{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | -- Module : PackageUtils -- Copyright : (C) 2013-2020 Jens Petersen -- -- Maintainer : Jens Petersen -- Stability : alpha -- Portability : portable -- -- Explanation: functions related to Cabal dependency generation. -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. module PackageUtils ( bringTarball, cabal_, checkForSpecFile, dropChangelog, editSpecField, getRevisedCabal, getSpecField, latestPackage, PackageData (..), packageManager, patchSpec, pkgSpecPkgData, prepare, repoquery, rpmbuild, rpmInstall, RpmStage (..) ) where import FileUtils (assertFileNonEmpty, filesWithExtension, fileWithExtension, listDirectory', mktempdir, withTempDirectory) import SimpleCabal (finalPackageDescription, licenseFiles, mkPackageName, PackageDescription, PackageIdentifier(..), PackageName, tryFindPackageDesc) import SimpleCmd (cmd, cmd_, cmdBool, cmdIgnoreErr, cmdLines, #if MIN_VERSION_simple_cmd(0,2,2) cmdStderrToStdout, #else cmdSilent, #endif error', grep_, removePrefix, sudo, sudo_, (+-+)) import SimpleCmd.Git (isGitDir, grepGitConfig) import SimpleCmd.Rpm (rpmspec) import SysCmd (optionalProgram, requireProgram, rpmEval) #if MIN_VERSION_simple_cmd(0,2,2) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..)) #endif import Stackage (defaultLTS, latestStackage) import Types #if (defined(MIN_VERSION_base) && MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)) #else import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) #endif import Control.Monad (filterM, unless, void, when) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Time.Clock (diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime) import Distribution.Text (display, simpleParse) import System.Directory import System.Environment (getEnv) import System.FilePath import System.IO (hIsTerminalDevice, stdout) import System.Posix.Files (accessTime, fileMode, getFileStatus, modificationTime, setFileMode) simplePackageDescription :: Flags -> FilePath -> IO (PackageDescription, [FilePath], [FilePath]) simplePackageDescription flags cabalfile = do final <- finalPackageDescription flags cabalfile (docs, licensefiles) <- findDocsLicenses (dropFileName cabalfile) final return (final, docs, licensefiles) -- FIXME only include (doc) files listed in the .cabal file -- eg ChangeLog.md may exist but not dist packaged findDocsLicenses :: FilePath -> PackageDescription -> IO ([FilePath], [FilePath]) findDocsLicenses dir pkgDesc = do contents <- listDirectory' dir let docs = sort $ filter unlikely $ filter (likely docNames) contents let licenses = sort $ nub $ licenseFiles pkgDesc ++ filter (likely licenseNames) contents docfiles = if null licenses then docs else filter (`notElem` licenses) docs return (docfiles, licenses) where docNames = ["announce", "author", "bugs", "changelog", "changes", "contribut", "example", "news", "readme", "todo"] licenseNames = ["copying", "licence", "license"] likely names name = let lowerName = map toLower name in any (`isPrefixOf` lowerName) names unlikely name = not $ any (`isSuffixOf` name) ["~", ".cabal"] bringTarball :: PackageIdentifier -> Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> IO () bringTarball pkgid revise mspec = do let tarfile = display pkgid <.> "tar.gz" havespec <- case mspec of Nothing -> return False Just spec -> doesFileExist spec sources <- if havespec then map sourceFieldFile <$> cmdLines "spectool" ["-S", fromJust mspec] else return [tarfile] srcdir <- getSourceDir allExist <- and <$> mapM (doesFileExist . (srcdir )) sources unless allExist $ do pkggit <- grepGitConfig "\\(pkgs\\|src\\)." when pkggit $ do srcnv <- grep_ tarfile "sources" when srcnv $ cmd_ "fedpkg" ["sources"] when havespec $ createDirectoryIfMissing True srcdir mapM_ (copyTarball False srcdir) sources haveLocalCabal <- doesFileExist $ srcdir display pkgid <.> "cabal" when (not haveLocalCabal && revise) $ void $ getRevisedCabal pkgid allExist' <- and <$> mapM (doesFileExist . (srcdir )) sources when (not allExist' && havespec) $ cmd_ "spectool" ["-g", "-S", "-C", srcdir, fromJust mspec] where sourceFieldFile :: String -> FilePath sourceFieldFile field = if null field then -- should be impossible error "empty source field!" else (takeFileName . last . words) field copyTarball :: Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () copyTarball ranFetch dir file = when (takeExtensions file == ".tar.gz") $ do let dest = dir file already <- doesFileExist dest unless already $ do home <- getEnv "HOME" let cacheparent = home ".cabal" "packages" havecache <- doesDirectoryExist cacheparent unless havecache cabalUpdate remotes <- listDirectory' cacheparent let pkgid' = fromMaybe (error' $ "Parse failed for:" +-+ dropExtensions file) $ simpleParse (dropExtensions file) tarfile = display pkgid' <.