{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF htfpp #-} -- | -- Module : Language.Haskell.BuildWrapper.CMDTests -- Copyright : (c) JP Moresmau 2011 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : jpmoresmau@gmail.com -- Stability : beta -- Portability : portable -- -- Testing via the executable interface module Language.Haskell.BuildWrapper.CMDTests where import Language.Haskell.BuildWrapper.Base hiding (writeFile,readFile) import Data.ByteString.Lazy () import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8() import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.Info import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Monad import Data.Attoparsec import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Parser import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import Data.List import System.Exit import System.Process import Test.Framework import Test.HUnit (Assertion) import System.IO (Handle, hPutStrLn, hFlush) class APIFacade a where synchronize :: a -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO (OpResult ([FilePath],[FilePath])) synchronize1 :: a -> FilePath -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) write :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> IO () configure :: a -> FilePath -> WhichCabal -> IO (OpResult Bool) configureWithFlags :: a -> FilePath -> WhichCabal -> String -> IO (OpResult Bool) build :: a -> FilePath -> Bool -> WhichCabal -> IO (OpResult BuildResult) build1 :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (OpResult (Maybe [NameDef])) build1c :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> IO (OpResult (Maybe [NameDef])) getBuildFlags :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (OpResult BuildFlags) getOutline :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (OpResult OutlineResult) getOutlineNC :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (OpResult OutlineResult) getTokenTypes :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (OpResult [TokenDef]) getOccurrences :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> IO (OpResult [TokenDef]) getThingAtPoint :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Int -> Int -> IO (OpResult (Maybe ThingAtPoint)) getLocals :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO (OpResult [ThingAtPoint]) eval :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> String-> IO (OpResult [EvalResult]) getNamesInScope :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath-> IO (OpResult (Maybe [String])) getCabalDependencies :: a -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> IO (OpResult [(FilePath,[CabalPackage])]) getCabalComponents :: a -> FilePath -> IO (OpResult [CabalComponent]) generateUsage :: a -> FilePath -> Bool -> CabalComponent -> IO (OpResult (Maybe [FilePath])) cleanImports :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO (OpResult [ImportClean]) clean :: a -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO Bool data CMDAPI=CMDAPI { cabalExe :: String, cabalOpts :: [String] } instance APIFacade CMDAPI where synchronize (CMDAPI c o) r ff= runAPI c r "synchronize" (("--force="++ show ff) : cmdOpts o) synchronize1 (CMDAPI c o) r ff fp= runAPI c r "synchronize1" (["--force="++show ff,"--file="++fp]++ cmdOpts o) write (CMDAPI c _) r fp s= runAPI c r "write" ["--file="++fp,"--contents="++s] configure (CMDAPI c o) r t= runAPI c r "configure" (("--cabaltarget="++ show t) : cmdOpts o) configureWithFlags (CMDAPI c o) r t fgs= runAPI c r "configure" (["--cabaltarget="++ show t,"--cabalflags="++ fgs]++ cmdOpts o) build (CMDAPI c o) r b wc= runAPI c r "build" (["--output="++ show b,"--cabaltarget="++ show wc]++ cmdOpts o) build1 (CMDAPI c _) r fp= runAPI c r "build1" ["--file="++fp] build1c (CMDAPI c _) r fp ccn= runAPI c r "build1" ["--file="++fp,"--component="++ccn] getBuildFlags (CMDAPI c _) r fp= runAPI c r "getbuildflags" ["--file="++fp] getOutline (CMDAPI c _) r fp= runAPI c r "outline" ["--file="++fp] getOutlineNC (CMDAPI c _) r fp= runAPI' False c r "outline" ["--file="++fp] getTokenTypes (CMDAPI c _) r fp= runAPI c r "tokentypes" ["--file="++fp] getOccurrences (CMDAPI c _) r fp s= runAPI c r "occurrences" ["--file="++fp,"--token="++s] getThingAtPoint (CMDAPI c _) r fp l cl= removeLayoutTAP <$> runAPI c r "thingatpoint" ["--file="++fp,"--line="++ show l,"--column="++ show cl] getLocals (CMDAPI c _) r fp sl sc el ec= runAPI c r "locals" ["--file="++fp,"--sline="++ show sl,"--scolumn="++ show sc,"--eline="++ show el,"--ecolumn="++ show ec] eval (CMDAPI c _) r fp ex= runAPI c r "eval" ["--file="++fp,"--expression="++ ex] getNamesInScope (CMDAPI c _) r fp= runAPI c r "namesinscope" ["--file="++fp] getCabalDependencies (CMDAPI c o) r mfp= runAPI c r "dependencies" (maybe [] (\x->["--sandbox="++x]) mfp ++ cmdOpts o) getCabalComponents (CMDAPI c _) r= runAPI c r "components" [] generateUsage (CMDAPI c _) r retAll cc=runAPI c r "generateusage" ["--returnall="++ show retAll,"--cabalcomponent="++ cabalComponentName cc] cleanImports (CMDAPI c _) r fp fo= runAPI c r "cleanimports" ["--file="++fp,"--format="++ show fo] clean (CMDAPI c _) r e=runAPI c r "clean" ["--everything="++show e] build1lr :: FilePath -> String -> IO (Handle, Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle) build1lr r fp= startAPIProcess r "build1" ["--file="++fp,"--longrunning=true"] cabalAPI :: CMDAPI cabalAPI= CMDAPI "cabal" [] exeExtension :: String #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS exeExtension = "exe" #else exeExtension = "" #endif test_SynchronizeAll :: Assertion test_SynchronizeAll = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject ((fps,dels),_)<-synchronize api root False assertBool (not $ null fps) assertBool (null dels) assertEqual (testProjectName <.> ".cabal") (head fps) assertBool (("src" "A.hs") `elem` fps) assertBool (("src" "B" "C.hs") `elem` fps) assertBool (("src" "Main.hs") `elem` fps) assertBool (("src" "B" "D.hs") `elem` fps) assertBool (("test" "Main.hs") `elem` fps) assertBool (("test" "TestA.hs") `elem` fps) test_SynchronizeDelete :: Assertion test_SynchronizeDelete = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject ((fps0,dels0),_)<-synchronize api root False assertBool (not $ null fps0) assertBool (null dels0) let new=root ".dist-buildwrapper" "New.hs" writeFile new "module New where" ex1<-doesFileExist new assertBool ex1 ((_,dels),_)<-synchronize api root False assertBool (not $ null dels) assertBool ("New.hs" `elem` dels) ex2<-doesFileExist new assertBool (not ex2) test_SynchronizeExtraFiles :: Assertion test_SynchronizeExtraFiles = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject let extra=root "src" -- need to be in hs-source-dirs writeFile (extra "a.txt") "contents" let new=root ".dist-buildwrapper" "src" "a.txt" ex1<-doesFileExist new assertBool (not ex1) ((fps,_),_)<-synchronize api root False assertBool (("src" "a.txt") `elem` fps) ex2<-doesFileExist new assertBool ex2 test_ConfigureErrors :: Assertion test_ConfigureErrors = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject (boolNoCabal,nsNoCabal)<- configure api root Target assertBool (not boolNoCabal) --assertEqual 0 (length nsNoCabal) let bw=head nsNoCabal assertEqual BWError (bwnStatus bw) synchronize api root False (boolOK,nsOK)<-configure api root Target assertBool boolOK assertBool (null nsOK) let cf=testCabalFile root let cfn=takeFileName cf writeFile cf $ unlines ["version:0.1", "build-type: Simple"] synchronize api root False (bool1,nsErrors1)<-configure api root Target assertBool (not bool1) assertEqual 2 (length nsErrors1) let (nsError1:nsError2:[])=nsErrors1 assertEqual (BWNote BWError "No 'name' field.\n" (mkEmptySpan cfn 1 1)) nsError1 assertEqual (BWNote BWError "No executables and no library found. Nothing to do.\n" (mkEmptySpan cfn 1 1)) nsError2 writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: 4 P1", "version:0.1", "build-type: Simple"] synchronize api root False (bool2,nsErrors2)<-configure api root Target assertBool (not bool2) assertEqual 1 (length nsErrors2) let (nsError3:[])=nsErrors2 assertEqual (BWNote BWError "Parse of field 'name' failed.