module Main (main) where import System.FilePath ((-<.>), ()) import System.IO (hClose, hFlush) import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempFile) import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.Golden.Advanced (goldenTest) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 import qualified Data.Map as Map import CabalFmt (cabalFmt) import CabalFmt.Monad (runCabalFmt) import CabalFmt.Options (defaultOptions) import CabalFmt.Prelude main :: IO () main = defaultMain $ testGroup "tests" [ goldenTest' "cabal-fmt" , goldenTest' "Cabal" , goldenTest' "Cabal-notab" , goldenTest' "simple-example" , goldenTest' "tree-diff" , goldenTest' "fragment-missing" , goldenTest' "fragment-empty" , goldenTest' "fragment-wrong-field" , goldenTest' "fragment-wrong-type" , goldenTest' "fragment-multiple" , goldenTest' "fragment-section" , goldenTest' "issue69" , goldenTest' "issue29" , goldenTest' "sublib" , goldenTest' "with-sublibs" ] goldenTest' :: String -> TestTree goldenTest' n = goldenTest n readGolden makeTest cmp writeGolden where goldenPath = "fixtures" n -<.> "format" inputPath = "fixtures" n -<.> "cabal" readGolden = BS.readFile goldenPath writeGolden = BS.writeFile goldenPath makeTest = do contents <- BS.readFile inputPath case runCabalFmt files defaultOptions $ cabalFmt inputPath contents of Left err -> fail ("First pass: " ++ show err) Right (output', ws) -> do -- idempotent case runCabalFmt files defaultOptions $ cabalFmt inputPath (toUTF8BS output') of Left err -> fail ("Second pass: " ++ show err) Right (output'', _) -> do unless (output' == output'') $ do putStrLn "<<<<<<<" putStr output' putStrLn "=======" putStr output'' putStrLn ">>>>>>>" fail "Output not idempotent" return (toUTF8BS $ unlines (map ("-- " ++) ws) ++ output') cmp a b | a == b = return Nothing | otherwise = withSystemTempFile "cabal-fmt-test.txt" $ \fpA hdlA -> withSystemTempFile "cabal-fmt-test.txt" $ \fpB hdlB -> do BS.hPutStr hdlA a BS.hPutStr hdlB b hFlush hdlA hFlush hdlB hClose hdlA hClose hdlB Just . postProcess <$> readProcess' "diff" ["-u", fpA, fpB] "" postProcess :: String -> String postProcess = unlines . (["======"] ++) . map (concatMap char) . (++ ["======"]). lines where char '\r' = "{CR}" char c = [c] readProcess' proc args input = do (_, out, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode proc args input return out files :: Map.Map FilePath BS.ByteString files = Map.fromList [ p "empty.fragment" "" , p "build-depends.fragment" "build-depends: base, doctest >=0.15 && <0.17, QuickCheck >=2.12 && <2.13, simple-example, template-haskell" , p "tested-with.fragment" "tested-with: GHC ==8.0.2" , p "common.fragment" "common deps\n build-depends: base, bytestring, containers\n ghc-options: -Wall" , p "multiple.fragment" "build-depends: base\nghc-options: -Wall" , p ("cbits" "header.h") "..." , p ("cbits" "source1.c") "..." , p ("cbits" "source2.c") "..." , p ("cbits" "sub" "source3.c") "..." ] where p x y = (x, BS8.pack y)