{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards,ScopedTypeVariables,CPP #-} -- | -- Module : Language.Haskell.BuildWrapper.Cabal -- Copyright : (c) JP Moresmau 2011 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : jpmoresmau@gmail.com -- Stability : beta -- Portability : portable -- -- Cabal operations: configure, build, retrieve information from build info, parse errors and warnings module Language.Haskell.BuildWrapper.Cabal where import Language.Haskell.BuildWrapper.Base import Language.Haskell.Packages import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Map as DM import qualified Data.Set as DS import Exception (ghandle) import Distribution.ModuleName import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse as PD import Distribution.Package import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as IPI import Distribution.Version import Distribution.Text (display,simpleParse) import qualified Distribution.Simple.Configure as DSC import qualified Distribution.Verbosity as V import Text.Regex.TDFA import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.Process import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity) import qualified Distribution.Client.Dynamic as DCD -- | get the version of the cabal library getCabalLibraryVersion :: String getCabalLibraryVersion = VERSION_Cabal -- | get all files to copy to temp folder getFilesToCopy :: BuildWrapper(OpResult [FilePath]) getFilesToCopy =do (mfps,bwns)<-withCabal Source getAllFiles return $ case mfps of Just fps->(nub $ concatMap (map snd . cbiModulePaths) fps,bwns) Nothing ->([],bwns); -- | get cabal verbose level cabalV :: BuildWrapper V.Verbosity cabalV =do v<-gets verbosity return $ toCabalV v where toCabalV Silent =V.silent toCabalV Normal =V.normal toCabalV Verbose =V.verbose toCabalV Deafening =V.deafening -- | run cabal build cabalBuild :: Bool -- ^ do we want output (True) or just compilation without linking? -> WhichCabal -- ^ use original cabal or temp cabal file -> BuildWrapper (OpResult BuildResult) cabalBuild = cabalBuild' True -- | run cabal build cabalBuild' :: Bool -- ^ can we rerun configure again -> Bool -- ^ do we want output (True) or just compilation without linking? -> WhichCabal -- ^ use original cabal or temp cabal file -> BuildWrapper (OpResult BuildResult) cabalBuild' reRun output srcOrTgt= do dist_dir<-getDistDir (mr,n)<-withCabal srcOrTgt (\_->do cf<-getCabalFile srcOrTgt cp<-gets cabalPath v<-cabalV logC<-gets logCabalArgs copts<-gets cabalOpts let args=[ "build", "--verbose=" ++ show (fromEnum v), "--builddir="++dist_dir ] ++ (if output then [] else ["--ghc-option=-c"]) ++ copts liftIO $ do when logC (putStrLn $ showCommandForUser cp args) cd<-getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory (takeDirectory cf) (ex,out,err)<-readProcessWithExitCode cp args "" putStrLn err if isInfixOf "cannot satisfy -package-id" err || isInfixOf "re-run the 'configure'" err then return Nothing else do let fps=mapMaybe getBuiltPath (lines out) let ret=parseBuildMessages (takeFileName cf) (takeFileName cp) dist_dir err setCurrentDirectory cd return $ Just (ex==ExitSuccess,ret,fps) ) case mr of Nothing -> return (BuildResult False [],n) Just Nothing->if reRun then do let setup_config = DSC.localBuildInfoFile dist_dir liftIO $ removeFile setup_config cabalBuild' False output srcOrTgt else return (BuildResult False [],n) Just (Just (r,n2,fps)) -> return (BuildResult r fps, n ++ n2) -- | the file where we save the targets targetFile :: String targetFile="dynamic_targets" -- | run cabal configure cabalConfigure :: WhichCabal -- ^ use original cabal or temp cabal file -> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe [DCD.Target])) -- ^ return the build info on success, or Nothing on failure cabalConfigure srcOrTgt= do