{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fwarn-tabs #-}
--                                                    2013.03.21
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.ByteString.Lex.Integral
-- Copyright   :  Copyright (c) 2010--2013 wren ng thornton
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  wren@community.haskell.org
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  Haskell98
-- Functions for parsing and producing 'Integral' values from\/to
-- 'ByteString's based on the \"Char8\" encoding. That is, we assume
-- an ASCII-compatible encoding of alphanumeric characters.
module Data.ByteString.Lex.Integral
    -- * General combinators
    -- , packSigned
    -- * Decimal conversions
    , readDecimal
    , readDecimal_
    , packDecimal
    -- TODO: asDecimal -- this will be really hard to make efficient...
    -- * Hexadecimal conversions
    , readHexadecimal
    , packHexadecimal
    , asHexadecimal
    -- * Octal conversions
    , readOctal
    , packOctal
    -- asOctal -- this will be really hard to make efficient...
    ) where

import           Data.ByteString          (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString          as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8    as BS8 (pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BSI
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe   as BSU
import           Data.Int
import           Data.Word
import           Data.Bits
import           Foreign.Ptr              (Ptr, plusPtr)
import qualified Foreign.ForeignPtr       as FFI (withForeignPtr)
import           Foreign.Storable         (peek, poke)

----- General

-- TODO: On the one hand, making this a combinator is "the right
-- thing to do" for generality. However, for performance critical
-- code, we could optimize away some extraneous guards if we just
-- provide both signed and unsigned versions of the
-- {read,pack}{Decimal,Octal,Hex} functions...

-- | Adjust a reading function to recognize an optional leading
-- sign. As with the other functions, we assume an ASCII-compatible
-- encoding of the sign characters.
    :: (Num a)
    => (ByteString -> Maybe (a, ByteString))
    ->  ByteString -> Maybe (a, ByteString)
readSigned f xs
    | BS.null xs = Nothing
    | otherwise  =
        case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
        0x2D -> f (BSU.unsafeTail xs) >>= \(n, ys) -> return (negate n, ys)
        0x2B -> f (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
        _    -> f xs

----- Decimal

-- We unroll this definition in order to reduce the number of conversions from native Int to the Integral type.
readDecimalSimple :: (Integral a) => ByteString -> Maybe (a, ByteString)
readDecimalSimple = start
    -- This implementation is near verbatim from
    -- bytestring- We do
    -- remove the superstrictness by lifting the 'Just' so it can
    -- be returned after seeing the first byte. Do beware of the
    -- scope of 'fromIntegral', we want to avoid unnecessary
    -- 'Integral' operations and do as much as possible in 'Word8'.
    start xs
        | BS.null xs = Nothing
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | 0x39 >= w && w >= 0x30 ->
                    Just $ loop (fromIntegral (w - 0x30)) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise -> Nothing

    loop n xs
        | n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined -- for strictness analysis
        | BS.null xs = (n, BS.empty)         -- not @xs@, to help GC
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | 0x39 >= w && w >= 0x30 ->
                    loop (n * 10 + fromIntegral (w - 0x30)) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise -> (n,xs)

-- | Read an unsigned\/non-negative integral value in ASCII decimal
-- format. Returns @Nothing@ if there is no integer at the beginning
-- of the string, otherwise returns @Just@ the integer read and the
-- remainder of the string.
-- If you are extremely concerned with performance, then it is more
-- performant to use this function at @Int@ or @Word@ and then to
-- call 'fromIntegral' to perform the conversion at the end. However,
-- doing this will make your code succeptible to overflow bugs if
-- the target type is larger than @Int@.
readDecimal :: Integral a => ByteString -> Maybe (a, ByteString)
{-# SPECIALIZE readDecimal ::
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int,     ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int8,    ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int16,   ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int32,   ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int64,   ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Integer, ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word,    ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word8,   ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word16,  ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word32,  ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word64,  ByteString) #-}
readDecimal = start
    isDecimal :: Word8 -> Bool
    {-# INLINE isDecimal #-}
    isDecimal w = 0x39 >= w && w >= 0x30

