{-# language BangPatterns #-} {-# language MultiWayIf #-} {-# language NumDecimals #-} {-# language OverloadedStrings #-} {-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# language TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} import Data.Bytes.Chunks (Chunks(ChunksNil,ChunksCons)) import Data.Bytes.Types (Bytes(Bytes)) import Data.Char (ord) import Data.Primitive (ByteArray) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Word (Word8) import Test.Tasty (defaultMain,testGroup,TestTree) import Test.Tasty.HUnit ((@=?),testCase) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ((===),testProperty,property,Discard(Discard)) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ((==>),Arbitrary) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (Writer,tell) import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.Bytes as Bytes import qualified Data.Bytes.Text.Ascii as Ascii import qualified Data.Bytes.Text.AsciiExt as AsciiExt import qualified Data.Bytes.Chunks as Chunks import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Primitive as PM import qualified GHC.Exts as Exts import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Classes as QCC import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as THU import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as TQC main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Bytes" [ lawsToTest (QCC.eqLaws (Proxy :: Proxy Bytes)) , lawsToTest (QCC.ordLaws (Proxy :: Proxy Bytes)) , lawsToTest (QCC.semigroupLaws (Proxy :: Proxy Bytes)) , lawsToTest (QCC.monoidLaws (Proxy :: Proxy Bytes)) , testGroup "toLowerAsciiByteArrayClone" [ testCase "A" $ THU.assertBool "" $ Bytes.isPrefixOf (bytes "hey") (bytes "hey man") ] , testGroup "isPrefixOf" [ testCase "A" $ AsciiExt.toLowerU (bytes "FooBar") @=? pack "foobar" , testCase "B" $ THU.assertBool "" $ not (Bytes.isPrefixOf (bytes "an") (bytes "hey man")) ] , testGroup "isSuffixOf" [ testCase "A" $ THU.assertBool "" $ Bytes.isSuffixOf (bytes "an") (bytes "hey man") , testCase "B" $ THU.assertBool "" $ not (Bytes.isSuffixOf (bytes "h") (bytes "hey man")) ] , testGroup "isInfixOf" [ testCase "small pattern A" $ THU.assertBool "" $ Bytes.isInfixOf (bytes "y m") (bytes "hey man") , testCase "small pattern B" $ THU.assertBool "" $ Bytes.isInfixOf (bytes "h") (bytes "hey man") , testCase "small pattern C" $ THU.assertBool "" $ Bytes.isInfixOf (bytes "an") (bytes "hey man") , testCase "small pattern D" $ THU.assertBool "" $ not (Bytes.isInfixOf (bytes "Y M") (bytes "hey man")) , testCase "large pattern A" $ THU.assertBool "" $ Bytes.isInfixOf (bytes "Hello, hello!") (bytes "I say hello. Hello, hello! I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello!") , testCase "large pattern D" $ THU.assertBool "" $ not (Bytes.isInfixOf (bytes "Hello, hello!") (bytes "I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello!")) , testCase "edge: empty pattern" $ THU.assertBool "" $ Bytes.isInfixOf (bytes "") (bytes "hello hello!") , testCase "edge: empty string" $ THU.assertBool "" $ not (Bytes.isInfixOf (bytes "hello hello!") (bytes "")) ] , testGroup "stripOptionalSuffix" [ testCase "A" $ Ascii.fromString "hey m" @=? Bytes.stripOptionalSuffix (bytes "an") (bytes "hey man") , testCase "B" $ Ascii.fromString "hey man" @=? Bytes.stripOptionalSuffix (bytes "h") (bytes "hey man") ] , testGroup "longestCommonPrefix" [ testProperty "finds prefix" $ \(pre :: Bytes) (a :: Bytes) (b :: Bytes) -> if | Just (wa,_) <- Bytes.uncons a, Just (wb,_) <- Bytes.uncons b, wa /= wb -> Bytes.longestCommonPrefix (pre <> a) (pre <> b) === pre | otherwise -> property Discard , testProperty "finds no prefix" $ \(a :: Bytes) (b :: Bytes) -> if | Just (wa,_) <- Bytes.uncons a, Just (wb,_) <- Bytes.uncons b, wa /= wb -> Bytes.longestCommonPrefix a b === mempty | otherwise -> property Discard ] , testGroup "dropWhileEnd" [ testCase "A" $ Ascii.fromString "aabbcc" @=? Bytes.dropWhileEnd (== c2w 'b') (bytes "aabbccbb") ] , testGroup "takeWhileEnd" [ testCase "A" $ Ascii.fromString "bb" @=? Bytes.takeWhileEnd (== c2w 'b') (bytes "aabbccbb") , testCase "B" $ Ascii.fromString "" @=? Bytes.takeWhileEnd (/= c2w '\n') (bytes "aabbccbb\n") , testCase "C" $ slicedPack [0x1,0x2,0x3] @=? Bytes.takeWhileEnd (/= 0x0) (slicedPack [0x1,0x0,0x1,0x2,0x3]) ] , testProperty "elem" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> List.elem x xs === Bytes.elem x (Bytes.unsafeDrop 1 (Exts.fromList (x : xs))) , testProperty "foldl" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> List.foldl (-) 0 xs === Bytes.foldl (-) 0 (Bytes.unsafeDrop 1 (Exts.fromList (x : xs))) , testProperty "foldlM" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> let f acc y = (tell [x] >> pure (acc - y)) :: Writer [Word8] Word8 in Foldable.foldlM f 0 xs === Bytes.foldlM f 0 (Bytes.unsafeDrop 1 (Exts.fromList (x : xs))) , testProperty "foldrM" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> let f acc y = (tell [x] >> pure (acc - y)) :: Writer [Word8] Word8 in Foldable.foldrM f 0 xs === Bytes.foldrM f 0 (Bytes.unsafeDrop 1 (Exts.fromList (x : xs))) , testProperty "foldl'" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> List.foldl' (-) 0 xs === Bytes.foldl' (-) 0 (Bytes.unsafeDrop 1 (Exts.fromList (x : xs))) , testProperty "foldr" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> Foldable.foldr (-) 0 xs === Bytes.foldr (-) 0 (Bytes.unsafeDrop 1 (Exts.fromList (x : xs))) , testProperty "foldr'" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> Foldable.foldr' (-) 0 xs === Bytes.foldr' (-) 0 (Bytes.unsafeDrop 1 (Exts.fromList (x : xs))) , testProperty "count" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> ByteString.count x (ByteString.pack xs) === Bytes.count x (slicedPack xs) , testProperty "split" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> not (List.null xs) ==> ByteString.split x (ByteString.pack xs) === map bytesToByteString (Bytes.split x (slicedPack xs)) , testProperty "intercalate" $ \(x :: Bytes) (xs :: [Bytes]) -> mconcat (List.intersperse x xs) === Bytes.intercalate x xs , testProperty "splitNonEmpty" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> Bytes.split x (slicedPack xs) === Foldable.toList (Bytes.splitNonEmpty x (slicedPack xs)) , testProperty "splitInit" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> case xs of [] -> Bytes.splitInit x (slicedPack xs) === [] _ -> List.init (ByteString.split x (ByteString.pack xs)) === map bytesToByteString (Bytes.splitInit x (slicedPack xs)) , testProperty "splitU" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> not (List.null xs) ==> Bytes.split x (slicedPack xs) === map Bytes.fromByteArray (Exts.toList (Bytes.splitU x (slicedPack xs))) , testCase "splitInit-A" $ [Ascii.fromString "hello", Ascii.fromString "world"] @=? (Bytes.splitInit 0x0A (Ascii.fromString "hello\nworld\n")) , testCase "splitInit-B" $ [Ascii.fromString "hello", Ascii.fromString "world"] @=? (Bytes.splitInit 0x0A (Ascii.fromString "hello\nworld\nthere")) , testProperty "splitEnd1" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> case ByteString.split x (ByteString.pack xs) of [] -> Bytes.splitEnd1 x (slicedPack xs) === Nothing [_] -> Bytes.splitEnd1 x (slicedPack xs) === Nothing [y1,z1] -> case Bytes.splitEnd1 x (slicedPack xs) of Nothing -> property False Just (y2,z2) -> (y1,z1) === (bytesToByteString y2, bytesToByteString z2) _ -> property Discard , testProperty "split1" $ \(x :: Word8) (xs :: [Word8]) -> case ByteString.split x (ByteString.pack xs) of [] -> Bytes.split1 x (slicedPack xs) === Nothing [_] -> Bytes.split1 x (slicedPack xs) === Nothing [y1,z1] -> case Bytes.split1 x (slicedPack xs) of Nothing -> property False Just (y2,z2) -> (y1,z1) === (bytesToByteString y2, bytesToByteString z2) _ -> property Discard , testProperty "split2" $ \(xs :: [Word8]) (ys :: [Word8]) (zs :: [Word8]) -> (all (/=0xEF) xs && all (/=0xEF) ys && all (/=0xEF) zs) ==> case Bytes.split2 0xEF (slicedPack (xs ++ [0xEF] ++ ys ++ [0xEF] ++ zs)) of Just r -> r === (slicedPack xs, slicedPack ys, slicedPack zs) Nothing -> property False , testProperty "split3" $ \(ws :: [Word8]) (xs :: [Word8]) (ys :: [Word8]) (zs :: [Word8])-> (all (/=0xEF) ws && all (/=0xEF) xs && all (/=0xEF) ys && all (/=0xEF) zs) ==> case Bytes.split3 0xEF (slicedPack (ws ++ [0xEF] ++ xs ++ [0xEF] ++ ys ++ [0xEF] ++ zs)) of Just r -> r === (slicedPack ws, slicedPack xs, slicedPack ys, slicedPack zs) Nothing -> property False , testProperty "split4" $ \(ws :: [Word8]) (xs :: [Word8]) (ys :: [Word8]) (zs :: [Word8]) (ps :: [Word8]) -> (all (/=0xEF) ws && all (/=0xEF) xs && all (/=0xEF) ys && all (/=0xEF) zs && all (/=0xEF) ps) ==> case Bytes.split4 0xEF (slicedPack (ws ++ [0xEF] ++ xs ++ [0xEF] ++ ys ++ [0xEF] ++ zs ++ [0xEF] ++ ps)) of Just r -> r === (slicedPack ws, slicedPack xs, slicedPack ys, slicedPack zs, slicedPack ps) Nothing -> property False , testGroup "FNV-1a" [ testGroup "32-bit" [ testCase "empty" (Bytes.fnv1a32 Bytes.empty @=? 0x811c9dc5) , testCase "a" (Bytes.fnv1a32 (bytes "a") @=? 0xe40c292c) , testCase "foobar" (Bytes.fnv1a32 (bytes "foobar") @=? 0xbf9cf968) ] , testGroup "64-bit" [ testCase "empty" (Bytes.fnv1a64 Bytes.empty @=? 0xcbf29ce484222325) , testCase "a" (Bytes.fnv1a64 (bytes "a") @=? 0xaf63dc4c8601ec8c) , testCase "foobar" (Bytes.fnv1a64 (bytes "foobar") @=? 0x85944171f73967e8) , testCase "google.com" (Bytes.fnv1a64 (bytes "google.com") @=? 0xe1a2c1ae38dcdf45) ] ] , testGroup "Chunks" [ lawsToTest (QCC.eqLaws (Proxy :: Proxy Chunks)) , lawsToTest (QCC.semigroupLaws (Proxy :: Proxy Chunks)) , lawsToTest (QCC.monoidLaws (Proxy :: Proxy Chunks)) , testGroup "concatenation" [ testProperty "concat=concatU" $ \(c :: Chunks) -> Chunks.concat c === Bytes.fromByteArray (Chunks.concatU c) , testProperty "concat-singleton" $ \(b :: Bytes) -> Chunks.concat (ChunksCons b ChunksNil) === b , testProperty "concatU-singleton" $ \(b :: Bytes) -> Chunks.concatU (ChunksCons b ChunksNil) === Bytes.toByteArray b ] ] ] bytes :: String -> Bytes bytes s = let b = pack ('x' : s) in Bytes b 1 (PM.sizeofByteArray b - 1) slicedPack :: [Word8] -> Bytes slicedPack s = let b = Exts.fromList ([0x00] ++ s ++ [0x00]) in Bytes b 1 (PM.sizeofByteArray b - 2) pack :: String -> ByteArray pack = Exts.fromList . map (fromIntegral @Int @Word8 . ord) c2w :: Char -> Word8 c2w = fromIntegral . ord bytesToByteString :: Bytes -> ByteString.ByteString bytesToByteString = ByteString.pack . Bytes.foldr (:) [] instance Arbitrary Bytes where arbitrary = do xs :: [Word8] <- TQC.arbitrary front <- TQC.choose (0,2) back <- TQC.choose (0,2) let frontPad = replicate front (254 :: Word8) let backPad = replicate back (254 :: Word8) let raw = Exts.fromList (frontPad ++ xs ++ backPad) pure (Bytes raw front (length xs)) instance Arbitrary Chunks where arbitrary = do xs :: [[Word8]] <- TQC.arbitrary let ys = map (\x -> Exts.fromList ([255] ++ x ++ [255])) xs zs = foldr (\b cs -> ChunksCons (Bytes b 1 (PM.sizeofByteArray b - 2)) cs ) ChunksNil ys pure zs lawsToTest :: QCC.Laws -> TestTree lawsToTest (QCC.Laws name pairs) = testGroup name (map (uncurry TQC.testProperty) pairs)