{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleContexts, OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell #-} -- |Figure out the dependency relation between debianized source -- directories. The code to actually solve these dependency relations -- for a particular set of binary packages is in Debian.Repo.Dependency. module Debian.GenBuildDeps ( DepInfo(..) , sourceName' , relations' , binaryNames' -- * Preparing dependency info , buildDependencies , RelaxInfo , relaxDeps -- * Using dependency info , BuildableInfo(..) , ReadyTarget(..) , buildable , compareSource -- * Obsolete? , orderSource , genDeps , failPackage , getSourceOrder ) where #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) #endif import Control.Exception (throw) import Control.Monad (filterM) import Data.Graph (Graph, Edge, Vertex, buildG, topSort, reachable, transposeG, edges, scc) import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Tree as Tree (Tree(Node, rootLabel, subForest)) import Debian.Control (parseControlFromFile) import Debian.Control.Policy (HasDebianControl, DebianControl, ControlFileError(..), validateDebianControl, debianSourcePackageName, debianBinaryPackageNames, debianBuildDeps, debianBuildDepsIndep) import Debian.Loc (__LOC__) import Debian.Relation import Debian.Relation.Text () import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents, doesFileExist) -- | This type describes the build dependencies of a source package. data DepInfo = DepInfo { sourceName :: SrcPkgName -- ^ source package name , relations :: Relations -- ^ dependency relations , binaryNames :: [BinPkgName] -- ^ binary dependency names (is this a function of relations?) } deriving Show instance Eq DepInfo where a == b = (sourceName a == sourceName b) && Set.fromList (map Set.fromList (relations a)) == Set.fromList (map Set.fromList (relations b)) && Set.fromList (binaryNames a) == Set.fromList (binaryNames b) -- |Return the dependency info for a source package with the given dependency relaxation. -- |According to debian policy, only the first paragraph in debian\/control can be a source package -- buildDependencies :: HasDebianControl control => control -> DepInfo buildDependencies control = do DepInfo { sourceName = debianSourcePackageName control , relations = concat [fromMaybe [] (debianBuildDeps control), fromMaybe [] (debianBuildDepsIndep control)] , binaryNames = debianBinaryPackageNames control } -- | source package name sourceName' :: HasDebianControl control => control -> SrcPkgName sourceName' control = debianSourcePackageName control -- | dependency relations relations' :: HasDebianControl control => control -> Relations relations' control = concat [fromMaybe [] (debianBuildDeps control), fromMaybe [] (debianBuildDepsIndep control)] -- | binary dependency names (is this a function of relations?) binaryNames' :: HasDebianControl control => control -> [BinPkgName] binaryNames' control = debianBinaryPackageNames control -- |Specifies build dependencies that should be ignored during the build -- decision. If the pair is (BINARY, Nothing) it means the binary package -- BINARY should always be ignored when deciding whether to build. If the -- pair is (BINARY, Just SOURCE) it means that binary package BINARY should -- be ignored when deiciding whether to build package SOURCE. newtype OldRelaxInfo = RelaxInfo [(BinPkgName, Maybe SrcPkgName)] deriving Show -- | Given a source package name and a binary package name, return -- False if the binary package should be ignored hwen deciding whether -- to build the source package. This is used to prevent build -- dependency cycles from triggering unnecessary rebuilds. (This is a -- replacement for the RelaxInfo type, which we temporarily rename -- OldRelaxInfo.) type RelaxInfo = SrcPkgName -> BinPkgName -> Bool -- |Remove any dependencies that are designated \"relaxed\" by relaxInfo. relaxDeps :: RelaxInfo -> [DepInfo] -> [DepInfo] relaxDeps