{- |
Module      :  Data.BoolSimplifier
Copyright   :  (c) Gershom Bazerman, Jeff Polakow 2011
License     :  BSD 3 Clause
Maintainer  :  gershomb@gmail.com
Stability   :  experimental

Machinery for representing and simplifying simple propositional formulas. Type families are used to maintain a simple normal form, taking advantage of the duality between \"And\" and \"Or\". Additional tools are provided to pull out common atoms in subformulas and otherwise iterate until a simplified fixpoint. Full and general simplification is NP-hard, but the tools here can take typical machine-generated formulas and perform most simplifications that could be spotted and done by hand by a reasonable programmer.



module Data.BoolSimplifier where

import Prelude hiding (tail, init, head, last, minimum, maximum, foldr1, foldl1, (!!), read)

import Data.List(intercalate, maximumBy)
import Data.Ord(comparing)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Set(Set)
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F


-- | We'll start with three types of formulas: disjunctions, conjunctions, and atoms
data QOrTyp
data QAndTyp
data QAtomTyp

instance Show QOrTyp where
    show _ = "|"
instance Show QAndTyp where
    show _ = "&"

-- | disjunction is the dual of conjunction and vice-versa
type family QFlipTyp t :: *
type instance QFlipTyp QOrTyp = QAndTyp
type instance QFlipTyp QAndTyp = QOrTyp


  A formula is either an atom (of some type, e.g. @String@).

  A non-atomic formula (which is either a disjunction or a conjunction) is
  n-ary and consists of a @Set@ of atoms and a set of non-atomic subformulas of
  dual connective, i.e. the non-atomic subformulas of a disjunction must all
  be conjunctions.  The type system enforces this since there is no @QFlipTyp@
  instance for @QAtomTyp@.

data QueryRep qtyp a where
    QAtom :: (Ord a) => a -> QueryRep QAtomTyp a
    QOp   :: (Show qtyp, Ord a) => Set (QueryRep QAtomTyp a) -> Set (QueryRep (QFlipTyp qtyp) a) -> QueryRep qtyp a

extractAs :: QueryRep qtyp a -> Set (QueryRep QAtomTyp a)
extractAs (QOp as _) = as
extractAs _ = S.empty

extractCs :: QueryRep qtyp a -> Set (QueryRep (QFlipTyp qtyp) a)
extractCs (QOp _ cs) = cs
extractCs _ = S.empty

-- | convenience constructors, not particularly smart
qOr :: Ord a => Set (QueryRep QAtomTyp a) -> Set (QueryRep QAndTyp a) -> QueryRep QOrTyp a
qOr = QOp
qAnd :: Ord a => Set (QueryRep QAtomTyp a) -> Set (QueryRep QOrTyp a) -> QueryRep QAndTyp a
qAnd = QOp

instance (Eq a) => Eq (QueryRep qtyp a) where
    (QAtom x) == (QAtom y) = x == y
    (QOp as cs) == (QOp as' cs') = as == as' && cs == cs'
    _ == _ = False  -- can't happen

instance (Ord a) => Ord (QueryRep qtyp a) where
    compare (QAtom x) (QAtom y) = compare x y
    compare (QOp as cs) (QOp as' cs') = compare as as' `mappend` compare cs cs'
    compare (QAtom _) _ = GT  -- can't happen
    compare _ _ = LT  -- can't happen

instance (Show a) => Show (QueryRep qtyp a) where
    show (QAtom x) = "QAtom " ++ show x
    show (QOp as cs) = intercalate " " ["QOp", show (undefined :: qtyp), show as, show cs]

-- | pretty printer class
class PPQueryRep a where
    ppQueryRep :: a -> String

instance PPQueryRep (QueryRep qtyp String) where
    ppQueryRep (QAtom s) = s
    ppQueryRep (QOp as cs) = "(" ++
                             intercalate (" " ++ show (undefined::qtyp) ++ " ")
                                         (map ppQueryRep (S.toList as) ++ map ppQueryRep (S.toList cs)) ++