cf<-getCabalFile srcOrTgt cp<-gets cabalPath okCF<-liftIO $ doesFileExist cf if okCF then do v<-cabalV dist_dir<-getDistDir uf<-gets cabalFlags logC<-gets logCabalArgs copts<-gets cabalOpts let sb = (takeDirectory cf) "cabal.sandbox.config" hasSb <- liftIO $ doesFileExist sb let args=[ "configure", "--verbose=" ++ show (fromEnum v), "--enable-tests", "--enable-benchmarks", "--builddir="++dist_dir ] ++ (if null uf then [] else ["--flags="++uf]) ++ copts ++ if hasSb then [] else ["--user"] liftIO $ do when logC (putStrLn $ showCommandForUser cp args) cd<-getCurrentDirectory setCurrentDirectory (takeDirectory cf) (ex,_,err)<-readProcessWithExitCode cp args "" putStrLn err let msgs=parseCabalMessages (takeFileName cf) (takeFileName cp) err -- ++ (parseCabalMessages (takeFileName cf) out) ret<-case ex of ExitSuccess -> if any isBWNoteError msgs then return (Nothing,msgs) else do let mghcp=fmap (tail . dropWhile (/= '=')) $ listToMaybe $ filter ("--with-ghc=" `isPrefixOf`) copts --lbi<-DSC.getPersistBuildConfig dist_dir let setup_config = DSC.localBuildInfoFile dist_dir tgs <- DCD.runQuery (DCD.on DCD.localPkgDesc DCD.targets) setup_config tgs'<- setOptions dist_dir mghcp tgs let tgsF=dist_dir targetFile Prelude.writeFile tgsF $ show tgs' return (Just tgs',msgs) ExitFailure ec -> return $ if null msgs then (Nothing,[BWNote BWError ("Cabal configure returned error code " ++ show ec) (mkEmptySpan cf 1 1)]) else (Nothing, msgs) setCurrentDirectory cd return ret else do let err="Cabal file"++ cf ++" does not exist" liftIO $ putStrLn err return (Nothing,[BWNote BWError err (mkEmptySpan cf 0 1)]) -- | get the full path to the cabal file getCabalFile :: WhichCabal -- ^ use original cabal or temp cabal file -> BuildWrapper FilePath getCabalFile Source= gets cabalFile getCabalFile Target= fmap takeFileName (gets cabalFile) >>=getTargetPath -- | get package name from cabal file getPackageName :: BuildWrapper String getPackageName = do cf<-gets cabalFile gpd<-liftIO $ PD.readPackageDescription V.silent cf return $ display $ packageId $ PD.packageDescription gpd -- | get Cabal build info, running configure if needed cabalInit :: WhichCabal -- ^ use original cabal or temp cabal file -> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe [DCD.Target])) cabalInit srcOrTgt= do cabal_file<-getCabalFile srcOrTgt dist_dir<-getDistDir -- let setup_config = DSC.localBuildInfoFile dist_dir let tgtF=dist_dir targetFile conf'd <- liftIO $ doesFileExist tgtF if not conf'd then do liftIO $ putStrLn "configuring because setup_config not present" cabalConfigure srcOrTgt else do cabal_time <- liftIO $ getModificationTime cabal_file conf_time <- liftIO $ getModificationTime tgtF if cabal_time > conf_time then do liftIO $ putStrLn "configuring because setup_config too old" cabalConfigure srcOrTgt else do tgs <-liftM tryReadList $ liftIO $ Prelude.readFile tgtF -- tgs <- liftIO $ DCD.runQuery (DCD.on DCD.localPkgDesc DCD.targets) setup_config --mb_lbi <- liftIO $ DSC.maybeGetPersistBuildConfig dist_dir case tgs of [] -> do liftIO $ putStrLn "configuring because persist build config not present" cabalConfigure srcOrTgt _ -> return (Just tgs, []) -- | run a action with the cabal build info withCabal :: WhichCabal -- ^ use original cabal or temp cabal file -> ([DCD.Target] -> BuildWrapper a) -- ^ action to run if we get a build info -> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe a)) -- ^ the result of the action, or Nothing if we could get Cabal info withCabal srcOrTgt f=do (mlbi,notes)<-cabalInit srcOrTgt case mlbi of Nothing-> return (Nothing, notes) Just lbi ->do r<-f lbi return (Just r, notes) -- | parse cabal error messages and transform them in notre parseCabalMessages :: FilePath -- ^ cabal file -> FilePath -- ^ path to cabal executable -> String -- ^ error output -> [BWNote] parseCabalMessages cf cabalExe s=let (m,ls)=foldl parseCabalLine (Nothing,[]) $ lines s in nub $ case m of Nothing -> ls Just (bwn,msgs)->ls++[makeNote bwn msgs] where parseCabalLine :: (Maybe (BWNote,[String]),[BWNote]) -> String ->(Maybe (BWNote,[String]),[BWNote]) parseCabalLine (currentNote,ls) l | "Error:" `isPrefixOf` l=(Just (BWNote BWError "" (mkEmptySpan cf 1 1),[dropWhile isSpace $ drop 6 l]),addCurrent currentNote ls) | "Warning:" `isPrefixOf` l=let msg=(dropWhile isSpace $ drop 8 l) msg2=if cf `isPrefixOf` msg then dropWhile isSpace $ drop (length cf + 1) msg else msg in (Just (BWNote BWWarning "" (mkEmptySpan cf (extractLine msg2) 1),[msg2]),addCurrent currentNote ls) | Just (bw,n)<- cabalErrorLine cf cabalExe l (not (any isBWNoteError ls))=(Just (bw,n),addCurrent currentNote ls) | Just (jcn,msgs)<-currentNote= if not $ null l then (Just (jcn,l:msgs),ls) else (Nothing,ls++[makeNote jcn msgs]) | otherwise =(Nothing,ls) extractLine el=let (_,_,_,ls)=el =~ "\\(line ([0-9]*)\\)" :: (String,String,String,[String]) in if null ls then 1 else readInt (head ls) 1 -- | get the setup exe file name setupExe :: FilePath -- ^ path to cabal executable -> FilePath setupExe cabalExe=addExtension "setup" $ takeExtension cabalExe -- | get cabal executable from cabal-dev fromCabalDevExe :: FilePath -- ^ path to cabal executable -> FilePath fromCabalDevExe cabalExe | "cabal-dev"<-dropExtension cabalExe=addExtension "cabal" $ takeExtension cabalExe fromCabalDevExe cabalExe=cabalExe -- | drop all potential prefixes from the given string dropPrefixes :: [String] -> String -> Maybe String dropPrefixes prfxs s2=foldr (stripPrefixIfNeeded s2) Nothing prfxs -- | stop prefix if the given string starts by it stripPrefixIfNeeded :: String -> String -> Maybe String -> Maybe String stripPrefixIfNeeded _ _ j@(Just _)=j stripPrefixIfNeeded s3 prfx _=stripPrefix prfx s3 -- | add a note with a potential additional message addCurrent :: Maybe (BWNote, [String]) -> [BWNote] -> [BWNote] addCurrent Nothing xs=xs addCurrent (Just (n,msgs)) xs=xs++[makeNote n msgs] -- | parse a Cabal error line cabalErrorLine :: FilePath -- ^ cabal file -> FilePath -- ^ path to cabal executable -> String -- ^ line -> Bool -- ^ first error? -> Maybe (BWNote,[String]) cabalErrorLine cf cabalExe l fstErr | Just s4 <- dropPrefixes [cabalExe,setupExe cabalExe,fromCabalDevExe cabalExe] l= let s2=dropWhile isSpace $ drop 1 s4 -- drop 1 for ":" that follows file name in if "At least the following" `isPrefixOf` s2 then Just (BWNote BWError "" (mkEmptySpan cf 1 1), [s2]) else let (loc1,_)=span (/= '\'') s2 (loc2,rest2)=span (/= ':') s2 (loc,rest)=if length loc1 FilePath -- ^ path to cabal executable -> FilePath -- ^ the dist directory -> String -- ^ the build output -> [BWNote] parseBuildMessages cf cabalExe distDir s=let (m,ls)=foldl parseBuildLine (Nothing,[]) $ lines s in (nub $ case m of Nothing -> ls Just (bwn, msgs) -> ls ++ [makeNote bwn msgs]) where parseBuildLine :: (Maybe (BWNote,[String]),[BWNote]) -> String ->(Maybe (BWNote,[String]),[BWNote]) parseBuildLine (currentNote,ls) l | Just (jcn,msgs)<-currentNote= if not (null l) && ((' ' == head l) || (')' == last l)) then (Just (jcn,l:msgs),ls) else (Nothing,ls++[makeNote jcn msgs]) -- | Just fp<-getBuiltPath l=(currentNote,ls,fp:fps) | Just n<-extractLocation l=(Just (n,[bwnTitle n]),ls) | Just (bw,n)<- cabalErrorLine cf cabalExe l (not (any isBWNoteError ls))=(Just (bw,n),addCurrent currentNote ls) | otherwise =(Nothing,ls) extractLocation el=let (_,_,aft,ls)=el =~ "(.+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+):" :: (String,String,String,[String]) in case ls of (loc:line:col:[])-> Just $ BWNote BWError (dropWhile isSpace aft) (mkEmptySpan loc (readInt line 1) (readInt col 1)) _ -> let (_,_,_,ls2)=el =~ "(.