relaxInfo deps = map relaxDep deps where relaxDep :: DepInfo -> DepInfo relaxDep info = info {relations = filteredDependencies} where -- Discard any dependencies not on the filtered package name list. If -- this results in an empty list in an or-dep the entire dependency can -- be discarded. filteredDependencies :: Relations filteredDependencies = filter (/= []) (map (filter keepDep) (relations info)) keepDep :: Relation -> Bool keepDep (Rel name _ _) = not (relaxInfo (sourceName info) name) data ReadyTarget a = ReadyTarget { ready :: a -- ^ Some target whose build dependencies are all satisfied , waiting :: [a] -- ^ The targets that are waiting for the ready target , other :: [a] -- ^ The rest of the targets that need to be built } data BuildableInfo a = BuildableInfo { readyTargets :: [ReadyTarget a] , allBlocked :: [a] } | CycleInfo { depPairs :: [(a, a)] } -- | Given an ordering function representing the dependencies on a -- list of packages, return a ReadyTarget triple: One ready package, -- the packages that depend on the ready package directly or -- indirectly, and all the other packages. buildable :: forall a. (a -> DepInfo) -> [a] -> BuildableInfo a buildable relax packages = -- Find all packages which can't reach any other packages in the -- graph of the "has build dependency" relation. case partition (\ x -> reachable hasDep x == [x]) verts of -- None of the packages are buildable, return information -- about how to break this build dependency cycle. ([], _) -> CycleInfo {depPairs = map ofEdge $ head $ (allCycles hasDep)} -- We have some buildable packages, return them along with -- the list of packages each one directly blocks (allReady, blocked) -> BuildableInfo { readyTargets = map (makeReady blocked allReady) allReady , allBlocked = map ofVertex blocked } where makeReady :: [Vertex] -> [Vertex] -> Vertex -> ReadyTarget a makeReady blocked ready thisReady = let otherReady = filter (/= thisReady) ready (directlyBlocked, otherBlocked) = partition (\ x -> elem x (reachable isDep thisReady)) blocked in ReadyTarget { ready = ofVertex thisReady , waiting = map ofVertex directlyBlocked , other = map ofVertex (otherReady ++ otherBlocked) } --allDeps x = (ofVertex x, map ofVertex (filter (/= x) (reachable hasDep x))) isDep :: Graph isDep = transposeG hasDep hasDep :: Graph hasDep = buildG (0, length packages - 1) hasDepEdges hasDepEdges :: [(Int, Int)] hasDepEdges = nub (foldr f [] (tails vertPairs)) where f :: [(Int, DepInfo)] -> [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] f [] es = es f (x : xs) es = catMaybes (map (toEdge x) xs) ++ es toEdge :: (Int, DepInfo) -> (Int, DepInfo) -> Maybe Edge toEdge (xv, xa) (yv, ya) = case compareSource xa ya of EQ -> Nothing LT -> Just (yv, xv) GT -> Just (xv, yv) ofEdge :: Edge -> (a, a) ofEdge (a, b) = (ofVertex a, ofVertex b) ofVertex :: Int -> a ofVertex n = fromJust (Map.findWithDefault Nothing n (Map.fromList (zip [0..] (map Just packages)))) verts :: [Int] verts = map fst vertPairs vertPairs :: [(Int, DepInfo)] vertPairs = zip [0..] $ map relax packages -- | Find a cycle in a graph that involves allCycles :: Graph -> [[Edge]] allCycles g = -- Every cycle is confined to an SCC (strongly connected component). -- Every node in an SCC is part of some cycle. concatMap sccCycles (scc g) where -- Find all the cycles in an SCC sccCycles :: Tree Vertex -> [[Edge]] sccCycles t = mapMaybe addBackEdge (treePaths t) addBackEdge :: [Vertex] -> Maybe [Edge] addBackEdge path@(root : _) = let back = (last path, root) in if elem back (edges g) then Just (pathEdges (path ++ [root])) else Nothing -- | All the paths from root to a leaf treePaths :: Tree a -> [[a]] treePaths (Node {rootLabel = r, subForest = []}) = [[r]] treePaths (Node {rootLabel = r, subForest = ts}) = map (r :) (concatMap treePaths ts) pathEdges :: [a] -> [(a, a)] pathEdges (v1 : v2 : vs) = (v1, v2) : pathEdges (v2 : vs) pathEdges _ = [] -- | Remove any packages