{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Client.InstallPlan -- Copyright : (c) Duncan Coutts 2008 -- License : BSD-like -- -- Maintainer : duncan@community.haskell.org -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- Package installation plan module Distribution.Client.InstallPlan ( InstallPlan , GenericInstallPlan , PlanPackage , GenericPlanPackage (..) , foldPlanPackage , IsUnit -- * Operations on 'InstallPlan's , new , toGraph , toList , toMap , keys , keysSet , planIndepGoals , depends , fromSolverInstallPlan , fromSolverInstallPlanWithProgress , configureInstallPlan , remove , installed , lookup , directDeps , revDirectDeps -- * Traversal , executionOrder , execute , BuildOutcomes , lookupBuildOutcome -- ** Traversal helpers -- $traversal , Processing , ready , completed , failed -- * Display , showPlanGraph , ShowPlanNode (..) , showInstallPlan , showInstallPlan_gen , showPlanPackageTag -- * Graph-like operations , dependencyClosure , reverseTopologicalOrder , reverseDependencyClosure ) where import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude hiding (lookup, toList) import Distribution.Compat.Stack (WithCallStack) import Prelude () import Distribution.Client.Types hiding (BuildOutcomes) import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD import qualified Distribution.Simple.Configure as Configure import qualified Distribution.Simple.Setup as Cabal import Distribution.Client.JobControl import Distribution.Client.SolverInstallPlan (SolverInstallPlan) import qualified Distribution.Client.SolverInstallPlan as SolverInstallPlan import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo ( InstalledPackageInfo ) import Distribution.Package ( HasMungedPackageId (..) , HasUnitId (..) , Package (..) , UnitId ) import Distribution.Pretty (defaultStyle) import Distribution.Solver.Types.SolverPackage import Text.PrettyPrint import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps as CD import Distribution.Solver.Types.InstSolverPackage import Distribution.Solver.Types.Settings import Distribution.Solver.Types.SolverId import Distribution.Utils.LogProgress import Distribution.Utils.Structured (Structure (Nominal), Structured (..)) -- TODO: Need this when we compute final UnitIds -- import qualified Distribution.Simple.Configure as Configure import Control.Exception ( assert ) import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable (all, toList) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Distribution.Compat.Graph (Graph, IsNode (..)) import qualified Distribution.Compat.Graph as Graph -- When cabal tries to install a number of packages, including all their -- dependencies it has a non-trivial problem to solve. -- -- The Problem: -- -- In general we start with a set of installed packages and a set of source -- packages. -- -- Installed packages have fixed dependencies. They have already been built and -- we know exactly what packages they were built against, including their exact -- versions. -- -- Source package have somewhat flexible dependencies. They are specified as -- version ranges, though really they're predicates. To make matters worse they -- have conditional flexible dependencies. Configuration flags can affect which -- packages are required and can place additional constraints on their -- versions. -- -- These two sets of package can and usually do overlap. There can be installed -- packages that are also available as source packages which means they could -- be re-installed if required, though there will also be packages which are -- not available as source and cannot be re-installed. Very often there will be -- extra versions available than are installed. Sometimes we may like to prefer -- installed packages over source ones or perhaps always prefer the latest -- available version whether installed or not. -- -- The goal is to calculate an installation plan that is closed, acyclic and -- consistent and where every configured package is valid. -- -- An installation plan is a set of packages that are going to be used -- together. It will consist of a mixture of installed packages and source -- packages along with their exact version dependencies. An installation plan -- is closed if for every package in the set, all of its dependencies are -- also in the set. It is consistent if for every package in the set, all -- dependencies which target that package have the same version. -- Note that plans do not necessarily compose. You might have a valid plan for -- package A and a valid plan for package B. That does not mean the composition -- is simultaneously valid for A