module Test.Mastermind (tests) where import qualified Game.Mastermind.CodeSet.Tree as CodeSetTree -- import qualified Game.Mastermind.CodeSet.Union as CodeSetUnion import qualified Game.Mastermind.CodeSet as CodeSet import qualified Game.Mastermind.NonEmptyEnumSet as NonEmptySet import qualified Game.Mastermind as MM import Game.Utility (Choice, mergeChoice, noChoice) import Control.Monad (liftM2, ) import Control.Applicative ((<$>), ) import qualified Data.NonEmpty.Class as NonEmptyC import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Data.Traversable as Trav import qualified Data.EnumSet as EnumSet import Data.EnumSet (EnumSet) import Data.NonEmpty ((!:)) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC import Test.QuickCheck (Property, Arbitrary(arbitrary), quickCheck, (==>), ) alphabet :: EnumSet Int alphabet = NonEmptySet.flatten neAlphabet neAlphabet :: NonEmptySet.T Int neAlphabet = NonEmptySet.fromList $ 0!:[1..9] newtype Code = Code [Int] deriving (Show) genElement :: QC.Gen Int genElement = QC.choose (0,9) -- can we get it working with empty lists, too? genCode :: Int -> QC.Gen Code genCode width = fmap (Code . take width) $ QC.listOf1 genElement -- fmap (Code . take width) (QC.listOf genElement) instance Arbitrary Code where arbitrary = genCode 5 data CodePair = CodePair [Int] [Int] deriving (Show) genCodePair :: Int -> QC.Gen CodePair genCodePair width = liftM2 (\(Code xs) (Code ys) -> uncurry CodePair $ unzip $ zip xs ys) (genCode width) (genCode width) instance Arbitrary CodePair where arbitrary = genCodePair 5 matchingMember :: CodePair -> Bool matchingMember (CodePair secret attempt) = CodeSetTree.member secret $ MM.matching alphabet attempt (MM.evaluate secret attempt) genEval :: Int -> QC.Gen MM.Eval genEval size = do total <- QC.frequency $ map (\k -> (k+1, return k)) [1 .. size] rightPlaces <- QC.choose (0,total) return $ MM.Eval rightPlaces (total - rightPlaces) forAllEval :: QC.Testable prop => [a] -> (MM.Eval -> prop) -> Property forAllEval code = QC.forAll (genEval (length code)) matchingNotMember :: CodePair -> Property matchingNotMember (CodePair secret attempt) = forAllEval secret $ \eval -> (eval == MM.evaluate secret attempt) == (CodeSetTree.member secret $ MM.matching alphabet attempt eval) matchingDisjoint :: Code -> Property matchingDisjoint (Code attempt) = forAllEval attempt $ \eval0 -> forAllEval attempt $ \eval1 -> let matching0 = MM.matching alphabet attempt eval0 matching1 = MM.matching alphabet attempt eval1 in eval0 == eval1 || CodeSetTree.null (CodeSetTree.intersection matching0 matching1) evaluateCommutative :: CodePair -> Bool evaluateCommutative (CodePair secret attempt) = MM.evaluate secret attempt == MM.evaluate attempt secret type CodeSetInt = CodeSetTree.T Int evaluateMatching :: Code -> Property evaluateMatching (Code attempt) = forAllEval attempt $ \eval -> all ((eval ==) . MM.evaluate attempt) $ take 100 $ CodeSet.flatten $ (MM.matching alphabet attempt eval :: CodeSetInt) {- A more precise test would be to check that for different numbers of rightPlace and rightSymbol the codesets are disjoint and their union is the set of all possible codes. To this end we need a union with simplification or a subset test. -} partitionSizes :: Code -> Bool partitionSizes (Code attempt) = fromIntegral (EnumSet.size alphabet) ^ length attempt == sum (map snd (MM.partitionSizes alphabet attempt)) selectFlatten :: Code -> Property selectFlatten (Code attempt) = forAllEval attempt $ \eval -> let set :: CodeSetInt set = MM.matching alphabet attempt eval in map ( set) [0 .. min 100 (CodeSet.size set) - 1] == take 100 (CodeSet.flatten set) genFixedLengthCodes :: (NonEmptyC.Gen f) => Int -> QC.Gen (f [Int]) genFixedLengthCodes width = NonEmptyC.genOf $ QC.vectorOf width genElement bestSeparatingCode :: Property bestSeparatingCode = QC.forAll (genCodePair 4) $ \(CodePair base0 base1) -> forAllEval base0 $ \eval0 -> forAllEval base1 $ \eval1 -> do let width = length base0 set = CodeSet.intersection (MM.matching alphabet base0 eval0) (MM.matching alphabet base1 eval1) not (CodeSet.null set) ==> QC.forAll (fmap (NonEmpty.mapTail $ take 9) $ genFixedLengthCodes width) $ MM.propBestSeparatingCode width (set :: CodeSetInt) intersections :: Property intersections = QC.forAll (genCode 4) $ \(Code code) -> QC.forAll (fmap (take 10) $ genFixedLengthCodes (length code)) $ \codes -> QC.forAll (Trav.mapM (\x -> (,) x <$> genEval (length code)) (code!:codes)) $ CodeSetTree.propIntersections . fmap (uncurry $ MM.matching alphabet) -- should also work, when selecting any code from the set of matching codes solve :: Code -> Bool solve (Code secret) = let recourse remain = case CodeSet.flatten remain of [] -> False [attempt] -> secret == attempt attempt:_ -> recourse $ CodeSet.intersection remain $ MM.matching alphabet attempt $ MM.evaluate secret attempt in recourse (CodeSet.cube neAlphabet (length secret) :: CodeSetInt) {- Other possible tests: the products in a set produced by 'MM.matching' must be disjoint. set laws for the two set implementations, such as distributivity of union and intersection check member against intersection with singleton -} choiceLeftIdentity :: Choice Char -> Bool choiceLeftIdentity a = a == mergeChoice noChoice a choiceRightIdentity :: Choice Char -> Bool choiceRightIdentity a = a == mergeChoice a noChoice choiceCommutative :: Choice Char -> Choice Char -> Bool choiceCommutative a b = mergeChoice a b == mergeChoice b a {- Unfortunately, this does not apply: *Test.Mastermind EnumMap> let a = Choice (EnumMap.singleton 'x' 1) 1 *Test.Mastermind EnumMap> let b = Choice (EnumMap.singleton 'x' 1) 0 *Test.Mastermind EnumMap> let c = Choice (EnumMap.singleton 'y' 1) 1 *Test.Mastermind EnumMap> mergeChoice (mergeChoice a b) c Choice (fromList [('x',1),('y',1)]) 2 *Test.Mastermind EnumMap> mergeChoice a (mergeChoice b c) Choice (fromList [('x',1),('y',1)]) 1 *Test.Mastermind EnumMap> mergeChoice a b Choice (fromList [('x',1)]) 1 *Test.Mastermind EnumMap> mergeChoice b c Choice (fromList [('x',1),('y',1)]) 1 -} _choiceAssociative :: Choice Char -> Choice Char -> Choice Char -> Bool _choiceAssociative a b c = mergeChoice (mergeChoice a b) c == mergeChoice a (mergeChoice b c) tests :: [(String, IO ())] tests = ("matchingMember", quickCheck matchingMember) : ("matchingNotMember", quickCheck matchingNotMember) : ("matchingDisjoint", quickCheck matchingDisjoint) : ("evaluateCommutative", quickCheck evaluateCommutative) : ("evaluateMatching", quickCheck evaluateMatching) : ("partitionSizes", quickCheck partitionSizes) : ("selectFlatten", quickCheck selectFlatten) : ("bestSeparatingCode", quickCheck bestSeparatingCode) : ("intersections", quickCheck intersections) : ("solve", quickCheck solve) : ("choiceLeftIdentity", quickCheck choiceLeftIdentity) : ("choiceRightIdentity", quickCheck choiceRightIdentity) : ("choiceCommutative", quickCheck choiceCommutative) : -- ("choiceAssociative", quickCheck choiceAssociative) : []