bound-1.0.7: Making de Bruijn Succ Less

Copyright(C) 2012-2013 Edward Kmett
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerEdward Kmett <>
Safe HaskellNone



This is a Template Haskell module for deriving Applicative and Monad instances for data types.



makeBound :: Name -> DecsQ Source

Use to automatically derive Applicative and Monad instances for your datatype.

In GHC 7.10 or later the DeriveAnyClass extension may be used to derive the Show1 and Read1 instances


import Bound          (Scope, makeBound)
import Prelude.Extras (Read1, Show1)

data Exp a 
  = V a 
  | App (Exp a) (Exp a) 
  | Lam (Scope () Exp a) 
  | I Int 
  deriving (Functor, Read, Read1, Show, Show1)

makeBound ''Exp

and in GHCi

ghci> :set -XDeriveAnyClass
ghci> :set -XDeriveFunctor 
ghci> :set -XTemplateHaskell 
ghci> import Bound          (Scope, makeBound)
ghci> import Prelude.Extras (Read1, Show1)
ghci> data Exp a = V a | App (Exp a) (Exp a) | Lam (Scope () Exp a) | I Int deriving (Functor, Read, Read1, Show, Show1); makeBound ''Exp


ghci> :{
ghci| data Exp a = V a | App (Exp a) (Exp a) | Lam (Scope () Exp a) | I Int deriving (Functor, Read, Read1, Show, Show1)
ghci| makeBound ''Exp
ghci| :}

If DeriveAnyClass is not used the instances must be declared explicitly:

data Exp a = V a | App (Exp a) (Exp a) | Lam (Scope () Exp a) | I Int deriving (Functor, Read, Show) instance Read1 Exp instance Show1 Exp

makeBound ''Exp @

or in GHCi:

ghci> :{
ghci| data Exp a = V a | App (Exp a) (Exp a) | Lam (Scope () Exp a) | I Int deriving (Functor, Read, Show)
ghci| instance Read1 Exp
ghci| instance Show1 Exp
ghci| makeBound ''Exp
ghci| :}

Eq and Ord instances need to be derived differently if the data type's immediate components include Scope (or other instances of Bound)

In a file with {--} at the top:

instance Eq1 Exp
deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Exp a)

instance Ord1 Exp
deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Exp a)

or in GHCi:

ghci> :set -XStandaloneDeriving 
ghci> deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Exp a); instance Eq1 Exp
ghci> deriving instance Ord a => Ord (Exp a); instance Ord1 Exp

because their Eq and Ord instances require Exp to be a Monad:

  instance (Monad f, Eq b, Eq1 f, Eq a)    => Eq (Scope b f a)
  instance (Monad f, Ord b, Ord1 f, Ord a) => Ord (Scope b f a)

Does not work yet for components that are lists or instances of Functor or with a great deal other things.