module Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.Builder where -- Building the search tree. -- -- In this phase, we build a search tree that is too large, i.e, it contains -- invalid solutions. We keep track of the open goals at each point. We -- nondeterministically pick an open goal (via a goal choice node), create -- subtrees according to the index and the available solutions, and extend the -- set of open goals by superficially looking at the dependencies recorded in -- the index. -- -- For each goal, we keep track of all the *reasons* why it is being -- introduced. These are for debugging and error messages, mainly. A little bit -- of care has to be taken due to the way we treat flags. If a package has -- flag-guarded dependencies, we cannot introduce them immediately. Instead, we -- store the entire dependency. import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (sequence, mapM) import Data.List as L import Data.Map as M import Prelude hiding (sequence, mapM) import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.Dependency import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.Flag import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.Index import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.Package import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.PSQ as P import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.Tree -- | The state needed during the build phase of the search tree. data BuildState = BS { index :: Index, -- ^ information about packages and their dependencies scope :: Scope, -- ^ information about encapsulations rdeps :: RevDepMap, -- ^ set of all package goals, completed and open, with reverse dependencies open :: PSQ OpenGoal (), -- ^ set of still open goals (flag and package goals) next :: BuildType -- ^ kind of node to generate next } -- | Extend the set of open goals with the new goals listed. -- -- We also adjust the map of overall goals, and keep track of the -- reverse dependencies of each of the goals. extendOpen :: QPN -> [OpenGoal] -> BuildState -> BuildState extendOpen qpn' gs s@(BS { rdeps = gs', open = o' }) = go gs' o' gs where go :: RevDepMap -> PSQ OpenGoal () -> [OpenGoal] -> BuildState go g o [] = s { rdeps = g, open = o } go g o (ng@(OpenGoal (Flagged _ _ _ _) _gr) : ngs) = go g (cons ng () o) ngs -- Note: for 'Flagged' goals, we always insert, so later additions win. -- This is important, because in general, if a goal is inserted twice, -- the later addition will have better dependency information. go g o (ng@(OpenGoal (Stanza _ _ ) _gr) : ngs) = go g (cons ng () o) ngs go g o (ng@(OpenGoal (Simple (Dep qpn _)) _gr) : ngs) | qpn == qpn' = go g o ngs -- we ignore self-dependencies at this point; TODO: more care may be needed | qpn `M.member` g = go (M.adjust (qpn':) qpn g) o ngs | otherwise = go (M.insert qpn [qpn'] g) (cons ng () o) ngs -- code above is correct; insert/adjust have different arg order -- | Update the current scope by taking into account the encapsulations that -- are defined for the current package. establishScope :: QPN -> Encaps -> BuildState -> BuildState establishScope (Q pp pn) ecs s = s { scope = L.foldl (\ m e -> M.insert e pp' m) (scope s) ecs } where pp' = pn : pp -- new path -- | Given the current scope, qualify all the package names in the given set of -- dependencies and then extend the set of open goals accordingly. scopedExtendOpen :: QPN -> I -> QGoalReasonChain -> FlaggedDeps PN -> FlagInfo -> BuildState -> BuildState scopedExtendOpen qpn i gr fdeps fdefs s = extendOpen qpn gs s where sc = scope s -- Qualify all package names qfdeps = (fmap (qualify sc)) fdeps -- qualify all the package names -- Introduce all package flags qfdefs = (\ (fn, b) -> Flagged (FN (PI qpn i) fn) b [] []) $ M.toList fdefs -- Combine new package and flag goals gs = (flip OpenGoal gr) (qfdefs ++ qfdeps) -- NOTE: -- -- In