Source #

List of a specific asset transactions

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAssetTransactions' :: MonadBlockfrost m => AssetId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AssetTransaction] Source #

List of a specific asset transactions Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAssetAddresses :: MonadBlockfrost m => AssetId -> m [AssetAddress] Source #

List of a addresses containing a specific asset

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAssetAddresses' :: MonadBlockfrost m => AssetId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AssetAddress] Source #

List of a addresses containing a specific asset Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAssetsByPolicy :: MonadBlockfrost m => PolicyId -> m [AssetInfo] Source #

List of asset minted under a specific policy

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getAssetsByPolicy' :: MonadBlockfrost m => PolicyId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [AssetInfo] Source #

List of asset minted under a specific policy Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getLatestBlock :: MonadBlockfrost m => m Block Source #

Return the latest block available to the backends, also known as the tip of the blockchain.

getLatestBlockTxs :: MonadBlockfrost m => m [TxHash] Source #

Return the transactions within the latest block.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getLatestBlockTxs' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Paged -> SortOrder -> m [TxHash] Source #

Return the transactions within the latest block. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getBlock :: MonadBlockfrost m => Either Integer BlockHash -> m Block Source #

Return the content of a requested block.

getBlockSlot :: MonadBlockfrost m => Slot -> m Block Source #

Return the content of a requested block for a specific slot.

getBlockEpochSlot :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> Slot -> m Block Source #

Return the content of a requested block for a specific slot in an epoch.

getNextBlocks :: MonadBlockfrost m => Either Integer BlockHash -> m [Block] Source #

Return the list of blocks following a specific block.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getNextBlocks' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Either Integer BlockHash -> Paged -> m [Block] Source #

Return the list of blocks following a specific block. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getPreviousBlocks :: MonadBlockfrost m => Either Integer BlockHash -> m [Block] Source #

Return the list of blocks preceding a specific block.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getPreviousBlocks' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Either Integer BlockHash -> Paged -> m [Block] Source #

Return the list of blocks preceding a specific block. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getBlockTxs :: MonadBlockfrost m => Either Integer BlockHash -> m [TxHash] Source #

Return the transactions within the block.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getBlockTxs' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Either Integer BlockHash -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [TxHash] Source #

Return the transactions within the block. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getBlockAffectedAddresses' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Either Integer BlockHash -> Paged -> m [(Address, [TxHash])] Source #

Return list of addresses affected in the specified block with additional information, sorted by the bech32 address, ascending. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getBlockAffectedAddresses :: MonadBlockfrost m => Either Integer BlockHash -> m [(Address, [TxHash])] Source #

Return list of addresses affected in the specified block with additional information, sorted by the bech32 address, ascending.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getLatestEpoch :: MonadBlockfrost m => m EpochInfo Source #

Get the information about the latest, therefore current, epoch.

getLatestEpochProtocolParams :: MonadBlockfrost m => m ProtocolParams Source #

Get the protocol parameters for the latest epoch.

getEpoch :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> m EpochInfo Source #

Get the information about specific epoch.

getNextEpochs :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> m [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs following a specific epoch.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getNextEpochs' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> Paged -> m [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs following a specific epoch. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getPreviousEpochs :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> m [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs preceding a specific epoch.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getPreviousEpochs' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> Paged -> m [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs preceding a specific epoch. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getEpochStake :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> m [StakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the specified epoch.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getEpochStake' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> Paged -> m [StakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the specified epoch. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getEpochStakeByPool :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> PoolId -> m [PoolStakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the epoch specified by stake pool.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getEpochStakeByPool' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> PoolId -> Paged -> m [PoolStakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the epoch specified by stake pool. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getEpochBlocks :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> m [BlockHash] Source #

Return the blocks minted for the specified epoch.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getEpochBlocks' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [BlockHash] Source #

Return the blocks minted for the specified epoch. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getEpochBlocksByPool :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> PoolId -> m [BlockHash] Source #

