{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Cabal.Config ( -- * Types Config (..), Repo (..), RepoName, -- * Parsing readConfig, findConfig, parseConfig, resolveConfig, -- * Hackage cfgRepoIndex, hackageHaskellOrg, ) where import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..)) import Control.Exception (throwIO) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..)) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Distribution.Compat.Lens (LensLike', over) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Network.URI (URI) import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import System.FilePath (()) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,20,0) import Data.Foldable (foldl') #endif import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Distribution.CabalSpecVersion as C import qualified Distribution.FieldGrammar as C import qualified Distribution.Fields as C import qualified Distribution.Parsec as C import qualified Distribution.Utils.Generic as C import Cabal.Internal.Newtypes import Cabal.Parse infixl 1 <&> (<&>) :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b (<&>) = flip fmap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Read config ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | High level convenience function to find and read @~\/.cabal\/config@ file -- -- May throw 'IOException' when file doesn't exist, and 'ParseError' -- on parse error. -- readConfig :: IO (Config Identity) readConfig = do fp <- findConfig bs <- BS.readFile fp either throwIO resolveConfig (parseConfig fp bs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Find config ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Find the @~\/.cabal\/config@ file. findConfig :: IO FilePath findConfig = do env <- lookupEnv "CABAL_CONFIG" case env of Just p -> return p Nothing -> do cabalDir <- findCabalDir return (cabalDir "config") -- | Find the @~\/.cabal@ dir. findCabalDir :: IO FilePath findCabalDir = do cabalDirVar <- lookupEnv "CABAL_DIR" maybe (getAppUserDataDirectory "cabal") return cabalDirVar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Config ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Very minimal representation of @~\/.cabal\/config@ file. data Config f = Config { cfgRepositories :: Map RepoName Repo , cfgRemoteRepoCache :: f FilePath , cfgInstallDir :: f FilePath , cfgStoreDir :: f FilePath } deriving (Generic) deriving instance Show (f FilePath) => Show (Config f) -- | @since 0.2.1 instance NFData (f FilePath) => NFData (Config f) -- | Repository. -- -- missing @root-keys@, @key-threshold@ which we don't need now. -- data Repo = Repo { repoURL :: URI , repoSecure :: Bool -- ^ @since 0.2 } deriving (Show, Generic) -- | Repository name, bare 'String'. type RepoName = String -- | @since 0.2.1 instance NFData Repo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Finding index ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Find a @01-index.tar@ for particular repository cfgRepoIndex :: Config Identity -> RepoName -> Maybe FilePath cfgRepoIndex cfg repo | repo `M.member` cfgRepositories cfg = Just (runIdentity (cfgRemoteRepoCache cfg) repo "01-index.tar") | otherwise = Nothing -- | The default repository of haskell packages, . hackageHaskellOrg :: RepoName hackageHaskellOrg = "hackage.haskell.org" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parsing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Parse @~\/.cabal\/config@ file. parseConfig :: FilePath -> ByteString -> Either (ParseError NonEmpty) (Config Maybe) parseConfig = parseWith $ \fields0 -> do let (fields1, sections) = C.partitionFields fields0 let fields2 = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `elem` knownFields) fields1 parse fields2 sections where knownFields = C.fieldGrammarKnownFieldList grammar parse fields sections = do cfg <- C.parseFieldGrammar C.cabalSpecLatest fields grammar foldl' (&) cfg <$> traverse parseSec (concat sections) parseSec :: C.Section C.Position -> C.ParseResult (Config f -> Config f) parseSec (C.MkSection (C.Name _pos name) [C.SecArgName _pos' secName] fields) | name == "repository" = do let repoName = C.fromUTF8BS secName let fields' = fst $ C.partitionFields fields repo <- C.parseFieldGrammar C.cabalSpecLatest fields' repoGrammar return $ over cfgRepositoriesL $ M.insert repoName repo parseSec _ = return id grammar :: C.ParsecFieldGrammar (Config Maybe) (Config Maybe) grammar = Config mempty <$> C.optionalFieldAla "remote-repo-cache" C.FilePathNT cfgRemoteRepoCacheL <*> C.optionalFieldAla "installdir" C.FilePathNT cfgInstallDirL <*> C.optionalFieldAla "store-dir" C.FilePathNT cfgStoreDirL repoGrammar :: C.ParsecFieldGrammar Repo Repo repoGrammar = Repo <$> C.uniqueFieldAla "url" WrapURI repoURLL <*> C.booleanFieldDef "secure" repoSecureL False ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Resolving ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Fill the default in @~\/.cabal\/config@ file. resolveConfig :: Config Maybe -> IO (Config Identity) resolveConfig cfg = do c <- findCabalDir return cfg { cfgRemoteRepoCache = Identity $ fromMaybe (c "packages") (cfgRemoteRepoCache cfg) , cfgInstallDir = Identity $ fromMaybe (c "bin") (cfgInstallDir cfg) , cfgStoreDir = Identity $ fromMaybe (c "store") (cfgStoreDir cfg) } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Lenses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cfgRepositoriesL :: Functor f => LensLike' f (Config g) (Map String Repo) cfgRepositoriesL f cfg = f (cfgRepositories cfg) <&> \x -> cfg { cfgRepositories = x } cfgRemoteRepoCacheL :: Functor f => LensLike' f (Config g) (g FilePath) cfgRemoteRepoCacheL f cfg = f (cfgRemoteRepoCache cfg) <&> \x -> cfg { cfgRemoteRepoCache = x } cfgInstallDirL :: Functor f => LensLike' f (Config g) (g FilePath) cfgInstallDirL f cfg = f (cfgInstallDir cfg) <&> \x -> cfg { cfgInstallDir = x } cfgStoreDirL :: Functor f => LensLike' f (Config g) (g FilePath) cfgStoreDirL f cfg = f (cfgStoreDir cfg) <&> \x -> cfg { cfgStoreDir = x } repoURLL :: Functor f => LensLike' f Repo URI repoURLL f s = f (repoURL s) <&> \x -> s { repoURL = x } repoSecureL :: Functor f => LensLike' f Repo Bool repoSecureL f s = f (repoSecure s) <&> \x -> s { repoSecure = x }