-- | smart constructor for @QOp@
--   does following optimization: a \/\\ (a \\\/ b) \<\-\> a, or dually: a \\\/ (a \/\\ b) \<\-\> a
qop :: (Ord a,
        Show qtyp,
        Show (QFlipTyp qtyp),
        QFlipTyp (QFlipTyp qtyp) ~ qtyp
       ) =>
       Set (QueryRep QAtomTyp a) -> Set (QueryRep (QFlipTyp qtyp) a) -> QueryRep qtyp a
qop as cs = QOp as' $ S.filter (\c -> not $ any (c `hasClause`) $ S.toList as') cs'
      as' = S.unions [as, newas, neweras]

      cs' = S.unions [remainingcs, newcs]

      isUnaryOp (QOp as'' cs'') = S.size cs'' + S.size as'' == 1
      isUnaryOp _ = False

      -- | Each @unarycs@ has type @QOp (QFlipTyp qtyp) a@ and is either @QOp {a} {}@ or @QOp {} {q}@
      --   Note that @QOp {a} {}@ = @a@ and @QOp {} {q}@ = @q@
      (unarycs, remainingcs) = S.partition isUnaryOp cs

      newas = foldMap extractAs unarycs

      (newcs, neweras) = extractAtomCs unarycs

extractAtomCs :: (Ord a,
                  Show qtyp,
                  Show (QFlipTyp qtyp),
                  QFlipTyp (QFlipTyp qtyp) ~ qtyp
                 ) =>
                 Set (QueryRep qtyp a) -> (Set (QueryRep qtyp a), Set (QueryRep QAtomTyp a))
extractAtomCs cs = (opClauses, atomClauses)
      cs' = foldMap extractCs cs
      atomClauses = foldMap extractAs cs'
      opClauses = foldMap extractCs cs'


QueryReps can be queried for clauses within them, and clauses within them can be extracted.  

class HasClause fife qtyp
    where hasClause :: QueryRep fife a -> QueryRep qtyp a -> Bool
          stripClause :: QueryRep qtyp a -> QueryRep fife a -> QueryRep fife a

instance HasClause fife QAtomTyp
    where hasClause (QOp as _) c@(QAtom _) = c `S.member` as
          hasClause _ _ = False
          stripClause c (QOp as cs) = QOp (S.delete c as) cs
          stripClause _ x = x

instance (QFlipTyp fife ~ qtyp) => HasClause fife qtyp
    where hasClause (QOp _ cs) c@(QOp _ _) = c `S.member` cs
          hasClause _ _ = False
          stripClause c (QOp as cs) = QOp as (S.delete c cs)
          stripClause _ x = x

-- | convenience functions
andqs :: Ord a => (CombineQ a qtyp QAndTyp) => [QueryRep qtyp a] -> QueryRep QAndTyp a
andqs = foldr andq (qop S.empty S.empty)

orqs :: Ord a => (CombineQ a qtyp QOrTyp) => [QueryRep qtyp a] -> QueryRep QOrTyp a
orqs = foldr orq (qop S.empty S.empty)

-- | smart constructors for @QueryRep@
class CombineQ a qtyp1 qtyp2 where
    andq :: QueryRep qtyp1 a -> QueryRep qtyp2 a -> QueryRep QAndTyp a
    orq  :: QueryRep qtyp1 a -> QueryRep qtyp2 a -> QueryRep QOrTyp  a

instance Ord a => CombineQ a QAndTyp QAndTyp where
    andq (QOp as cs) (QOp as' cs') = qop (S.union as as') (S.union cs cs')

    orq x y = qop S.empty (S.fromList [x,y])

instance Ord a => CombineQ a QAndTyp QOrTyp where
    andq (QOp as cs) y = qop as (S.insert y cs)

    orq x (QOp as cs)  = qop as (S.insert x cs)

instance Ord a => CombineQ a QAndTyp QAtomTyp where
    andq (QOp as cs) y = qop (S.insert y as) cs

    orq x y = qop (S.singleton y) (S.singleton x)

instance Ord a => CombineQ a QOrTyp QAndTyp where
    andq x y = andq y x
    orq  x y = orq  y x

instance Ord a => CombineQ a QOrTyp QOrTyp where
    andq x y = qop S.empty (S.fromList [x,y])
    orq (QOp as cs) (QOp as' cs') = qop (S.union as as') (S.union cs cs')

instance Ord a => CombineQ a QOrTyp QAtomTyp where
    andq x y = qop (S.singleton y) (S.singleton x)
    orq (QOp as cs) y = qop (S.insert y as) cs

instance Ord a => CombineQ a QAtomTyp QAndTyp where
    andq x y = andq y x
    orq  x y = orq  y x

instance Ord a => CombineQ a QAtomTyp QOrTyp where
    andq x y = andq y x
    orq  x y = orq  y x

instance Ord a => CombineQ a QAtomTyp QAtomTyp where
    andq x y = qop (S.fromList [x,y]) S.empty
    orq  x y = qop (S.fromList [x,y]) S.empty