Return the block minted for the epoch specified by stake pool.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getEpochBlocksByPool' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> PoolId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [BlockHash] Source #

Return the block minted for the epoch specified by stake pool. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getEpochProtocolParams :: MonadBlockfrost m => Epoch -> m ProtocolParams Source #

Return the protocol parameters for the specified epoch.

getLedgerGenesis :: MonadBlockfrost m => m Genesis Source #

Get the information about blockchain genesis.

getTxMetadataLabels :: MonadBlockfrost m => m [TxMeta] Source #

List of all used transaction metadata labels.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getTxMetadataLabels' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Paged -> SortOrder -> m [TxMeta] Source #

List of all used transaction metadata labels. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getTxMetadataByLabelJSON :: MonadBlockfrost m => Text -> m [TxMetaJSON] Source #

Transaction metadata per label (JSON Value)

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getTxMetadataByLabelJSON' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Text -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [TxMetaJSON] Source #

Transaction metadata per label (JSON Value) Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getTxMetadataByLabelCBOR :: MonadBlockfrost m => Text -> m [TxMetaCBOR] Source #

Transaction metadata per label (CBOR ByteString)

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getTxMetadataByLabelCBOR' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Text -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [TxMetaCBOR] Source #

Transaction metadata per label (CBOR ByteString) Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getNetworkInfo :: MonadBlockfrost m => m Network Source #

Get detailed network information.

getNetworkEras :: MonadBlockfrost m => m [NetworkEraSummary] Source #

Get summarized information on each era in the network, including start, end, and variable era parameters.

listPools :: MonadBlockfrost m => m [PoolId] Source #

List registered stake pools.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

listPools' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Paged -> SortOrder -> m [PoolId] Source #

List registered stake pools. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

listRetiredPools :: MonadBlockfrost m => m [PoolEpoch] Source #

List retired stake pools.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

listRetiredPools' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Paged -> SortOrder -> m [PoolEpoch] Source #

List retired stake pools. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

listRetiringPools :: MonadBlockfrost m => m [PoolEpoch] Source #

List retiring stake pools.

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

listRetiringPools' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Paged -> SortOrder -> m [PoolEpoch] Source #

List retiring stake pools. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getPool :: MonadBlockfrost m => PoolId -> m PoolInfo Source #

Get specific stake pool information

getPoolHistory :: MonadBlockfrost m => PoolId -> m [PoolHistory] Source #

Get stake pool history

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getPoolHistory' :: MonadBlockfrost m => PoolId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [PoolHistory] Source #

Get stake pool history Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getPoolMetadata :: MonadBlockfrost m => PoolId -> m (Maybe PoolMetadata) Source #

Get stake pool metadata

getPoolRelays :: MonadBlockfrost m => PoolId -> m [PoolRelay] Source #

Get stake pool relays

getPoolDelegators :: MonadBlockfrost m => PoolId -> m [PoolDelegator] Source #

Get stake pool delegators

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getPoolDelegators' :: MonadBlockfrost m => PoolId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [PoolDelegator] Source #

Get stake pool delegators Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getPoolBlocks :: MonadBlockfrost m => PoolId -> m [BlockHash] Source #

Get stake pool blocks

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getPoolBlocks' :: MonadBlockfrost m => PoolId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [BlockHash] Source #

Get stake pool blocks Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getPoolUpdates :: MonadBlockfrost m => PoolId -> m [PoolUpdate] Source #

Get stake pool updates

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getPoolUpdates' :: MonadBlockfrost m => PoolId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [PoolUpdate] Source #

Get stake pool updates Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

listScripts :: MonadBlockfrost m => m ScriptHashList Source #

List scripts

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

listScripts' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Paged -> SortOrder -> m ScriptHashList Source #

List scripts Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getScript :: MonadBlockfrost m => ScriptHash -> m Script Source #

Get specific script information

getScriptRedeemers :: MonadBlockfrost m => ScriptHash -> m [ScriptRedeemer] Source #