    toDigit :: Integral a => Word8 -> a
    {-# INLINE toDigit #-}
    toDigit w = fromIntegral (w - 0x30)

    addDigit :: Int -> Word8 -> Int
    {-# INLINE addDigit #-}
    addDigit n w = n * 10 + toDigit w
    -- TODO: should we explicitly drop all leading zeros before we jump into the unrolled loop?
    start :: Integral a => ByteString -> Maybe (a, ByteString)
    start xs
        | BS.null xs = Nothing
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> Just $ loop0 (toDigit w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> Nothing

    loop0 :: Integral a => a -> ByteString -> (a, ByteString)
    loop0 m xs
        | m `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = (m, BS.empty)
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop1 m (toDigit w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> (m, xs)

    loop1, loop2, loop3, loop4, loop5, loop6, loop7, loop8
        :: Integral a => a -> Int -> ByteString -> (a, ByteString)
    loop1 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = (m*10 + fromIntegral n, BS.empty)
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop2 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> (m*10 + fromIntegral n, xs)
    loop2 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = (m*100 + fromIntegral n, BS.empty)
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop3 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> (m*100 + fromIntegral n, xs)
    loop3 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = (m*1000 + fromIntegral n, BS.empty)
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop4 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> (m*1000 + fromIntegral n, xs)
    loop4 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = (m*10000 + fromIntegral n, BS.empty)
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop5 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> (m*10000 + fromIntegral n, xs)
    loop5 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = (m*100000 + fromIntegral n, BS.empty)
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop6 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> (m*100000 + fromIntegral n, xs)
    loop6 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = (m*1000000 + fromIntegral n, BS.empty)
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop7 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> (m*1000000 + fromIntegral n, xs)
    loop7 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = (m*10000000 + fromIntegral n, BS.empty)
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop8 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> (m*10000000 + fromIntegral n, xs)
    loop8 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = (m*100000000 + fromIntegral n, BS.empty)
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop0
                    (m*1000000000 + fromIntegral (addDigit n w))
                    (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> (m*100000000 + fromIntegral n, xs)


-- | A variant of 'readDecimal' which does not return the tail of
-- the string, and returns @0@ instead of @Nothing@. This is twice
-- as fast for 'Int64' on 32-bit systems, but has identical performance
-- to 'readDecimal' for all other types and architectures.
readDecimal_ :: Integral a => ByteString -> a
{-# SPECIALIZE readDecimal_ ::
    ByteString -> Int,
    ByteString -> Int8,
    ByteString -> Int16,
    ByteString -> Int32,
    ByteString -> Int64,
    ByteString -> Integer,
    ByteString -> Word,
    ByteString -> Word8,
    ByteString -> Word16,
    ByteString -> Word32,
    ByteString -> Word64 #-}
readDecimal_ = start
    isDecimal :: Word8 -> Bool
    {-# INLINE isDecimal #-}
    isDecimal w = 0x39 >= w && w >= 0x30

    toDigit :: Integral a => Word8 -> a
    {-# INLINE toDigit #-}
    toDigit w = fromIntegral (w - 0x30)

    addDigit :: Int -> Word8 -> Int
    {-# INLINE addDigit #-}
    addDigit n w = n * 10 + toDigit w

    start xs
        | BS.null xs = 0
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop0 (toDigit w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> 0

    loop0 :: Integral a => a -> ByteString -> a
    loop0 m xs
        | m `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = m
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop1 m (toDigit w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> m