-- | (a \/\\ b) \\\/ (a \/\\ c) \\\/ d \<\-\> (a \/\\ (b \\\/ c)) \\\/ d
-- (and also the dual)
simplifyQueryRep :: (Ord a, Show (QFlipTyp qtyp), Show (QFlipTyp (QFlipTyp qtyp)), QFlipTyp (QFlipTyp qtyp) ~ qtyp) =>
                    QueryRep qtyp a -> QueryRep qtyp a
simplifyQueryRep (QOp as cs')
        | Just (comVal, comCs, restCs) <- getCommonClauseAs cs = simplifyQueryRep $
                  qop as (S.insert (qop (S.singleton comVal) (S.singleton $ qop S.empty comCs)) restCs)

        | Just (comVal, comCs, restCs) <- getCommonClauseCs cs = simplifyQueryRep $
                  qop as (S.insert (qop S.empty $ S.fromList [comVal, qop S.empty comCs]) restCs)

        | otherwise = QOp as cs
        cs = S.map simplifyQueryRep cs'

simplifyQueryRep x = x

-- | Given a set of QueryReps, extracts a common clause if possible, returning the clause, the terms from which the clause has been extracted, and the rest.
getCommonClauseAs :: Ord a => Set (QueryRep fife a) -> Maybe (QueryRep QAtomTyp a,
                                                              Set (QueryRep fife a),
                                                              Set (QueryRep fife a))
getCommonClauseAs cs
    | M.size mp > 0 && countMax > (1::Int) = Just $ (maxClause, S.map (stripClause maxClause) com, rest)
    | otherwise = Nothing
    (com, rest) = S.partition (`hasClause` maxClause) cs
    mp = mkClauseMap cs
    (maxClause, countMax) =  maximumByNote "getCommonClause" (comparing snd) $ M.toList mp
    mkClauseMap = foldr go M.empty . F.concatMap (S.toList . extractAs)
      where go c x = M.insertWith (+) c 1 x

getCommonClauseCs :: Ord a => Set (QueryRep fife a) -> Maybe (QueryRep (QFlipTyp fife) a,
                                                              Set (QueryRep fife a),
                                                              Set (QueryRep fife a))
getCommonClauseCs cs
    | M.size mp > 0 && countMax > (1::Int) = Just $ (maxClause, S.map (stripClauseLocal maxClause) com, rest)
    | otherwise = Nothing
    (com, rest) = S.partition (`hasClauseLocal` maxClause) cs
    mp = mkClauseMap cs
    (maxClause, countMax) =  maximumByNote "getCommonClause" (comparing snd) $ M.toList mp
    mkClauseMap = foldr go M.empty . F.concatMap (S.toList . extractCs)
    go c x = M.insertWith (+) c 1 x

    hasClauseLocal (QOp _ css) c@(QOp _ _) = c `S.member` css
    hasClauseLocal _ _ = False
    stripClauseLocal c (QOp as css) = QOp as (S.delete c css)
    stripClauseLocal _ x = x

-- | Takes any given simplifier and repeatedly applies it until it ceases to reduce the size of the query reprepresentation.
fixSimplifyQueryRep  :: (QueryRep qtyp a -> QueryRep qtyp a) -> QueryRep qtyp a -> QueryRep qtyp a
fixSimplifyQueryRep simplify x
    | initl <= endl = x
    | otherwise = fixSimplifyQueryRep simplify res
    res = simplify x
    initl = qSize x
    endl  = qSize res

    qSize :: QueryRep qtyp a -> Int
    qSize (QOp as cs) = sum (map qSize $ S.toList as) +
                        sum (map qSize $ S.toList cs)
    qSize (QAtom _) = 1