the expression @qfdefs ++ qfdeps@ above, flags occur potentially -- multiple times, both via the flag declaration and via dependencies. -- The order is potentially important, because the occurrences via -- dependencies may record flag-dependency information. After a number -- of bugs involving computing this information incorrectly, however, -- we're currently not using carefully computed inter-flag dependencies -- anymore, but instead use 'simplifyVar' when computing conflict sets -- to map all flags of one package to a single flag for conflict set -- purposes, thereby treating them all as interdependent. -- -- If we ever move to a more clever algorithm again, then the line above -- needs to be looked at very carefully, and probably be replaced by -- more systematically computed flag dependency information. -- | Datatype that encodes what to build next data BuildType = Goals -- ^ build a goal choice node | OneGoal OpenGoal -- ^ build a node for this goal | Instance QPN I PInfo QGoalReasonChain -- ^ build a tree for a concrete instance deriving Show build :: BuildState -> Tree (QGoalReasonChain, Scope) build = ana go where go :: BuildState -> TreeF (QGoalReasonChain, Scope) BuildState -- If we have a choice between many goals, we just record the choice in -- the tree. We select each open goal in turn, and before we descend, remove -- it from the queue of open goals. go bs@(BS { rdeps = rds, open = gs, next = Goals }) | P.null gs = DoneF rds | otherwise = GoalChoiceF (P.mapWithKey (\ g (_sc, gs') -> bs { next = OneGoal g, open = gs' }) (P.splits gs)) -- If we have already picked a goal, then the choice depends on the kind -- of goal. -- -- For a package, we look up the instances available in the global info, -- and then handle each instance in turn. go bs@(BS { index = idx, scope = sc, next = OneGoal (OpenGoal (Simple (Dep qpn@(Q _ pn) _)) gr) }) = case M.lookup pn idx of Nothing -> FailF (toConflictSet (Goal (P qpn) gr)) (BuildFailureNotInIndex pn) Just pis -> PChoiceF qpn (gr, sc) (P.fromList ( (\ (i, info) -> (i, bs { next = Instance qpn i info gr })) (M.toList pis))) -- TODO: data structure conversion is rather ugly here -- For a flag, we create only two subtrees, and we create them in the order -- that is indicated by the flag default. -- -- TODO: Should we include the flag default in the tree? go bs@(BS { scope = sc, next = OneGoal (OpenGoal (Flagged qfn@(FN (PI qpn _) _) (FInfo b m w) t f) gr) }) = FChoiceF qfn (gr, sc) (w || trivial) m (P.fromList (reorder b [(True, (extendOpen qpn ( (flip OpenGoal (FDependency qfn True : gr)) t) bs) { next = Goals }), (False, (extendOpen qpn ( (flip OpenGoal (FDependency qfn False : gr)) f) bs) { next = Goals })])) where reorder True = id reorder False = reverse trivial = L.null t && L.null f go bs@(BS { scope = sc, next = OneGoal (OpenGoal (Stanza qsn@(SN (PI qpn _) _) t) gr) }) = SChoiceF qsn (gr, sc) trivial (P.fromList [(False, bs { next = Goals }), (True, (extendOpen qpn ( (flip OpenGoal (SDependency qsn : gr)) t) bs) { next = Goals })]) where trivial = L.null t -- For a particular instance, we change the state: we update the scope, -- and furthermore we update the set of goals. -- -- TODO: We could inline this above. go bs@(BS { next = Instance qpn i (PInfo fdeps fdefs ecs _) gr }) = go ((establishScope qpn ecs (scopedExtendOpen qpn i (PDependency (PI qpn i) : gr) fdeps fdefs bs)) { next = Goals }) -- | Interface to the tree builder. Just takes an index and a list of package names, -- and computes the initial state and then the tree from there. buildTree :: Index -> Bool -> [PN] -> Tree (QGoalReasonChain, Scope) buildTree idx ind igs = build (BS idx sc (M.fromList ( (\ qpn -> (qpn, [])) qpns)) (P.fromList ( (\ qpn -> (OpenGoal (Simple (Dep qpn (Constrained []))) [UserGoal], ())) qpns)) Goals) where sc | ind = makeIndependent igs | otherwise = emptyScope qpns = (qualify sc) igs