module Buffet ( main ) where import qualified Buffet.Facade as Facade import qualified Control.Applicative as Applicative import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified Options.Applicative as Options import qualified Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty as Pretty import Prelude ( FilePath , IO , Maybe(Just) , String , ($) , (.) , (<$>) , (<*>) , (>>=) , concatMap , fmap , mconcat , words ) main :: IO () main = Options.execParser root >>= Facade.get root :: Options.ParserInfo Facade.Command root = parser $ Options.progDesc "Assembles many Dockerfiles in one." where parser = versionOption <*> Options.helper <*> raw raw = Options.hsubparser $ mconcat [ Options.command "build" build , Options.command "document" document , Options.command "parse" parse , Options.command "test" test ] versionOption :: Options.Parser (a -> a) versionOption = Options.infoOption "Buffet 0.2.0" $ mconcat [Options.long "version", Options.helpDoc $ Just versionHelp, Options.hidden] where versionHelp = paragraph [ "Prints the program name with version on stdout" , "and exits successfully" , "according to the GNU coding standards." ] build :: Options.ParserInfo Facade.Command build = parser $ Options.progDesc "Assembles a Dockerfile from a list of Dockerfiles." where parser = fmap Facade.Build $ Facade.BuildArguments <$> menuOperand menuOperand :: Options.Parser FilePath menuOperand = Options.argument Options.str $ mconcat [Options.metavar "menu_path", Options.helpDoc $ Just menuHelp] menuHelp :: Pretty.Doc menuHelp = paragraphs [ paragraph [ "File or folder that" , "lists the input Dockerfiles and" , "configures the output Dockerfile." ] , paragraph [ "If the path is a file," , "then it is a JSON or YAML file" , "with the following entries:" ] , list [ paragraphs [ paragraph ["`copy_dummy_source_path`:"] , paragraph [ "File or folder" , "that is added as a source path" , "to `COPY` instructions" , "because at least one source must exist." , "Default: \"/var/empty\"" ] ] , paragraphs [ paragraph ["`option_to_dish`:"] , paragraph [ "Map from `ARG` variable name to Dockerfile path." , "These Dockerfiles are assembled," , "with their instructions conditioned" , "on the respective variable being nonempty." , "Default: {}" ] ] ] , paragraph [ "If the path is a folder," , "then the behavior is as if a file is given" , "with above defaults except for the following." , "`option_to_dish` is a map based on the path subfolders:" , "for each subfolder `x`, the map has an entry" , "with key `x` and value `x/Dockerfile`." ] ] paragraphs :: [Pretty.Doc] -> Pretty.Doc paragraphs = Pretty.vsep paragraph :: [String] -> Pretty.Doc paragraph = Foldable.foldr (Pretty.) Pretty.line . fmap Pretty.text . concatMap words list :: [Pretty.Doc] -> Pretty.Doc list = paragraphs . fmap (\element -> Pretty.char '-' Pretty.<+> Pretty.align element) document :: Options.ParserInfo Facade.Command document = parser $ Options.progDesc "Generates documentation." where parser = fmap Facade.Document $ Facade.DocumentArguments <$> templateOption <*> menuOperand templateOption :: Options.Parser (Maybe FilePath) templateOption = Applicative.optional (Options.strOption $ mconcat [ Options.long "template" , Options.metavar "mustache_file" , Options.helpDoc $ Just templateHelp ]) templateHelp = paragraph [ "Mustache template to render (see" , "To print the template context instead, omit this option." ] parse :: Options.ParserInfo Facade.Command parse = parser $ Options.progDesc "Prints an intermediate representation for API usage." where parser = fmap Facade.Parse $ Facade.ParseArguments <$> menuOperand test :: Options.ParserInfo Facade.Command test = parser $ Options.progDesc "Performs health checks." where parser = fmap Facade.Test $ Facade.TestArguments <$> argumentsOption <*> menuOperand argumentsOption :: Options.Parser (Maybe FilePath) argumentsOption = Applicative.optional (Options.strOption $ mconcat [ Options.long "arguments" , Options.metavar "yaml_file" , Options.helpDoc $ Just argumentsHelp ]) argumentsHelp = paragraph [ "JSON or YAML file with a map that" , "sets the Docker build arguments." , "Health checks are only done for dishes in this map." ]