-- | -- -- Copyright: -- This file is part of the package addy. It is subject to the license -- terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this -- distribution and at: -- -- https://github.com/pjones/byline -- -- No part of this package, including this file, may be copied, -- modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms -- contained in the LICENSE file. -- -- License: BSD-2-Clause module Byline ( -- * How to Use this Library -- $use -- * Byline Class and Transformer MonadByline, BylineT, runBylineT, -- * Basic User Interaction say, sayLn, askLn, askChar, askPassword, askUntil, -- * Stylizing Modifiers Stylized, ToStylizedText (..), text, fg, bg, bold, underline, swapFgBg, -- * Colors Color, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, rgb, ) where import Byline.Internal.Color import Byline.Internal.Eval (BylineT, MonadByline (..), runBylineT) import qualified Byline.Internal.Prim as Prim import Byline.Internal.Stylized -- | Output the given stylized text. -- -- See also: 'sayLn'. -- -- @since say :: (MonadByline m, ToStylizedText a) => -- | The stylized text to output. a -> m () say = toStylizedText >>> Prim.say >>> liftByline -- | Like 'say', but append a newline character. -- -- @since sayLn :: (MonadByline m, ToStylizedText a) => -- | The stylized text to output. An appropirate line ending -- character will be added to the end of this text. a -> m () sayLn = toStylizedText >>> Prim.sayLn >>> liftByline -- | Read a line of input after printing the given stylized text as a -- prompt. -- -- @since askLn :: (MonadByline m, ToStylizedText a) => -- | The prompt. a -> -- | The text to return if the user does not enter a response. Maybe Text -> -- | User input (or default answer). m Text askLn prompt def = liftByline (Prim.askLn (toStylizedText prompt) def) -- | Read a single character of input. -- -- @since askChar :: (MonadByline m, ToStylizedText a) => -- | The prompt to display. a -> m Char askChar = toStylizedText >>> Prim.askChar >>> liftByline -- | Read a password without echoing it to the terminal. If a masking -- character is given it will replace each typed character. -- -- @since askPassword :: (MonadByline m, ToStylizedText a) => -- | The prompt to display. a -> -- | Optional masking character that will be printed each time the -- user presses a key. When 'Nothing' is given the default behavior -- will be used which is system dependent but usually results in no -- characters being echoed to the terminal. Maybe Char -> m Text askPassword prompt = Prim.askPassword (toStylizedText prompt) >>> liftByline -- | Continue to prompt for a response until a confirmation function -- returns a valid result. -- -- @since askUntil :: (MonadByline m, ToStylizedText a, ToStylizedText e) => -- | The prompt to display. a -> -- | The default answer if the user presses enter without typing -- anything. Maybe Text -> -- | A function to validate the user input. If the user input is -- acceptable the function should return 'Right'. If the input is -- invalid then it should return 'Left' with an error message to -- display. The error message will be printed with 'sayLn'. (Text -> m (Either e b)) -> m b askUntil prompt def confirm = go where go = do answer <- askLn prompt def confirm answer >>= \case Left msg -> sayLn msg >> go Right res -> pure res -- $use -- -- Byline provides a monad transformer that allows you to compose -- interactive terminal actions. When producing output, -- these actions accept stylized text that can include -- foreground and background colors, underlined text, and -- bold text. -- -- Stylized text can be constructed with string literals -- (using the @OverloadedStrings@ extension) or using the -- 'text' function. Attributes such as color can be changed -- using modifier functions and the 'Semigroup' @(<>)@ operator. -- -- Actions that read user input can work with completion -- functions which are activated when the user presses the -- tab key. Most input actions also support default values -- that will be returned when the user presses the enter key -- without providing any input. -- -- Example: -- -- @ -- {-\# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings \#-} -- -- example :: MonadByline m => m Text -- example = do -- sayLn ("Hey, I like " <> ("Haskell" <> fg magenta) <> "!") -- -- let question = -- "What's " -- <> ("your" <> bold) -- <> " favorite " -- <> ("language" <> fg green <> underline) -- <> "? " -- -- askLn question (Just "Haskell") -- @ -- -- More complete examples can be found in the @examples@ -- directory of the distribution tarball or in the -- repository.