{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- | -- Copyright : (c) 2011 Simon Meier -- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Simon Meier -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : tested on GHC only -- -- Testing composition of 'Builders'. module Data.ByteString.Builder.Tests (tests) where import Prelude hiding (writeFile) import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (unless, void) import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, evalStateT, evalState, put, get) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer (WriterT, execWriterT, tell) import Foreign (minusPtr) import Data.Char (chr) import Data.Bits ((.|.), shiftL) import Data.Foldable import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) import Data.Word import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as Sh import Data.ByteString.Builder import Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra import Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal (Put, putBuilder, fromPut) import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal as BI import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim as BP import Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim.TestUtils import Control.Exception (evaluate) import System.IO (openTempFile, hPutStr, hClose, hSetBinaryMode, hSetEncoding, utf8, hSetNewlineMode, noNewlineTranslation) import Foreign (ForeignPtr, withForeignPtr, castPtr) import Foreign.C.String (withCString) import Numeric (showFFloat) import System.Posix.Internals (c_unlink) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, TestName, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ( Arbitrary(..), oneof, choose, listOf, elements , counterexample, ioProperty, Property, testProperty , (===), (.&&.), conjoin, forAll, forAllShrink , UnicodeString(..), NonNegative(..) ) import QuickCheckUtils tests :: [TestTree] tests = [ testBuilderRecipe , testHandlePutBuilder , testHandlePutBuilderChar8 , testPut , testRunBuilder , testWriteFile , testStimes ] ++ testsEncodingToBuilder ++ testsBinary ++ testsASCII ++ testsFloating ++ testsChar8 ++ testsUtf8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Testing 'Builder' execution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testBuilderRecipe :: TestTree testBuilderRecipe = testProperty "toLazyByteStringWith" $ testRecipe <$> arbitrary where testRecipe r = counterexample msg $ x1 == x2 where x1 = renderRecipe r x2 = buildRecipe r toString = map (chr . fromIntegral) msg = unlines [ "recipe: " ++ show r , "render: " ++ toString x1 , "build : " ++ toString x2 , "diff : " ++ show (dropWhile (uncurry (==)) $ zip x1 x2) ] testHandlePutBuilder :: TestTree testHandlePutBuilder = testProperty "hPutBuilder" testRecipe where testRecipe :: (UnicodeString, UnicodeString, UnicodeString, Recipe) -> Property testRecipe args = ioProperty $ do let { ( UnicodeString before , UnicodeString between , UnicodeString after , recipe) = args } (tempFile, tempH) <- openTempFile "." "test-builder.tmp" -- switch to UTF-8 encoding hSetEncoding tempH utf8 hSetNewlineMode tempH noNewlineTranslation -- output recipe with intermediate direct writing to handle let b = fst $ recipeComponents recipe hPutStr tempH before hPutBuilder tempH b hPutStr tempH between hPutBuilder tempH b hPutStr tempH after hClose tempH -- read file lbs <- L.readFile tempFile _ <- evaluate (L.length $ lbs) removeFile tempFile -- compare to pure builder implementation let lbsRef = toLazyByteString $ fold [stringUtf8 before, b, stringUtf8 between, b, stringUtf8 after] -- report let msg = unlines [ "task: " ++ show args , "via file: " ++ show lbs , "direct : " ++ show lbsRef -- , "diff : " ++ show (dropWhile (uncurry (==)) $ zip x1 x2) ] success = lbs == lbsRef unless success (error msg) return success testHandlePutBuilderChar8 :: TestTree testHandlePutBuilderChar8 = testProperty "char8 hPutBuilder" testRecipe where testRecipe :: (String, String, String, Recipe) -> Property testRecipe args@(before, between, after, recipe) = ioProperty $ do (tempFile, tempH) <- openTempFile "." "TestBuilder" -- switch to binary / latin1 encoding hSetBinaryMode tempH True -- output recipe with intermediate direct writing to handle let b = fst $ recipeComponents recipe hPutStr tempH before hPutBuilder tempH b hPutStr tempH between hPutBuilder tempH b hPutStr tempH after hClose tempH -- read file lbs <- L.readFile tempFile _ <- evaluate (L.length $ lbs) removeFile tempFile -- compare to pure builder implementation let lbsRef = toLazyByteString $ fold [string8 before, b, string8 between, b, string8 after] -- report let msg = unlines [ "task: " ++ show args , "via file: " ++ show lbs , "direct : " ++ show lbsRef -- , "diff : " ++ show (dropWhile (uncurry (==)) $ zip x1 x2) ] success = lbs == lbsRef unless success (error msg) return success testWriteFile :: TestTree testWriteFile = testProperty "writeFile" testRecipe where testRecipe :: Recipe -> Property testRecipe recipe = ioProperty $ do (tempFile, tempH) <- openTempFile "." "test-builder-writeFile.tmp" hClose tempH let b = fst $ recipeComponents recipe writeFile tempFile b lbs <- L.readFile tempFile _ <- evaluate (L.length $ lbs) removeFile tempFile let lbsRef = toLazyByteString b -- report let msg = unlines [ "recipe: " ++ show recipe , "via file: " ++ show lbs , "direct : " ++ show lbsRef ] success = lbs == lbsRef unless success (error msg) return success testStimes :: TestTree testStimes = testProperty "stimes" $ \(Sqrt (NonNegative n)) (Sqrt x) -> stimes (n :: Int) x === toLazyByteString (stimes n (lazyByteString x)) removeFile :: String -> IO () removeFile fn = void $ withCString fn c_unlink -- Recipes with which to test the builder functions --------------------------------------------------- data Mode = Threshold Int | Insert | Copy | Smart | Hex deriving( Eq, Ord, Show ) data Action = SBS Mode S.ByteString | LBS Mode L.ByteString | ShBS Sh.ShortByteString | W8 Word8 | W8S [Word8] | String String | FDec Float | DDec Double | Flush | EnsureFree Word | ModState Int deriving( Eq, Ord, Show ) data Strategy = Safe | Untrimmed deriving( Eq, Ord, Show ) data Recipe = Recipe Strategy Int Int L.ByteString [Action] deriving( Eq, Ord, Show ) newtype DList a = DList ([a] -> [a]) instance Semigroup (DList a) where DList f <> DList g = DList (f . g) instance Monoid (DList a) where mempty = DList id mappend = (<>) fromDList :: DList a -> [a] fromDList (DList f) = f [] toDList :: [a] -> DList a toDList xs = DList (xs <>) renderRecipe :: Recipe -> [Word8] renderRecipe (Recipe _ firstSize _ cont as) = fromDList $ evalState (execWriterT (traverse_ renderAction as)) firstSize <> renderLBS cont where renderAction :: Monad m => Action -> WriterT (DList Word8) (StateT Int m) () renderAction (SBS Hex bs) = tell $ foldMap hexWord8 $ S.unpack bs renderAction (SBS _ bs) = tell $ toDList $ S.unpack bs renderAction (LBS Hex lbs) = tell $ foldMap hexWord8 $ L.unpack lbs renderAction (LBS _ lbs) = tell $ renderLBS lbs renderAction (ShBS sbs) = tell $ toDList $ Sh.unpack sbs renderAction (W8 w) = tell $ toDList [w] renderAction (W8S ws) = tell $ toDList ws renderAction (String cs) = tell $ foldMap (toDList . charUtf8_list) cs renderAction Flush = tell $ mempty renderAction (EnsureFree _) = tell $ mempty renderAction (FDec f) = tell $ toDList $ encodeASCII $ show f renderAction (DDec d) = tell $ toDList $ encodeASCII $ show d renderAction (ModState i) = do s <- lift get tell (toDList $ encodeASCII $ show s) lift $ put (s - i) renderLBS = toDList . L.unpack hexWord8 = toDList . wordHexFixed_list buildAction :: Action -> StateT Int Put () buildAction (SBS Hex bs) = lift $ putBuilder $ byteStringHex bs buildAction (SBS Smart bs) = lift $ putBuilder $ byteString bs buildAction (SBS Copy bs) = lift $ putBuilder $ byteStringCopy bs buildAction (SBS Insert bs) = lift $ putBuilder $ byteStringInsert bs buildAction (SBS (Threshold i) bs) = lift $ putBuilder $ byteStringThreshold i bs buildAction (LBS Hex lbs) = lift $ putBuilder $ lazyByteStringHex lbs buildAction (LBS Smart lbs) = lift $ putBuilder $ lazyByteString lbs buildAction (LBS Copy lbs) = lift $ putBuilder $ lazyByteStringCopy lbs buildAction (LBS Insert lbs) = lift $ putBuilder $ lazyByteStringInsert lbs buildAction (LBS (Threshold i) lbs) = lift $ putBuilder $ lazyByteStringThreshold i lbs buildAction (ShBS sbs) = lift $ putBuilder $ shortByteString sbs buildAction (W8 w) = lift $ putBuilder $ word8 w buildAction (W8S ws) = lift $ putBuilder $ BP.primMapListFixed BP.word8 ws buildAction (String cs) = lift $ putBuilder $ stringUtf8 cs buildAction (FDec f) = lift $ putBuilder $ floatDec f buildAction (DDec d) = lift $ putBuilder $ doubleDec d buildAction Flush = lift $ putBuilder $ flush buildAction (EnsureFree minFree) = lift $ putBuilder $ ensureFree $ fromIntegral minFree buildAction (ModState i) = do s <- get lift $ putBuilder $ intDec s put (s - i) buildRecipe :: Recipe -> [Word8] buildRecipe recipe = L.unpack $ toLBS b where (b, toLBS) = recipeComponents recipe recipeComponents :: Recipe -> (Builder, Builder -> L.ByteString) recipeComponents (Recipe how firstSize otherSize cont as) = (b, toLBS) where toLBS = toLazyByteStringWith (strategy how firstSize otherSize) cont where strategy Safe = safeStrategy strategy Untrimmed = untrimmedStrategy b = fromPut $ evalStateT (traverse_ buildAction as) firstSize -- 'Arbitary' instances ----------------------- instance Arbitrary Mode where arbitrary = oneof [Threshold <$> arbitrary, pure Smart, pure Insert, pure Copy, pure Hex] shrink (Threshold i) = Threshold <$> shrink i shrink _ = [] instance Arbitrary Action where arbitrary = oneof [ SBS <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary , LBS <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary , ShBS . Sh.toShort <$> arbitrary , W8 <$> arbitrary , W8S <$> listOf arbitrary -- ensure that larger character codes are also tested , String . getUnicodeString <$> arbitrary , pure Flush -- never request more than 64kb free space , (EnsureFree . (`mod` 0xffff)) <$> arbitrary , FDec <$> arbitrary , DDec <$> arbitrary , ModState <$> arbitrary ] where shrink (SBS m bs) = (SBS <$> shrink m <*> pure bs) <|> (SBS <$> pure m <*> shrink bs) shrink (LBS m lbs) = (LBS <$> shrink m <*> pure lbs) <|> (LBS <$> pure m <*> shrink lbs) shrink (ShBS sbs) = ShBS . Sh.toShort <$> shrink (Sh.fromShort sbs) shrink (W8 w) = W8 <$> shrink w shrink (W8S ws) = W8S <$> shrink ws shrink (String cs) = String <$> shrink cs shrink Flush = [] shrink (EnsureFree i) = EnsureFree <$> shrink i shrink (FDec f) = FDec <$> shrink f shrink (DDec d) = DDec <$> shrink d shrink (ModState i) = ModState <$> shrink i instance Arbitrary Strategy where arbitrary = elements [Safe, Untrimmed] shrink _ = [] instance Arbitrary Recipe where arbitrary = Recipe <$> arbitrary <*> ((`mod` 33333) <$> arbitrary) -- bound max chunk-sizes <*> ((`mod` 33337) <$> arbitrary) <*> arbitrary <*> listOf arbitrary -- shrinking the actions first is desirable shrink (Recipe a b c d e) = asum [ (\x -> Recipe a b c d x) <$> shrink e , (\x -> Recipe a b c x e) <$> shrink d , (\x -> Recipe a b x d e) <$> shrink c , (\x -> Recipe a x c d e) <$> shrink b , (\x -> Recipe x b c d e) <$> shrink a ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Creating Builders from basic encodings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testsEncodingToBuilder :: [TestTree] testsEncodingToBuilder = [ test_encodeUnfoldrF , test_encodeUnfoldrB ] -- Unfoldr fused with encoding ------------------------------ test_encodeUnfoldrF :: TestTree test_encodeUnfoldrF = compareImpls "encodeUnfoldrF word8" id encode where toLBS = toLazyByteStringWith (safeStrategy 23 101) L.empty encode = L.unpack . toLBS . BP.primUnfoldrFixed BP.word8 go where go [] = Nothing go (w:ws) = Just (w, ws) test_encodeUnfoldrB :: TestTree test_encodeUnfoldrB = compareImpls "encodeUnfoldrB charUtf8" (foldMap charUtf8_list) encode where toLBS = toLazyByteStringWith (safeStrategy 23 101) L.empty encode = L.unpack . toLBS . BP.primUnfoldrBounded BP.charUtf8 go where go [] = Nothing go (c:cs) = Just (c, cs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Testing the Put monad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testPut :: TestTree testPut = testGroup "Put monad" [ testLaw "identity" (\v -> (pure id <*> putInt v) `eqPut` (putInt v)) , testLaw "composition" $ \(u, v, w) -> (pure (.) <*> minusInt u <*> minusInt v <*> putInt w) `eqPut` (minusInt u <*> (minusInt v <*> putInt w)) , testLaw "homomorphism" $ \(f, x) -> (pure (f -) <*> pure x) `eqPut` (pure (f - x)) , testLaw "interchange" $ \(u, y) -> (minusInt u <*> pure y) `eqPut` (pure ($ y) <*> minusInt u) , testLaw "ignore left value" $ \(u, v) -> (putInt u *> putInt v) `eqPut` (pure (const id) <*> putInt u <*> putInt v) , testLaw "ignore right value" $ \(u, v) -> (putInt u <* putInt v) `eqPut` (pure const <*> putInt u <*> putInt v) , testLaw "functor" $ \(f, x) -> (fmap (f -) (putInt x)) `eqPut` (pure (f -) <*> putInt x) ] where putInt i = putBuilder (integerDec i) >> return i minusInt i = (-) <$> putInt i run p = toLazyByteString $ fromPut (do i <- p; _ <- putInt i; return ()) eqPut p1 p2 = (run p1, run p2) testLaw name f = compareImpls name (fst . f) (snd . f) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Testing the Driver <-> Builder protocol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Ensure that there are at least 'n' free bytes for the following 'Builder'. {-# INLINE ensureFree #-} ensureFree :: Int -> Builder ensureFree minFree = BI.builder step where step k br@(BI.BufferRange op ope) | ope `minusPtr` op < minFree = return $ BI.bufferFull minFree op next | otherwise = k br where next br'@(BI.BufferRange op' ope') | freeSpace < minFree = error $ "ensureFree: requested " ++ show minFree ++ " bytes, " ++ "but got only " ++ show freeSpace ++ " bytes" | otherwise = k br' where freeSpace = ope' `minusPtr` op' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Testing the Builder runner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testRunBuilder :: TestTree testRunBuilder = testProperty "runBuilder" prop where prop actions = ioProperty $ do let (builder, _) = recipeComponents recipe expected = renderRecipe recipe actual <- bufferWriterOutput (runBuilder builder) return (S.unpack actual == expected) where recipe = Recipe Safe 0 0 L.empty actions bufferWriterOutput :: BufferWriter -> IO S.ByteString bufferWriterOutput bwrite0 = do let len0 = 8 buf <- S.mallocByteString len0 bss <- go [] buf len0 bwrite0 return (S.concat (reverse bss)) where go :: [S.ByteString] -> ForeignPtr Word8 -> Int -> BufferWriter -> IO [S.ByteString] go bss !buf !len bwrite = do (wc, next) <- withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr -> bwrite ptr len bs <- getBuffer buf wc case next of Done -> return (bs:bss) More m bwrite' | m <= len -> go (bs:bss) buf len bwrite' | otherwise -> do let len' = m buf' <- S.mallocByteString len' go (bs:bss) buf' len' bwrite' Chunk c bwrite' -> go (c:bs:bss) buf len bwrite' getBuffer :: ForeignPtr Word8 -> Int -> IO S.ByteString getBuffer buf len = withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr -> S.packCStringLen (castPtr ptr, len) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Testing the pre-defined builders ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testBuilderConstr :: (Arbitrary a, Show a) => TestName -> (a -> [Word8]) -> (a -> Builder) -> TestTree testBuilderConstr name ref mkBuilder = testProperty name check where check = int64OK $ \x -> forAllShrink genPaddingAmount shrink $ \paddingAmount -> let -- use padding to make sure we test at unaligned positions ws = ref x b1 = mkBuilder x b2 = byteStringCopy (S.take paddingAmount padBuf) <> b1 <> b1 in (replicate paddingAmount (S.c2w ' ') ++ ws ++ ws) === (L.unpack $ toLazyByteString b2) maxPaddingAmount = 15 padBuf = S.replicate maxPaddingAmount (S.c2w ' ') genPaddingAmount = choose (0, maxPaddingAmount) testsBinary :: [TestTree] testsBinary = [ testBuilderConstr "word8" bigEndian_list word8 , testBuilderConstr "int8" bigEndian_list int8 -- big-endian , testBuilderConstr "int16BE" bigEndian_list int16BE , testBuilderConstr "int32BE" bigEndian_list int32BE , testBuilderConstr "int64BE" bigEndian_list int64BE , testBuilderConstr "word16BE" bigEndian_list word16BE , testBuilderConstr "word32BE" bigEndian_list word32BE , testBuilderConstr "word64BE" bigEndian_list word64BE , testBuilderConstr "floatLE" (float_list littleEndian_list) floatLE , testBuilderConstr "doubleLE" (double_list littleEndian_list) doubleLE -- little-endian , testBuilderConstr "int16LE" littleEndian_list int16LE , testBuilderConstr "int32LE" littleEndian_list int32LE , testBuilderConstr "int64LE" littleEndian_list int64LE , testBuilderConstr "word16LE" littleEndian_list word16LE , testBuilderConstr "word32LE" littleEndian_list word32LE , testBuilderConstr "word64LE" littleEndian_list word64LE , testBuilderConstr "floatBE" (float_list bigEndian_list) floatBE , testBuilderConstr "doubleBE" (double_list bigEndian_list) doubleBE -- host dependent , testBuilderConstr "int16Host" hostEndian_list int16Host , testBuilderConstr "int32Host" hostEndian_list int32Host , testBuilderConstr "int64Host" hostEndian_list int64Host , testBuilderConstr "intHost" hostEndian_list intHost , testBuilderConstr "word16Host" hostEndian_list word16Host , testBuilderConstr "word32Host" hostEndian_list word32Host , testBuilderConstr "word64Host" hostEndian_list word64Host , testBuilderConstr "wordHost" hostEndian_list wordHost , testBuilderConstr "floatHost" (float_list hostEndian_list) floatHost , testBuilderConstr "doubleHost" (double_list hostEndian_list) doubleHost ] testsASCII :: [TestTree] testsASCII = [ testBuilderConstr "char7" char7_list char7 , testBuilderConstr "string7" (foldMap char7_list) string7 , testBuilderConstr "int8Dec" dec_list int8Dec , testBuilderConstr "int16Dec" dec_list int16Dec , testBuilderConstr "int32Dec" dec_list int32Dec , testBuilderConstr "int64Dec" dec_list int64Dec , testBuilderConstr "intDec" dec_list intDec , testBuilderConstr "word8Dec" dec_list word8Dec , testBuilderConstr "word16Dec" dec_list word16Dec , testBuilderConstr "word32Dec" dec_list word32Dec , testBuilderConstr "word64Dec" dec_list word64Dec , testBuilderConstr "wordDec" dec_list wordDec , testBuilderConstr "integerDec" (dec_list . enlarge) (integerDec . enlarge) , testBuilderConstr "floatDec" dec_list floatDec , testBuilderConstr "doubleDec" dec_list doubleDec , testBuilderConstr "word8Hex" hex_list word8Hex , testBuilderConstr "word16Hex" hex_list word16Hex , testBuilderConstr "word32Hex" hex_list word32Hex , testBuilderConstr "word64Hex" hex_list word64Hex , testBuilderConstr "wordHex" hex_list wordHex , testBuilderConstr "word8HexFixed" wordHexFixed_list word8HexFixed , testBuilderConstr "word16HexFixed" wordHexFixed_list word16HexFixed , testBuilderConstr "word32HexFixed" wordHexFixed_list word32HexFixed , testBuilderConstr "word64HexFixed" wordHexFixed_list word64HexFixed , testBuilderConstr "int8HexFixed" int8HexFixed_list int8HexFixed , testBuilderConstr "int16HexFixed" int16HexFixed_list int16HexFixed , testBuilderConstr "int32HexFixed" int32HexFixed_list int32HexFixed , testBuilderConstr "int64HexFixed" int64HexFixed_list int64HexFixed , testBuilderConstr "floatHexFixed" floatHexFixed_list floatHexFixed , testBuilderConstr "doubleHexFixed" doubleHexFixed_list doubleHexFixed ] where enlarge (n, e) = n ^ (abs (e `mod` (50 :: Integer))) testsFloating :: [TestTree] testsFloating = [ testMatches "f2sBasic" floatDec show [ ( 0.0 , "0.0" ) , ( (-0.0) , "-0.0" ) , ( 1.0 , "1.0" ) , ( (-1.0) , "-1.0" ) , ( (0/0) , "NaN" ) , ( (1/0) , "Infinity" ) , ( (-1/0) , "-Infinity" ) ] , testMatches "f2sSubnormal" floatDec show [ ( 1.1754944e-38 , "1.1754944e-38" ) ] , testMatches "f2sMinAndMax" floatDec show [ ( coerceWord32ToFloat 0x7f7fffff , "3.4028235e38" ) , ( coerceWord32ToFloat 0x00000001 , "1.0e-45" ) ] , testMatches "f2sBoundaryRound" floatDec show [ ( 3.355445e7 , "3.3554448e7" ) , ( 8.999999e9 , "8.999999e9" ) , ( 3.4366717e10 , "3.4366718e10" ) ] , testMatches "f2sExactValueRound" floatDec show [ ( 3.0540412e5 , "305404.13" ) , ( 8.0990312e3 , "8099.0313" ) ] , testMatches "f2sTrailingZeros" floatDec show -- Pattern for the first test: 00111001100000000000000000000000 [ ( 2.4414062e-4 , "2.4414063e-4" ) , ( 2.4414062e-3 , "2.4414063e-3" ) , ( 4.3945312e-3 , "4.3945313e-3" ) , ( 6.3476562e-3 , "6.3476563e-3" ) ] , testMatches "f2sRegression" floatDec show [ ( 4.7223665e21 , "4.7223665e21" ) , ( 8388608.0 , "8388608.0" ) , ( 1.6777216e7 , "1.6777216e7" ) , ( 3.3554436e7 , "3.3554436e7" ) , ( 6.7131496e7 , "6.7131496e7" ) , ( 1.9310392e-38 , "1.9310392e-38" ) , ( (-2.47e-43) , "-2.47e-43" ) , ( 1.993244e-38 , "1.993244e-38" ) , ( 4103.9003 , "4103.9004" ) , ( 5.3399997e9 , "5.3399997e9" ) , ( 6.0898e-39 , "6.0898e-39" ) , ( 0.0010310042 , "1.0310042e-3" ) , ( 2.8823261e17 , "2.882326e17" ) , ( 7.0385309e-26 , "7.038531e-26" ) , ( 9.2234038e17 , "9.223404e17" ) , ( 6.7108872e7 , "6.710887e7" ) , ( 1.0e-44 , "1.0e-44" ) , ( 2.816025e14 , "2.816025e14" ) , ( 9.223372e18 , "9.223372e18" ) , ( 1.5846085e29 , "1.5846086e29" ) , ( 1.1811161e19 , "1.1811161e19" ) , ( 5.368709e18 , "5.368709e18" ) , ( 4.6143165e18 , "4.6143166e18" ) , ( 0.007812537 , "7.812537e-3" ) , ( 1.4e-45 , "1.0e-45" ) , ( 1.18697724e20 , "1.18697725e20" ) , ( 1.00014165e-36 , "1.00014165e-36" ) , ( 200.0 , "200.0" ) , ( 3.3554432e7 , "3.3554432e7" ) , ( 2.0019531 , "2.0019531" ) , ( 2.001953 , "2.001953" ) ] , testExpected "f2sScientific" (formatFloat scientific) [ ( 0.0 , "0.0e0" ) , ( 8388608.0 , "8.388608e6" ) , ( 1.6777216e7 , "1.6777216e7" ) , ( 3.3554436e7 , "3.3554436e7" ) , ( 6.7131496e7 , "6.7131496e7" ) , ( 1.9310392e-38 , "1.9310392e-38" ) , ( (-2.47e-43) , "-2.47e-43" ) , ( 1.993244e-38 , "1.993244e-38" ) , ( 4103.9003 , "4.1039004e3" ) , ( 0.0010310042 , "1.0310042e-3" ) , ( 0.007812537 , "7.812537e-3" ) , ( 200.0 , "2.0e2" ) , ( 2.0019531 , "2.0019531e0" ) , ( 2.001953 , "2.001953e0" ) ] , testMatches "f2sLooksLikePowerOf5" floatDec show [ ( coerceWord32ToFloat 0x5D1502F9 , "6.7108864e17" ) , ( coerceWord32ToFloat 0x5D9502F9 , "1.3421773e18" ) , ( coerceWord32ToFloat 0x5e1502F9 , "2.6843546e18" ) ] , testMatches "f2sOutputLength" floatDec show [ ( 1.0 , "1.0" ) , ( 1.2 , "1.2" ) , ( 1.23 , "1.23" ) , ( 1.234 , "1.234" ) , ( 1.2345 , "1.2345" ) , ( 1.23456 , "1.23456" ) , ( 1.234567 , "1.234567" ) , ( 1.2345678 , "1.2345678" ) , ( 1.23456735e-36 , "1.23456735e-36" ) ] , testMatches "d2sBasic" doubleDec show [ ( 0.0 , "0.0" ) , ( (-0.0) , "-0.0" ) , ( 1.0 , "1.0" ) , ( (-1.0) , "-1.0" ) , ( (0/0) , "NaN" ) , ( (1/0) , "Infinity" ) , ( (-1/0) , "-Infinity" ) ] , testMatches "d2sSubnormal" doubleDec show [ ( 2.2250738585072014e-308 , "2.2250738585072014e-308" ) ] , testMatches "d2sMinAndMax" doubleDec show [ ( (coerceWord64ToDouble 0x7fefffffffffffff) , "1.7976931348623157e308" ) , ( (coerceWord64ToDouble 0x0000000000000001) , "5.0e-324" ) ] , testMatches "d2sTrailingZeros" doubleDec show [ ( 2.98023223876953125e-8 , "2.9802322387695313e-8" ) ] , testMatches "d2sRegression" doubleDec show [ ( (-2.109808898695963e16) , "-2.1098088986959632e16" ) , ( 4.940656e-318 , "4.940656e-318" ) , ( 1.18575755e-316 , "1.18575755e-316" ) , ( 2.989102097996e-312 , "2.989102097996e-312" ) , ( 9.0608011534336e15 , "9.0608011534336e15" ) , ( 4.708356024711512e18 , "4.708356024711512e18" ) , ( 9.409340012568248e18 , "9.409340012568248e18" ) , ( 1.2345678 , "1.2345678" ) , ( 1.9430376160308388e16 , "1.9430376160308388e16" ) , ( (-6.9741824662760956e19), "-6.9741824662760956e19" ) , ( 4.3816050601147837e18 , "4.3816050601147837e18" ) ] , testExpected "d2sScientific" (formatDouble scientific) [ ( 0.0 , "0.0e0" ) , ( 1.2345678 , "1.2345678e0" ) , ( 4.294967294 , "4.294967294e0" ) , ( 4.294967295 , "4.294967295e0" ) ] , testProperty "d2sStandard" $ conjoin [ singleMatches (formatDouble (standard 2)) (flip (showFFloat (Just 2)) []) ( 12.345 , "12.34" ) , singleMatches (formatDouble (standard 2)) (flip (showFFloat (Just 2)) []) ( 0.0050 , "0.00" ) , singleMatches (formatDouble (standard 2)) (flip (showFFloat (Just 2)) []) ( 