    loop1, loop2, loop3, loop4, loop5, loop6, loop7, loop8
        :: Integral a => a -> Int -> ByteString -> a
    loop1 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = m*10 + fromIntegral n
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop2 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> m*10 + fromIntegral n
    loop2 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = m*100 + fromIntegral n
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop3 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> m*100 + fromIntegral n
    loop3 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = m*1000 + fromIntegral n
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop4 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> m*1000 + fromIntegral n
    loop4 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = m*10000 + fromIntegral n
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop5 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> m*10000 + fromIntegral n
    loop5 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = m*100000 + fromIntegral n
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop6 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> m*100000 + fromIntegral n
    loop6 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = m*1000000 + fromIntegral n
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop7 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> m*1000000 + fromIntegral n
    loop7 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = m*10000000 + fromIntegral n
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop8 m (addDigit n w) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> m*10000000 + fromIntegral n
    loop8 m n xs
        | m `seq` n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined
        | BS.null xs = m*100000000 + fromIntegral n
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | isDecimal w -> loop0
                    (m*1000000000 + fromIntegral (addDigit n w))
                    (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise   -> m*100000000 + fromIntegral n

-- | Convert a non-negative integer into an (unsigned) ASCII decimal
-- string. Returns @Nothing@ on negative inputs.
packDecimal :: (Integral a) => a -> Maybe ByteString
{-# INLINE packDecimal #-}
packDecimal n
    | n < 0     = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just (unsafePackDecimal n)

-- This implementation is modified from:
-- <http://www.serpentine.com/blog/2013/03/20/whats-good-for-c-is-good-for-haskell/>
-- | Convert a non-negative integer into an (unsigned) ASCII decimal
-- string. This function is unsafe to use on negative inputs.
unsafePackDecimal :: (Integral a) => a -> ByteString
{-# SPECIALIZE unsafePackDecimal ::
    Int     -> ByteString,
    Int8    -> ByteString,
    Int16   -> ByteString,
    Int32   -> ByteString,
    Int64   -> ByteString,
    Integer -> ByteString,
    Word    -> ByteString,
    Word8   -> ByteString,
    Word16  -> ByteString,
    Word32  -> ByteString,
    Word64  -> ByteString #-}
unsafePackDecimal n0 =
    let size = numDecimalDigits n0
    in  BSI.unsafeCreate size $ \p0 -> loop n0 (p0 `plusPtr` (size - 1))
    getDigit = BSU.unsafeIndex packDecimal_digits

    loop n p
        | n `seq` p `seq` False = undefined -- for strictness analysis
        | n >= 100  = do
            let (q,r) = n `quotRem` 100
            write2 r p
            loop   q (p `plusPtr` negate 2)
        | n >= 10   = write2 n p
        | otherwise = poke p (0x30 + fromIntegral n)
    write2 i0 p
        | i0 `seq` p `seq` False = undefined -- for strictness analysis
        | otherwise = do
            let i = fromIntegral i0; j = i + i
            poke p                      (getDigit $! j + 1)
            poke (p `plusPtr` negate 1) (getDigit j)

packDecimal_digits :: ByteString
{-# NOINLINE packDecimal_digits #-}
packDecimal_digits = BS8.pack
    -- BUG: syntax highlighting fail: ->

----- Hexadecimal

-- | Read a non-negative integral value in ASCII hexadecimal format.
-- Returns @Nothing@ if there is no integer at the beginning of the
-- string, otherwise returns @Just@ the integer read and the remainder
-- of the string.
-- This function does not recognize the various hexadecimal sigils
-- like \"0x\", but because there are so many different variants,
-- those are best handled by helper functions which then use this
-- function for the actual numerical parsing. This function recognizes
-- both upper-case, lower-case, and mixed-case hexadecimal.
readHexadecimal :: (Integral a) => ByteString -> Maybe (a, ByteString)
{-# SPECIALIZE readHexadecimal ::
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int,     ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int8,    ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int16,   ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int32,   ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int64,   ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Integer, ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word,    ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word8,   ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word16,  ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word32,  ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word64,  ByteString) #-}
readHexadecimal = start
    -- TODO: Would it be worth trying to do the magichash trick
    -- used by Warp here? It'd really help remove branch prediction
    -- issues etc.
    -- Beware the urge to make this code prettier, cf 'readDecimal'.
    start xs
        | BS.null xs = Nothing
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | 0x39 >= w && w >= 0x30 ->
                    Just $ loop (fromIntegral (w - 0x30))  (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | 0x46 >= w && w >= 0x41 ->
                    Just $ loop (fromIntegral (w-0x41+10)) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | 0x66 >= w && w >= 0x61 ->
                    Just $ loop (fromIntegral (w-0x61+10)) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise -> Nothing

