-- | -- -- Example: -- -- @ -- main :: IO () -- main = -- defaultMainWithHooks $ -- simpleUserHooks -- & addHook -- (mkSettings "nix-store") -- { macroName = "NIX", -- flagPrefixName = "nix" -- } -- @ -- -- The above will look for a pkg-config package @nix-store@, and then -- -- * Define CPP, C and C++ macros -- -- * @NIX_MAJOR@, an integer -- * @NIX_MINOR@, an integer -- * @NIX_PATCH@, an integer; 0 if missing -- * @NIX_IS_AT_LEAST(major,minor,patch)@, returning true when the discovered version @>=@ the specified version -- -- * Set or unset flags like `nix-2_4` so that the flag is true when the -- discovered version is at least the version in the flag's name. module Distribution.PkgConfigVersionHook ( addHook, mkSettings, Settings (..), composeConfHook, ) where import Control.Lens ((%~), (^.)) import Control.Monad (when) import qualified Data.Char as C import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.Function ((&)) import qualified Data.List as L import Distribution.Simple import Distribution.Simple.Setup (configConfigurationsFlags) import Distribution.Types.BuildInfo.Lens (ccOptions, cppOptions, cxxOptions) import Distribution.Types.Flag (flagName, mkFlagAssignment, mkFlagName, unFlagName) import Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription.Lens ( allCondTrees, condBenchmarks, condExecutables, condForeignLibs, condLibrary, condSubLibraries, condTestSuites, genPackageFlags, ) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import System.Process (readProcess) import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as P import Prelude hiding (log) -- | Hook into Cabal to provide pkg-config metadata. Can be applied multiple -- times to support multiple packages. addHook :: Settings -> UserHooks -> UserHooks addHook settings hooks = hooks {confHook = composeConfHook settings (confHook hooks)} -- | How the metadata for a pkg-config package should be made available to the -- cabal file. data Settings = Settings { -- | Name of the package; used for querying pkg-config. pkgConfigName :: String, -- | Name to use in the Haskell CPP and C/C++ preprocessor macros. -- -- For example, `pkgConfigName = "FOO"` will set the macros -- -- * @FOO_MAJOR@ -- -- * @FOO_MINOR@ -- -- * @FOO_PATCH@ -- -- * @FOO_IS_AT_LEAST(major, minor, patch)@ macroName :: String, -- | Name to use when setting flag values in the cabal file. -- -- Flags named with this prefix, followed by a dash, followed by a major version number, an underscore and a minor version number will be set when the detected package is at least that version. flagPrefixName :: String } -- | Derive a default 'Settings' value from just a pkg-config package name. mkSettings :: String -> Settings mkSettings name = Settings { pkgConfigName = name, macroName = map (\x -> case x of '-' -> '_') name, flagPrefixName = name } -- | Extend the value of 'confHook'. It's what powers 'addHook'. composeConfHook settings origHook = \(genericPackageDescription, hookedBuildInfo) confFlags -> do (actualMajor, actualMinor, actualPatch) <- getPkgConfigPackageVersion (pkgConfigName settings) let defines = [ "-D" <> macroName settings <> "_MAJOR=" <> show actualMajor, "-D" <> macroName settings <> "_MINOR=" <> show actualMinor, "-D" <> macroName settings <> "_PATCH=" <> show actualPatch, "-D" <> macroName settings <> "_IS_AT_LEAST(a,b,c)=(" <> show actualMajor <> ">a||(" <> show actualMajor <> "==a&&(" <> show actualMinor <> ">b||(" <> show actualMinor <> "==b&&" <> show actualPatch <> ">=c))))" ] extraFlags = [ (mkFlagName (flagPrefixName settings ++ "-" ++ show major ++ "_" ++ show minor), (actualMajor, actualMinor) >= (major, minor)) | declaredFlag <- genericPackageDescription ^. genPackageFlags, let rawName = unFlagName $ flagName declaredFlag, rawVersion <- L.stripPrefix (flagPrefixName settings ++ "-") rawName & toList, [major, minor] <- unambiguously parseFlagVersion rawVersion & toList ] setDefines comp x = x & comp . cppOptions %~ (<> defines) & comp . ccOptions %~ (<> defines) & comp . cxxOptions %~ (<> defines) genericPackageDescription' = genericPackageDescription & setDefines (condLibrary . traverse . traverse) & setDefines (condSubLibraries . traverse . traverse . traverse) & setDefines (condForeignLibs . traverse . traverse . traverse) & setDefines (condExecutables . traverse . traverse . traverse) & setDefines (condTestSuites . traverse . traverse . traverse) & setDefines (condBenchmarks . traverse . traverse . traverse) configConfigurationsFlags' = configConfigurationsFlags confFlags `mappend` mkFlagAssignment extraFlags confFlags' = confFlags { configConfigurationsFlags = configConfigurationsFlags' } origHook (genericPackageDescription', hookedBuildInfo) confFlags' parseVersion :: P.ReadP [Int] parseVersion = do map read <$> do P.many1 (P.satisfy C.isDigit) `P.sepBy` P.char '.' parseFlagVersion :: P.ReadP [Int] parseFlagVersion = map read <$> do P.many1 (P.satisfy C.isDigit) `P.sepBy` P.char '_' unambiguously :: P.ReadP a -> String -> Maybe a unambiguously p s = case filter (\(a, x) -> x == "") $ P.readP_to_S p s of [(v, _)] -> Just v _ -> Nothing getPkgConfigPackageVersion :: String -> IO (Int, Int, Int) getPkgConfigPackageVersion pkgName = do s <- readProcess "pkg-config" ["--modversion", pkgName] "" case L.sortOn (\(_, s) -> length s) $ P.readP_to_S parseVersion s of [] -> error ("Could not parse version " ++ show s ++ " returned by pkg-config for package " ++ pkgName) (v, r) : _ -> do when (L.dropWhile C.isSpace r /= "") $ do log ("ignoring trailing text " ++ show r ++ " in version " ++ show s ++ " of pkg-config package " ++ pkgName) let v' = v ++ L.repeat 0 pure (v' L.!! 0, v' L.!! 1, v' L.!! 2) -- Should probably use a Cabal function? log = hPutStrLn stderr