----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Client.Sandbox.Index -- Maintainer : cabal-devel@haskell.org -- Portability : portable -- -- Querying and modifying local build tree references in the package index. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Distribution.Client.Sandbox.Index ( createEmpty, addBuildTreeRefs, removeBuildTreeRefs, ListIgnoredBuildTreeRefs(..), RefTypesToList(..), listBuildTreeRefs, validateIndexPath, defaultIndexFileName ) where import qualified Distribution.Client.Tar as Tar import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils ( BuildTreeRefType(..) , refTypeFromTypeCode , typeCodeFromRefType , getSourcePackagesStrict ) import Distribution.Client.PackageIndex ( allPackages ) import Distribution.Client.Types ( Repo(..), LocalRepo(..) , SourcePackageDb(..) , SourcePackage(..), PackageLocation(..) ) import Distribution.Client.Utils ( byteStringToFilePath, filePathToByteString , makeAbsoluteToCwd, tryCanonicalizePath , canonicalizePathNoThrow ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( die, debug, findPackageDesc ) import Distribution.Verbosity ( Verbosity ) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import Control.Exception ( evaluate ) import Control.Monad ( liftM, unless ) import Data.List ( (\\), intersect, nub ) import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes ) import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, renameFile ) import System.FilePath ( (), (<.>), takeDirectory, takeExtension ) import System.IO ( IOMode(..), SeekMode(..) , hSeek, withBinaryFile ) -- | A reference to a local build tree. data BuildTreeRef = BuildTreeRef { buildTreeRefType :: !BuildTreeRefType, buildTreePath :: !FilePath } defaultIndexFileName :: FilePath defaultIndexFileName = "00-index.tar" -- | Given a path, ensure that it refers to a local build tree. buildTreeRefFromPath :: BuildTreeRefType -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe BuildTreeRef) buildTreeRefFromPath refType dir = do dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist dir unless dirExists $ die $ "directory '" ++ dir ++ "' does not exist" _ <- findPackageDesc dir return . Just $ BuildTreeRef refType dir -- | Given a tar archive entry, try to parse it as a local build tree reference. readBuildTreeRef :: Tar.Entry -> Maybe BuildTreeRef readBuildTreeRef entry = case Tar.entryContent entry of (Tar.OtherEntryType typeCode bs size) | (Tar.isBuildTreeRefTypeCode typeCode) && (size == BS.length bs) -> Just $! BuildTreeRef (refTypeFromTypeCode typeCode) (byteStringToFilePath bs) | otherwise -> Nothing _ -> Nothing -- | Given a sequence of tar archive entries, extract all references to local -- build trees. readBuildTreeRefs :: Tar.Entries -> [BuildTreeRef] readBuildTreeRefs = catMaybes . Tar.foldrEntries (\e r -> readBuildTreeRef e : r) [] error -- | Given a path to a tar archive, extract all references to local build trees. readBuildTreeRefsFromFile :: FilePath -> IO [BuildTreeRef] readBuildTreeRefsFromFile = liftM (readBuildTreeRefs . Tar.read) . BS.readFile -- | Given a local build tree ref, serialise it to a tar archive entry. writeBuildTreeRef :: BuildTreeRef -> Tar.Entry writeBuildTreeRef (BuildTreeRef refType path) = Tar.simpleEntry tarPath content where bs = filePathToByteString path -- Provide a filename for tools that treat custom entries as ordinary files. tarPath' = "local-build-tree-reference" -- fromRight can't fail because the path is shorter than 255 characters. tarPath = fromRight $ Tar.toTarPath True tarPath' content = Tar.OtherEntryType (typeCodeFromRefType refType) bs (BS.length bs) -- TODO: Move this to D.C.Utils? fromRight (Left err) = error err fromRight (Right a) = a -- | Check that the provided path is either an existing directory, or a tar -- archive in an existing directory. validateIndexPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath validateIndexPath path' = do path <- makeAbsoluteToCwd path' if (== ".tar") . takeExtension $ path then return path else do dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist path unless dirExists $ die $ "directory does not exist: '" ++ path ++ "'" return $ path defaultIndexFileName -- | Create an empty index file. createEmpty :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO () createEmpty verbosity path = do indexExists <- doesFileExist path if indexExists then debug verbosity $ "Package index already exists: " ++ path else do debug verbosity $ "Creating the index file '" ++ path ++ "'" createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path) -- Equivalent to 'tar cvf empty.tar --files-from /dev/null'. let zeros = BS.replicate (512*20) 0 BS.writeFile path zeros -- | Add given local build tree references to the index. addBuildTreeRefs :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> BuildTreeRefType -> IO () addBuildTreeRefs _ _ [] _ = error "Distribution.Client.Sandbox.Index.addBuildTreeRefs: unexpected" addBuildTreeRefs verbosity path l' refType = do checkIndexExists path l <- liftM nub . mapM tryCanonicalizePath $ l' treesInIndex <- fmap (map buildTreePath) (readBuildTreeRefsFromFile path) -- Add only those paths that aren't already in the index. treesToAdd <- mapM (buildTreeRefFromPath refType) (l \\ treesInIndex) let entries = map writeBuildTreeRef (catMaybes treesToAdd) unless (null entries) $ do offset <- fmap (Tar.foldrEntries (\e acc -> Tar.entrySizeInBytes e + acc) 0 error . Tar.read) $ BS.readFile path _ <- evaluate offset debug verbosity $ "Writing at offset: " ++ show offset withBinaryFile path ReadWriteMode $ \h -> do hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (fromIntegral offset) BS.hPut h (Tar.write entries) debug verbosity $ "Successfully appended to '" ++ path ++ "'" -- | Remove given local build tree references from the index. removeBuildTreeRefs :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath] removeBuildTreeRefs _ _ [] = error "Distribution.Client.Sandbox.Index.removeBuildTreeRefs: unexpected" removeBuildTreeRefs verbosity path l' = do checkIndexExists path l <- mapM canonicalizePathNoThrow l' let tmpFile = path <.> "tmp" -- Performance note: on my system, it takes 'index --remove-source' -- approx. 3,5s to filter a 65M file. Real-life indices are expected to be -- much smaller. BS.writeFile tmpFile . Tar.writeEntries . Tar.filterEntries (p l) . Tar.read =<< BS.readFile path -- This invalidates the cache, so we don't have to update it explicitly. renameFile tmpFile path debug verbosity $ "Successfully renamed '" ++ tmpFile ++ "' to '" ++ path ++ "'" -- FIXME: return only the refs that vere actually removed. return l where p l entry = case readBuildTreeRef entry of Nothing -> True -- FIXME: removing snapshot deps is done with `delete-source -- .cabal-sandbox/snapshots/$SNAPSHOT_NAME`. Perhaps we also want to -- support removing snapshots by providing the original path. (Just (BuildTreeRef _ pth)) -> pth `notElem` l -- | A build tree ref can become ignored if the user later adds a build tree ref -- with the same package ID. We display ignored build tree refs when the user -- runs 'cabal sandbox list-sources', but do not look at their timestamps in -- 'reinstallAddSourceDeps'. data ListIgnoredBuildTreeRefs = ListIgnored | DontListIgnored -- | Which types of build tree refs should be listed? data RefTypesToList = OnlySnapshots | OnlyLinks | LinksAndSnapshots -- | List the local build trees that are referred to from the index. listBuildTreeRefs :: Verbosity -> ListIgnoredBuildTreeRefs -> RefTypesToList -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath] listBuildTreeRefs verbosity listIgnored refTypesToList path = do checkIndexExists path buildTreeRefs <- case listIgnored of DontListIgnored -> do paths <- listWithoutIgnored case refTypesToList of LinksAndSnapshots -> return paths _ -> do allPathsFiltered <- fmap (map buildTreePath . filter predicate) listWithIgnored _ <- evaluate (length allPathsFiltered) return (paths `intersect` allPathsFiltered) ListIgnored -> fmap (map buildTreePath . filter predicate) listWithIgnored _ <- evaluate (length buildTreeRefs) return buildTreeRefs where predicate :: BuildTreeRef -> Bool predicate = case refTypesToList of OnlySnapshots -> (==) SnapshotRef . buildTreeRefType OnlyLinks -> (==) LinkRef . buildTreeRefType LinksAndSnapshots -> const True listWithIgnored :: IO [BuildTreeRef] listWithIgnored = readBuildTreeRefsFromFile $ path listWithoutIgnored :: IO [FilePath] listWithoutIgnored = do let repo = Repo { repoKind = Right LocalRepo , repoLocalDir = takeDirectory path } pkgIndex <- fmap packageIndex . getSourcePackagesStrict verbosity $ [repo] return [ pkgPath | (LocalUnpackedPackage pkgPath) <- map packageSource . allPackages $ pkgIndex ] -- | Check that the package index file exists and exit with error if it does not. checkIndexExists :: FilePath -> IO () checkIndexExists path = do indexExists <- doesFileExist path unless indexExists $ die $ "index does not exist: '" ++ path ++ "'"