    loop n xs
        | n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined -- for strictness analysis
        | BS.null xs = (n, BS.empty)         -- not @xs@, to help GC
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | 0x39 >= w && w >= 0x30 ->
                    loop (n*16 + fromIntegral (w - 0x30))  (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | 0x46 >= w && w >= 0x41 ->
                    loop (n*16 + fromIntegral (w-0x41+10)) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | 0x66 >= w && w >= 0x61 ->
                    loop (n*16 + fromIntegral (w-0x61+10)) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise -> (n,xs)

-- | Convert a non-negative integer into a lower-case ASCII hexadecimal
-- string. Returns @Nothing@ on negative inputs.
packHexadecimal :: (Integral a) => a -> Maybe ByteString
{-# INLINE packHexadecimal #-}
packHexadecimal n
    | n < 0     = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just (unsafePackHexadecimal n)

-- | Convert a non-negative integer into a lower-case ASCII hexadecimal
-- string. This function is unsafe to use on negative inputs.
unsafePackHexadecimal :: (Integral a) => a -> ByteString
{-# SPECIALIZE unsafePackHexadecimal ::
    Int     -> ByteString,
    Int8    -> ByteString,
    Int16   -> ByteString,
    Int32   -> ByteString,
    Int64   -> ByteString,
    Integer -> ByteString,
    Word    -> ByteString,
    Word8   -> ByteString,
    Word16  -> ByteString,
    Word32  -> ByteString,
    Word64  -> ByteString #-}
unsafePackHexadecimal n0 =
    let size = numTwoPowerDigits 4 (toInteger n0) -- for Bits
    in  BSI.unsafeCreate size $ \p0 ->
            loop n0 (p0 `plusPtr` (size - 1))
    -- TODO: benchmark using @hexDigits@ vs using direct manipulations.
    loop :: (Integral a) => a -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()
    loop n p
        | n <= 15   = do
            poke p (BSU.unsafeIndex hexDigits (fromIntegral n .&. 0x0F))
        | otherwise = do
            let (q,r) = n `quotRem` 16
            poke p (BSU.unsafeIndex hexDigits (fromIntegral r .&. 0x0F))
            loop q (p `plusPtr` negate 1)

-- Inspired by, <http://forums.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=16666&p=553936>
-- | Convert a bitvector into a lower-case ASCII hexadecimal string.
-- This is helpful for visualizing raw binary data, rather than for
-- parsing as such.
asHexadecimal :: ByteString -> ByteString
asHexadecimal = start
    start buf
        | BS.length buf > maxBound `quot` 2 =
            error _asHexadecimal_overflow
        | otherwise =
            BSI.unsafeCreate (2 * BS.length buf) $ \p0 -> do
                _ <- foldIO step p0 buf
                return () -- needed for type checking

    step :: Ptr Word8 -> Word8 -> IO (Ptr Word8)
    step p w
        | p `seq` w `seq` False = undefined -- for strictness analysis
        | otherwise = do
            let ix = fromIntegral w
            poke   p     (BSU.unsafeIndex hexDigits ((ix .&. 0xF0) `shiftR` 4))
            poke   (p `plusPtr` 1) (BSU.unsafeIndex hexDigits  (ix .&. 0x0F))
            return (p `plusPtr` 2)

_asHexadecimal_overflow :: String
{-# NOINLINE _asHexadecimal_overflow #-}
_asHexadecimal_overflow =
    "asHexadecimal: cannot create buffer larger than (maxBound::Int)"