+)(\\(.+\\)):(.+):(.+):" :: (String,String,String,[String]) in case ls2 of (loc2:ext1:_:_:[])-> Just $ BWNote BWError (drop (length loc2 + length ext1 + 1) el) (mkEmptySpan (validLoc cf distDir loc2) 1 1) _ -> Nothing -- | get a valid path validLoc :: FilePath -- ^ the cabal file -> FilePath -- ^ the dist dir -> FilePath -> FilePath validLoc cf distDir f=if distDir `isPrefixOf` f then cf else f -- | read an integer and return a default value if not readable readInt :: String -> Int -> Int readInt s def=let parses=reads s ::[(Int,String)] in if null parses then def else fst $ head parses -- | read a list and return the empty list if not readable tryReadList :: Read a => String -> [a] tryReadList s=let parses=reads s in if null parses then [] else fst $ head parses -- | add a message to the note makeNote :: BWNote -- ^ original note -> [String] -- ^ message lines ->BWNote makeNote bwn msgs=let title=dropWhile isSpace $ unlines $ reverse msgs in if "Warning:" `isPrefixOf` title then bwn{bwnTitle=dropWhile isSpace $ drop 8 title,bwnStatus=BWWarning} else bwn{bwnTitle=title} -- | get the path of a file getting compiled getBuiltPath :: String -- ^ the message line -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ the path if we could parse it getBuiltPath line=let (_,_,_,ls)=line =~ "\\[[0-9]+ of [0-9]+\\] Compiling .+\\( (.+), (.+)\\)" :: (String,String,String,[String]) in case ls of (src:_:[])->Just src _ -> Nothing -- | the cabal build info for a specific component data CabalBuildInfo=CabalBuildInfo { cbiTarget :: DCD.Target -- ^ the target ,cbiBuildFolder::FilePath -- ^ the folder to build that component into ,cbiIsLibrary::Bool -- ^ is the component the library ,cbiModulePaths::[(Maybe ModuleName,FilePath)] -- ^ the module name and corresponding source file for each contained Haskell module ,cbiComponent::CabalComponent -- ^ the component handle } deriving (Read,Show) -- | canonicalize the paths in the build info canonicalizeBuildInfo :: CabalBuildInfo -> BuildWrapper CabalBuildInfo canonicalizeBuildInfo =onModulePathsM (mapM (\(m,path)->do pathC<-canonicalizeFullPath path return (m,pathC))) -- | apply a function on the build info modules and paths, in a monad onModulePathsM :: (Monad a) =>([(Maybe ModuleName,FilePath)] -> a [(Maybe ModuleName,FilePath)]) -- ^ the function to apply -> CabalBuildInfo -- ^ the original build info -> a CabalBuildInfo -- ^ the result onModulePathsM f cbi=do let ls=cbiModulePaths cbi fls<-f ls return cbi{cbiModulePaths=fls} -- | apply a function on the build info modules and paths onModulePaths :: ([(Maybe ModuleName,FilePath)] -> [(Maybe ModuleName,FilePath)]) -- ^ the function to apply -> CabalBuildInfo -- ^ the original build info -> CabalBuildInfo -- ^ the result onModulePaths f =runIdentity . onModulePathsM (return . f) -- | get the build info for a given source file -- if a source file is in several component, get the first one getBuildInfo :: FilePath -- ^ the source file -> Maybe String -- ^ the cabal component to use, or Nothing if not specified -> BuildWrapper (OpResult (Maybe ([DCD.Target],CabalBuildInfo))) getBuildInfo fp mccn= case mccn of Nothing -> do (mmr,bwns)<-go getReferencedFiles Nothing case mmr of Just (Just a)->return (Just a, bwns) _ -> do (mmr2,bwns2)<-go getAllFiles Nothing -- no component found for the asked name return $ case mmr2 of Just (Just a)-> (Just a,bwns2) _-> (Nothing,bwns) _ -> do (mmr2,bwns2)<-go getAllFiles mccn return $ case mmr2 of Just (Just a)-> (Just a,bwns2) _-> (Nothing,bwns2) where go f mccn2=withCabal Source (\lbi->do fps<-f lbi fpsC<-mapM canonicalizeBuildInfo fps ok<-getComp mccn2 fpsC return $ if null ok then Nothing else Just (lbi, head ok)) getComp :: Maybe String -> [CabalBuildInfo] -> BuildWrapper [CabalBuildInfo] getComp