{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}

module Bricks.IndentedString
  -- * Indented string
    InStr (..)
  , inStr'join
  , inStr'level
  , inStr'dedent
  , inStr'trim
  , inStr'toList

  -- * Single line of an indented string
  , InStr'1 (..)
  , inStr'1'nonEmpty
  , inStr'1'empty
  , inStr'1'modifyLevel

  ) where

-- Bricks
import Bricks.Expression

-- Bricks internal
import           Bricks.Internal.Prelude
import           Bricks.Internal.Seq     (Seq, (<|))
import qualified Bricks.Internal.Seq     as Seq
import qualified Bricks.Internal.Text    as Text

{- | An "indented string literal," delimited by two single-quotes @''@.

This type of literal is called "indented" because the parser automatically
removes leading whitespace from the string ('inStr'dedent'), which makes it
convenient to use these literals for multi-line strings within an indented
expression without the whitespace from indentation ending up as part of the
string. -}
newtype InStr = InStr { inStr'toSeq :: Seq InStr'1 }
  deriving (Monoid, Semigroup)

instance Show InStr
    show = show . inStr'toList

inStr'toList :: InStr -> [InStr'1]
inStr'toList =
  Seq.toList . inStr'toSeq

-- | One line of an 'InStr'.
data InStr'1 =
    { inStr'1'level :: Natural
        -- ^ The number of leading space characters. We store this separately
        -- for easier implementation of 'inStr'dedent'.
    , inStr'1'str :: Str'Dynamic
        -- ^ The rest of the line after any leading spaces.

instance Show InStr'1
    show (InStr'1 n s) = "indent-" <> show n <> " " <> show s

{- | Join 'InStr's with newlines interspersed. -}
inStr'join :: InStr -> Str'Dynamic
inStr'join xs =
  Str'Dynamic . Seq.concat $
      (Seq.singleton (Str'1'Literal "\n"))
      (f <$> inStr'toSeq xs)
    f :: InStr'1 -> Seq Str'1
    f (InStr'1 n parts) = Str'1'Literal (Text.replicate (fromIntegral n) " ")
                          <| strDynamic'toSeq parts

{- | Determines whether an 'InStr'1' contains any non-space
characters. The opposite of 'inStr'1'nonEmpty'.

This is used to determine whether this line should be considered when
calculating the number of space characters to strip in 'inStr'dedent'. -}
inStr'1'nonEmpty :: InStr'1 -> Bool
inStr'1'nonEmpty =
  not . inStr'1'empty

-- | The opposite of 'inStr'1'nonEmpty'.
inStr'1'empty :: InStr'1 -> Bool
inStr'1'empty (InStr'1{ inStr'1'str = Str'Dynamic x }) =
  Seq.null x

{- | Determine how many characters of whitespace to strip from an indented
string. -}
inStr'level :: InStr -> Natural
inStr'level =
  maybe 0 id
  . Seq.minimum
  . Seq.map inStr'1'level
  . Seq.filter inStr'1'nonEmpty
  . inStr'toSeq

-- | Modify an 'InStr' by applying a function to its number of leading spaces.
inStr'1'modifyLevel :: (Natural -> Natural) -> (InStr'1 -> InStr'1)
inStr'1'modifyLevel f x@InStr'1{inStr'1'level = a} =
  x{ inStr'1'level = f a }

{- | Determine the minimum indentation of any nonempty line, and remove that
many space characters from the front of every line. -}
inStr'dedent :: InStr -> InStr
inStr'dedent xs =
    b = inStr'level xs
    f a = if a >= b then a - b else 0
    InStr $ inStr'1'modifyLevel f <$> inStr'toSeq xs

-- | Remove any empty lines from the beginning or end of an indented string.
inStr'trim :: InStr -> InStr
inStr'trim =
  InStr . trimWhile inStr'1'empty . inStr'toSeq
    trimWhile f = Seq.dropWhileL f . Seq.dropWhileR f