#ifndef MIN_VERSION_base
-- These are not precise, but allow the module to be built without cabal.
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
#define MIN_VERSION_base(major1,major2,minor) (((major1) <= 4) && ((major2) <= 8))
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
#define MIN_VERSION_base(major1,major2,minor) (((major1) <= 4) && ((major2) <= 7))
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706
#define MIN_VERSION_base(major1,major2,minor) (((major1) <= 4) && ((major2) <= 6))
#define MIN_VERSION_base(major1,major2,minor) 0


{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Text.PrettyPrint.Boxes
-- Copyright   :  (c) Brent Yorgey 2009
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  David.Feuer@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- A pretty-printing library for laying out text in two dimensions,
-- using a simple box model.
module Text.PrettyPrint.Boxes
    ( -- * Constructing boxes
#ifdef TESTING
      Box(Box, content)
    , nullBox
    , emptyBox
    , char
    , text
    , para
    , columns

      -- * Layout of boxes

    , (<>)
    , (<+>)
    , hcat
    , hsep

    , (//)
    , (/+/)
    , vcat
    , vsep

    , punctuateH, punctuateV

    -- * Alignment

#ifdef TESTING
    , Alignment(..)
    , Alignment

#ifdef TESTING
    , Content(..)
    , left, right
    , top, bottom
    , center1, center2

    , moveLeft
    , moveRight
    , moveUp
    , moveDown

    , alignHoriz
    , alignVert
    , align

    -- * Inspecting boxes

    , rows
    , cols

    -- * Rendering boxes

    , render
    , printBox

    ) where

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Prelude hiding (Word)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
import Data.String (words, unwords)
import Data.List (words, unwords)

import Data.String (IsString(..))

import Control.Arrow ((***), first)
import Data.List (foldl', intersperse)

import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)

-- | The basic data type.  A box has a specified size and some sort of
--   contents.
data Box = Box { rows    :: Int
               , cols    :: Int
               , content :: Content
  deriving (Show)

-- | Convenient ability to use bare string literals as boxes.
instance IsString Box where
  fromString = text

-- | Data type for specifying the alignment of boxes.
data Alignment = AlignFirst    -- ^ Align at the top/left.
               | AlignCenter1  -- ^ Centered, biased to the top/left.
               | AlignCenter2  -- ^ Centered, biased to the bottom/right.
               | AlignLast     -- ^ Align at the bottom/right.
  deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- | Align boxes along their tops.
top :: Alignment
top        = AlignFirst

-- | Align boxes along their bottoms.
bottom :: Alignment
bottom     = AlignLast

-- | Align boxes to the left.
left :: Alignment
left       = AlignFirst

-- | Align boxes to the right.
right :: Alignment
right      = AlignLast

-- | Align boxes centered, but biased to the left/top in case of
--   unequal parities.
center1 :: Alignment
center1    = AlignCenter1

-- | Align boxes centered, but biased to the right/bottom in case of
--   unequal parities.
center2 :: Alignment
center2    = AlignCenter2

-- | Contents of a box.
data Content = Blank        -- ^ No content.
             | Text String  -- ^ A raw string.
             | Row [Box]    -- ^ A row of sub-boxes.
             | Col [Box]    -- ^ A column of sub-boxes.
             | SubBox Alignment Alignment Box
                            -- ^ A sub-box with a specified alignment.
  deriving (Show)

-- | The null box, which has no content and no size.  It is quite
--   useless.
nullBox :: Box
nullBox = emptyBox 0 0

-- | @emptyBox r c@ is an empty box with @r@ rows and @c@ columns.
--   Useful for effecting more fine-grained positioning of other
--   boxes, by inserting empty boxes of the desired size in between
--   them.
emptyBox :: Int -> Int -> Box
emptyBox r c = Box r c Blank

-- | A @1x1@ box containing a single character.
char :: Char -> Box
char c = Box 1 1 (Text [c])

-- | A (@1 x len@) box containing a string of length @len@.
text :: String -> Box
text t = Box 1 (length t) (Text t)

-- | Paste two boxes together horizontally, using a default (top)
--   alignment.
(<>) :: Box -> Box -> Box
l <> r = hcat top [l,r]

-- | Paste two boxes together horizontally with a single intervening
--   column of space, using a default (top) alignment.
(<+>) :: Box -> Box -> Box
l <+> r = hcat top [l, emptyBox 0 1, r]

-- | Paste two boxes together vertically, using a default (left)
--   alignment.
(//) :: Box -> Box -> Box
t // b = vcat left [t,b]