\n" (mkEmptySpan cfn 1 1)) nsError3 writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base, toto"] synchronize api root False (bool3,nsErrors3)<-configure api root Target assertBool (not bool3) assertEqual 1 (length nsErrors3) let (nsError4:[])=nsErrors3 assertEqual (BWNote BWError "At least the following dependencies are missing:\ntoto -any\n" (mkEmptySpan cfn 1 1)) nsError4 writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base, toto, titi"] synchronize api root False (bool4,nsErrors4)<-configure api root Target assertBool (not bool4) assertEqual 1 (length nsErrors4) let (nsError5:[])=nsErrors4 assertEqual (BWNote BWError "At least the following dependencies are missing:\ntiti -any, toto -any\n" (mkEmptySpan cfn 1 1)) nsError5 (BuildResult bool4b _,nsErrors4b)<-build api root False Source assertBool (not bool4b) assertEqual 1 (length nsErrors4b) let (nsError5b:[])=nsErrors4b assertEqual (BWNote BWError "At least the following dependencies are missing:\ntiti -any, toto -any\n" (mkEmptySpan cfn 1 1)) nsError5b writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " other-modules: B.D", " build-depends: base"] synchronize api root False (bool5,nsErrors5)<-configure api root Target assertBool (not bool5) assertEqual 1 (length nsErrors5) let (nsError6:[])=nsErrors5 assertEqual (BWNote BWError "no 'main-is' field found for executable bwtest\n" (mkEmptySpan cfn 1 1)) (nsError6{bwnTitle=map toLower $ bwnTitle nsError6}) writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.2", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", "", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: B.D", " build-depends: base," ++ testProjectName] synchronize api root False (bool6,nsErrors6)<-configure api root Target assertBool (not bool6) assertEqual 1 (length nsErrors6) let (nsError7:[])=nsErrors6 assertEqual (BWNote BWError ("The field 'build-depends: "++ testProjectName ++"' refers to a library which is defined\nwithin the same package. To use this feature the package must specify at least\n'cabal-version: >= 1.8'.\n") (mkEmptySpan cfn 1 1)) nsError7 test_ConfigureWarnings :: Assertion test_ConfigureWarnings = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let cf=testCabalFile root let cfn=takeFileName cf writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "field1: toto", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base"] synchronize api root False (bool1,ns1)<- configure api root Target assertBool bool1 assertEqual 1 (length ns1) let (nsWarning1:[])=ns1 assertEqualNotesStart (BWNote BWWarning "Unknown fields: field1 (line 5)" (mkEmptySpan cfn 5 1)) nsWarning1 writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base"] synchronize api root False (bool2,ns2)<- configure api root Target assertBool bool2 assertEqual 1 (length ns2) let (nsWarning2:[])=ns2 assertEqual (BWNote BWWarning "A package using section syntax must specify at least\n'cabal-version: >= 1.2'.\n" (mkEmptySpan cfn 1 1)) nsWarning2 writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.2", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base"] writeFile (takeDirectory cf "Setup.hs") $ unlines ["import Distribution.Simple", "main = defaultMain"] synchronize api root False (bool3,ns3)<- configure api root Target assertBool bool3 assertEqual 1 (length ns3) let (nsWarning3:[])=ns3 assertEqual (BWNote BWWarning "No 'build-type' specified. If you do not need a custom Setup.hs or\n./configure script then use 'build-type: Simple'.\n" (mkEmptySpan cfn 1 1)) nsWarning3 test_BuildErrors :: Assertion test_BuildErrors = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False (boolOKc,nsOKc)<-configure api root Target assertBool boolOKc assertBool (null nsOKc) (BuildResult boolOK _,nsOK)<-build api root False Source assertBool boolOK assertBool (null nsOK) let rel="src""A.hs" -- write source file writeFile (root rel) $ unlines ["module A where","import toto","fA=undefined"] synchronize1 api root True rel (bool11,nsErrors11)<-build1 api root rel assertBool (isNothing bool11) assertBool (not $ null nsErrors11) let (nsError11:[])=nsErrors11 assertEqualNotesWithoutSpaces "not proper error 1_1" (BWNote BWError "parse error on input `toto'\n" (mkEmptySpan rel 2 8)) nsError11 (BuildResult bool1 _,nsErrors1)<-build api root False Source assertBool (not bool1) assertBool (not $ null nsErrors1) let (nsError1:[])=nsErrors1 assertEqualNotesWithoutSpaces "not proper error 1" (BWNote BWError "parse error on input `toto'\n" (mkEmptySpan rel 2 8)) nsError1 -- write file and synchronize writeFile (root "src""A.hs")$ unlines ["module A where","import Toto","fA=undefined"] mf2<-synchronize1 api root True rel assertBool (isJust mf2) (BuildResult bool2 _,nsErrors2)<-build api root False Source assertBool (not bool2) assertBool (not $ null nsErrors2) let (nsError2:[])=nsErrors2 assertEqualNotesWithoutSpaces "not proper error 2" (BWNote BWError "Could not find module `Toto':\n Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.\n" (mkEmptySpan rel 2 8)) nsError2 synchronize1 api root True rel (bool21,nsErrors21)<-build1 api root rel assertBool (isNothing bool21) assertBool (not $ null nsErrors21) let (nsError21:[])=nsErrors21 assertEqualNotesWithoutSpaces "not proper error 2_1" (BWNote BWError "Could not find module `Toto':\n Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.\n" (mkEmptySpan rel 2 8)) nsError21 (_,nsErrors3f)<- getBuildFlags api root ("src""A.hs") assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (bool3,nsErrors3)<-build1 api root rel assertBool (isNothing bool3) assertBool (not $ null nsErrors3) let (nsError3:[])=nsErrors3 assertEqualNotesWithoutSpaces "not proper error 3" (BWNote BWError "Could not find module `Toto':\n Use -v to see a list of the files searched for." (mkEmptySpan rel 2 8)) nsError3 test_BuildWarnings :: Assertion test_BuildWarnings = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False --let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile (root (testProjectName <.> ".cabal")) $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " build-depends: base", " ghc-options: -Wall"] --let srcF=root "src" (boolOK,nsOK)<-configure api root Source assertBool boolOK assertBool (null nsOK) let rel="src""A.hs" writeFile (root rel) $ unlines ["module A where","import Data.List","fA=undefined"] mf2<-synchronize1 api root True rel assertBool (isJust mf2) (BuildResult bool1 fps1,nsErrors1)<-build api root False Source assertBool bool1 assertBool (not $ null nsErrors1) assertBool (rel `elem` fps1) let (nsError1:nsError2:[])=nsErrors1 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >=708 let notype="Top-level binding with no type signature:\n fA :: forall t. t" #else let notype="Top-level binding with no type signature:\n fA :: forall a. a" #endif assertEqualNotesWithoutSpaces "not proper error 1" (BWNote BWWarning "The import of `Data.List' is redundant\n except perhaps to import instances from `Data.List'\n To import instances alone, use: import Data.List()\n" (mkEmptySpan rel 2 1)) nsError1 assertEqualNotesWithoutSpaces "not proper error 2" (BWNote BWWarning notype (mkEmptySpan rel 3 1)) nsError2 (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (bool3,nsErrors3)<-build1 api root rel assertBool (isJust bool3) assertEqual 2 (length nsErrors3) let (nsError3:nsError4:[])=nsErrors3 assertEqualNotesWithoutSpaces "not proper error 3" (BWNote BWWarning "The import of `Data.List' is redundant\n except perhaps to import instances from `Data.List'\n To import instances alone, use: import Data.List()" (mkEmptySpan rel 2 1)) nsError3 assertEqualNotesWithoutSpaces "not proper error 4" (BWNote BWWarning notype (mkEmptySpan rel 3 1)) nsError4 writeFile (root rel) $ unlines ["module A where","pats:: String -> String","pats a=reverse a","fB:: String -> Char","fB pats=head pats"] mf3<-synchronize1 api root True rel assertBool (isJust mf3) (bool4,nsErrors4)<-build1 api root rel assertBool (isJust bool4) assertBool (not $ null nsErrors4) let (nsError5:[])=nsErrors4 assertEqualNotesWithoutSpaces "not proper error 5" (BWNote BWWarning ("This binding for `pats' shadows the existing binding\n defined at "++rel++":3:1") (mkEmptySpan rel 4 5)) nsError5 test_BuildOutput :: Assertion test_BuildOutput = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False build api root True Source let exeN=case os of "mingw32" -> addExtension testProjectName "exe" _ -> testProjectName let exeF=root ".dist-buildwrapper" "dist" "build" testProjectName exeN exeE1<-doesFileExist exeF assertBool exeE1 removeFile exeF exeE2<-doesFileExist exeF assertBool (not exeE2) build api root False Source exeE3<-doesFileExist exeF assertBool (not exeE3) -- | http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7380#comment:1 : -O2 is removed from the options test_BuildO2 :: Assertion test_BuildO2 = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject write api root (testProjectName <.