Nothing fps=do fpC<-canonicalizeFullPath fp fpsC<-mapM canonicalizeBuildInfo fps return $ filter (not . null . cbiModulePaths) $ map (onModulePaths (filter (\(_,b)->equalFilePath fpC b))) fpsC getComp (Just ccn) fps= return $ filter (\cbi->cabalComponentName (cbiComponent cbi) == ccn) fps -- | set the GHC options on targets setOptions :: FilePath -- ^ dist directory -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ path to GHC if explicitely specified -> [DCD.Target] -- ^ targets to set options onto -> IO [DCD.Target] setOptions dist_dir mghcp tgs=do let setup_config = DSC.localBuildInfoFile dist_dir cv<-DCD.getCabalVersion setup_config let optStr1 | cv>=Version [1,19,0] [] ="(compiler,_ ,_)<-configure normal ("++ (show mghcp) ++ ") Nothing defaultProgramDb" | otherwise ="" let optStr | cv>=Version [1,19,0] [] ="renderGhcOptions compiler $ componentGhcOptions V.silent lbi{withOptimization=NoOptimisation} b clbi fp" | cv>=Version [1,15,0] [] ="renderGhcOptions ((fst $ head $ readP_to_S parseVersion \""++VERSION_ghc++"\") :: Version) $ componentGhcOptions V.silent lbi{withOptimization=NoOptimisation} b clbi fp" | otherwise ="ghcOptions lbi{withOptimization=NoOptimisation} b clbi fp" let withStr=if cv>=Version [1,17,0] [] then "withAllComponentsInBuildOrder" else "withComponentsLBI" let bd=dist_dir "build" let fmp=foldr (\t m->DM.insert (DCD.targetName t) (getBuildDir bd t) m) DM.empty tgs let src= unlines [ "module DynamicCabalQuery where" ,"import Distribution.PackageDescription" ,"import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo" ,"import Data.IORef" ,"import qualified Data.Map as DM" ,"import qualified Distribution.Verbosity as V" ,"import Data.Version (parseVersion)" ,"import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP(readP_to_S)" ,"import Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC" ,"import Distribution.Simple.GHC" ,"import Distribution.Version" ,"import Control.Monad" ,"import Distribution.Simple.Compiler(OptimisationLevel(..))" ,"import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db(defaultProgramDb)" ,"import Distribution.Verbosity(normal)" ,"import Data.Maybe" ,"" ,"result :: IO (DM.Map String [String])" ,"result=do" ,"lbi<-liftM (read . Prelude.unlines . drop 1 . lines) $ Prelude.readFile "++show setup_config ,"let pkg=localPkgDescr lbi" ,"r<-newIORef DM.empty" ,"let fmp=DM."++ show fmp , optStr1 ,withStr++" pkg lbi (\\c clbi->do" ," let b=componentBuildInfo c" ," let n=foldComponent (const \"\") exeName testName benchmarkName c" ," let fp=fromJust $ DM.lookup n fmp" ," let opts=" ++ optStr ," modifyIORef r (DM.insert n opts)" ," return ()" ," )" ,"readIORef r" ] -- print src m::DM.Map String [String]<-liftIO $ DCD.runRawQuery src setup_config return $ map (set m)tgs where set mOpts t=case DM.lookup (DCD.targetName t) mOpts of Just opts->t{DCD.ghcOptions=opts} _->t -- | get GHC options for a file fileGhcOptions :: CabalBuildInfo -- ^ the cabal info -> BuildWrapper [String] -- ^ the module name and the options to pass GHC fileGhcOptions (CabalBuildInfo tgt _ isLib _ _)=do dist_dir<-getDistDir let inplace=dist_dir "package.conf.inplace" inplaceExist<-liftIO $ doesFileExist inplace n<-getPackageName let pkg | isLib = ["-package-name",n] #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 706 | inplaceExist = ["-package-conf", inplace] #else | inplaceExist = ["-package-db", inplace] #endif | otherwise = [] return (pkg ++ DCD.ghcOptions tgt) -- | get CPP options for a file fileCppOptions :: CabalBuildInfo -- ^ the cabal info -> [String] -- ^ the list of CPP options fileCppOptions cbi=DCD.cppOptions $ cbiTarget cbi -- | get the cabal extensions cabalExtensions :: CabalBuildInfo -- ^ the cabal info -> (ModuleName,[String]) -- ^ the module name and cabal extensions cabalExtensions