{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- Implements the \"@.\/cabal sdist@\" command, which creates a source -- distribution for this package. That is, packs up the source code -- into a tarball, making use of the corresponding Cabal module. module Distribution.Client.SrcDist ( sdist, allPackageSourceFiles ) where import Distribution.Client.SetupWrapper ( SetupScriptOptions(..), defaultSetupScriptOptions, setupWrapper ) import Distribution.Client.Tar (createTarGzFile) import Distribution.Package ( Package(..), packageName ) import Distribution.PackageDescription ( PackageDescription ) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration ( flattenPackageDescription ) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec ( readGenericPackageDescription ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose, defaultPackageDesc , warn, notice, withTempDirectory ) import Distribution.Client.Setup ( SDistFlags(..) ) import Distribution.Simple.Setup ( Flag(..), sdistCommand, flagToList, fromFlag, fromFlagOrDefault , defaultSDistFlags ) import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths ( srcPref) import Distribution.Deprecated.Text ( display ) import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity, normal, lessVerbose) import Distribution.Version (mkVersion, orLaterVersion, intersectVersionRanges) import Distribution.Client.Utils (tryFindAddSourcePackageDesc) import Distribution.Compat.Exception (catchIO) import System.FilePath ((), (<.>)) import Control.Monad (when, unless, liftM) import System.Directory (getTemporaryDirectory) import Control.Exception (IOException, evaluate) -- |Create a source distribution. sdist :: SDistFlags -> IO () sdist flags = do pkg <- liftM flattenPackageDescription (readGenericPackageDescription verbosity =<< defaultPackageDesc verbosity) let withDir :: (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a withDir = if not needMakeArchive then \f -> f tmpTargetDir else withTempDirectory verbosity tmpTargetDir "sdist." -- 'withTempDir' fails if we don't create 'tmpTargetDir'... when needMakeArchive $ createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True tmpTargetDir withDir $ \tmpDir -> do let outDir = if isOutDirectory then tmpDir else tmpDir tarBallName pkg flags' = (if not needMakeArchive then flags else flags { sDistDirectory = Flag outDir }) unless isListSources $ createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True outDir -- Run 'setup sdist --output-directory=tmpDir' (or -- '--list-source'/'--output-directory=someOtherDir') in case we were passed -- those options. setupWrapper verbosity setupOpts (Just pkg) sdistCommand (const flags') (const []) -- Unless we were given --list-sources or --output-directory ourselves, -- create an archive. when needMakeArchive $ createTarGzArchive verbosity pkg tmpDir distPref when isOutDirectory $ notice verbosity $ "Source directory created: " ++ tmpTargetDir when isListSources $ notice verbosity $ "List of package sources written to file '" ++ (fromFlag . sDistListSources $ flags) ++ "'" where flagEnabled f = not . null . flagToList . f $ flags isListSources = flagEnabled sDistListSources isOutDirectory = flagEnabled sDistDirectory needMakeArchive = not (isListSources || isOutDirectory) verbosity = fromFlag (sDistVerbosity flags) distPref = fromFlag (sDistDistPref flags) tmpTargetDir = fromFlagOrDefault (srcPref distPref) (sDistDirectory flags) setupOpts = defaultSetupScriptOptions { useDistPref = distPref, -- The '--output-directory' sdist flag was introduced in Cabal 1.12, and -- '--list-sources' in 1.17. useCabalVersion = if isListSources then orLaterVersion $ mkVersion [1,17,0] else orLaterVersion $ mkVersion [1,12,0] } tarBallName :: PackageDescription -> String tarBallName = display . packageId -- | Create a tar.gz archive from a tree of source files. createTarGzArchive :: Verbosity -> PackageDescription -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () createTarGzArchive verbosity pkg tmpDir targetPref = do createTarGzFile tarBallFilePath tmpDir (tarBallName pkg) notice verbosity $ "Source tarball created: " ++ tarBallFilePath where tarBallFilePath = targetPref tarBallName pkg <.> "tar.gz" -- | List all source files of a given add-source dependency. Exits with error if -- something is wrong (e.g. there is no .cabal file in the given directory). allPackageSourceFiles :: Verbosity -> SetupScriptOptions -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath] allPackageSourceFiles verbosity setupOpts0 packageDir = do pkg <- do let err = "Error reading source files of package." desc <- tryFindAddSourcePackageDesc verbosity packageDir err flattenPackageDescription `fmap` readGenericPackageDescription verbosity desc globalTmp <- getTemporaryDirectory withTempDirectory verbosity globalTmp "cabal-list-sources." $ \tempDir -> do let file = tempDir "cabal-sdist-list-sources" flags = defaultSDistFlags { sDistVerbosity = Flag $ if verbosity == normal then lessVerbose verbosity else verbosity, sDistListSources = Flag file } setupOpts = setupOpts0 { -- 'sdist --list-sources' was introduced in Cabal 1.18. useCabalVersion = intersectVersionRanges (orLaterVersion $ mkVersion [1,18,0]) (useCabalVersion setupOpts0), useWorkingDir = Just packageDir } doListSources :: IO [FilePath] doListSources = do setupWrapper verbosity setupOpts (Just pkg) sdistCommand (const flags) (const []) fmap lines . readFile $ file onFailedListSources :: IOException -> IO () onFailedListSources e = do warn verbosity $ "Could not list sources of the package '" ++ display (packageName pkg) ++ "'." warn verbosity $ "Exception was: " ++ show e -- Run setup sdist --list-sources=TMPFILE r <- doListSources `catchIO` (\e -> onFailedListSources e >> return []) -- Ensure that we've closed the 'readFile' handle before we exit the -- temporary directory. _ <- evaluate (length r) return r