> ".cabal") $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base", "", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: B.D", " build-depends: base", " ghc-options: -O2", "", "test-suite BWTest-test", " type: exitcode-stdio-1.0", " hs-source-dirs: test", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: TestA", " build-depends: base", "" ] configure api root Target let rel="src""Main.hs" writeFile (root rel) $ unlines ["module Main where","main :: IO()","main= putStrLn \"Hello World\""] synchronize api root False (ns, _)<-build1 api root rel assertBool (isJust ns) test_ModuleNotInCabal :: Assertion test_ModuleNotInCabal = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let rel="src""A.hs" writeFile (root rel) $ unlines ["module A where","import Auto","fA=undefined"] let rel2="src""Auto.hs" writeFile (root rel2) $ unlines ["module Auto where","fAuto=undefined"] synchronize api root False (BuildResult bool1 _,nsErrors1)<-build api root True Source assertBool bool1 assertBool (null nsErrors1) (_,nsErrors2f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors2f) (bool2, nsErrors2)<-build1 api root rel assertBool (isJust bool2) assertBool (null nsErrors2) test_Outline :: Assertion test_Outline = doTestOutline cabalAPI getOutline test_OutlineNoCabal :: Assertion test_OutlineNoCabal = doTestOutline cabalAPI getOutlineNC doTestOutline :: APIFacade a => a -> (a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (OpResult OutlineResult)) -> Assertion doTestOutline api f = do root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let rel="src""A.hs" -- use api to write temp file write api root rel $ unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TypeSynonymInstances, TypeFamilies #-}", "", "module Module1 where", "", "import Data.Char", "", "-- Declare a list-like data family", "data family XList a", "", "-- Declare a list-like instance for Char", "data instance XList Char = XCons !Char !(XList Char) | XNil", "", "type family Elem c", "", "type instance Elem [e] = e", "", "testfunc1 :: [Char]", "testfunc1=reverse \"test\"", "", "testfunc1bis :: String -> [Char]", "testfunc1bis []=\"nothing\"", "testfunc1bis s=reverse s", "", "testMethod :: forall a. (Num a) => a -> a -> a", "testMethod a b=", " let e=a + (fromIntegral $ length testfunc1)", " in e * 2", "", "class ToString a where", " toString :: a -> String", "", "instance ToString String where", " toString = id", "", "type Str=String", "", "data Type1=MkType1_1 Int", " | MkType1_2 {", " mkt2_s :: String,", " mkt2_i :: Int", " }" ] (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (OutlineResult defs es is,nsErrors1)<-f api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) let expected=[ mkOutlineDefWithChildren "XList" [Data,Family] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 8 1)(InFileLoc 8 20)) [] ,mkOutlineDefWithChildren "XList Char" [Data,Instance] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 11 1)(InFileLoc 11 60)) [ mkOutlineDef "XCons" [Constructor] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 11 28)(InFileLoc 11 53)) ,mkOutlineDef "XNil" [Constructor] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 11 56)(InFileLoc 11 60)) ] ,mkOutlineDef "Elem" [Type,Family] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 13 1)(InFileLoc 13 19)) ,mkOutlineDef "Elem [e]" [Type,Instance] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 15 1)(InFileLoc 15 27)) ,OutlineDef "testfunc1" [Function] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 17 1)(InFileLoc 18 25)) [] (Just "[Char]") Nothing Nothing ,OutlineDef "testfunc1bis" [Function] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 20 1)(InFileLoc 22 25)) [] (Just "String -> [Char]") Nothing Nothing ,OutlineDef "testMethod" [Function] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 24 1)(InFileLoc 27 13)) [] (Just "forall a . (Num a) => a -> a -> a") Nothing Nothing ,mkOutlineDefWithChildren "ToString" [Class] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 29 1)(InFileLoc 30 28)) [ mkOutlineDef "toString" [Function] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 30 5)(InFileLoc 30 28)) ] ,mkOutlineDefWithChildren "ToString String" [Instance] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 32 1)(InFileLoc 35 0)) [ mkOutlineDef "toString" [Function] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 33 5)(InFileLoc 33 18)) ] ,OutlineDef "Str" [Type] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 35 1)(InFileLoc 35 16)) [] (Just "String") Nothing Nothing ,mkOutlineDefWithChildren "Type1" [Data] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 37 1)(InFileLoc 41 10)) [ mkOutlineDef "MkType1_1" [Constructor] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 37 12)(InFileLoc 37 25)) ,mkOutlineDefWithChildren "MkType1_2" [Constructor] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 38 7)(InFileLoc 41 10)) [ mkOutlineDef "mkt2_s" [Field] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 39 9)(InFileLoc 39 25)) ,mkOutlineDef "mkt2_i" [Field] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 40 9)(InFileLoc 40 22)) ] ] ] assertEqual (length expected) (length defs) mapM_ (uncurry assertEqual) (zip expected defs) assertEqual [] es assertEqual [ImportDef "Data.Char" Nothing (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 5 1)(InFileLoc 5 17)) False False "" Nothing] is test_OutlineComments :: Assertion test_OutlineComments= do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let rel="src""A.hs" -- use api to write temp file write api root rel $ unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TypeSynonymInstances, TypeFamilies #-}", "", "module Module1 where", "", "import Data.Char", "", "-- testFunc1 comment", "testfunc1 :: [Char]", "testfunc1=reverse \"test\"", "", "-- | testFunc1bis haddock", "testfunc1bis :: String -> [Char]", "testfunc1bis []=\"nothing\"", "testfunc1bis s=reverse s", "", "-- | testMethod", "-- haddock", "testMethod :: forall a. (Num a) => a -> a -> a", "testMethod a b=", " let e=a + (fromIntegral $ length testfunc1)", " in e * 2", "", "class ToString a where", " toString :: a -> String -- ^ toString comment", "", "-- | Str haddock", "type Str=String", "", "-- | Type1 haddock", "data Type1=MkType1_1 Int -- ^ MkType1 comment", " | MkType1_2 {", " mkt2_s :: String,", " mkt2_i :: Int", " }" ] (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (OutlineResult defs es is,nsErrors1)<-getOutline api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) let expected=[ OutlineDef "testfunc1" [Function] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 8 1)(InFileLoc 9 25)) [] (Just "[Char]") Nothing Nothing ,OutlineDef "testfunc1bis" [Function] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 12 1)(InFileLoc 14 25)) [] (Just "String -> [Char]") (Just "testFunc1bis haddock") (Just 11) ,OutlineDef "testMethod" [Function] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 18 1)(InFileLoc 21 13)) [] (Just "forall a . (Num a) => a -> a -> a") (Just "testMethod\n haddock") (Just 16) ,mkOutlineDefWithChildren "ToString" [Class] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 23 1)(InFileLoc 24 28)) [ OutlineDef "toString" [Function] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 24 5)(InFileLoc 24 28)) [] Nothing (Just "toString comment") Nothing ] ,OutlineDef "Str" [Type] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 27 1)(InFileLoc 27 16)) [] (Just "String") (Just "Str haddock") (Just 26) ,OutlineDef "Type1" [Data] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 30 1)(InFileLoc 34 10)) [ OutlineDef "MkType1_1" [Constructor] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 30 12)(InFileLoc 30 25)) [] Nothing (Just "MkType1 comment") Nothing ,mkOutlineDefWithChildren "MkType1_2" [Constructor] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 31 7)(InFileLoc 34 10)) [ mkOutlineDef "mkt2_s" [Field] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 32 9)(InFileLoc 32 25)) ,mkOutlineDef "mkt2_i" [Field] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 33 9)(InFileLoc 33 22)) ] ] Nothing (Just "Type1 haddock") (Just 29) ] assertEqual (length expected) (length defs) mapM_ (uncurry assertEqual) (zip expected defs) assertEqual [] es assertEqual [ImportDef "Data.Char" Nothing (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 5 1)(InFileLoc 5 17)) False False "" Nothing] is test_OutlineComments142 :: Assertion test_OutlineComments142= do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let rel="src""A.hs" -- use api to write temp file write api root rel $ unlines [ "module Module1 where", "", "-- | Type for an entry in file", "data CblEntry = ", " -- | This is the documentation for the 1. constructor", " CblCondition { cblCondition :: String }", " -- | This is the documentation for the FV", " | CblFieldValue { ", " cblFldName :: String, -- ^ name of the field", " cblFldValues :: [String] -- ^ values of the field", " } -- ^ field-values pair" ] (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (OutlineResult defs es is,nsErrors1)<-getOutline api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertEqual [] es assertEqual [] is let expected=[ OutlineDef "CblEntry" [Data] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 4 1)(InFileLoc 11 6)) [ OutlineDef "CblCondition" [Constructor] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 6 3) (InFileLoc 6 42)) [ OutlineDef "cblCondition" [Field] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 6 18) (InFileLoc 6 40)) [] Nothing Nothing Nothing ] Nothing (Just "This is the documentation for the 1. constructor") (Just 5) , OutlineDef "CblFieldValue" [Constructor] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 8 5) (InFileLoc 11 6)) [ OutlineDef "cblFldName" [Field] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 9 5) (InFileLoc 9 25)) [] Nothing (Just "name of the field") Nothing ,OutlineDef "cblFldValues" [Field] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 10 5) (InFileLoc 10 29)) [] Nothing (Just "values of the field") Nothing ] Nothing (Just "This is the documentation for the FV") (Just 7) ] Nothing (Just "Type for an entry in file") (Just 3)] assertEqual (length expected) (length defs) mapM_ (uncurry assertEqual) (zip expected defs) test_OutlinePreproc :: Assertion test_OutlinePreproc = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let rel="src""A.hs" write api root (testProjectName <.