### Unreleased Changes * None ### [v1.1.1][6] * Added more benchmarks * Updated test suite to be more reliable ### [v1.1.0][5] * Added `rank` and `select` functions ### [v1.0.1][4] * Correcting Eq instance to test for value equality and not construction equality * Updated unit tests do not fail when the antecedent of logical implication cannot be satisfied ### [v1.0.0][3] * Added explicit recursion to monomorphic folds to improve time and space performance * Added the following instances: * `MonoAdjustable` * `MonoFoldableWithKey` * `MonoIndexable` * `MonoKeyed` * `MonoLookup` * `MonoTraversableWithKey` * `MonoZip` * `MonoZipWithKey` * `TextShow` * Updated the following functions to be constant time: * `omap` * `olength64` * `oall` * `oany` * `ofoldr1Ex` * `ofoldl1Ex` * `oelem` * `onotElem` * `ozipWith` ### [v0.1.2][2] * Updating to base bounds for GHC 8.6.1 ### [v0.1.1][1] * Updated to well-typed internal representation * Corrected defect in rotate, rotateL, and rotateR * Improved performance by switching exponentiation with base 2 to bit shifting operations * Improved performance of clearBit by increasing strictness * Increased benchmark coverage * Increased test suite coverage ### [v0.1.0][0] * Created instances of applicable typeclass instances * Added numeric conversion functions * Added basic test suite * Added stub benchmark [0]: https://github.com/recursion-ninja/bv-little/tree/v0.1.0 [1]: https://github.com/recursion-ninja/bv-little/tree/v0.1.1 [2]: https://github.com/recursion-ninja/bv-little/tree/v0.1.2 [3]: https://github.com/recursion-ninja/bv-little/tree/v1.0.0 [4]: https://github.com/recursion-ninja/bv-little/tree/v1.0.1 [5]: https://github.com/recursion-ninja/bv-little/tree/v1.1.0 [5]: https://github.com/recursion-ninja/bv-little/tree/v1.1.1