-- TODO: benchmark against the magichash hack used in Warp.
-- | The lower-case ASCII hexadecimal digits, in numerical order
-- for use as a lookup table.
hexDigits :: ByteString
{-# NOINLINE hexDigits #-}
hexDigits = BS8.pack "0123456789abcdef"

-- | We can only do this for MonadIO not just any Monad, but that's
-- good enough for what we need...
foldIO :: (a -> Word8 -> IO a) -> a -> ByteString -> IO a
{-# INLINE foldIO #-}
foldIO f z0 (BSI.PS fp off len) =
    FFI.withForeignPtr fp $ \p0 -> do
        let q = p0 `plusPtr` (off+len)
        let go z p
                | z `seq` p `seq` False = undefined -- for strictness analysis
                | p == q    = return z
                | otherwise = do
                    w  <- peek p
                    z' <- f z w
                    go z' (p `plusPtr` 1)
        go z0 (p0 `plusPtr` off)

----- Octal

-- | Read a non-negative integral value in ASCII octal format.
-- Returns @Nothing@ if there is no integer at the beginning of the
-- string, otherwise returns @Just@ the integer read and the remainder
-- of the string.
-- This function does not recognize the various octal sigils like
-- \"0o\", but because there are different variants, those are best
-- handled by helper functions which then use this function for the
-- actual numerical parsing.
readOctal :: (Integral a) => ByteString -> Maybe (a, ByteString)
{-# SPECIALIZE readOctal ::
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int,     ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int8,    ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int16,   ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int32,   ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Int64,   ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Integer, ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word,    ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word8,   ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word16,  ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word32,  ByteString),
    ByteString -> Maybe (Word64,  ByteString) #-}
readOctal = start
    start xs
        | BS.null xs = Nothing
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | 0x37 >= w && w >= 0x30 ->
                    Just $ loop (fromIntegral (w - 0x30)) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise -> Nothing

    loop n xs
        | n `seq` xs `seq` False = undefined -- for strictness analysis
        | BS.null xs = (n, BS.empty)         -- not @xs@, to help GC
        | otherwise  =
            case BSU.unsafeHead xs of
            w | 0x37 >= w && w >= 0x30 ->
                    loop (n * 8 + fromIntegral (w - 0x30)) (BSU.unsafeTail xs)
              | otherwise -> (n,xs)

-- | Convert a non-negative integer into an ASCII octal string.
-- Returns @Nothing@ on negative inputs.
packOctal :: (Integral a) => a -> Maybe ByteString
{-# INLINE packOctal #-}
packOctal n
    | n < 0     = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just (unsafePackOctal n)

-- | Convert a non-negative integer into an ASCII octal string.
-- This function is unsafe to use on negative inputs.
unsafePackOctal :: (Integral a) => a -> ByteString
{-# SPECIALIZE unsafePackOctal ::
    Int     -> ByteString,
    Int8    -> ByteString,
    Int16   -> ByteString,
    Int32   -> ByteString,
    Int64   -> ByteString,
    Integer -> ByteString,
    Word    -> ByteString,
    Word8   -> ByteString,
    Word16  -> ByteString,
    Word32  -> ByteString,
    Word64  -> ByteString #-}
unsafePackOctal n0 =
    let size = numTwoPowerDigits 3 (toInteger n0) -- for Bits
    in  BSI.unsafeCreate size $ \p0 ->
            loop n0 (p0 `plusPtr` (size - 1))
    loop :: (Integral a) => a -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()
    loop n p
        | n <= 7    = do
            poke p (0x30 + fromIntegral n)
        | otherwise = do
            let (q,r) = n `quotRem` 8
            poke p (0x30 + fromIntegral r)
            loop q (p `plusPtr` negate 1)