> ".cabal") $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " build-depends: base", " extensions: CPP", " ghc-options: -Wall", " cpp-options: -DCABAL_VERSION=112"] configure api root Target -- use api to write temp file write api root rel $ unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}", "", "module Module1 where", "", "#if CABAL_VERSION > 110", "testfunc1=reverse \"test\"", "#endif", "" ] (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (OutlineResult defs1 _ _,nsErrors1)<-getOutline api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) let expected1=[ mkOutlineDef "testfunc1" [Function] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 6 1)(InFileLoc 6 25)) ] assertEqual (length expected1) (length defs1) mapM_ (uncurry assertEqual) (zip expected1 defs1) write api root rel $ unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}", "", "module Module1 where", "", "data Name", " = Ident String -- ^ /varid/ or /conid/.", " | Symbol String -- ^ /varsym/ or /consym/", "#ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__", " deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)", "#else", " deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)", "#endif", "" ] (OutlineResult defs2 _ _,nsErrors2)<-getOutline api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors2) let expected2=[ mkOutlineDefWithChildren "Name" [Data] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 5 1)(InFileLoc 9 38)) [ OutlineDef "Ident" [Constructor] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 6 6)(InFileLoc 6 18)) [] Nothing (Just "/varid/ or /conid/.") Nothing, OutlineDef "Symbol" [Constructor] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 7 6)(InFileLoc 7 19)) [] Nothing (Just "/varsym/ or /consym/") Nothing ] ] assertEqual (length expected2) (length defs2) mapM_ (uncurry assertEqual) (zip expected2 defs2) write api root rel $ unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}", "", "module Module1 where", "", "#ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__", "testfunc1=reverse \"test\"", "#else", "testfunc2=reverse \"test\"", "#endif", "" ] (OutlineResult defs3 _ _,nsErrors3)<-getOutline api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3) let expected3=[ mkOutlineDef "testfunc1" [Function] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 6 1)(InFileLoc 6 25)) ] assertEqual (length expected3) (length defs3) mapM_ (uncurry assertEqual) (zip expected3 defs3) test_OutlineLiterate :: Assertion test_OutlineLiterate = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let rel="src""A.lhs" -- use api to write temp file write api root rel $ unlines [ "comment 1", "", "> module Module1 where", "", "", "> testfunc1=reverse \"test\"", "", "" ] (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (OutlineResult defs1 _ _,nsErrors1)<-getOutline api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) let expected1=[ mkOutlineDef "testfunc1" [Function] (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 6 3)(InFileLoc 6 27)) ] assertEqual (length expected1) (length defs1) mapM_ (uncurry assertEqual) (zip expected1 defs1) test_OutlineImportExport :: Assertion test_OutlineImportExport = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let rel="src""A.hs" -- use api to write temp file write api root rel $ unlines [ "module Module1 (dummy,module Data.Char,MkTest(..)) where", "", "import Data.Char", "import Data.Map as DM (empty) ", "import Data.List hiding (orderBy,groupBy)", "import qualified Data.Maybe (Maybe(Just))" ] (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (OutlineResult _ es is,nsErrors1)<-getOutline api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) let exps=[ ExportDef "dummy" IEVar (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 1 17)(InFileLoc 1 22)) [], ExportDef "Data.Char" IEModule (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 1 23)(InFileLoc 1 39)) [], ExportDef "MkTest" IEThingAll (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 1 40)(InFileLoc 1 50)) [] ] mapM_ (uncurry assertEqual) (zip exps es) let imps=[ ImportDef "Data.Char" Nothing (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 3 1)(InFileLoc 3 17)) False False "" Nothing, ImportDef "Data.Map" Nothing (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 4 1)(InFileLoc 4 30)) False False "DM" (Just [ImportSpecDef "empty" IEVar (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 4 24)(InFileLoc 4 29)) []]), ImportDef "Data.List" Nothing (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 5 1)(InFileLoc 5 42)) False True "" (Just [ImportSpecDef "orderBy" IEVar (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 5 26)(InFileLoc 5 33)) [],ImportSpecDef "groupBy" IEVar (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 5 34)(InFileLoc 5 41)) []]), ImportDef "Data.Maybe" Nothing (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 6 1)(InFileLoc 6 42)) True False "" (Just [ImportSpecDef "Maybe" IEThingWith (InFileSpan (InFileLoc 6 30)(InFileLoc 6 41)) ["Just"]]) ] mapM_ (uncurry assertEqual) (zip imps is) test_OutlineMultiParam :: Assertion test_OutlineMultiParam = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let rel="src""A.hs" write api root rel $ unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}", "module A where", "", "class C a b", " where", " c :: a -> b" ] let rel2="src""B""C.hs" write api root rel2 $ unlines [ "module B.C where", "", "import A", "myC ::", " (C a b)", " => ", " a -> b", "myC = c" ] (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel2 assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (OutlineResult ors _ _,nsErrors1)<-getOutline api root rel2 assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertBool (not $ null ors) test_OutlineOperator :: Assertion test_OutlineOperator = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let rel="src""A.hs" write api root rel $ unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}", "module A ( Collection (", " (>-)", " )", " )where", " infixl 5 >-", " class Collection a where", " (>-) :: Eq b => a b -> a b -> a b" ] (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (OutlineResult ors _ _,nsErrors1)<-getOutline api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertBool (not $ null ors) test_OutlinePatternGuards :: Assertion test_OutlinePatternGuards = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let rel="src""A.hs" write api root rel $ unlines [ "module A", " where", "toto o | Just s<-o=s", "toto _=\"\" " ] (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (bool3,nsErrors3)<-build1 api root rel assertBool (isJust bool3) assertBool (not (any (\ x -> BWError == bwnStatus x) nsErrors3)) (OutlineResult ors _ _,nsErrors1)<-getOutline api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertBool (not $ null ors) test_OutlineExtension :: Assertion test_OutlineExtension = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base", " extensions: EmptyDataDecls"] let rel="src""A.hs" write api root rel $ unlines [ "module A", " where", "data B" ] synchronize api root False configure api root Source (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (bool3,nsErrors3)<-build1 api root rel assertBool (isJust bool3) assertBool (not (any (\ x -> BWError == bwnStatus x) nsErrors3)) (OutlineResult ors _ _,nsErrors1)<-getOutline api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertBool (not $ null ors) test_OutlineOptions :: Assertion test_OutlineOptions = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let rel="src""A.hs" write api root rel $ unlines [ "{-# OPTIONS -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XTupleSections -XRank2Types -XScopedTypeVariables -XTypeOperators #-}", "module A where", "-- MultiParamTypeClasses", "class C a b", "-- TupleSections", "test1 = ((),)", "-- Rank2Types", "test2 :: (forall a . a) -> b", "test2 a = undefined", "-- TypeOperators", "type a :-: b = (a,b)", "-- ScopedTypeVariables", "test3 :: forall a . a -> a", "test3 x = x :: a" ] (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (bool3,nsErrors3)<-build1 api root rel assertBool (isJust bool3) assertBool (not (any (\ x -> BWError == bwnStatus x) nsErrors3)) (OutlineResult ors _ _,nsErrors1)<-getOutline api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertBool (not $ null ors) test_PreviewTokenTypes :: Assertion test_PreviewTokenTypes = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False configure api root Target let rel="src""Main.hs" write api root rel $ unlines [ "{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell,CPP #-}", "-- a comment", "module Main where", "", "main :: IO (Int)", "main = do" , " putStr ('h':\"ello Prefs!