import "" namespace bond struct SerializableExceptionBase { 8189: string message; } // Empty schema with no fields struct Void { } // Schema with the same memory layout as Windows GUID struct GUID { 0: uint32 Data1; 1: uint16 Data2; 2: uint16 Data3; 3: uint64 Data4; } // Field modifier enumerator enum Modifier { Optional, Required, RequiredOptional } // Schema used to represent field's default value struct Variant { 0: uint64 uint_value; 1: int64 int_value; 2: double double_value; 3: string string_value; 4: wstring wstring_value; 5: bool nothing; } // Schema representing field or struct metadata struct Metadata { // Name of the field or struct 0: string name; // Fully qualified name, used only for structs 1: string qualified_name; // Attributes 2: map attributes; // Field modifier, not used for structs 3: Modifier modifier = Optional; // Default value of the field, not used for structs 4: Variant default_value; } // Schema representing a type within SchemaDef struct TypeDef { // Type identifier 0: BondDataType id = BT_STRUCT; // Index of struct definition in SchemaDef.structs when id == BT_STRUCT 1: uint16 struct_def = 0; // Type definition for: // list elements (id == BT_LIST), // set elements (id == BT_SET), // or mapped value (id == BT_MAP) 2: nullable element; // Type definition for map key when id == BT_MAP 3: nullable key; // True if the type is bonded; used only when id == BT_STRUCT 4: bool bonded_type; } // Schema representing a field definition struct FieldDef { // Field metadata 0: Metadata metadata; // Field ordinal 1: uint16 id; // Field type definition [HaskellName("typedef")] 2: TypeDef type; } // Schema representing a struct definition struct StructDef { // Struct metadata 0: Metadata metadata; // Type definition of base struct 1: nullable base_def; // List of field definitions 2: vector fields; } // Schema used to represent schema definition struct SchemaDef { // List of struct definitions referenced in the schema 0: vector structs; // Root struct of the schema 1: TypeDef root; } // Generic schema with one field of specified type struct Box { 0: T value; }