-- | Retrieve ghci options for your cabal project
module Distribution.Dev.Interactive ( 
  -- * Installing into your .ghci
  -- $install
  -- * Arguments
  -- $args
  -- * Exported functions
  cabalSet, packageOpts, loadCabal, lookForCabalFile, withOpts, LoadCabalRet(..)
  ) where

import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Compiler
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Distribution.System
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
import Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo hiding (compiler)
import Data.Version

import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import System.Info
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Control.Exception
import Data.List

type Deps = [(PackageName, Version)]

-- | Return value for 'loadCabal'
data LoadCabalRet =
  NoCabalFile | -- ^ No cabal file found
  MissingDeps [Dependency] | -- ^ Missing dependencies
  Pkg FilePath PackageDescription (Maybe LocalBuildInfo) -- ^ Successful loading and parsing of cabal file
  deriving Show

compiler  CompilerId
compiler = CompilerId buildCompilerFlavor compilerVersion

-- | Build a list of ghci options needed to load files from a cabal project
   FilePath -- ^ path to the .cabal file
   PackageDescription -- ^ parsed package description
   Maybe LocalBuildInfo -- ^ parsed build config
   String -- ^ name of executable
   Maybe [String]
packageOpts path pkg mlbi executable =
  maybe Nothing (\bi  Just $ ghcOpts path bi (listDeps bi =<< mlbi)) $
  listToMaybe $
    if executable == ""
    then allBuildInfo pkg
      fmap buildInfo .
      filter (\x  exeName x == executable) .
      executables $ pkg

listDeps  BuildInfo  LocalBuildInfo  Maybe Deps
listDeps bi lbi = sequence $ map find reqs 
    reqs = targetBuildDepends bi
    db = installedPkgs lbi
    find dep@(Dependency pkg _) = do
      (fst . head  ver)  return $ lookupDependency db dep
      return (pkg, ver)

-- | GHC options for a 'BuildInfo'
ghcOpts  FilePath  BuildInfo  Maybe Deps  [String]
ghcOpts path bi deps = concat $ 
  maybe [] ((noPkgs:) . add "-package=" . map addDep) deps :
  map ($ bi) [
  hcOptions buildCompilerFlavor,
  addf "-X" display . allExtensions,
  addf "-i" (combine dir) . ("/dist/build/autogen":) . hsSourceDirs,
  add "-optP" . cppOptions,
  add "-optc" . ccOptions,
  add "-optl" . ldOptions
  -- TODO frameworks cSources otherModules extraLibs extraLibsDirs includes 
    dir = takeDirectory path
    add s = map (s++)
    addf  String  (a  String)  [a]  [String]
    addf s f = map ((s++) . f)
    noPkgs = "-hide-all-packages"
    addDep (PackageName pkg, showVersion  ver) = pkg ++ "-" ++ ver

-- | Load the current cabal project file and parse it
   FilePath -- ^ usually the current directory
   FlagAssignment -- ^ list of cabal flag assignments
   IO LoadCabalRet
loadCabal path flags = do
  mCabalFile  lookForCabalFile =<< canonicalizePath path
  flip (maybe (return NoCabalFile))
    mCabalFile $ \cabalFile  do
    gdescr  readPackageDescription normal cabalFile
    mlbi  loadCabalConfig (takeDirectory cabalFile `combine` "dist" `combine` "setup-config")
    case finalizePackageDescription flags (const True)
      buildPlatform compiler [] gdescr of
        Left deps  return $ MissingDeps deps
        Right (descr, _)  return $ Pkg cabalFile descr mlbi

maybeNth  Int  [a]  Maybe a
maybeNth 0 (x:_) = Just x
maybeNth n (_:xs) = maybeNth (n-1) xs
maybeNth _ _ = Nothing

maybeRead s = case reads s of [(a, "")]  Just a; _  Nothing

-- | Load the 'LocalBuildInfo' from dist/setup-config
loadCabalConfig  FilePath  IO (Maybe LocalBuildInfo)
loadCabalConfig path = 
  -- TODO: don't ignore all exceptions
  fmap (either ignore id) $ try $
  fmap ((maybeRead =<<) . maybeNth 1 . lines) $ readFile path
    ignore  SomeException  Maybe a
    ignore _ = Nothing

-- | Find a .cabal file in the path or any of it's parent directories
   FilePath -- ^ canonicalised path
   IO (Maybe FilePath)
lookForCabalFile "/" = return Nothing
lookForCabalFile path = do
  files  getDirectoryContents path
  let cabals = filter (\f 
                        takeExtension f == ".cabal"
                        && f /= ".cabal") files
  case cabals of
    []  lookForCabalFile (takeDirectory path)
    [a]  return $ Just $ combine path a
    _  return Nothing

-- | 'cabalSet' returns a list of ghci commands (seperated by newlines) that :set the 'packageOpts' of the current cabal project
   String -- ^ arguments seperated by spaces
   IO String
cabalSet args =
  withOpts (words args)
    (\x  putStrLn x >> return "")
    ((\x  putStrLn x >> return x) .
        unlines . (map (":set "++)) . map show )

-- | Generalised version of 'cabalSet'
   [String] -- ^ List of cabal flag arguments and executable name
   (String  IO a) -- ^ Error continuation. Recieves an error message.
   ([String]  IO a) -- ^ Success continuation. Recieves a list of ghci arguments.
   IO a
withOpts args err go = do
  let (flags, executable) = parseArgs args
  here  getCurrentDirectory
  ret  loadCabal here flags
  case ret of
    NoCabalFile  err "Current directory is not a cabal project"
    MissingDeps deps  err $ "Missing dependencies: " ++ unwords (map show deps)
    Pkg path descr mlbi  do
      let mopts = packageOpts path descr mlbi executable
      case mopts of
        Nothing  err (
          if executable /= ""
          then "No such executable in cabal file"
          else "No library defined in cabal file")
        Just opts  go opts

parseArgs  [String]  (FlagAssignment, String)
parseArgs args =
  (map (makeFlag . drop 2) . filter flag $ args, 
   fromMaybe "" . listToMaybe . filter (not . flag) $ args)
    flag x = take 2 x == "-f"
makeFlag  String  (FlagName, Bool)
makeFlag ('-':f) = (FlagName f, False)
makeFlag f = (FlagName f, True)

-- $install
-- @
--   $ head -n 4 >> ~/.ghci
--   :m + Distribution.Dev.Interactive
--   :def cabalset cabalSet
--   :cabalset -fcabal-ghci
--   :m - Distribution.Dev.Interactive
-- @

-- $args
-- [@-fflag@] enable flag
-- [@-f-flag@] disable flag
-- [@exec@] load options for the exec executable