\")", " return (2 + 2)", "", "#if USE_TH", "$( derive makeTypeable ''Extension )", "#endif", "" ] (tts,nsErrors1)<-getTokenTypes api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) let expectedS="[{\"P\":[1,1,37]},{\"C\":[2,1,13]},{\"K\":[3,1,7]},{\"IC\":[3,8,12]},{\"K\":[3,13,18]},{\"IV\":[5,1,5]},{\"S\":[5,6,8]},{\"IC\":[5,9,11]},{\"SS\":[5,12]},{\"IC\":[5,13,16]},{\"SS\":[5,16]},{\"IV\":[6,1,5]},{\"S\":[6,6]},{\"K\":[6,8,10]},{\"IV\":[7,9,15]},{\"SS\":[7,16]},{\"LC\":[7,17,20]},{\"S\":[7,20]},{\"LS\":[7,21,34]},{\"SS\":[7,34]},{\"IV\":[8,9,15]},{\"SS\":[8,16]},{\"LI\":[8,17]},{\"VS\":[8,19]},{\"LI\":[8,21]},{\"SS\":[8,22]},{\"PP\":[10,1,11]},{\"TH\":[11,1,3]},{\"IV\":[11,4,10]},{\"IV\":[11,11,23]},{\"TH\":[11,24,26]},{\"IC\":[11,26,35]},{\"SS\":[11,36]},{\"PP\":[12,1,7]}]" assertEqual expectedS (encode $ toJSON tts) test_PreviewTokenTypesLine :: Assertion test_PreviewTokenTypesLine = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False configure api root Target let rel="src""Main.hs" write api root rel $ unlines [ "{-# LINE 42 \"Foo.vhs\" #-}", "-- a comment", "module Main where", "", "main :: IO (Int)", "main = do" , " putStr ('h':\"ello Prefs!\")", " return (2 + 2)", "", "#if USE_TH", "$( derive makeTypeable ''Extension )", "#endif", "" ] (tts,nsErrors1)<-getTokenTypes api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) let expectedS="[{\"P\":[1,1,26]},{\"C\":[2,1,13]},{\"K\":[3,1,7]},{\"IC\":[3,8,12]},{\"K\":[3,13,18]},{\"IV\":[5,1,5]},{\"S\":[5,6,8]},{\"IC\":[5,9,11]},{\"SS\":[5,12]},{\"IC\":[5,13,16]},{\"SS\":[5,16]},{\"IV\":[6,1,5]},{\"S\":[6,6]},{\"K\":[6,8,10]},{\"IV\":[7,9,15]},{\"SS\":[7,16]},{\"LC\":[7,17,20]},{\"S\":[7,20]},{\"LS\":[7,21,34]},{\"SS\":[7,34]},{\"IV\":[8,9,15]},{\"SS\":[8,16]},{\"LI\":[8,17]},{\"VS\":[8,19]},{\"LI\":[8,21]},{\"SS\":[8,22]},{\"PP\":[10,1,11]},{\"TH\":[11,1,3]},{\"IV\":[11,4,10]},{\"IV\":[11,11,23]},{\"TH\":[11,24,26]},{\"IC\":[11,26,35]},{\"SS\":[11,36]},{\"PP\":[12,1,7]}]" assertEqual expectedS (encode $ toJSON tts) write api root rel $ unlines [ "-- a comment", "module Main where", "{-# LINE 2 \"d:\\\\toot\\\\titi\\\\Foo.vhs\" #-}", "", "main :: IO (Int)", "main = do" , " putStr ('h':\"ello Prefs!\")", " return (2 + 2)", "", "#if USE_TH", "$( derive makeTypeable ''Extension )", "#endif", "" ] (tts2,nsErrors2)<-getTokenTypes api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors2) let expectedS2="[{\"C\":[1,1,13]},{\"K\":[2,1,7]},{\"IC\":[2,8,12]},{\"K\":[2,13,18]},{\"P\":[3,1,41]},{\"IV\":[5,1,5]},{\"S\":[5,6,8]},{\"IC\":[5,9,11]},{\"SS\":[5,12]},{\"IC\":[5,13,16]},{\"SS\":[5,16]},{\"IV\":[6,1,5]},{\"S\":[6,6]},{\"K\":[6,8,10]},{\"IV\":[7,9,15]},{\"SS\":[7,16]},{\"LC\":[7,17,20]},{\"S\":[7,20]},{\"LS\":[7,21,34]},{\"SS\":[7,34]},{\"IV\":[8,9,15]},{\"SS\":[8,16]},{\"LI\":[8,17]},{\"VS\":[8,19]},{\"LI\":[8,21]},{\"SS\":[8,22]},{\"PP\":[10,1,11]},{\"TH\":[11,1,3]},{\"IV\":[11,4,10]},{\"IV\":[11,11,23]},{\"TH\":[11,24,26]},{\"IC\":[11,26,35]},{\"SS\":[11,36]},{\"PP\":[12,1,7]}]" assertEqual expectedS2 (encode $ toJSON tts2) write api root rel $ unlines [ "-- a comment", "module Main ({-# LINE 24 \"d:\\\\toot\\\\titi\\\\Foo.vhs\" #-})", "where", "", "main :: IO (Int)", "main = do" , " putStr ('h':\"ello Prefs!\")", " return (2 + 2)", "", "#if USE_TH", "$( derive makeTypeable ''Extension )", "#endif", "" ] (tts3,nsErrors3)<-getTokenTypes api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3) let expectedS3="[{\"C\":[1,1,13]},{\"K\":[2,1,7]},{\"IC\":[2,8,12]},{\"SS\":[2,13]},{\"P\":[2,14,55]},{\"SS\":[2,55]},{\"K\":[3,1,6]},{\"IV\":[5,1,5]},{\"S\":[5,6,8]},{\"IC\":[5,9,11]},{\"SS\":[5,12]},{\"IC\":[5,13,16]},{\"SS\":[5,16]},{\"IV\":[6,1,5]},{\"S\":[6,6]},{\"K\":[6,8,10]},{\"IV\":[7,9,15]},{\"SS\":[7,16]},{\"LC\":[7,17,20]},{\"S\":[7,20]},{\"LS\":[7,21,34]},{\"SS\":[7,34]},{\"IV\":[8,9,15]},{\"SS\":[8,16]},{\"LI\":[8,17]},{\"VS\":[8,19]},{\"LI\":[8,21]},{\"SS\":[8,22]},{\"PP\":[10,1,11]},{\"TH\":[11,1,3]},{\"IV\":[11,4,10]},{\"IV\":[11,11,23]},{\"TH\":[11,24,26]},{\"IC\":[11,26,35]},{\"SS\":[11,36]},{\"PP\":[12,1,7]}]" assertEqual expectedS3 (encode $ toJSON tts3) test_PreviewTokenTypesHaddock :: Assertion test_PreviewTokenTypesHaddock = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False configure api root Target let rel="src""Main.hs" write api root rel $ unlines [ "{-# LINE 42 \"Foo.vhs\" #-}", "-- | a comment", "module Main where", "", "main :: IO (Int)", "main = do" , " putStr ('h':\"ello Prefs!\")", " return (2 + 2)", "" ] (tts,nsErrors1)<-getTokenTypes api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) let expectedS="[{\"P\":[1,1,26]},{\"D\":[2,1,15]},{\"K\":[3,1,7]},{\"IC\":[3,8,12]},{\"K\":[3,13,18]},{\"IV\":[5,1,5]},{\"S\":[5,6,8]},{\"IC\":[5,9,11]},{\"SS\":[5,12]},{\"IC\":[5,13,16]},{\"SS\":[5,16]},{\"IV\":[6,1,5]},{\"S\":[6,6]},{\"K\":[6,8,10]},{\"IV\":[7,9,15]},{\"SS\":[7,16]},{\"LC\":[7,17,20]},{\"S\":[7,20]},{\"LS\":[7,21,34]},{\"SS\":[7,34]},{\"IV\":[8,9,15]},{\"SS\":[8,16]},{\"LI\":[8,17]},{\"VS\":[8,19]},{\"LI\":[8,21]},{\"SS\":[8,22]}]" assertEqual expectedS (encode $ toJSON tts) test_ThingAtPoint :: Assertion test_ThingAtPoint = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False configure api root Target let rel="src""Main.hs" write api root rel $ unlines [ "module Main where", "main=return $ map id \"toto\"", "", "data DataT=MkData {name :: String}", "", "data Toot=Toot {toot :: String}", "", "fun1=let", " l2=reverse \"toto\"", " in head l2" ] (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (tap1,nsErrors1)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 2 16 assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertBool (isJust tap1) assertEqual "map" (tapName $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "GHC.Base") (tapModule $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "(GHC.Types.Char -> GHC.Types.Char) -> [GHC.Types.Char] -> [GHC.Types.Char]") (tapQType $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "(Char -> Char) -> [Char] -> [Char]") (tapType $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "v") (tapHType $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "Var") (tapGType $ fromJust tap1) (tap2,nsErrors2)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 2 20 assertBool (null nsErrors2) assertBool (isJust tap2) assertEqual "id" (tapName $ fromJust tap2) assertEqual (Just "GHC.Base") (tapModule $ fromJust tap2) assertEqual (Just "v") (tapHType $ fromJust tap2) assertEqual (Just "GHC.Types.Char -> GHC.Types.Char") (tapQType $ fromJust tap2) (tap3,nsErrors3)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 4 7 assertBool (null nsErrors3) assertBool (isJust tap3) assertEqual "DataT" (tapName $ fromJust tap3) assertEqual (Just "Main") (tapModule $ fromJust tap3) assertEqual (Just "t") (tapHType $ fromJust tap3) assertEqual Nothing (tapQType $ fromJust tap3) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ != 704 -- type information for constructors at the declaration is not supported by ghc 7.4 (tap4,nsErrors4)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 4 14 assertBool (null nsErrors4) assertBool (isJust tap4) assertEqual "MkData" (tapName $ fromJust tap4) assertEqual (Just "Main") (tapModule $ fromJust tap4) assertEqual (Just "v") (tapHType $ fromJust tap4) assertEqual (Just "DataCon") (tapGType $ fromJust tap4) assertEqual (Just "String -> DataT") (tapType $ fromJust tap4) assertEqual (Just "GHC.Base.String -> Main.DataT") (tapQType $ fromJust tap4) #endif (tap5,nsErrors5)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 4 22 assertBool (null nsErrors5) assertBool (isJust tap5) assertEqual "name" (tapName $ fromJust tap5) assertEqual (Just "Main") (tapModule $ fromJust tap5) assertEqual (Just "v") (tapHType $ fromJust tap5) assertEqual (Just "Main.DataT -> GHC.Base.String") (tapQType $ fromJust tap5) (tap6,nsErrors6)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 6 7 assertBool (null nsErrors6) assertBool (isJust tap6) assertEqual "Toot" (tapName $ fromJust tap6) assertEqual (Just "Main") (tapModule $ fromJust tap6) assertEqual (Just "t") (tapHType $ fromJust tap6) assertEqual Nothing (tapQType $ fromJust tap6) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ != 704 -- type information for constructors at the declaration is not supported by ghc 7.4 (tap7,nsErrors7)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 6 14 assertBool (null nsErrors7) assertBool (isJust tap7) assertEqual "Toot" (tapName $ fromJust tap7) assertEqual (Just "Main") (tapModule $ fromJust tap7) assertEqual (Just "v") (tapHType $ fromJust tap7) assertEqual (Just "GHC.Base.String -> Main.Toot") (tapQType $ fromJust tap7) -- type information for field names at the declaration is not supported by ghc 7.4 (tap8,nsErrors8)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 6 19 assertBool (null nsErrors8) assertBool (isJust tap8) assertEqual "toot" (tapName $ fromJust tap8) assertEqual (Just "Main") (tapModule $ fromJust tap8) assertEqual (Just "v") (tapHType $ fromJust tap8) assertEqual (Just "Main.Toot -> GHC.Base.String") (tapQType $ fromJust tap8) #endif (tap9,nsErrors9)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 9 5 assertBool (null nsErrors9) assertBool (isJust tap9) assertEqual "l2" (tapName $ fromJust tap9) assertEqual (Just "") (tapModule $ fromJust tap9) assertEqual (Just "v") (tapHType $ fromJust tap9) assertEqual (Just "[GHC.Types.Char]") (tapQType $ fromJust tap9) test_ThingAtPointTypeReduction :: Assertion test_ThingAtPointTypeReduction = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: Main.hs", " build-depends: base, containers"] let rel="src""Main.hs" synchronize api root False configure api root Source write api root rel $ unlines [ "module Main where", "import qualified Data.Map as M", "main=putStrLn \"M\"", "", "fun1 :: M.Map String Int", "fun1 = M.insert \"key\" 1 M.empty" ] (_,nsErrorsMf)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrorsMf) (tapM,nsErrorsM)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 6 13 assertBool (null nsErrorsM) assertBool (isJust tapM) assertEqual "insert" (tapName $ fromJust tapM) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706 assertEqual (Just "Data.Map.Base") (tapModule $ fromJust tapM) assertEqual (Just "v") (tapHType $ fromJust tapM) assertEqual (Just "GHC.Base.String -> GHC.Types.Int -> Data.Map.Base.Map GHC.Base.String GHC.Types.Int -> Data.Map.Base.Map GHC.Base.String GHC.Types.Int") (tapQType $ fromJust tapM) #else assertEqual (Just "Data.Map") (tapModule $ fromJust tapM) assertEqual (Just "v") (tapHType $ fromJust tapM) assertEqual (Just "GHC.Base.String -> GHC.Types.Int -> Data.Map.Map GHC.Base.String GHC.Types.Int -> Data.Map.Map GHC.Base.String GHC.Types.Int") (tapQType $ fromJust tapM) #endif test_ThingAtPointNotInCabal :: Assertion test_ThingAtPointNotInCabal = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False configure api root Target let rel2="src""Auto.hs" writeFile (root rel2) $ unlines ["module Auto where","fAuto=head [2,3,4]"] synchronize api root False (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel2 assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (tap1,nsErrors1)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel2 2 8 assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertBool (isJust tap1) assertEqual "head" (tapName $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "GHC.List") (tapModule $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "[GHC.Integer.Type.Integer] -> GHC.Integer.Type.Integer") (tapQType $ fromJust tap1) test_ThingAtPointMain :: Assertion test_ThingAtPointMain = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: A.hs", " other-modules: B.D", " build-depends: base"] let rel="src""A.hs" writeFile (root rel) $ unlines [ "module Main where", "import B.D", "main=return $ head [2,3,4]" ] synchronize api root False configure api root Target (bf3,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) assertEqual (Just "Main") (bfModName bf3) (tap1,nsErrors1)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 3 16 assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertBool (isJust tap1) assertEqual "head" (tapName $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "GHC.List") (tapModule $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "[GHC.Integer.Type.Integer] -> GHC.Integer.Type.Integer") (tapQType $ fromJust tap1) -- (tap2,nsErrors2)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 2 8 -- assertBool ("errors or warnings on getThingAtPoint2:"++show nsErrors2) (null nsErrors2) -- assertBool "not just tap2" (isJust tap2) -- assertEqual "not B.D" "B.D" (tapName $ fromJust tap2) -- assertEqual "not ModuleName" (Just "ModuleName") (tapGType $ fromJust tap2) -- assertEqual "not m" (Just "m") (tapHType $ fromJust tap2) -- test_ThingAtPointUnit :: Assertion test_ThingAtPointUnit = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: A.hs", " other-modules: B.D", " build-depends: base"] let rel="src""A.hs" writeFile (root rel) $ unlines [ "module Main where", "import Control.Monad (when)", "main=when True $ print \"5\" >> return ()" ] synchronize api root False configure api root Target (bf3,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) assertEqual (Just "Main") (bfModName bf3) (tap1,nsErrors1)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 3 35 assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertBool (isJust tap1) assertEqual "return" (tapName $ fromJust tap1) --assertEqual (Just "forall a. a -> IO ()") (tapType $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "() -> IO ()") (tapType $ fromJust tap1) (tap2,nsErrors2)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 3 30 assertBool (null nsErrors2) assertBool (isJust tap2) assertEqual ">>" (tapName $ fromJust tap2) --assertEqual (Just "forall a b. IO () -> IO () -> IO ()") (tapType $ fromJust tap2) assertEqual (Just "IO () -> IO () -> IO ()") (tapType $ fromJust tap2) (tap3,nsErrors3)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 3 7 assertBool (null nsErrors3) assertBool (isJust tap3) assertEqual "when" (tapName $ fromJust tap3) assertEqual (Just "Bool -> IO () -> IO ()") (tapType $ fromJust tap3) test_ThingAtPointMainSubFolder :: Assertion test_ThingAtPointMainSubFolder = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: src2/A.hs", " other-modules: B.D", " build-depends: base"] let sf=root "src" "src2" createDirectory sf let rel="src" "src2" "A.hs" writeFile (root rel) $ unlines [ "module Main where", "import B.D", "main=return $ head [2,3,4]" ] synchronize api root False configure api root Target (bf3,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) assertEqual (Just "Main") (bfModName bf3) (tap1,nsErrors1)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 3 16 assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertBool (isJust tap1) assertEqual "head" (tapName $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "GHC.List") (tapModule $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "[GHC.Integer.Type.Integer] -> GHC.Integer.Type.Integer") (tapQType $ fromJust tap1) test_Locals :: Assertion test_Locals = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False configure api root Target let rel="src""Main.hs" write api root rel $ unlines [ "module Main where", "main=return $ map id \"toto\"", "", "fun1 l1=let", " l2=reverse \"toto\"", " in head l2" ] (_,nsErrors)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors) (loc1,nsErrors1)<-getLocals api root rel 4 1 6 15 assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertBool (not $ null loc1) let names=map tapName loc1 assertBool ("l2" `elem` names) assertBool ("l1" `elem` names) write api root rel $ unlines [ "module Main where", "main=return $ map id \"toto\"", "", "fun1 l1=do", " let l2=reverse \"toto\"", " reverse head l2" ] (_,nsErrorsM)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrorsM) (loc2,nsErrors2)<-getLocals api root rel 4 1 6 15 assertBool (null nsErrors2) assertBool (not $ null loc2) let namesM=map tapName loc2 assertBool ("l2" `elem` namesM) assertBool ("l1" `elem` namesM) return () test_Eval :: Assertion test_Eval = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False configure api root