CabalBuildInfo{cbiTarget=bi,cbiModulePaths=ls}=(fromJust $ fst $ head ls,DCD.extensions bi) -- | get the source directory from a build info getSourceDirs :: DCD.Target -- ^ the build info -> [FilePath] -- ^ the source paths, guaranteed non null getSourceDirs bi=let hsd=DCD.sourceDirs bi in case hsd of [] -> ["."] _ -> hsd -- | get all components, referencing all the files found in the source folders getAllFiles :: [DCD.Target] -- ^ the build info -> BuildWrapper [CabalBuildInfo] getAllFiles tgs= do dist_dir<-getDistDir let bd=dist_dir "build" let libs=map (extractFromLib bd) $ filter DCD.isLibrary tgs let exes=map (extractFromExe bd) $ filter DCD.isExecutable tgs let tests=map (extractFromTest bd) $ filter DCD.isTest tgs let benches=map (extractFromBench bd) $ filter DCD.isBench tgs cbis<-mapM (\(a,c,isLib,d,cc)->do mf<-copyAll d return (CabalBuildInfo a c isLib mf cc)) (libs ++ exes ++ tests ++benches) cbis2<-getReferencedFiles tgs return $ zipWith (\c1@CabalBuildInfo{cbiModulePaths=cb1} CabalBuildInfo{cbiModulePaths=cb2}->c1{cbiModulePaths=nubOrd $ cb1++cb2}) cbis cbis2 -- return cbis where extractFromLib :: FilePath-> DCD.Target -> (DCD.Target,FilePath,Bool,[FilePath],CabalComponent) extractFromLib bd l=(l,bd, True, getSourceDirs l,cabalComponentFromLibrary l) extractFromExe :: FilePath-> DCD.Target -> (DCD.Target,FilePath,Bool,[FilePath],CabalComponent) extractFromExe bd e=let exeDir = getBuildDir bd e hsd=getSourceDirs e in (e,exeDir,False, hsd,cabalComponentFromExecutable e) extractFromTest :: FilePath-> DCD.Target -> (DCD.Target,FilePath,Bool,[FilePath],CabalComponent) extractFromTest bd t=let testDir = getBuildDir bd t hsd=getSourceDirs t in (t,testDir,False,hsd,cabalComponentFromTestSuite t) extractFromBench :: FilePath-> DCD.Target -> (DCD.Target,FilePath,Bool,[FilePath],CabalComponent) extractFromBench bd t=let benchDir = getBuildDir bd t hsd=getSourceDirs t in (t,benchDir,False,hsd,cabalComponentFromBenchmark t) copyAll :: [FilePath] -> BuildWrapper [(Maybe ModuleName,FilePath)] copyAll fps= do allF<-mapM copyAll' fps return $ concat allF copyAll' :: FilePath -> BuildWrapper [(Maybe ModuleName,FilePath)] copyAll' fp=do cf<-gets cabalFile let dir=takeDirectory cf fullFP<-getFullSrc fp allF<-liftIO $ getRecursiveContents fullFP tf<-gets tempFolder let cabalDist=takeDirectory tf "dist" let cabalDevDist=takeDirectory tf "cabal-dev" -- exclude every file containing the temp folder name (".buildwrapper" by default) -- which may happen if . is a source path let notMyself=filter (\x->not $ any (`isInfixOf` x) [cabalDevDist, cabalDist, tf]) allF return $ map (\f->(simpleParse $ fileToModule $ makeRelative fullFP f,makeRelative dir f)) notMyself -- return $ map (\(x,y)->(fromJust x,y)) $ filter (isJust . fst) $ map (\f->(simpleParse $ fileToModule $ makeRelative fullFP f,makeRelative dir f)) notMyself -- | get build dir for a target getBuildDir :: FilePath -> DCD.Target -> FilePath getBuildDir bd t=case DCD.info t of DCD.Library _-> bd DCD.Executable n _->bd n (n ++ "-tmp") DCD.TestSuite n _->bd n (n ++ "-tmp") DCD.BenchSuite n _->bd n (n ++ "-tmp") -- | get all components, referencing only the files explicitely indicated in the cabal file getReferencedFiles :: [DCD.Target] -> BuildWrapper [CabalBuildInfo] getReferencedFiles tgs= do dist_dir<-getDistDir let bd=dist_dir "build" let libs=map (extractFromLib bd) $ filter DCD.isLibrary tgs let exes=map (extractFromExe bd) $ filter DCD.isExecutable tgs let tests=map (extractFromTest bd) $ filter DCD.isTest tgs let benches=map (extractFromBench bd) $ filter DCD.isBench tgs let cbis=libs ++ exes ++ tests ++ benches mapM (\c1@CabalBuildInfo{cbiModulePaths=cb1}->do cb2<-filterM (\(_,f)->do fs<-getFullSrc f liftIO $ doesFileExist fs) cb1 return c1{cbiModulePaths=cb2}) cbis where