and B. In particular you're most likely to -- have problems with inconsistent dependencies. -- On the other hand it is true that every closed sub plan is valid. -- | Packages in an install plan -- -- NOTE: 'ConfiguredPackage', 'GenericReadyPackage' and 'GenericPlanPackage' -- intentionally have no 'PackageInstalled' instance. `This is important: -- PackageInstalled returns only library dependencies, but for package that -- aren't yet installed we know many more kinds of dependencies (setup -- dependencies, exe, test-suite, benchmark, ..). Any functions that operate on -- dependencies in cabal-install should consider what to do with these -- dependencies; if we give a 'PackageInstalled' instance it would be too easy -- to get this wrong (and, for instance, call graph traversal functions from -- Cabal rather than from cabal-install). Instead, see 'PackageInstalled'. data GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg = PreExisting ipkg | Configured srcpkg | Installed srcpkg deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) displayGenericPlanPackage :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg -> String displayGenericPlanPackage (PreExisting pkg) = "PreExisting " ++ prettyShow (nodeKey pkg) displayGenericPlanPackage (Configured pkg) = "Configured " ++ prettyShow (nodeKey pkg) displayGenericPlanPackage (Installed pkg) = "Installed " ++ prettyShow (nodeKey pkg) -- | Convenience combinator for destructing 'GenericPlanPackage'. -- This is handy because if you case manually, you have to handle -- 'Configured' and 'Installed' separately (where often you want -- them to be the same.) foldPlanPackage :: (ipkg -> a) -> (srcpkg -> a) -> GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg -> a foldPlanPackage f _ (PreExisting ipkg) = f ipkg foldPlanPackage _ g (Configured srcpkg) = g srcpkg foldPlanPackage _ g (Installed srcpkg) = g srcpkg type IsUnit a = (IsNode a, Key a ~ UnitId) depends :: IsUnit a => a -> [UnitId] depends = nodeNeighbors -- NB: Expanded constraint synonym here to avoid undecidable -- instance errors in GHC 7.8 and earlier. instance (IsNode ipkg, IsNode srcpkg, Key ipkg ~ UnitId, Key srcpkg ~ UnitId) => IsNode (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) where type Key (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) = UnitId nodeKey (PreExisting ipkg) = nodeKey ipkg nodeKey (Configured spkg) = nodeKey spkg nodeKey (Installed spkg) = nodeKey spkg nodeNeighbors (PreExisting ipkg) = nodeNeighbors ipkg nodeNeighbors (Configured spkg) = nodeNeighbors spkg nodeNeighbors (Installed spkg) = nodeNeighbors spkg instance (Binary ipkg, Binary srcpkg) => Binary (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) instance (Structured ipkg, Structured srcpkg) => Structured (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) type PlanPackage = GenericPlanPackage InstalledPackageInfo (ConfiguredPackage UnresolvedPkgLoc) instance (Package ipkg, Package srcpkg) => Package (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) where packageId (PreExisting ipkg) = packageId ipkg packageId (Configured spkg) = packageId spkg packageId (Installed spkg) = packageId spkg instance (HasMungedPackageId ipkg, HasMungedPackageId srcpkg) => HasMungedPackageId (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) where mungedId (PreExisting ipkg) = mungedId ipkg mungedId (Configured spkg) = mungedId spkg mungedId (Installed spkg) = mungedId spkg instance (HasUnitId ipkg, HasUnitId srcpkg) => HasUnitId (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) where installedUnitId (PreExisting ipkg) = installedUnitId ipkg installedUnitId (Configured spkg) = installedUnitId spkg installedUnitId (Installed spkg) = installedUnitId spkg instance (HasConfiguredId ipkg, HasConfiguredId srcpkg) => HasConfiguredId (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) where configuredId (PreExisting ipkg) = configuredId ipkg configuredId (Configured spkg) = configuredId spkg configuredId (Installed spkg) = configuredId spkg data GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg = GenericInstallPlan { planGraph :: !