Source let rel="src""Main.hs" writeFile (root rel) $ unlines [ "module Main where", "import B.D", "main=return $ map id \"toto\"", "data Type1=MkType1_1 Int" ] build api root True Source synchronize api root False (_,nsErrors)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors) (s1,_)<-eval api root rel "reverse \"toto\"" assertEqual [EvalResult (Just "[GHC.Types.Char]") (Just "\"otot\"") Nothing] s1 (s2,_)<-eval api root rel "main" assertEqual [EvalResult (Just "[GHC.Types.Char]") (Just "\"toto\"") Nothing] s2 (s3,_)<-eval api root rel "MkType1_1" assertBool $ isPrefixOf "No instance for" $ (\(EvalResult _ _ (Just err))->err) $ head s3 return () test_NamesInScope :: Assertion test_NamesInScope = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False configure api root Source let rel="src""Main.hs" writeFile (root rel) $ unlines [ "module Main where", "import B.D", "main=return $ map id \"toto\"" ] build api root True Source synchronize api root False --c1<-getClockTime (mtts,nsErrors1)<-getNamesInScope api root rel --c2<-getClockTime --putStrLn ("testNamesInScope: " ++ (timeDiffToString $ diffClockTimes c2 c1)) assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertBool (isJust mtts) let tts=fromJust mtts assertBool ("Main.main" `elem` tts) assertBool ("B.D.fD" `elem` tts) assertBool ("GHC.Types.Char" `elem` tts) test_NameDefsInScope :: Assertion test_NameDefsInScope = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False configure api root Source let rel="src""Main.hs" writeFile (root rel) $ unlines [ "module Main where", "import B.D", "main=return $ map id \"toto\"", "data Type1=MkType1_1 Int" ] build api root True Source synchronize api root False (mtts,_)<-build1 api root rel assertBool (isJust mtts) let tts=fromJust mtts #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >=708 let functype="t" #else let functype="forall a. a" #endif assertBool (NameDef "Main.main" [Function] (Just "IO [Char]") `elem` tts) assertBool (NameDef "B.D.fD" [Function] (Just functype) `elem` tts) assertBool (NameDef "Main.Type1" [Type] Nothing `elem` tts) assertBool (NameDef "Main.MkType1_1" [Constructor] (Just "Int -> Type1") `elem` tts) assertBool (NameDef "GHC.Types.Char" [Type] Nothing `elem` tts) test_InPlaceReference :: Assertion test_InPlaceReference = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False writeFile (root (testProjectName <.> ".cabal")) $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A,B.C", " build-depends: base", "", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: B.D", " build-depends: base, BWTest", "", "test-suite BWTest-test", " type: exitcode-stdio-1.0", " hs-source-dirs: test", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: TestA", " build-depends: base, BWTest", "" ] let rel="src""Main.hs" writeFile (root rel) $ unlines [ "module Main where", "import B.C", "main=return $ map id \"toto\"" ] let rel3="test""TestA.hs" writeFile (root rel3) $ unlines ["module TestA where","import A","fTA=undefined"] let rel2="src""A.hs" writeFile (root rel2) $ unlines ["module A where","import B.C","fA=undefined"] (boolOKc,nsOKc)<-configure api root Source assertBool boolOKc assertBool (null nsOKc) (BuildResult boolOK _,nsOK)<-build api root True Source assertBool boolOK assertBool (null nsOK) synchronize api root True (mtts,nsErrors1)<-getNamesInScope api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors1) assertBool (isJust mtts) let tts=fromJust mtts assertBool ("Main.main" `elem` tts) assertBool ("B.C.fC" `elem` tts) (_,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel assertBool (null nsErrors3f) (tap1,nsErrorsTap1)<-getThingAtPoint api root rel 3 16 assertBool (null nsErrorsTap1) assertBool (isJust tap1) assertEqual "map" (tapName $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "GHC.Base") (tapModule $ fromJust tap1) assertEqual (Just "(GHC.Types.Char -> GHC.Types.Char) -> [GHC.Types.Char] -> [GHC.Types.Char]") (tapQType $ fromJust tap1) (mtts2,nsErrors2)<-getNamesInScope api root rel2 assertBool (null nsErrors2) assertBool (isJust mtts2) let tts2=fromJust mtts2 assertBool ("A.fA" `elem` tts2) assertBool ("B.C.fC" `elem` tts2) (mtts3,nsErrors3)<-getNamesInScope api root rel3 assertBool (null nsErrors3) assertBool (isJust mtts3) let tts3=fromJust mtts3 assertBool ("A.fA" `elem` tts3) test_CabalComponents :: Assertion test_CabalComponents= do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False (cps,nsOK)<-getCabalComponents api root assertBool (null nsOK) assertEqual 3 (length cps) let (l:ex:ts:[])=cps assertEqual (CCLibrary True) l assertEqual (CCExecutable "BWTest" True) ex assertEqual (CCTestSuite "BWTest-test" True) ts let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base", " buildable: False", "", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: B.D", " build-depends: base", " buildable: False", "", "test-suite BWTest-test", " type: exitcode-stdio-1.0", " hs-source-dirs: test", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: TestA", " build-depends: base", " buildable: False", "" ] configure api root Source (cps2,nsOK2)<-getCabalComponents api root assertBool (null nsOK2) assertEqual 3 (length cps2) let (l2:ex2:ts2:[])=cps2 assertEqual (CCLibrary False) l2 assertEqual (CCExecutable "BWTest" False) ex2 assertEqual (CCTestSuite "BWTest-test" False) ts2 test_CabalBenchmark :: Assertion test_CabalBenchmark= do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base", "", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: B.D", " build-depends: base", "", "test-suite BWTest-test", " type: exitcode-stdio-1.0", " hs-source-dirs: test", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: TestA", " build-depends: base", "", "benchmark BWTest-bench", " type: exitcode-stdio-1.0", " hs-source-dirs: test", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: TestA", " build-depends: base", "" ] configure api root Source (cps2,nsOK2)<-getCabalComponents api root assertBool (null nsOK2) assertEqual 4 (length cps2) let (l2:ex2:ts2:b2:[])=cps2 assertEqual (CCLibrary True) l2 assertEqual (CCExecutable "BWTest" True) ex2 assertEqual (CCTestSuite "BWTest-test" True) ts2 assertEqual (CCBenchmark "BWTest-bench" True) b2 test_CabalDependencies :: Assertion test_CabalDependencies = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base", "", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: B.D", " build-depends: base", "", "test-suite BWTest-test", " type: exitcode-stdio-1.0", " hs-source-dirs: test", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: TestA", " build-depends: base,filepath", ""] synchronize api root False (cps,nsOK)<-getCabalDependencies api root Nothing assertBool (null nsOK) assertEqual 2 (length cps) let [(_,pkgs1),(_,pkgs2)] = cps -- One is global and one is local, but the order depends on the paths, pkgs = pkgs1 ++ pkgs2 -- so we concatenate the two. let base=filter (\pkg->cpName pkg == "base") pkgs assertEqual 1 (length base) let (l:ex:ts:[])=cpDependent $ head base assertEqual (CCLibrary True) l assertEqual (CCExecutable "BWTest" True) ex assertEqual (CCTestSuite "BWTest-test" True) ts let fp=filter (\pkg->cpName pkg == "filepath") pkgs assertEqual 1 (length fp) let (lfp:[])=cpDependent $ head fp assertEqual (CCTestSuite "BWTest-test" True) lfp test_NoSourceDir :: Assertion test_NoSourceDir = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base", "", "executable BWTest", " main-is: src/Main.hs", " other-modules: B.D", " build-depends: base", ""] let git=root ".git" createDirectoryIfMissing False git let gitInBW=root ".dist-buildwrapper" ".git" writeFile (git "testfile") "test" d1<-doesDirectoryExist gitInBW assertBool (not d1) let bwInBw=root ".dist-buildwrapper" ".dist-buildwrapper" d1b<-doesDirectoryExist bwInBw assertBool (not d1b) synchronize api root False d2<-doesDirectoryExist gitInBW assertBool (not d2) d2b<-doesDirectoryExist bwInBw assertBool (not d2b) test_Flags :: Assertion test_Flags = do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "flag server", " description: Install the scion-server.", " default: False", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base", "", "executable BWTest", " if !flag(server)", " buildable: False", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: B.D", " build-depends: base", "" ] configure api root Source build api root True Source let exePath=root ".dist-buildwrapper" "dist" "build" testProjectName "BWTest" <.