buster-2.5: Almost but not quite entirely unlike FRP



Handle exceptions slightly more gracefully than the Haskell runtime does.



unhandledExceptionBehaviour :: Behaviour [EData a]Source

Bork the program when an unhandled exception makes it to this behaviour. Catches all events with the group "Exception" and throws them as one big exception.

disregardExceptionsFromSource :: String -> Behaviour [EData a]Source

Handle exceptions by completely ignoring them. Not recommended, really, but hey, who am I to judge?

disregardExceptionsNamed :: String -> Behaviour [EData a]Source

Handle exceptions by completely ignoring them. Not recommended, really, but hey, who am I to judge?

printAndDisregardExceptionsFromSource :: String -> Behaviour [EData a]Source

Handle exceptions by printing them to stdout and then completely ignoring them.

printAndDisregardExceptionsNamed :: String -> Behaviour [EData a]Source

Handle exceptions by printing them to stdout and then completely ignoring them

logAndDisregardExceptionsFromSource :: Handle -> String -> Behaviour [EData a]Source

Handle exceptions by printing them to a handle and then completely ignoring them.

logAndDisregardExceptionsNamed :: Handle -> String -> Behaviour [EData a]Source

Handle exceptions by printing them to handle and then completely ignoring them