-- BUG: This doesn't quite work right...
asOctal :: ByteString -> ByteString
asOctal buf =
    BSI.unsafeCreate (ceilEightThirds $ BS.length buf) $ \p0 -> do
        let (BSI.PS fq off len) = buf
        FFI.withForeignPtr fq $ \q0 -> do
            let qF = q0 `plusPtr` (off + len - rem len 3)
            let loop :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()
                loop p q
                    | q /= qF   = do
                        {- Take three Word8s and write 8 chars at a time -}
                        i <- peek q
                        j <- peek (q `plusPtr` 1) :: IO Word8
                        k <- peek (q `plusPtr` 2) :: IO Word8
                        let w =     fromIntegral i
                                .|. (fromIntegral j `shiftL` 8)
                                .|. (fromIntegral k `shiftL` 16)
                        poke p               (toC8( w              .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 1) (toC8((w `shiftR`  3) .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 2) (toC8((w `shiftR`  6) .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 3) (toC8((w `shiftR`  9) .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 4) (toC8((w `shiftR` 12) .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 5) (toC8((w `shiftR` 15) .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 6) (toC8((w `shiftR` 18) .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 7) (toC8((w `shiftR` 21) .&. 0x07))
                        loop (p `plusPtr` 8) (q `plusPtr` 3)
                    | 2 == rem len 3 = do
                        {- Handle the last two Word8s -}
                        i <- peek q
                        j <- peek (q `plusPtr` 1) :: IO Word8
                        let w =      fromIntegral i
                                .|. (fromIntegral j `shiftL` 8)
                        poke p               (toC8( w              .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 1) (toC8((w `shiftR`  3) .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 2) (toC8((w `shiftR`  6) .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 3) (toC8((w `shiftR`  9) .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 4) (toC8((w `shiftR` 12) .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 5) (toC8((w `shiftR` 15) .&. 0x01))
                    | otherwise = do
                        {- Handle the last Word8 -}
                        i <- peek q
                        let w = fromIntegral i
                        poke p               (toC8( w              .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 1) (toC8((w `shiftR`  3) .&. 0x07))
                        poke (p `plusPtr` 2) (toC8((w `shiftR`  6) .&. 0x03))
            loop p0 (q0 `plusPtr` off)
    toC8 :: Int -> Word8
    toC8 i = fromIntegral (0x30+i)
    {-# INLINE toC8 #-}
    -- We can probably speed that up by using (.|.) in lieu of (+)

    -- See the benchmark file for credits and implementation details.
    ceilEightThirds x
        | x >= 3*(b-1) = error _asOctal_overflow
        | x >= b       = ceiling (fromIntegral x / 3 * 8 :: Double)
        | otherwise    = (x*8 + 2) `quot` 3
        {-# INLINE b #-}
        b = 2^(28::Int)::Int -- b*8-1 is the last positive number for Int=Int32
        -- TODO: need to generalize for Int=Int64

_asOctal_overflow :: String
{-# NOINLINE _asOctal_overflow #-}
_asOctal_overflow =
    "asOctal: cannot create buffer larger than (maxBound::Int)"
-- -}

----- Integral logarithms

-- TODO: cf. integer-gmp:GHC.Integer.Logarithms made available in version (ships with GHC 7.2.1).
-- <http://haskell.org/ghc/docs/7.2.1/html/libraries/integer-gmp->

-- This implementation is derived from
-- <http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2009-August/065854.html>
-- modified to use 'quot' instead of 'div', to ensure strictness,
-- and using more guard notation (but this last one's compiled
-- away). See @./test/bench/BenchNumDigits.hs@ for other implementation
-- choices.
-- | @numDigits b n@ computes the number of base-@b@ digits required
-- to represent the number @n@. N.B., this implementation is unsafe
-- and will throw errors if the base is @(<= 1)@, or if the number
-- is negative. If the base happens to be a power of 2, then see
-- 'numTwoPowerDigits' for a more efficient implementation.
-- We must be careful about the input types here. When using small
-- unsigned types or very large values, the repeated squaring can
-- overflow causing the function to loop. (E.g., the fourth squaring
-- of 10 overflows 32-bits (==1874919424) which is greater than the
-- third squaring. For 64-bit, the 5th squaring overflows, but it's
-- negative so will be caught.) Forcing the type to Integer ensures
-- correct behavior, but makes it substantially slower.