> exeExtension ex1<-doesFileExist exePath assertBool (not ex1) configureWithFlags api root Source "server" build api root True Source ex2<-doesFileExist exePath assertBool ex2 test_BuildFlags :: Assertion test_BuildFlags =do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base", " extensions: OverlappingInstances" ] configure api root Source let rel="src""A.hs" (flgs,nsErrors3f)<-getBuildFlags api root rel -- print flgs assertBool (null nsErrors3f) let ast=bfAst flgs assertBool ("-package-name" `elem` ast) assertBool ("BWTest-0.1" `elem` ast) assertBool ("-XOverlappingInstances" `elem` ast) assertBool ("OverlappingInstances" `notElem` ast) test_ExplicitComponent :: Assertion test_ExplicitComponent =do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B", " build-depends: base,containers", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: B", " build-depends: base,containers", "", "executable BWTest2", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: Main2.hs", " other-modules: B", " build-depends: base" ] let rel="src""B.hs" writeFile (root rel) $ unlines [ "module B where", "import qualified Data.Map as M", "ins=M.insert 'k' 0 M.empty" ] configure api root Source synchronize1 api root True rel --build1 api root rel (names1,nsErrors1)<-build1c api root rel "" assertBool (isJust names1) assertBool (null nsErrors1) (names2,nsErrors2)<-build1c api root rel "BWTest" assertBool (isJust names2) assertBool (null nsErrors2) (names3,nsErrors3)<-build1c api root rel "BWTest2" assertBool (isNothing names3) assertBool (not $ null nsErrors3) test_ExplicitComponentUnRef :: Assertion test_ExplicitComponentUnRef =do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject let cf=testCabalFile root writeFile cf $ unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " build-depends: base,containers", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: Main.hs", " build-depends: base,containers", "", "executable BWTest2", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: Main2.hs", " build-depends: base" ] let rel="src""B.hs" writeFile (root rel) $ unlines [ "module B where", "import qualified Data.Map as M", "ins=M.insert 'k' 0 M.empty" ] configure api root Source synchronize1 api root True rel --build1 api root rel (names1,nsErrors1)<-build1c api root rel "" assertBool (isJust names1) assertBool (null nsErrors1) (names2,nsErrors2)<-build1c api root rel "BWTest" assertBool (isJust names2) assertBool (null nsErrors2) (names3,nsErrors3)<-build1c api root rel "BWTest2" assertBool (isNothing names3) assertBool (not $ null nsErrors3) test_CleanFiles :: Assertion test_CleanFiles =do let api=cabalAPI root<-createTestProject synchronize api root False let fldr=root ".dist-buildwrapper" let file=fldr "src" ".A.hs.bwinfo" exf1<-doesFileExist file assertBool $ not exf1 exd1<-doesDirectoryExist fldr assertBool exd1 let rel="src" "A.hs" build1 api root rel getThingAtPoint api root rel 1 1 exf2<-doesFileExist file assertBool exf2 clean api root False exf3<-doesFileExist file assertBool $ not exf3 exd2<-doesDirectoryExist fldr assertBool exd2 build1 api root rel getThingAtPoint api root rel 1 1 exf4<-doesFileExist file assertBool exf4 clean api root True exf5<-doesFileExist file assertBool $ not exf5 exd3<-doesDirectoryExist fldr assertBool $ not exd3 testProjectName :: String testProjectName="BWTest" testCabalContents :: String testCabalContents = unlines ["name: "++testProjectName, "version:0.1", "cabal-version: >= 1.8", "build-type: Simple", "", "library", " hs-source-dirs: src", " exposed-modules: A", " other-modules: B.C", " build-depends: base", "", "executable BWTest", " hs-source-dirs: src", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: B.D", " build-depends: base", " ghc-options: -dynamic", "", "test-suite BWTest-test", " type: exitcode-stdio-1.0", " hs-source-dirs: test", " main-is: Main.hs", " other-modules: TestA", " build-depends: base", "" ] testCabalFile :: FilePath -> FilePath testCabalFile root =root (last (splitDirectories root) <.> ".cabal") testAContents :: String testAContents=unlines ["module A where","fA=undefined"] testCContents :: String testCContents=unlines ["module B.C where","fC=undefined"] testDContents :: String testDContents=unlines ["module B.D where","fD=undefined"] testMainContents :: String testMainContents=unlines ["module Main where","main=undefined"] testMainTestContents :: String testMainTestContents=unlines ["module Main where","main=undefined"] testTestAContents :: String testTestAContents=unlines ["module TestA where","fTA=undefined"] testSetupContents ::String testSetupContents = unlines ["#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell", "import Distribution.Simple", "main :: IO ()", "main = defaultMain"] createTestProject :: IO FilePath createTestProject = do temp<-getTemporaryDirectory let root=temp testProjectName ex<-doesDirectoryExist root when ex (removeDirectoryRecursive root) createDirectory root writeFile (testCabalFile root) testCabalContents writeFile (root "Setup.hs") testSetupContents let srcF=root "src" createDirectory srcF writeFile (srcF "A.hs") testAContents let b=srcF "B" createDirectory b writeFile (b "C.hs") testCContents writeFile (b "D.hs") testDContents writeFile (srcF "Main.hs") testMainContents let testF=root "test" createDirectory testF writeFile (testF "Main.hs") testMainTestContents writeFile (testF "TestA.hs") testTestAContents return root removeSpaces :: String -> String removeSpaces = filter (not . flip elem [':','\'','`','\CAN','\EM']) . filter (not . isSpace) assertEqualNotesStart :: BWNote -> BWNote -> IO() assertEqualNotesStart n1 n2=do let n2'=n1{bwnTitle=Data.List.take (length $ bwnTitle n1) $ bwnTitle n2} assertEqual n1 n2' assertEqualNotesWithoutSpaces :: String -> BWNote -> BWNote -> IO() assertEqualNotesWithoutSpaces msg n1 n2=do let n1'=n1{bwnTitle=removeSpaces $ bwnTitle n1} n2'=n1{bwnTitle=removeSpaces $ bwnTitle n2} assertEqualVerbose msg n1' n2' removeLayoutTAP :: OpResult (Maybe ThingAtPoint) -> OpResult (Maybe ThingAtPoint) removeLayoutTAP res = case res of (Just tap@ThingAtPoint{tapType=tp,tapQType=qtp},xs) -> (Just tap{tapType=removeLayout tp, tapQType=removeLayout qtp},xs) _ -> res where removeLayout (Just tp) = Just $ unwords . concatMap words . lines $ tp -- replace sequences of spaces and newlines by single space removeLayout Nothing = Nothing runAPI:: (FromJSON a,Show a) => FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> [String] -> IO a runAPI= runAPI' True runAPI':: (FromJSON a,Show a) => Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> [String] -> IO a runAPI' withCabal cabal root command args= do cd<-getCurrentDirectory let fullargs=[command,"--tempfolder=.dist-buildwrapper","--cabalpath=" ++ cabal] ++ (if withCabal then ["--cabalfile="++ testCabalFile root] else []) ++ args exePath<-filterM doesFileExist [".dist-buildwrapper/dist/build/buildwrapper/buildwrapper" <.> exeExtension,"dist/build/buildwrapper/buildwrapper" <.> exeExtension] assertBool (0 head exePath) fullargs "" setCurrentDirectory cd putStrLn ("out:"++out) putStrLn ("err:"++err) assertEqual ExitSuccess ex let res=map (drop $ length ("build-wrapper-json:"::String)) $ filter (isPrefixOf "build-wrapper-json:") $ lines out assertEqual 1 (length res) let r=parse value $ BS.pack (head res) case r of Done _ js->do let r1= fromJSON js case r1 of Data.Aeson.Success fin->return fin a->do assertFailure (show a) error "" a-> assertFailure (show a) startAPIProcess :: FilePath -> String -> [String] -> IO (Handle, Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle) startAPIProcess root command args= do cd<-getCurrentDirectory let fullargs=[command,"--tempfolder=.dist-buildwrapper","--cabalpath=cabal","--cabalfile="++ testCabalFile root] ++ args exePath<-filterM doesFileExist [".dist-buildwrapper/dist/build/buildwrapper/buildwrapper" <.> exeExtension,"dist/build/buildwrapper/buildwrapper" <.> exeExtension] assertBool (0 head exePath) fullargs (Just root) Nothing readResult :: (FromJSON a,Show a) => Handle -> IO a readResult h= do l<-BS.hGetLine h BS.putStrLn l if "build-wrapper-json:" `BS.isPrefixOf` l then do let r=parse value $ BS.drop (BS.length "build-wrapper-json:") l -- print r case r of Done _ js->do let r1= fromJSON js case r1 of Data.Aeson.Success fin->return fin a-> assertFailure (show a) a-> assertFailure (show a) else readResult h continue :: Handle -> IO () continue h=do hPutStrLn h "." hFlush h evalLR :: Handle -> String -> IO () evalLR h expr=do hPutStrLn h ("e "++expr) hFlush h end :: Handle -> IO () end h =do hPutStrLn h "q" hFlush h tokenTypesLR :: Handle -> IO () tokenTypesLR h =do hPutStrLn h "t" hFlush h tapLR :: Handle -> Int -> Int -> IO() tapLR h l c=do hPutStrLn h ('p':show (l,c)) hFlush h localsLR:: Handle -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO() localsLR h l c el ec=do hPutStrLn h ('l':show (l,c,el,ec)) hFlush h cmdOpts :: [String] -> [String] cmdOpts =map ("--cabaloption=" ++) notesInError :: [BWNote] -> Bool notesInError = any (\ x -> BWError == bwnStatus x)