Safe Haskell | None |
- synchronize :: Bool -> BuildWrapper (OpResult ([FilePath], [FilePath]))
- synchronize1 :: Bool -> FilePath -> BuildWrapper (Maybe FilePath)
- write :: FilePath -> String -> BuildWrapper ()
- configure :: WhichCabal -> BuildWrapper (OpResult Bool)
- build :: Bool -> WhichCabal -> BuildWrapper (OpResult BuildResult)
- generateUsage :: Bool -> String -> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe [FilePath]))
- build1 :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe [NameDef]))
- build1LongRunning :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe ()))
- preproc :: BuildFlags -> FilePath -> IO String
- getBuildFlags :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> BuildWrapper (OpResult BuildFlags)
- getAST :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe (ParseResult (Module SrcSpanInfo, [Comment]))))
- getGHCAST :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe TypecheckedSource))
- withGHCAST :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> (FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> [String] -> IO a) -> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe a))
- withGHCAST' :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> (FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> [String] -> IO (OpResult (Maybe a))) -> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe a))
- getOutline :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> BuildWrapper (OpResult OutlineResult)
- getTokenTypes :: FilePath -> BuildWrapper (OpResult [TokenDef])
- getOccurrences :: FilePath -> String -> Maybe String -> BuildWrapper (OpResult [TokenDef])
- getThingAtPoint :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> Maybe String -> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe ThingAtPoint))
- getLocals :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe String -> BuildWrapper (OpResult [ThingAtPoint])
- getNamesInScope :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe [String]))
- getCabalDependencies :: FilePath -> BuildWrapper (OpResult [(FilePath, [CabalPackage])])
- getCabalComponents :: BuildWrapper (OpResult [CabalComponent])
- cleanImports :: FilePath -> Bool -> Maybe String -> BuildWrapper (OpResult [ImportClean])
- clean :: Bool -> BuildWrapper Bool
:: Bool | if true copy all files, if false only copy files newer than their corresponding temp files |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult ([FilePath], [FilePath])) | return the list of files copied, the list of files deleted |
copy all files from the project to the temporary folder
:: Bool | always copy the file, if false only copy the file if it is newer than its corresponding temp file |
-> FilePath | the source file in the project folder |
-> BuildWrapper (Maybe FilePath) | return Nothing if no copy or Just file if copied |
synchronize one file only
:: FilePath | the source file in the project folder |
-> String | the contents |
-> BuildWrapper () |
write contents to temporary file
:: WhichCabal | use the source or temp cabal |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult Bool) | True if configure succeeded |
run cabal configure
:: Bool | do we want output (True) or just compilation without linking? |
-> WhichCabal | use original cabal or temp cabal file |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult BuildResult) |
run cabal build
:: Bool | should we return all files or only the changed ones? |
-> String | the cabal component name |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe [FilePath])) |
generate usage information files
:: FilePath | the source file |
-> Maybe String | the cabal component to use, or Nothing if not specified |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe [NameDef])) | Just names in scope if build is successful |
build one source file in GHC
:: FilePath | the source file |
-> Maybe String | the cabal component to use, or Nothing if not specified |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe ())) | True if build is successful |
build one source file in GHC
:: BuildFlags | the build flags |
-> FilePath | the file to preprocess |
-> IO String | the resulting code |
preprocess a file
:: FilePath | the source file |
-> Maybe String | the cabal component to use, or Nothing if not specified |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult BuildFlags) |
get the build flags for a source file
:: FilePath | the source file |
-> Maybe String | the cabal component to use, or Nothing if not specified |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe (ParseResult (Module SrcSpanInfo, [Comment])))) |
get haskell-src-exts commented AST for source file
:: FilePath | the source file |
-> Maybe String | the cabal component to use, or Nothing if not specified |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe TypecheckedSource)) |
get GHC typechecked AST for source file
:: FilePath | the source file |
-> Maybe String | the cabal component to use, or Nothing if not specified |
-> (FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> [String] -> IO a) | |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe a)) |
perform an action on the GHC AST
:: FilePath | source file |
-> Maybe String | the cabal component to use, or Nothing if not specified |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult OutlineResult) |
get outline for source file
:: FilePath | the source file |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult [TokenDef]) |
get all occurrences of a token in the file
get lexer token types for source file
:: FilePath | the source file |
-> Int | the line |
-> Int | the column |
-> Maybe String | the cabal component to use, or Nothing if not specified -> Bool -- ^ do we want the result qualified? -> Bool -- ^ do we want the result typed? |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe ThingAtPoint)) |
get thing at point
:: FilePath | the source file |
-> Int | the start line |
-> Int | the start column |
-> Int | the end line |
-> Int | the end column |
-> Maybe String | the cabal component to use, or Nothing if not specified |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult [ThingAtPoint]) |
get locals identifiers
:: FilePath | |
-> Maybe String | the cabal component to use, or Nothing if not specified |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe [String])) |
get all names in scope (GHC API)
getCabalDependencies :: FilePath -> BuildWrapper (OpResult [(FilePath, [CabalPackage])])Source
get cabal dependencies
getCabalComponents :: BuildWrapper (OpResult [CabalComponent])Source
get cabal components
:: FilePath | the source file |
-> Bool | format? |
-> Maybe String | the cabal component to use, or Nothing if not specified |
-> BuildWrapper (OpResult [ImportClean]) |
clean imports in a source file
:: Bool | everything? |
-> BuildWrapper Bool |