which can't be built given that a package has failed. failPackage :: Eq a => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> a -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) failPackage cmp failed packages = let graph = buildGraph cmp packages in let root = elemIndex failed packages in let victims = maybe [] (map (fromJust . vertex) . reachable graph) root in partition (\ x -> not . elem x $ victims) packages where vertex n = Map.findWithDefault Nothing n vertexMap vertexMap = Map.fromList (zip [0..] (map Just packages)) -- | Given a list of packages, sort them according to their apparant -- build dependencies so that the first element doesn't depend on any -- of the other packages. orderSource :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] orderSource cmp packages = map (fromJust . vertex) (topSort graph) where graph = buildGraph cmp packages vertex n = Map.findWithDefault Nothing n vertexMap vertexMap = Map.fromList (zip [0..] (map Just packages)) -- | Build a graph with the list of packages as its nodes and the -- build dependencies as its edges. buildGraph :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Graph buildGraph cmp packages = let es = someEdges (zip packages [0..]) in buildG (0, length packages - 1) es where someEdges [] = [] someEdges (a : etc) = aEdges a etc ++ someEdges etc aEdges (ap, an) etc = concat (map (\ (bp, bn) -> case cmp ap bp of LT -> [(an, bn)] GT -> [(bn, an)] EQ -> []) etc) -- |This is a nice start. It ignores circular build depends and takes -- a pretty simplistic approach to 'or' build depends. However, I -- think this should work pretty nicely in practice. compareSource :: DepInfo -> DepInfo -> Ordering compareSource (DepInfo {relations = depends1, binaryNames = bins1}) (DepInfo {relations = depends2, binaryNames = bins2}) | any (\rel -> isJust (find (checkPackageNameReq rel) bins2)) (concat depends1) = GT | any (\rel -> isJust (find (checkPackageNameReq rel) bins1)) (concat depends2) = LT | otherwise = EQ where checkPackageNameReq :: Relation -> BinPkgName -> Bool checkPackageNameReq (Rel rPkgName _ _) bPkgName = rPkgName == bPkgName compareSource' :: HasDebianControl control => control -> control -> Ordering compareSource' control1 control2 | any (\rel -> isJust (find (checkPackageNameReq rel) bins2)) (concat depends1) = GT | any (\rel -> isJust (find (checkPackageNameReq rel) bins1)) (concat depends2) = LT | otherwise = EQ where bins1 = binaryNames' control1 bins2 = binaryNames' control2 depends1 = relations' control1 depends2 = relations' control2 checkPackageNameReq :: Relation -> BinPkgName -> Bool checkPackageNameReq (Rel rPkgName _ _) bPkgName = rPkgName == bPkgName -- |Return the dependency info for a list of control files. genDeps :: [FilePath] -> IO [DebianControl] genDeps controlFiles = do orderSource compareSource' <$> mapM genDep' controlFiles where -- Parse the control file and extract the build dependencies genDep' controlPath = parseControlFromFile controlPath >>= either (\ x -> throw (ParseRelationsError [$__LOC__] x)) (\ x -> validateDebianControl x {- `mapExn` (pushLoc $__LOC__) -} >>= either throw return) -- pushLoc :: Loc -> ControlFileError -> ControlFileError -- pushLoc loc e = e {locs = loc : locs e} -- |One example of how to tie the below functions together. In this -- case 'fp' is the path to a directory that contains a bunch of -- checked out source packages. The code will automatically look for -- debian\/control. It returns a list with the packages in the -- order they should be built. getSourceOrder :: FilePath -> IO [SrcPkgName] getSourceOrder fp = findControlFiles fp >>= genDeps >>= return . map sourceName' where -- Return a list of the files that look like debian\/control. findControlFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] findControlFiles root = getDirectoryContents root >>= mapM (\ x -> return $ root ++ "/" ++ x ++ "/debian/control") >>= filterM doesFileExist