0.0051 , "0.01" ) , singleMatches (formatDouble (standard 5)) (flip (showFFloat (Just 5)) []) ( 12.345 , "12.34500" ) ] , testMatches "d2sLooksLikePowerOf5" doubleDec show [ ( (coerceWord64ToDouble 0x4830F0CF064DD592) , "5.764607523034235e39" ) , ( (coerceWord64ToDouble 0x4840F0CF064DD592) , "1.152921504606847e40" ) , ( (coerceWord64ToDouble 0x4850F0CF064DD592) , "2.305843009213694e40" ) , ( (coerceWord64ToDouble 0x4400000000000004) , "3.689348814741914e19" ) -- here v- is a power of 5 but since we don't accept bounds there is no -- interesting trailing behavior , ( (coerceWord64ToDouble 0x440000000000301d) , "3.6893488147520004e19" ) ] , testMatches "d2sOutputLength" doubleDec show [ ( 1 , "1.0" ) , ( 1.2 , "1.2" ) , ( 1.23 , "1.23" ) , ( 1.234 , "1.234" ) , ( 1.2345 , "1.2345" ) , ( 1.23456 , "1.23456" ) , ( 1.234567 , "1.234567" ) , ( 1.2345678 , "1.2345678" ) , ( 1.23456789 , "1.23456789" ) , ( 1.234567895 , "1.234567895" ) , ( 1.2345678901 , "1.2345678901" ) , ( 1.23456789012 , "1.23456789012" ) , ( 1.234567890123 , "1.234567890123" ) , ( 1.2345678901234 , "1.2345678901234" ) , ( 1.23456789012345 , "1.23456789012345" ) , ( 1.234567890123456 , "1.234567890123456" ) , ( 1.2345678901234567 , "1.2345678901234567" ) -- Test 32-bit chunking , ( 4.294967294 , "4.294967294" ) , ( 4.294967295 , "4.294967295" ) , ( 4.294967296 , "4.294967296" ) , ( 4.294967297 , "4.294967297" ) , ( 4.294967298 , "4.294967298" ) ] , testMatches "d2sMinMaxShift" doubleDec show [ ( (ieeeParts2Double False 4 0) , "1.7800590868057611e-307" ) -- 32-bit opt-size=0: 49 <= dist <= 49 -- 32-bit opt-size=1: 28 <= dist <= 49 -- 64-bit opt-size=0: 50 <= dist <= 50 -- 64-bit opt-size=1: 28 <= dist <= 50 , ( (ieeeParts2Double False 6 maxMantissa) , "2.8480945388892175e-306" ) -- 32-bit opt-size=0: 52 <= dist <= 53 -- 32-bit opt-size=1: 2 <= dist <= 53 -- 64-bit opt-size=0: 53 <= dist <= 53 -- 64-bit opt-size=1: 2 <= dist <= 53 , ( (ieeeParts2Double False 41 0) , "2.446494580089078e-296" ) -- 32-bit opt-size=0: 52 <= dist <= 52 -- 32-bit opt-size=1: 2 <= dist <= 52 -- 64-bit opt-size=0: 53 <= dist <= 53 -- 64-bit opt-size=1: 2 <= dist <= 53 , ( (ieeeParts2Double False 40 maxMantissa) , "4.8929891601781557e-296" ) -- 32-bit opt-size=0: 57 <= dist <= 58 -- 32-bit opt-size=1: 57 <= dist <= 58 -- 64-bit opt-size=0: 58 <= dist <= 58 -- 64-bit opt-size=1: 58 <= dist <= 58 , ( (ieeeParts2Double False 1077 0) , "1.8014398509481984e16" ) -- 32-bit opt-size=0: 57 <= dist <= 57 -- 32-bit opt-size=1: 57 <= dist <= 57 -- 64-bit opt-size=0: 58 <= dist <= 58 -- 64-bit opt-size=1: 58 <= dist <= 58 , ( (ieeeParts2Double False 1076 maxMantissa) , "3.6028797018963964e16" ) -- 32-bit opt-size=0: 51 <= dist <= 52 -- 32-bit opt-size=1: 51 <= dist <= 59 -- 64-bit opt-size=0: 52 <= dist <= 52 -- 64-bit opt-size=1: 52 <= dist <= 59 , ( (ieeeParts2Double False 307 0) , "2.900835519859558e-216" ) -- 32-bit opt-size=0: 51 <= dist <= 51 -- 32-bit opt-size=1: 51 <= dist <= 59 -- 64-bit opt-size=0: 52 <= dist <= 52 -- 64-bit opt-size=1: 52 <= dist <= 59 , ( (ieeeParts2Double False 306 maxMantissa) , "5.801671039719115e-216" ) -- 32-bit opt-size=0: 49 <= dist <= 49 -- 32-bit opt-size=1: 44 <= dist <= 49 -- 64-bit opt-size=0: 50 <= dist <= 50 -- 64-bit opt-size=1: 44 <= dist <= 50 , ( (ieeeParts2Double False 934 0x000FA7161A4D6e0C) , "3.196104012172126e-27" ) ] , testMatches "d2sSmallIntegers" doubleDec show [ ( 9007199254740991.0 , "9.007199254740991e15" ) , ( 9007199254740992.0 , "9.007199254740992e15" ) , ( 1.0e+0 , "1.0" ) , ( 1.2e+1 , "12.0" ) , ( 1.23e+2 , "123.0" ) , ( 1.234e+3 , "1234.0" ) , ( 1.2345e+4 , "12345.0" ) , ( 1.23456e+5 , "123456.0" ) , ( 1.234567e+6 , "1234567.0" ) , ( 1.2345678e+7 , "1.2345678e7" ) , ( 1.23456789e+8 , "1.23456789e8" ) , ( 1.23456789e+9 , "1.23456789e9" ) , ( 1.234567895e+9 , "1.234567895e9" ) , ( 1.2345678901e+10 , "1.2345678901e10" ) , ( 1.23456789012e+11 , "1.23456789012e11" ) , ( 1.234567890123e+12 , "1.234567890123e12" ) , ( 1.2345678901234e+13 , "1.2345678901234e13" ) , ( 1.23456789012345e+14 , "1.23456789012345e14" ) , ( 1.234567890123456e+15 , "1.234567890123456e15" ) -- 10^i , ( 1.0e+0 , "1.0" ) , ( 1.0e+1 , "10.0" ) , ( 1.0e+2 , "100.0" ) , ( 1.0e+3 , "1000.0" ) , ( 1.0e+4 , "10000.0" ) , ( 1.0e+5 , "100000.0" ) , ( 1.0e+6 , "1000000.0" ) , ( 1.0e+7 , "1.0e7" ) , ( 1.0e+8 , "1.0e8" ) , ( 1.0e+9 , "1.0e9" ) , ( 1.0e+10 , "1.0e10" ) , ( 1.0e+11 , "1.0e11" ) , ( 1.0e+12 , "1.0e12" ) , ( 1.0e+13 , "1.0e13" ) , ( 1.0e+14 , "1.0e14" ) , ( 1.0e+15 , "1.0e15" ) -- 10^15 + 10^i , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+0) , "1.000000000000001e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+1) , "1.00000000000001e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+2) , "1.0000000000001e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+3) , "1.000000000001e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+4) , "1.00000000001e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+5) , "1.0000000001e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+6) , "1.000000001e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+7) , "1.00000001e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+8) , "1.0000001e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+9) , "1.000001e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+10) , "1.00001e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+11) , "1.0001e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+12) , "1.001e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+13) , "1.01e15" ) , ( (1.0e+15 + 1.0e+14) , "1.1e15" ) -- Largest power of 2 <= 10^(i+1) , ( 8.0 , "8.0" ) , ( 64.0 , "64.0" ) , ( 512.0 , "512.0" ) , ( 8192.0 , "8192.0" ) , ( 65536.0 , "65536.0" ) , ( 524288.0 , "524288.0" ) , ( 8388608.0 , "8388608.0" ) , ( 67108864.0 , "6.7108864e7" ) , ( 536870912.0 , "5.36870912e8" ) , ( 8589934592.0 , "8.589934592e9" ) , ( 68719476736.0 , "6.8719476736e10" ) , ( 549755813888.0 , "5.49755813888e11" ) , ( 8796093022208.0 , "8.796093022208e12" ) , ( 70368744177664.0 , "7.0368744177664e13" ) , ( 562949953421312.0 , "5.62949953421312e14" ) , ( 9007199254740992.0 , "9.007199254740992e15" ) -- 1000 * (Largest power of 2 <= 10^(i+1)) , ( 8.0e+3 , "8000.0" ) , ( 64.0e+3 , "64000.0" ) , ( 512.0e+3 , "512000.0" ) , ( 8192.0e+3 , "8192000.0" ) , ( 65536.0e+3 , "6.5536e7" ) , ( 524288.0e+3 , "5.24288e8" ) , ( 8388608.0e+3 , "8.388608e9" ) , ( 67108864.0e+3 , "6.7108864e10" ) , ( 536870912.0e+3 , "5.36870912e11" ) , ( 8589934592.0e+3 , "8.589934592e12" ) , ( 68719476736.0e+3 , "6.8719476736e13" ) , ( 549755813888.0e+3 , "5.49755813888e14" ) , ( 8796093022208.0e+3 , "8.796093022208e15" ) ] , testMatches "f2sPowersOf10" floatDec show $ fmap asShowRef [read ("1.0e" ++ show x) :: Float | x <- [-46..39 :: Int]] , testMatches "d2sPowersOf10" doubleDec show $ fmap asShowRef [read ("1.0e" ++ show x) :: Double | x <- [-324..309 :: Int]] ] where testExpected :: TestName -> (a -> Builder) -> [(a, String)] -> TestTree testExpected name dec lst = testProperty name . conjoin $ fmap (\(x, ref) -> L.unpack (toLazyByteString (dec x)) === encodeASCII ref) lst singleMatches :: (a -> Builder) -> (a -> String) -> (a, String) -> Property singleMatches dec refdec (x, ref) = L.unpack (toLazyByteString (dec x)) === encodeASCII (refdec x) .&&. refdec x === ref testMatches :: TestName -> (a -> Builder) -> (a -> String) -> [(a, String)] -> TestTree testMatches name dec refdec lst = testProperty name . conjoin $ fmap (singleMatches dec refdec) lst maxMantissa = (1 `shiftL` 53) - 1 :: Word64 ieeeParts2Double :: Bool -> Int -> Word64 -> Double ieeeParts2Double sign expo mantissa = coerceWord64ToDouble $ (fromIntegral (fromEnum sign) `shiftL` 63) .|. (fromIntegral expo `shiftL` 52) .|. mantissa asShowRef x = (x, show x) testsChar8 :: [TestTree] testsChar8 = [ testBuilderConstr "charChar8" char8_list char8 , testBuilderConstr "stringChar8" (foldMap char8_list) string8 ] testsUtf8 :: [TestTree] testsUtf8 = [ testBuilderConstr "charUtf8" charUtf8_list charUtf8 , testBuilderConstr "stringUtf8" (foldMap charUtf8_list) stringUtf8 ]