-- | Paste two boxes together vertically with a single intervening row
--   of space, using a default (left) alignment.
(/+/) :: Box -> Box -> Box
t /+/ b = vcat left [t, emptyBox 1 0, b]

-- | Glue a list of boxes together horizontally, with the given alignment.
hcat :: Alignment -> [Box] -> Box
hcat a bs = Box h w (Row $ map (alignVert a h) bs)
  where h = maximum . (0:) . map rows $ bs
        w = sum . map cols $ bs

-- | @hsep sep a bs@ lays out @bs@ horizontally with alignment @a@,
--   with @sep@ amount of space in between each.
hsep :: Int -> Alignment -> [Box] -> Box
hsep sep a bs = punctuateH a (emptyBox 0 sep) bs

-- | Glue a list of boxes together vertically, with the given alignment.
vcat :: Alignment -> [Box] -> Box
vcat a bs = Box h w (Col $ map (alignHoriz a w) bs)
  where h = sum . map rows $ bs
        w = maximum . (0:) . map cols $ bs

-- | @vsep sep a bs@ lays out @bs@ vertically with alignment @a@,
--   with @sep@ amount of space in between each.
vsep :: Int -> Alignment -> [Box] -> Box
vsep sep a bs = punctuateV a (emptyBox sep 0) bs

-- | @punctuateH a p bs@ horizontally lays out the boxes @bs@ with a
--   copy of @p@ interspersed between each.
punctuateH :: Alignment -> Box -> [Box] -> Box
punctuateH a p bs = hcat a (intersperse p bs)

-- | A vertical version of 'punctuateH'.
punctuateV :: Alignment -> Box -> [Box] -> Box
punctuateV a p bs = vcat a (intersperse p bs)

--  Paragraph flowing  ---------------------------------------------------------

-- | @para algn w t@ is a box of width @w@, containing text @t@,
--   aligned according to @algn@, flowed to fit within the given
--   width.
para :: Alignment -> Int -> String -> Box
para a n t = (\ss -> mkParaBox a (length ss) ss) $ flow n t

-- | @columns w h t@ is a list of boxes, each of width @w@ and height
--   at most @h@, containing text @t@ flowed into as many columns as
--   necessary.
columns :: Alignment -> Int -> Int -> String -> [Box]
columns a w h t = map (mkParaBox a h) . chunksOf h $ flow w t

-- | @mkParaBox a n s@ makes a box of height @n@ with the text @s@
--   aligned according to @a@.
mkParaBox :: Alignment -> Int -> [String] -> Box
mkParaBox a n = alignVert top n . vcat a . map text

-- | Flow the given text into the given width.
flow :: Int -> String -> [String]
flow n t = map (take n)
         . getLines
         $ foldl' addWordP (emptyPara n) (map mkWord . words $ t)

data Para = Para { paraWidth   :: Int
                 , paraContent :: ParaContent
data ParaContent = Block { fullLines :: [Line]
                         , lastLine  :: Line

emptyPara :: Int -> Para
emptyPara pw = Para pw (Block [] (Line 0 []))

getLines :: Para -> [String]
getLines (Para _ (Block ls l))
  | lLen l == 0 = process ls
  | otherwise   = process (l:ls)
  where process = map (unwords . reverse . map getWord . getWords) . reverse

data Line = Line { lLen :: Int, getWords :: [Word] }

mkLine :: [Word] -> Line
mkLine ws = Line (sum (map wLen ws) + length ws - 1) ws

startLine :: Word -> Line
startLine = mkLine . (:[])

data Word = Word { wLen :: Int, getWord  :: String }

mkWord :: String -> Word
mkWord w = Word (length w) w

addWordP :: Para -> Word -> Para
addWordP (Para pw (Block fl l)) w
  | wordFits pw w l = Para pw (Block fl (addWordL w l))
  | otherwise       = Para pw (Block (l:fl) (startLine w))

addWordL :: Word -> Line -> Line
addWordL w (Line len ws) = Line (len + wLen w + 1) (w:ws)

wordFits :: Int -> Word -> Line -> Bool
wordFits pw w l = lLen l == 0 || lLen l + wLen w + 1 <= pw

--  Alignment  -----------------------------------------------------------------

-- | @alignHoriz algn n bx@ creates a box of width @n@, with the
--   contents and height of @bx@, horizontally aligned according to
--   @algn@.
alignHoriz :: Alignment -> Int -> Box -> Box
alignHoriz a c b = Box (rows b) c $ SubBox a AlignFirst b

-- | @alignVert algn n bx@ creates a box of height @n@, with the
--   contents and width of @bx@, vertically aligned according to
--   @algn@.
alignVert :: Alignment -> Int -> Box -> Box
alignVert a r b = Box r (cols b) $ SubBox AlignFirst a b