-- | We can wrap any underying atom dype in an Ion to give it a "polarity" and add handling of "not" to our simplification tools.
data Ion a = Neg a | Pos a deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

qAtom :: Ord a => a -> QueryRep QAtomTyp (Ion a)
qAtom = QAtom . Pos

isEmptyQR, isConstQR :: QueryRep qtyp a -> Bool
isEmptyQR (QOp as cs) = S.null as && S.null cs
isEmptyQR _ = False

isConstQR (QOp as cs) | S.null as && S.size cs == 1 = isEmptyQR (S.findMin cs)
isConstQR _ = False

instance PPQueryRep (QueryRep QAndTyp (Ion String)) where
--    ppQueryRep (QAtom (Pos s)) = s
--    ppQueryRep (QAtom (Neg s)) = "~" ++ s
    ppQueryRep q@(QOp as cs)
        | isEmptyQR q || isConstQR q = ppConstQR q
        | otherwise = "(" ++
                      intercalate (" " ++ show (undefined::QAndTyp) ++ " ")
                                  (map ppQueryRep (S.toList as) ++ map ppQueryRep (S.toList cs)) ++

instance PPQueryRep (QueryRep QOrTyp (Ion String)) where
--    ppQueryRep (QAtom (Pos s)) = s
--    ppQueryRep (QAtom (Neg s)) = "~" ++ s
    ppQueryRep q@(QOp as cs)
        | isEmptyQR q || isConstQR q = ppConstQR q
        | otherwise = "(" ++
                      intercalate (" " ++ show (undefined::QOrTyp) ++ " ")
                                  (map ppQueryRep (S.toList as) ++ map ppQueryRep (S.toList cs)) ++

instance PPQueryRep (QueryRep QAtomTyp (Ion String)) where
    ppQueryRep (QAtom (Pos s)) = s
    ppQueryRep (QAtom (Neg s)) = "~" ++ s
    ppQueryRep (QOp _ _) = error "the type system does not work"

class PPConstQR qtyp where
    ppConstQR :: QueryRep qtyp a -> String
instance PPConstQR QAndTyp where
    ppConstQR q | isEmptyQR q = "False"
                | otherwise = "True"
instance PPConstQR QOrTyp where
    ppConstQR q | isEmptyQR q = "True"
                | otherwise = "False"
instance PPConstQR a where
    ppConstQR _ = error "impossible PPConstQR"

class QNot qtyp where
    type QNeg qtyp
    qNot :: QueryRep qtyp (Ion a) -> QueryRep (QNeg qtyp) (Ion a)

instance QNot QAtomTyp where
    type QNeg QAtomTyp = QAtomTyp
    qNot (QAtom (Neg a)) = QAtom (Pos a)
    qNot (QAtom (Pos a)) = QAtom (Neg a)
    qNot _ = error "qNot"

instance QNot QOrTyp where
    type QNeg QOrTyp = QAndTyp
    qNot (QOp as cs) = QOp (S.map qNot as) (S.map qNot cs)

instance QNot QAndTyp where
    type QNeg QAndTyp = QOrTyp
    qNot (QOp as cs) = QOp (S.map qNot as) (S.map qNot cs)

-- | 
-- >  a  /\  (b \/ ~b)  /\  (c \/ d)   <->   a /\ (c \/ d)
-- >  a  /\  ~a         /\  (b \/ c)   <->   False
-- >         (a \/ ~a)  /\  (b \/ ~b)  <->   True  (*)
-- and duals
-- > N.B. 0-ary \/ is False and 0-ary /\ is True
simplifyIons :: (Ord a, Show (QFlipTyp qtyp), QFlipTyp (QFlipTyp qtyp) ~ qtyp) => QueryRep qtyp (Ion a) -> QueryRep qtyp (Ion a)
simplifyIons (QOp as cs)
    | nullified = QOp S.empty S.empty
    | S.null as && S.null cs' = QOp S.empty (S.singleton $ QOp S.empty S.empty)  -- for (*) above
    | otherwise = qop as cs'
    cs' = S.filter (not . isEmptyQR) $ S.map simplifyIons cs  -- simplify sub formulas

    go acc (a:as') | qNot a `S.member` acc = True        -- check for opposite polarity atoms in this formula
                  | otherwise = go (S.insert a acc) as'
    go _ [] = False

    nullified = go S.empty (S.toList as) || any isConstQR (S.toList cs')  -- isConstQR detects whether a formula is 0-ary
simplifyIons x = x

--simpleTest = orq (qAtom "a") (qAtom "b") `andq` orq (qAtom "a") (qAtom "c")
--simpleTest1 = orq (qNot $ qAtom "a") (qAtom "b") `andq` orq (qAtom "a") (qAtom "c")

maximumByNote :: String -> (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
maximumByNote err _ [] = error $ "maximumByNote: " ++ err
maximumByNote _   f xs = maximumBy f xs