numDigits :: Integer -> Integer -> Int
{-# INLINE numDigits #-}
numDigits b0 n0
    | b0 <= 1   = error (_numDigits ++ _nonpositiveBase)
    | n0 <  0   = error (_numDigits ++ _negativeNumber)
    -- BUG: need to check n0 to be sure we won't overflow Int
    | otherwise = 1 + fst (ilog b0 n0)
    ilog b n
        | n < b     = (0, n)
        | r < b     = ((,) $! 2*e) r
        | otherwise = ((,) $! 2*e+1) $! (r `quot` b)
        (e, r) = ilog (b*b) n

-- | Compute the number of base-@2^p@ digits required to represent a
-- number @n@. N.B., this implementation is unsafe and will throw
-- errors if the base power is non-positive, or if the number is
-- negative. For bases which are not a power of 2, see 'numDigits'
-- for a more general implementation.
numTwoPowerDigits :: (Integral a, Bits a) => Int -> a -> Int
{-# INLINE numTwoPowerDigits #-}
numTwoPowerDigits p n0
    | p  <= 0   = error (_numTwoPowerDigits ++ _nonpositiveBase)
    | n0 <  0   = error (_numTwoPowerDigits ++ _negativeNumber)
    | n0 == 0   = 1
    -- BUG: need to check n0 to be sure we won't overflow Int
    | otherwise = go 0 n0
    go d n
        | d `seq` n `seq` False = undefined
        | n > 0     = go (d+1) (n `shiftR` p)
        | otherwise = d

-- This implementation is from:
-- <http://www.serpentine.com/blog/2013/03/20/whats-good-for-c-is-good-for-haskell/>
-- | Compute the number of base-@10@ digits required to represent
-- a number @n@. N.B., this implementation is unsafe and will throw
-- errors if the number is negative.
numDecimalDigits :: (Integral a) => a -> Int
{-# INLINE numDecimalDigits #-}
numDecimalDigits n0
    | n0 < 0     = error (_numDecimalDigits ++ _negativeNumber)
    -- Unfortunately this causes significant (1.2x) slowdown since
    -- GHC can't see it will always fail for types other than Integer...
    | n0 > limit = numDigits 10 (toInteger n0)
    | otherwise  = go 1 (fromIntegral n0 :: Word64)
    limit = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word64)
    fin n bound = if n >= bound then 1 else 0
    go k n
        | k `seq` False = undefined -- For strictness analysis
        | n < 10        = k
        | n < 100       = k + 1
        | n < 1000      = k + 2
        | n < 1000000000000 =
            k + if n < 100000000
                then if n < 1000000
                    then if n < 10000
                        then 3
                        else 4 + fin n 100000
                    else 6 + fin n 10000000
                else if n < 10000000000
                    then 8 + fin n 1000000000
                    else 10 + fin n 100000000000
        | otherwise = go (k + 12) (n `quot` 1000000000000)

_numDigits :: String
_numDigits = "numDigits"
{-# NOINLINE _numDigits #-}

_numTwoPowerDigits :: String
_numTwoPowerDigits = "numTwoPowerDigits"
{-# NOINLINE _numTwoPowerDigits #-}

_numDecimalDigits :: String
_numDecimalDigits = "numDecimalDigits"
{-# NOINLINE _numDecimalDigits #-}

_nonpositiveBase :: String
_nonpositiveBase = ": base must be greater than one"
{-# NOINLINE _nonpositiveBase #-}

_negativeNumber :: String
_negativeNumber = ": number must be non-negative"
{-# NOINLINE _negativeNumber #-}

----------------------------------------------------------- fin.