(Graph (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg)) , planIndepGoals :: !IndependentGoals } -- | 'GenericInstallPlan' specialised to most commonly used types. type InstallPlan = GenericInstallPlan InstalledPackageInfo (ConfiguredPackage UnresolvedPkgLoc) -- | Smart constructor that deals with caching the 'Graph' representation. mkInstallPlan :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => String -> Graph (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) -> IndependentGoals -> GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg mkInstallPlan loc graph indepGoals = assert (valid loc graph) GenericInstallPlan { planGraph = graph , planIndepGoals = indepGoals } internalError :: WithCallStack (String -> String -> a) internalError loc msg = error $ "internal error in InstallPlan." ++ loc ++ if null msg then "" else ": " ++ msg instance (Structured ipkg, Structured srcpkg) => Structured (GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg) where structure p = Nominal (typeRep p) 0 "GenericInstallPlan" [ structure (Proxy :: Proxy ipkg) , structure (Proxy :: Proxy srcpkg) ] instance ( IsNode ipkg , Key ipkg ~ UnitId , IsNode srcpkg , Key srcpkg ~ UnitId , Binary ipkg , Binary srcpkg ) => Binary (GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg) where put GenericInstallPlan { planGraph = graph , planIndepGoals = indepGoals } = put graph >> put indepGoals get = do graph <- get indepGoals <- get return $! mkInstallPlan "(instance Binary)" graph indepGoals data ShowPlanNode = ShowPlanNode { showPlanHerald :: Doc , showPlanNeighbours :: [Doc] } showPlanGraph :: [ShowPlanNode] -> String showPlanGraph graph = renderStyle defaultStyle $ vcat (map dispPlanPackage graph) where dispPlanPackage (ShowPlanNode herald neighbours) = hang herald 2 (vcat neighbours) -- | Generic way to show a 'GenericInstallPlan' which elicits quite a lot of information showInstallPlan_gen :: forall ipkg srcpkg . (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg -> ShowPlanNode) -> GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> String showInstallPlan_gen toShow = showPlanGraph . fmap toShow . Foldable.toList . planGraph showInstallPlan :: forall ipkg srcpkg . (Package ipkg, Package srcpkg, IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> String showInstallPlan = showInstallPlan_gen toShow where toShow :: GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg -> ShowPlanNode toShow p = ShowPlanNode ( hsep [ text (showPlanPackageTag p) , pretty (packageId p) , parens (pretty (nodeKey p)) ] ) (map pretty (nodeNeighbors p)) showPlanPackageTag :: GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg -> String showPlanPackageTag (PreExisting _) = "PreExisting" showPlanPackageTag (Configured _) = "Configured" showPlanPackageTag (Installed _) = "Installed" -- | Build an installation plan from a valid set of resolved packages. new :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => IndependentGoals -> Graph (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) -> GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg new indepGoals graph = mkInstallPlan "new" graph indepGoals toGraph :: GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> Graph (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) toGraph = planGraph toList :: GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> [GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg] toList = Foldable.toList . planGraph toMap :: GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> Map UnitId (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) toMap = Graph.toMap . planGraph keys :: GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> [UnitId] keys = Graph.keys . planGraph keysSet :: GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> Set UnitId keysSet = Graph.keysSet . planGraph -- | Remove packages from the install plan. This will result in an -- error if there are remaining packages that depend on any matching -- package. This is primarily useful for obtaining an install plan for -- the dependencies of a package or set of packages without actually -- installing the package itself, as when doing development. remove :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg -> Bool) -> GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg remove shouldRemove plan = mkInstallPlan "remove" newGraph (planIndepGoals plan) where newGraph = Graph.fromDistinctList $ filter (not . shouldRemove) (toList plan) -- | Change a number of packages in the 'Configured' state to the 'Installed' -- state. -- -- To preserve invariants, the package must have all of its dependencies -- already installed too (that is 'PreExisting' or 'Installed'). installed :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => (srcpkg -> Bool) -> GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg installed shouldBeInstalled installPlan = foldl' markInstalled installPlan [ pkg | Configured pkg <- reverseTopologicalOrder installPlan , shouldBeInstalled pkg ] where markInstalled plan pkg = assert (all isInstalled (directDeps plan (nodeKey pkg))) $ plan { planGraph = Graph.insert (Installed pkg) (planGraph plan) } -- | Lookup a package in the plan. lookup :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> UnitId -> Maybe (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) lookup plan pkgid = Graph.lookup pkgid (planGraph plan) -- | Find all the direct dependencies of the given package. -- -- Note that the package must exist in the plan or it is an error. directDeps :: GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> UnitId -> [GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg] directDeps plan pkgid = case Graph.neighbors (planGraph plan) pkgid of Just deps -> deps Nothing -> internalError "directDeps" "package not in graph" -- | Find all the direct reverse dependencies of the given package. -- -- Note that the package must exist in the plan or it is an error. revDirectDeps :: GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> UnitId -> [GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg] revDirectDeps plan pkgid = case Graph.revNeighbors (planGraph plan) pkgid of Just deps -> deps Nothing -> internalError "revDirectDeps" "package not in graph" -- | Return all the packages in the 'InstallPlan' in reverse topological order. -- That is, for each package, all dependencies of the package appear first. -- -- Compared to 'executionOrder', this function returns all the installed and -- source packages rather than just the source ones. Also, while both this -- and 'executionOrder' produce reverse topological orderings of the package -- dependency graph, it is not necessarily exactly the same order. reverseTopologicalOrder :: GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> [GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg] reverseTopologicalOrder plan = Graph.revTopSort (planGraph plan) -- | Return the packages in the plan that are direct or indirect dependencies of -- the given packages. dependencyClosure :: GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> [UnitId] -> [GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg] dependencyClosure plan = fromMaybe [] . Graph.closure (planGraph plan) -- | Return the packages in the plan that depend directly or indirectly on the -- given packages. reverseDependencyClosure :: GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> [UnitId] -> [GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg] reverseDependencyClosure plan = fromMaybe [] . Graph.revClosure (planGraph plan) -- Alert alert! Why does SolverId map to a LIST of plan packages? -- The sordid story has to do with 'build-depends' on a package -- with libraries and executables. In an ideal world, we would -- ONLY depend on the library in this situation. But c.f. #3661 -- some people rely on the build-depends to ALSO implicitly -- depend on an executable. -- -- I don't want to commit to a strategy yet, so the only possible -- thing you can do in this case is return EVERYTHING and let -- the client filter out what they want (executables? libraries? -- etc). This similarly implies we can't return a 'ConfiguredId' -- because that's not enough information. fromSolverInstallPlan :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => ( (SolverId -> [GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg]) -> SolverInstallPlan.SolverPlanPackage -> [GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg] ) -> SolverInstallPlan -> GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg fromSolverInstallPlan f plan = mkInstallPlan "fromSolverInstallPlan" (Graph.fromDistinctList pkgs'') (SolverInstallPlan.planIndepGoals plan) where (_, _, pkgs'') = foldl' f' (Map.empty, Map.empty, []) (SolverInstallPlan.reverseTopologicalOrder plan) f' (pidMap, ipiMap, pkgs) pkg = (pidMap', ipiMap', pkgs' ++ pkgs) where pkgs' = f (mapDep pidMap ipiMap) pkg (pidMap', ipiMap') = case nodeKey pkg of PreExistingId _ uid -> (pidMap, Map.insert uid pkgs' ipiMap) PlannedId pid -> (Map.insert pid pkgs' pidMap, ipiMap) mapDep _ ipiMap (PreExistingId _pid uid) | Just pkgs <- Map.lookup uid ipiMap = pkgs | otherwise = error ("fromSolverInstallPlan: PreExistingId " ++ prettyShow uid) mapDep pidMap _ (PlannedId pid) | Just pkgs <- Map.lookup pid pidMap = pkgs | otherwise = error ("fromSolverInstallPlan: PlannedId " ++ prettyShow pid) -- This shouldn't happen, since mapDep should only be called -- on neighbor SolverId, which must have all been done already -- by the reverse top-sort (we assume the graph is not broken). fromSolverInstallPlanWithProgress :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => ( (SolverId -> [GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg]) -> SolverInstallPlan.SolverPlanPackage -> LogProgress [GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg] ) -> SolverInstallPlan -> LogProgress (GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg) fromSolverInstallPlanWithProgress f plan = do (_, _, pkgs'') <- foldM f' (Map.empty, Map.empty, []) (SolverInstallPlan.reverseTopologicalOrder plan) return $ mkInstallPlan "fromSolverInstallPlanWithProgress" (Graph.fromDistinctList pkgs'') (SolverInstallPlan.planIndepGoals plan) where f' (pidMap, ipiMap, pkgs) pkg = do pkgs' <- f (mapDep pidMap ipiMap) pkg let (pidMap', ipiMap') = case nodeKey pkg of PreExistingId _ uid -> (pidMap, Map.insert uid pkgs' ipiMap) PlannedId pid -> (Map.insert pid pkgs' pidMap, ipiMap) return (pidMap', ipiMap', pkgs' ++ pkgs) mapDep _ ipiMap (PreExistingId _pid uid) | Just pkgs <- Map.lookup uid ipiMap = pkgs | otherwise = error ("fromSolverInstallPlan: PreExistingId " ++ prettyShow uid) mapDep pidMap _ (PlannedId pid) | Just pkgs <- Map.lookup pid pidMap = pkgs | otherwise = error ("fromSolverInstallPlan: PlannedId " ++ prettyShow pid) -- This shouldn't happen, since mapDep should only be called -- on neighbor SolverId, which must have all been done already -- by the reverse top-sort (we assume the graph is not broken). -- | Conversion of 'SolverInstallPlan' to 'InstallPlan'. -- Similar to 'elaboratedInstallPlan' configureInstallPlan :: Cabal.ConfigFlags -> SolverInstallPlan -> InstallPlan configureInstallPlan configFlags solverPlan = flip fromSolverInstallPlan solverPlan $ \mapDep planpkg -> [ case planpkg of SolverInstallPlan.PreExisting pkg -> PreExisting (instSolverPkgIPI pkg) SolverInstallPlan.Configured pkg -> Configured (configureSolverPackage mapDep pkg) ] where configureSolverPackage :: (SolverId -> [PlanPackage]) -> SolverPackage UnresolvedPkgLoc -> ConfiguredPackage UnresolvedPkgLoc configureSolverPackage mapDep spkg = ConfiguredPackage { confPkgId = Configure.computeComponentId ( Cabal.fromFlagOrDefault False (Cabal.configDeterministic configFlags) ) Cabal.NoFlag Cabal.NoFlag (packageId spkg) (PD.CLibName PD.LMainLibName) ( Just ( map confInstId (CD.libraryDeps deps) , solverPkgFlags spkg ) ) , confPkgSource = solverPkgSource spkg , confPkgFlags = solverPkgFlags spkg , confPkgStanzas = solverPkgStanzas spkg , confPkgDeps = deps -- NB: no support for executable dependencies } where deps = fmap (concatMap (map configuredId . mapDep)) (solverPkgLibDeps spkg) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Primitives for traversing plans -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- $traversal -- -- Algorithms to traverse or execute an 'InstallPlan', especially in parallel, -- may make use of the 'Processing' type and the associated operations -- 'ready', 'completed' and 'failed'. -- -- The 'Processing' type is used to keep track of the state of a traversal and -- includes the set of packages that are in the processing state, e.g. in the -- process of being installed, plus those that have been completed and those -- where processing failed. -- -- Traversal algorithms start with an 'InstallPlan': -- -- * Initially there will be certain packages that can be processed immediately -- (since they are configured source packages and have all their dependencies -- installed already). The function 'ready' returns these packages plus a -- 'Processing' state that marks these same packages as being in the -- processing state. -- -- * The algorithm must now arrange for these packages to be processed -- (possibly in parallel). When a package has completed processing, the -- algorithm needs to know which other packages (if any) are now ready to -- process as a result. The 'completed' function marks a package as completed -- and returns any packages that are newly in the processing state (ie ready -- to process), along with the updated 'Processing' state. -- -- * If failure is possible then when processing a package fails, the algorithm -- needs to know which other packages have also failed as a result. The -- 'failed' function marks the given package as failed as well as all the -- other packages that depend on the failed package. In addition it returns -- the other failed packages. -- | The 'Processing' type is used to keep track of the state of a traversal -- and includes the set of packages that are in the processing state, e.g. in -- the process of being installed, plus those that have been completed and -- those where processing failed. data Processing = Processing !(Set UnitId) !(Set UnitId) !