{-# LANGUAGE CPP, OverloadedStrings #-}
module CabalMeta (
    Package (..)
  , PackageSources (..)
  , readPackages
  , packageList
  , vendor_dir
  , gitPackages
  ) where

import Shelly hiding (tag)
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS (hasExtension, basename)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.List (partition)

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 704
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Control.Monad (when, forM)
infixr 5 <>
(<>) :: Monoid m => m -> m -> m
(<>) = mappend
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.Monoid ((<>),Monoid(..))

import FileLocation (debug)

source_file :: FilePath
source_file = "sources.txt"

data Package = Directory {
    dLocation :: FilePath
  , pFlags :: [Text]
} | Package {
    pLocation :: Text
  , pFlags :: [Text]
} | GitPackage {
    gitLocation :: Text
  , pFlags :: [Text]
  , gTag :: Maybe Text
} | DarcsPackage {
    darcsLocation :: Text
  , pFlags :: [Text]
  , darcsTag :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Show, Eq)

asList :: Package -> [Text]
asList (Package l flags) = l:flags
asList (GitPackage l flags tag) = l : flags ++ maybeToList tag
asList (DarcsPackage l flags tag) = l : flags ++ maybeToList tag
asList (Directory d flags) = toTextIgnore d : flags

asInstallList :: Package -> [Text]
asInstallList (Package l flags) = l:flags
asInstallList (GitPackage l flags _tag) = urlToDiskPath l : flags
asInstallList (DarcsPackage l flags _tag) = urlToDiskPath l : flags
asInstallList (Directory d flags) = toTextIgnore d : flags

data PackageSources = PackageSources {
    dirs     :: [Package]
  , hackages :: [Package]
  , https    :: [Package] -- also git for now 
  , gits     :: [Package]
  , darcsen  :: [Package]
} deriving (Show, Eq)

packageList :: PackageSources -> [[Text]]
packageList = map asInstallList . packages

packages :: PackageSources -> [Package]
packages psources =
  dirs psources ++
  hackages psources ++
  gitPackages psources

gitPackages :: PackageSources -> [Package]
gitPackages psources =
  gits psources ++ https psources

instance Monoid PackageSources where
  mempty = PackageSources [] [] [] [] []
  mappend (PackageSources d1 ha1 ht1 g1 da1) (PackageSources d2 ha2 ht2 g2 da2) =
    PackageSources (mappend d1 d2) (mappend ha1 ha2)
      (mappend ht1 ht2) (mappend g1 g2) (mappend da1 da2)

vendor_dir :: FilePath
vendor_dir = "vendor"

-- | Translate a remote repository location to the on-disk location we
--   fetched it to
urlToDiskPath :: Text -> Text
urlToDiskPath x = toTextIgnore $ vendor_dir </> basename (fromText x)

git_ :: Text -> [Text] -> ShIO ()
git_ = command1_ "git" []

darcs_ :: Text -> [Text] -> ShIO ()
darcs_ = command1_ "darcs" []

readPackages :: Bool ->  FilePath -> ShIO PackageSources
readPackages allowCabals startDir = do
  fullDir <- canonic startDir
  chdir fullDir $ do
    cabalPresent <- if allowCabals then return False else isCabalPresent
    if cabalPresent then return mempty else do
        psources <- getSources
        when (psources == mempty) $ terror $ "empty " <> toTextIgnore source_file

        let git_pkgs   = gitPackages psources
            darcs_pkgs = darcsen psources
        child_vendor_pkgs <- if null git_pkgs then return [] else do
          mkdir_p vendor_dir
          chdir vendor_dir $ do
            gkids <- forM git_pkgs $ \pkg -> do
              let repo = gitLocation pkg 
              let d = basename $ fromText repo
              e <- test_d d
              if not e
                then git_ "clone" ["--recursive", repo]
                else chdir d $ git_ "fetch" ["origin"]
              chdir d $ do
                git_ "checkout" [fromMaybe "master" (gTag pkg)]
                git_ "submodule" ["foreach", "git", "pull", "origin", "master"]
              readPackages False d
            dkids <- forM darcs_pkgs $ \pkg -> do
              let repo   = darcsLocation pkg
                  tflags = case darcsTag pkg of
                             Nothing -> []
                             Just t  -> ["--tag", t]
              let d = basename $ fromText repo
              e <- test_d d
              if not e
                then darcs_ "get" $ ["--lazy", repo] ++ tflags
                else chdir d $ darcs_ "pull"  ["--all"]
              readPackages False d
            return (gkids ++ dkids)
        child_dir_pkgs <- forM (dirs psources) $ \dir -> do
          b <- fmap (== fullDir) (canonic $ dLocation dir)
          if b then return mempty else readPackages False (dLocation dir)

        let child_pkgs = child_dir_pkgs ++ child_vendor_pkgs

        -- in the end we have either hackage packages or directories
        -- a directory was either listed as a directory or a child found in a sources.txt in that directory
        -- if there are no child, there will be an empty list [] of children
        -- this would be easy to break & should be cleaned up
        return $ mempty {
            hackages = hackages psources ++ concatMap hackages child_pkgs
          , dirs =
              concatMap (\(p, ps) -> if null ps then [p] else ps) $
                zip (dirs psources ++ gits psources ++ https psources ++ darcsen psources)
                    (map dirs child_pkgs)
    headMay [] = Nothing
    headMay xs = Just (head xs)

    isCabalFile = flip hasExtension "cabal"
    isCabalPresent = fmap (any isCabalFile) (ls ".")

    getSources :: ShIO PackageSources
    getSources = do
        sourceContent <- readfile source_file
        let sources = paritionSources [ source | 
              source <- map (T.words . T.strip) (T.lines sourceContent),
              not . null $ source,
              "--" /= head source
        ds <- mapM fullPath (dirs sources)
        return $ sources { dirs = ds }
        fullPath package = do
          fp <- canonic $ dLocation package
          return package { dLocation = fp }

        paritionSources :: [[Text]] -> PackageSources
        paritionSources = go mempty
          go sources [] = sources
          go _ ([]:_) = error "impossible"
          go sources ((name:flags):more) = let n = T.head name in
            case () of
              _ | n `elem` "./"   -> next sources { dirs     = mkDir: dirs sources  }
                | prefix "http"   -> next sources { https    = mkGit: https sources }
                | prefix "https"  -> next sources { gits     = mkGit: https sources }
                | prefix "git:"   -> next sources { gits     = mkGit: gits sources  }
                | prefix "darcs:" -> next sources { darcsen  = mkDarcs: darcsen sources  }
                | otherwise       -> next sources { hackages = mkPkg: hackages sources }
              prefix x = x `T.isPrefixOf` name
              next s2  = go s2 more
              mkDir = Directory (fromText name) flags
              mkPkg = Package name flags
              mkGit = GitPackage name realFlags tag
              mkDarcs =
                case T.stripPrefix "darcs:" name of
                  Nothing       -> error $ unpack $ "did not understand" <> T.intercalate " " (asList (Package name flags))
                  Just realName -> DarcsPackage realName realFlags tag
              (realFlags, tag) = let (rf, tags) = partition (T.isPrefixOf "-") flags in
                if length tags > 1
                  then error $ unpack $ "did not understand" <> T.intercalate " " (asList (Package name flags))
                  else (rf, headMay tags)