-- | @align ah av r c bx@ creates an @r@ x @c@ box with the contents
--   of @bx@, aligned horizontally according to @ah@ and vertically
--   according to @av@.
align :: Alignment -> Alignment -> Int -> Int -> Box -> Box
align ah av r c = Box r c . SubBox ah av

-- | Move a box \"up\" by putting it in a larger box with extra rows,
--   aligned to the top.  See the disclaimer for 'moveLeft'.
moveUp :: Int -> Box -> Box
moveUp n b = alignVert top (rows b + n) b

-- | Move a box down by putting it in a larger box with extra rows,
--   aligned to the bottom.  See the disclaimer for 'moveLeft'.
moveDown :: Int -> Box -> Box
moveDown n b = alignVert bottom (rows b + n) b

-- | Move a box left by putting it in a larger box with extra columns,
--   aligned left.  Note that the name of this function is
--   something of a white lie, as this will only result in the box
--   being moved left by the specified amount if it is already in a
--   larger right-aligned context.
moveLeft :: Int -> Box -> Box
moveLeft n b = alignHoriz left (cols b + n) b

-- | Move a box right by putting it in a larger box with extra
--   columns, aligned right.  See the disclaimer for 'moveLeft'.
moveRight :: Int -> Box -> Box
moveRight n b = alignHoriz right (cols b + n) b

--  Implementation  ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Render a 'Box' as a String, suitable for writing to the screen or
--   a file.
render :: Box -> String
render = unlines . renderBox

-- XXX make QC properties for takeP

-- | \"Padded take\": @takeP a n xs@ is the same as @take n xs@, if @n
--   <= length xs@; otherwise it is @xs@ followed by enough copies of
--   @a@ to make the length equal to @n@.
takeP :: a -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
takeP _ n _      | n <= 0 = []
takeP b n []              = replicate n b
takeP b n (x:xs)          = x : takeP b (n-1) xs

-- | @takePA @ is like 'takeP', but with alignment.  That is, we
--   imagine a copy of @xs@ extended infinitely on both sides with
--   copies of @a@, and a window of size @n@ placed so that @xs@ has
--   the specified alignment within the window; @takePA algn a n xs@
--   returns the contents of this window.
takePA :: Alignment -> a -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
takePA c b n = glue . (takeP b (numRev c n) *** takeP b (numFwd c n)) . split
  where split t = first reverse . splitAt (numRev c (length t)) $ t
        glue    = uncurry (++) . first reverse
        numFwd AlignFirst    n = n
        numFwd AlignLast     _ = 0
        numFwd AlignCenter1  n = n `div` 2
        numFwd AlignCenter2  n = (n+1) `div` 2
        numRev AlignFirst    _ = 0
        numRev AlignLast     n = n
        numRev AlignCenter1  n = (n+1) `div` 2
        numRev AlignCenter2  n = n `div` 2

-- | Generate a string of spaces.
blanks :: Int -> String
blanks = flip replicate ' '

-- | Render a box as a list of lines.
renderBox :: Box -> [String]

renderBox (Box r c Blank)            = resizeBox r c [""]
renderBox (Box r c (Text t))         = resizeBox r c [t]
renderBox (Box r c (Row bs))         = resizeBox r c
                                       . merge
                                       . map (renderBoxWithRows r)
                                       $ bs
                           where merge = foldr (zipWith (++)) (repeat [])

renderBox (Box r c (Col bs))         = resizeBox r c
                                       . concatMap (renderBoxWithCols c)
                                       $ bs

renderBox (Box r c (SubBox ha va b)) = resizeBoxAligned r c ha va
                                       . renderBox
                                       $ b

-- | Render a box as a list of lines, using a given number of rows.
renderBoxWithRows :: Int -> Box -> [String]
renderBoxWithRows r b = renderBox (b{rows = r})

-- | Render a box as a list of lines, using a given number of columns.
renderBoxWithCols :: Int -> Box -> [String]
renderBoxWithCols c b = renderBox (b{cols = c})

-- | Resize a rendered list of lines.
resizeBox :: Int -> Int -> [String] -> [String]
resizeBox r c = takeP (blanks c) r . map (takeP ' ' c)

-- | Resize a rendered list of lines, using given alignments.
resizeBoxAligned :: Int -> Int -> Alignment -> Alignment -> [String] -> [String]
resizeBoxAligned r c ha va = takePA va (blanks c) r . map (takePA ha ' ' c)

-- | A convenience function for rendering a box to stdout.
printBox :: Box -> IO ()
printBox = putStr . render