(Set UnitId) -- processing, completed, failed -- | The packages in the plan that are initially ready to be installed. -- That is they are in the configured state and have all their dependencies -- installed already. -- -- The result is both the packages that are now ready to be installed and also -- a 'Processing' state containing those same packages. The assumption is that -- all the packages that are ready will now be processed and so we can consider -- them to be in the processing state. ready :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> ([GenericReadyPackage srcpkg], Processing) ready plan = assert (processingInvariant plan processing) $ (readyPackages, processing) where !processing = Processing (Set.fromList [nodeKey pkg | pkg <- readyPackages]) (Set.fromList [nodeKey pkg | pkg <- toList plan, isInstalled pkg]) Set.empty readyPackages = [ ReadyPackage pkg | Configured pkg <- toList plan , all isInstalled (directDeps plan (nodeKey pkg)) ] isInstalled :: GenericPlanPackage a b -> Bool isInstalled (PreExisting{}) = True isInstalled (Installed{}) = True isInstalled _ = False -- | Given a package in the processing state, mark the package as completed -- and return any packages that are newly in the processing state (ie ready to -- process), along with the updated 'Processing' state. completed :: forall ipkg srcpkg . (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> Processing -> UnitId -> ([GenericReadyPackage srcpkg], Processing) completed plan (Processing processingSet completedSet failedSet) pkgid = assert (pkgid `Set.member` processingSet) $ assert (processingInvariant plan processing') $ ( map asReadyPackage newlyReady , processing' ) where completedSet' = Set.insert pkgid completedSet -- each direct reverse dep where all direct deps are completed newlyReady = [ dep | dep <- revDirectDeps plan pkgid , all ((`Set.member` completedSet') . nodeKey) (directDeps plan (nodeKey dep)) ] processingSet' = foldl' (flip Set.insert) (Set.delete pkgid processingSet) (map nodeKey newlyReady) processing' = Processing processingSet' completedSet' failedSet asReadyPackage :: GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg -> GenericReadyPackage srcpkg asReadyPackage (Configured pkg) = ReadyPackage pkg asReadyPackage pkg = internalError "completed" $ "not in configured state: " ++ displayGenericPlanPackage pkg failed :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> Processing -> UnitId -> ([srcpkg], Processing) failed plan (Processing processingSet completedSet failedSet) pkgid = assert (pkgid `Set.member` processingSet) $ assert (all (`Set.notMember` processingSet) (drop 1 newlyFailedIds)) $ assert (all (`Set.notMember` completedSet) (drop 1 newlyFailedIds)) $ -- but note that some newlyFailed may already be in the failed set -- since one package can depend on two packages that both fail and -- so would be in the rev-dep closure for both. assert (processingInvariant plan processing') $ ( map asConfiguredPackage (drop 1 newlyFailed) , processing' ) where processingSet' = Set.delete pkgid processingSet failedSet' = failedSet `Set.union` Set.fromList newlyFailedIds newlyFailedIds = map nodeKey newlyFailed newlyFailed = fromMaybe (internalError "failed" "package not in graph") $ Graph.revClosure (planGraph plan) [pkgid] processing' = Processing processingSet' completedSet failedSet' asConfiguredPackage (Configured pkg) = pkg asConfiguredPackage pkg = internalError "failed" $ "not in configured state: " ++ displayGenericPlanPackage pkg processingInvariant :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> Processing -> Bool processingInvariant plan (Processing processingSet completedSet failedSet) = -- All the packages in the three sets are actually in the graph assert (Foldable.all (flip Graph.member (planGraph plan)) processingSet) $ assert (Foldable.all (flip Graph.member (planGraph plan)) completedSet) $ assert (Foldable.all (flip Graph.member (planGraph plan)) failedSet) $ -- The processing, completed and failed sets are disjoint from each other assert (noIntersection processingSet completedSet) $ assert (noIntersection processingSet failedSet) $ assert (noIntersection failedSet completedSet) $ -- Packages that depend on a package that's still processing cannot be -- completed assert (noIntersection (reverseClosure processingSet) completedSet) $ -- On the other hand, packages that depend on a package that's still -- processing /can/ have failed (since they may have depended on multiple -- packages that were processing, but it only takes one to fail to cause -- knock-on failures) so it is quite possible to have an -- intersection (reverseClosure processingSet) failedSet -- The failed set is