Get redeemers of a specific script

Queries 100 entries. To query all entries use allPages with principled variant of this function (suffixed with ') that accepts Paged argument.

getScriptRedeemers' :: MonadBlockfrost m => ScriptHash -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [ScriptRedeemer] Source #

Get redeemers of a specific script Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getScriptJSON :: MonadBlockfrost m => ScriptHash -> m ScriptJSON Source #

Get a JSON representation of a timelock script

getScriptCBOR :: MonadBlockfrost m => ScriptHash -> m ScriptCBOR Source #

Get a CBOR representation of a plutus script

getTx :: MonadBlockfrost m => TxHash -> m Transaction Source #

Get specific transaction

getTxUtxos :: MonadBlockfrost m => TxHash -> m TransactionUtxos Source #

Get transaction UTXOs

getTxStakes :: MonadBlockfrost m => TxHash -> m [TransactionStake] Source #

Get (de-)registrations of a stake address within a transaction

getTxDelegations :: MonadBlockfrost m => TxHash -> m [TransactionDelegation] Source #

Get transaction delegation certificates

getTxWithdrawals :: MonadBlockfrost m => TxHash -> m [TransactionWithdrawal] Source #

Get transaction withdrawals

getTxMirs :: MonadBlockfrost m => TxHash -> m [TransactionMir] Source #

Get transaction MIRs (Move Instantaneous Rewards)

getTxPoolUpdates :: MonadBlockfrost m => TxHash -> m [TransactionPoolUpdate] Source #

Get transaction stake pool registration and update certificates

getTxPoolRetiring :: MonadBlockfrost m => TxHash -> m [TransactionPoolRetiring] Source #

Get transaction stake pool retirement certificates

getTxMetadataJSON :: MonadBlockfrost m => TxHash -> m [TransactionMetaJSON] Source #

Get transaction metadata in JSON

getTxMetadataCBOR :: MonadBlockfrost m => TxHash -> m [TransactionMetaCBOR] Source #

Get transaction metadata in CBOR

getTxRedeemers :: MonadBlockfrost m => TxHash -> m [TransactionRedeemer] Source #

Get transaction redeemers

submitTx :: MonadBlockfrost m => CBORString -> m TxHash Source #

Submit an already serialized transaction to the network.

ipfsAdd :: (MonadError BlockfrostError m, MonadBlockfrost m) => FilePath -> m IPFSAdd Source #

Add a file or directory to IPFS

ipfsGateway :: MonadBlockfrost m => Text -> m IPFSData Source #

Fetch file via API

ipfsGetPin :: MonadBlockfrost m => Text -> m IPFSPin Source #

Get pinned object details

ipfsListPins :: MonadBlockfrost m => m [IPFSPin] Source #

List objects pinned to local storage

ipfsListPins' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Paged -> SortOrder -> m [IPFSPin] Source #

List objects pinned to local storage Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

ipfsPin :: MonadBlockfrost m => Text -> m IPFSPinChange Source #

Pin an object

ipfsRemovePin :: MonadBlockfrost m => Text -> m IPFSPinChange Source #

Remove pinned object from local storage

nutlinkListAddress :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m NutlinkAddress Source #

List metadata about specific address

nutlinkListAddressTickers :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> m [NutlinkAddressTicker] Source #

List tickers for a specific metadata oracle

nutlinkListAddressTickers' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [NutlinkAddressTicker] Source #

List tickers for a specific metadata oracle Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

nutlinkAddressTickers :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> Text -> m [NutlinkTicker] Source #

List of records of a specific ticker

nutlinkAddressTickers' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Address -> Text -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [NutlinkTicker] Source #

List of records of a specific ticker Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

nutlinkTickers :: MonadBlockfrost m => Text -> m [(Address, NutlinkTicker)] Source #

List of records of a specific ticker

nutlinkTickers' :: MonadBlockfrost m => Text -> Paged -> SortOrder -> m [(Address, NutlinkTicker)] Source #

List of records of a specific ticker Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.