extractFromLib :: FilePath -> DCD.Target -> CabalBuildInfo extractFromLib bd l=let DCD.Library mods=DCD.info l modules=mods ++ DCD.otherModules l in CabalBuildInfo l bd True (copyModules modules (getSourceDirs l)) (cabalComponentFromLibrary l) extractFromExe :: FilePath -> DCD.Target ->CabalBuildInfo extractFromExe bd e=let DCD.Executable _ mp=DCD.info e exeDir = getBuildDir bd e modules= DCD.otherModules e hsd=getSourceDirs e in CabalBuildInfo e exeDir False (copyMain mp hsd ++ copyModules modules hsd) (cabalComponentFromExecutable e) extractFromTest :: FilePath -> DCD.Target -> CabalBuildInfo extractFromTest bd t =let DCD.TestSuite _ mmp=DCD.info t testDir = getBuildDir bd t modules= DCD.otherModules t hsd=getSourceDirs t extras=case mmp of Just mp -> copyMain mp hsd _ -> [] in CabalBuildInfo t testDir False (extras ++ copyModules modules hsd) (cabalComponentFromTestSuite t) extractFromBench :: FilePath -> DCD.Target -> CabalBuildInfo extractFromBench bd t =let DCD.BenchSuite _ mmp=DCD.info t benchDir = getBuildDir bd t modules= DCD.otherModules t hsd=getSourceDirs t extras=case mmp of Just mp -> copyMain mp hsd _ -> [] in CabalBuildInfo t benchDir False (extras ++ copyModules modules hsd) (cabalComponentFromBenchmark t) copyModules :: [String] -> [FilePath] -> [(Maybe ModuleName,FilePath)] copyModules mods=copyFiles (concatMap (\m->[toFilePath m <.> "hs", toFilePath m <.> "lhs"]) $ mapMaybe stringToModuleName mods) copyFiles :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> [(Maybe ModuleName,FilePath)] copyFiles mods dirs=let rmods=filter (isJust . snd ) $ map (\x->(x,simpleParse $ fileToModule x)) mods in [(Just modu,d m) | (m,Just modu)<-rmods, d<-dirs] copyMain :: FilePath ->[FilePath] -> [(Maybe ModuleName,FilePath)] copyMain fs = map (\ d -> (Just $ fromString "Main", d fs)) -- | parse a string into a module name stringToModuleName :: String -> Maybe ModuleName stringToModuleName=simpleParse -- | convert a ModuleName to a String moduleToString :: ModuleName -> String moduleToString = intercalate "." . components -- | get all components in the Cabal file cabalComponents :: BuildWrapper (OpResult [CabalComponent]) cabalComponents = do (rs,ns)<-withCabal Source (return . cabalComponentsFromDescription) return (fromMaybe [] rs,ns) -- | get all the dependencies in the cabal file cabalDependencies :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ the path to the cabal-dev sandbox if any -> BuildWrapper (OpResult [(FilePath,[CabalPackage])]) -- ^ the result is an array of tuples: the path to the package database, the list of packages in that db that the Cabal file references cabalDependencies msandbox= do (rs,ns)<-withCabal Source (\tgs-> liftIO $ ghandle (\ (e :: IOError) -> do print e return []) $ do pkgs <- liftIO $ getPkgInfos msandbox --let m=cabalComponentsDependencies tgs --print msandbox --let deps=PD.buildDepends (localPkgDescr lbi) --print deps --liftIO $ mapM_ (\d->print $ (show d) ++ (show $ DM.lookup (show $ simplifyDependency d) m)) deps return $ dependencies tgs pkgs ) return (fromMaybe [] rs,ns) -- | get all dependencies from the package description and the list of installed packages dependencies :: [DCD.Target] -- ^ the cabal description -> [(FilePath,[InstalledPackageInfo])] -- ^ the installed packages, by package database location -> [(FilePath,[CabalPackage])] -- ^ the referenced packages, by package database location dependencies pd pkgs=let pkgsMap=foldr buildPkgMap DM.empty pkgs -- build the map of package by name with ordered version (more recent first) -- allC= cabalComponentsFromDescription pd compDeps=cabalComponentsDependencies pd -- gdeps=PD.buildDepends pd cpkgs=concat $ DM.elems $ DM.map (\ipis->getDep compDeps ipis []) pkgsMap in DM.assocs $ DM.fromListWith (++) (map (\ (a, b) -> (a, [b])) cpkgs ++ map (\ (a, _) -> (a, [])) pkgs) where buildPkgMap :: (FilePath,[InstalledPackageInfo]) -> DM.Map String [(FilePath,InstalledPackageInfo)] -> DM.Map String [(FilePath,InstalledPackageInfo)] buildPkgMap (fp,ipis) m=foldr (\i dm->let key=display $ pkgName $ sourcePackageId i vals=DM.lookup key dm newvals=case vals of Nothing->[(fp,i)] Just l->sortBy (flip (comparing (pkgVersion . sourcePackageId . snd))) ((fp,i):l) in DM.insert key newvals dm ) m ipis getDep :: DM.Map CabalComponent [(String, Maybe Version)] -> [(FilePath,InstalledPackageInfo)] -> [(FilePath,CabalPackage)] -> [(FilePath,CabalPackage)] getDep _ [] acc= acc getDep allC ((fp,InstalledPackageInfo{sourcePackageId=i,exposed=e,IPI.exposedModules=ems,IPI.hiddenModules=hms}):xs) acc= let (s,m)=DM.foldrWithKey (splitMatching i) (DS.empty,DM.empty) allC --(ds,deps2)=partition (\(Dependency n v)->(pkgName i == n) && withinRange (pkgVersion i) v) deps -- find if version is referenced, remove the referencing component so that it doesn't match an older version cps=DS.elems s --if null ds then [] else allC --filter (\c->not $ null ((PD.targetBuildDepends c) `intersect` ds)) allC mns=map display (ems++hms) in getDep m xs ((fp,CabalPackage (display $ pkgName i) (display $ pkgVersion i) e cps mns): acc) -- build CabalPackage structure splitMatching pkgId comp deps (s,m)=let (ds,_)=partition (\(n,mv)->(pkgName pkgId == PackageName n) && isJust mv && pkgVersion pkgId == fromJust mv) deps s'=if null ds then s else DS.insert comp s m'=DM.insertWith (++) comp deps m in (s',m') -- | get all components from the package description cabalComponentsFromDescription :: [DCD.Target] -- ^ the package description -> [CabalComponent] cabalComponentsFromDescription = map cabalComponentFromTarget -- | get dependencies for all stanzas cabalComponentsDependencies :: [DCD.Target] -- ^ the package description -> DM.Map CabalComponent [(String, Maybe Version)] cabalComponentsDependencies =foldr f DM.empty where f tg =DM.insert (cabalComponentFromTarget tg) (DCD.dependencies tg) -- let -- mLib=case PD.library pd of -- Nothing -> DM.empty -- Just lib->DM.singleton (cabalComponentFromLibrary lib) (PD.targetBuildDepends $ PD.libBuildInfo lib) -- mExe=DM.fromList $ map (\e->((cabalComponentFromExecutable e),(PD.targetBuildDepends $ PD.buildInfo e))) (PD.executables pd) -- mTs=DM.fromList $ map (\ts->((cabalComponentFromTestSuite ts),(PD.targetBuildDepends $ PD.testBuildInfo ts))) (PD.testSuites pd) -- in DM.unionWith (++) mTs $ DM.unionWith (++) mLib mExe -- where mapDep cc bi=DM.fromList $ map (\x->(cc)) (PD.targetBuildDepends bi) -- | convert a dynamic cabla target into a CabalComponent cabalComponentFromTarget :: DCD.Target -> CabalComponent cabalComponentFromTarget t=let b=DCD.buildable t in case DCD.info t of DCD.Library _-> CCLibrary b DCD.Executable n _->CCExecutable n b DCD.TestSuite n _->CCTestSuite n b DCD.BenchSuite n _->CCBenchmark n b -- | transform a library target into a CabalComponent cabalComponentFromLibrary :: DCD.Target -> CabalComponent cabalComponentFromLibrary =CCLibrary . DCD.buildable -- | transform an executable target into a CabalComponent cabalComponentFromExecutable :: DCD.Target -> CabalComponent cabalComponentFromExecutable e =let DCD.Executable exeName' _=DCD.info e in CCExecutable exeName' (DCD.buildable e) -- | transform a test suite target into a CabalComponent cabalComponentFromTestSuite :: DCD.Target -> CabalComponent cabalComponentFromTestSuite ts=let DCD.TestSuite testName' _=DCD.info ts in CCTestSuite testName' (DCD.buildable ts) -- | transform a benchmark target into a CabalComponent cabalComponentFromBenchmark :: DCD.Target -> CabalComponent cabalComponentFromBenchmark ts=let DCD.BenchSuite benchName' _=DCD.info ts in CCBenchmark benchName' (DCD.buildable ts)