upwards closed, i.e. equal to its own rev dep closure assert (failedSet == reverseClosure failedSet) $ -- All immediate reverse deps of packages that are currently processing -- are not currently being processed (ie not in the processing set). assert ( and [ rdeppkgid `Set.notMember` processingSet | pkgid <- Set.toList processingSet , rdeppkgid <- maybe (internalError "processingInvariant" "") (map nodeKey) (Graph.revNeighbors (planGraph plan) pkgid) ] ) $ -- Packages from the processing or failed sets are only ever in the -- configured state. assert ( and [ case Graph.lookup pkgid (planGraph plan) of Just (Configured _) -> True Just (PreExisting _) -> False Just (Installed _) -> False Nothing -> False | pkgid <- Set.toList processingSet ++ Set.toList failedSet ] ) -- We use asserts rather than returning False so that on failure we get -- better details on which bit of the invariant was violated. True where reverseClosure = Set.fromList . map nodeKey . fromMaybe (internalError "processingInvariant" "") . Graph.revClosure (planGraph plan) . Set.toList noIntersection a b = Set.null (Set.intersection a b) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Traversing plans -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Flatten an 'InstallPlan', producing the sequence of source packages in -- the order in which they would be processed when the plan is executed. This -- can be used for simulations or presenting execution dry-runs. -- -- It is guaranteed to give the same order as using 'execute' (with a serial -- in-order 'JobControl'), which is a reverse topological orderings of the -- source packages in the dependency graph, albeit not necessarily exactly the -- same ordering as that produced by 'reverseTopologicalOrder'. executionOrder :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> [GenericReadyPackage srcpkg] executionOrder plan = let (newpkgs, processing) = ready plan in tryNewTasks processing newpkgs where tryNewTasks _processing [] = [] tryNewTasks processing (p : todo) = waitForTasks processing p todo waitForTasks processing p todo = p : tryNewTasks processing' (todo ++ nextpkgs) where (nextpkgs, processing') = completed plan processing (nodeKey p) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Executing plans -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The set of results we get from executing an install plan. type BuildOutcomes failure result = Map UnitId (Either failure result) -- | Lookup the build result for a single package. lookupBuildOutcome :: HasUnitId pkg => pkg -> BuildOutcomes failure result -> Maybe (Either failure result) lookupBuildOutcome = Map.lookup . installedUnitId -- | Execute an install plan. This traverses the plan in dependency order. -- -- Executing each individual package can fail and if so all dependents fail -- too. The result for each package is collected as a 'BuildOutcomes' map. -- -- Visiting each package happens with optional parallelism, as determined by -- the 'JobControl'. By default, after any failure we stop as soon as possible -- (using the 'JobControl' to try to cancel in-progress tasks). This behaviour -- can be reversed to keep going and build as many packages as possible. -- -- Note that the 'BuildOutcomes' is /not/ guaranteed to cover all the packages -- in the plan. In particular in the default mode where we stop as soon as -- possible after a failure then there may be packages which are skipped and -- these will have no 'BuildOutcome'. execute :: forall m ipkg srcpkg result failure . ( IsUnit ipkg , IsUnit srcpkg , Monad m ) => JobControl m (UnitId, Either failure result) -> Bool -- ^ Keep going after failure -> (srcpkg -> failure) -- ^ Value for dependents of failed packages -> GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg -> (GenericReadyPackage srcpkg -> m (Either failure result)) -> m (BuildOutcomes failure result) execute jobCtl keepGoing depFailure plan installPkg = let (newpkgs, processing) = ready plan in tryNewTasks Map.empty False False processing newpkgs where tryNewTasks :: BuildOutcomes failure result -> Bool -> Bool -> Processing -> [GenericReadyPackage srcpkg] -> m (BuildOutcomes failure result) tryNewTasks !results tasksFailed tasksRemaining !processing newpkgs -- we were in the process of cancelling and now we're finished | tasksFailed && not keepGoing && not tasksRemaining = return results -- we are still in the process of cancelling, wait for remaining tasks | tasksFailed && not keepGoing && tasksRemaining = waitForTasks results tasksFailed processing -- no new tasks to do and all tasks are done so we're finished | null newpkgs && not tasksRemaining = return results -- no new tasks to do, remaining tasks to wait for | null newpkgs = waitForTasks results tasksFailed processing -- new tasks to do, spawn them, then wait for tasks to complete | otherwise = do sequence_ [ spawnJob jobCtl $ do result <- installPkg pkg return (nodeKey pkg, result) | pkg <- newpkgs ] waitForTasks results tasksFailed processing waitForTasks :: BuildOutcomes failure result -> Bool -> Processing -> m (BuildOutcomes failure result) waitForTasks !results tasksFailed !processing = do (pkgid, result) <- collectJob jobCtl case result of Right _success -> do tasksRemaining <- remainingJobs jobCtl tryNewTasks results' tasksFailed tasksRemaining processing' nextpkgs where results' = Map.insert pkgid result results (nextpkgs, processing') = completed plan processing pkgid Left _failure -> do -- if this is the first failure and we're not trying to keep going -- then try to cancel as many of the remaining jobs as possible when (not tasksFailed && not keepGoing) $ cancelJobs jobCtl tasksRemaining <- remainingJobs jobCtl tryNewTasks results' True tasksRemaining processing' [] where (depsfailed, processing') = failed plan processing pkgid results' = Map.insert pkgid result results `Map.union` depResults depResults = Map.fromList [ (nodeKey deppkg, Left (depFailure deppkg)) | deppkg <- depsfailed ] -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Checking validity of plans -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | A valid installation plan is a set of packages that is closed, acyclic -- and respects the package state relation. -- -- * if the result is @False@ use 'problems' to get a detailed list. valid :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => String -> Graph (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) -> Bool valid loc graph = case problems graph of [] -> True ps -> internalError loc ('\n' : unlines (map showPlanProblem ps)) data PlanProblem ipkg srcpkg = PackageMissingDeps (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) [UnitId] | PackageCycle [GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg] | PackageStateInvalid (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) showPlanProblem :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => PlanProblem ipkg srcpkg -> String showPlanProblem (PackageMissingDeps pkg missingDeps) = "Package " ++ prettyShow (nodeKey pkg) ++ " depends on the following packages which are missing from the plan: " ++ intercalate ", " (map prettyShow missingDeps) showPlanProblem (PackageCycle cycleGroup) = "The following packages are involved in a dependency cycle " ++ intercalate ", " (map (prettyShow . nodeKey) cycleGroup) showPlanProblem (PackageStateInvalid pkg pkg') = "Package " ++ prettyShow (nodeKey pkg) ++ " is in the " ++ showPlanPackageTag pkg ++ " state but it depends on package " ++ prettyShow (nodeKey pkg') ++ " which is in the " ++ showPlanPackageTag pkg' ++ " state" -- | For an invalid plan, produce a detailed list of problems as human readable -- error messages. This is mainly intended for debugging purposes. -- Use 'showPlanProblem' for a human readable explanation. problems :: (IsUnit ipkg, IsUnit srcpkg) => Graph (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg) -> [PlanProblem ipkg srcpkg] problems graph = [ PackageMissingDeps pkg ( mapMaybe (fmap nodeKey . flip Graph.lookup graph) missingDeps ) | (pkg, missingDeps) <- Graph.broken graph ] ++ [ PackageCycle cycleGroup | cycleGroup <- Graph.cycles graph ] {- ++ [ PackageInconsistency name inconsistencies | (name, inconsistencies) <- dependencyInconsistencies indepGoals graph ] --TODO: consider re-enabling this one, see SolverInstallPlan -} ++ [ PackageStateInvalid pkg pkg' | pkg <- Foldable.toList graph , Just pkg' <- map (flip Graph.lookup graph) (nodeNeighbors pkg) , not (stateDependencyRelation pkg pkg') ] -- | The states of packages have that depend on each other must respect -- this relation. That is for very case where package @a@ depends on -- package @b@ we require that @stateDependencyRelation a b = True@. stateDependencyRelation :: GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg -> GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg -> Bool stateDependencyRelation PreExisting{} PreExisting{} = True stateDependencyRelation Installed{} PreExisting{} = True stateDependencyRelation Installed{} Installed{} = True stateDependencyRelation Configured{} PreExisting{} = True stateDependencyRelation Configured{} Installed{} = True stateDependencyRelation Configured{} Configured{} = True stateDependencyRelation _ _ = False