> "tar.gz" tarpath = display (pkgName pkgid') display (pkgVersion pkgid') tarfile paths = map (\ repo -> cacheparent repo tarpath) remotes -- if more than one tarball, should maybe warn if they are different tarballs <- filterM doesFileExist paths if null tarballs then if ranFetch then error $ "no" +-+ tarfile +-+ "found" else do cabal_ "fetch" ["-v0", "--no-dependencies", display pkgid'] copyTarball True dir file else do createDirectoryIfMissing True dir copyFile (head tarballs) dest -- cabal-1.18 fetch creates tarballs with mode 0600 stat <- getFileStatus dest when (fileMode stat /= 0o100644) $ setFileMode dest 0o0644 getSourceDir :: IO FilePath getSourceDir = do git <- isGitDir "." if git then getCurrentDirectory else fromJust <$> rpmEval "%{_sourcedir}" getBuildDir :: IO FilePath getBuildDir = do git <- isGitDir "." if git then getCurrentDirectory else fromJust <$> rpmEval "%{_builddir}" getRevisedCabal :: PackageIdentifier -> IO Bool getRevisedCabal pkgid = do let file = display (pkgName pkgid) <.> "cabal" dir <- getSourceDir withTempDirectory $ \ _ -> do -- FIXME use cabal-file dl <- cmdBool "wget" ["--quiet", "https://hackage.haskell.org/package" display pkgid file] if not dl then return False else do revised <- grep_ "x-revision" file when revised $ -- renameFile can fail across fs devices copyFile file $ dir display pkgid <.> "cabal" return revised data RpmStage = Binary | Source | Prep deriving Eq instance Show RpmStage where show Binary = "binary" show Source = "source" show Prep = "prep" rpmbuild :: Bool -> RpmStage -> FilePath -> IO () rpmbuild quiet mode spec = do let rpmCmd = case mode of Binary -> "a" Source -> "s" Prep -> "p" cwd <- getCurrentDirectory gitDir <- isGitDir "." let rpmdirs_override = [ "--define="++ mcr +-+ cwd | gitDir, mcr <- ["_builddir", "_rpmdir", "_srcrpmdir", "_sourcedir"]] let args = ["-b" ++ rpmCmd] ++ ["--nodeps" | mode == Prep] ++ rpmdirs_override ++ [spec] if not quiet then cmd_ "rpmbuild" args else do putStr $ "rpmbuild" +-+ show mode ++ ": " #if MIN_VERSION_simple_cmd(0,2,2) -- may hang for build (ret, out) <- cmdStderrToStdout "rpmbuild" args case ret of ExitSuccess -> putStrLn "done" ExitFailure _ -> error' $ "\n" ++ dropToPrefix "+ /usr/bin/chmod -Rf" out where dropToPrefix :: String -> String -> String dropToPrefix _ "" = "" dropToPrefix prefix cs = let ls = lines cs rest = dropWhile (not . (prefix `isPrefixOf`)) ls in unlines (if null rest then tail ls else tail rest) #else cmdSilent "rpmbuild" args putStrLn "done" #endif cabalUpdate :: IO () cabalUpdate = do home <- getEnv "HOME" let dir = home ".cabal/packages/hackage.haskell.org" done <- checkTimestamp $ dir "01-index.timestamp" unless done $ do done' <- checkTimestamp $ dir "01-index.cache" unless done' cabalUpdateCmd where checkTimestamp tsfile = do haveFile <- doesFileExist tsfile if haveFile then do ts <- getModificationTime tsfile t <- getCurrentTime -- less than 3 hours when (diffUTCTime t ts > 10000) cabalUpdateCmd return True else return False cabalUpdateCmd :: IO () cabalUpdateCmd = do putStrLn "Running 'cabal update'" cmd_ "cabal" ["update", "-v0"] cabal :: String -> [String] -> IO [String] cabal c args = do cabalUpdate cmdLines "cabal" (c:args) cabal_ :: String -> [String] -> IO () cabal_ c args = do cabalUpdate cmd_ "cabal" (c:args) tryUnpack :: PackageIdentifier -> Bool -> Bool -> IO (FilePath, Maybe FilePath) -- (cabalfile, mtmpdir) tryUnpack pkgid revise keep = do let dir = display pkgid isdir <- doesDirectoryExist dir if isdir then do mcabal <- withCurrentDirectory dir $ checkForCabalFile (Just (pkgName pkgid)) if isJust mcabal then do pth <- tryFindPackageDesc dir return (pth, Nothing) else error $ "could not find" +-+ display (pkgName pkgid) <.> "cabal" else do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory mtmpdir <- if keep then return Nothing else do tmpdir <- mktempdir setCurrentDirectory tmpdir return $ Just tmpdir cabal_ "unpack" $ ["-v0"] ++ ["--pristine" | not revise] ++ [display pkgid] pth <- tryFindPackageDesc dir setCurrentDirectory cwd return (fromMaybe "" mtmpdir pth, mtmpdir) latestPackage :: Maybe Stream -> PackageName -> IO PackageIdentifier latestPackage (Just Hackage) pkg = latestHackage pkg latestPackage mstream pkg = do stk <- latestStackage mstream pkg case stk of Just pkgid -> return pkgid Nothing -> latestHackage pkg -- use cabal-file when it parses preferred-versions latestHackage :: PackageName -> IO PackageIdentifier latestHackage pkgname = do let pkg = display pkgname contains_pkg <- cabal "list" ["-v0", pkg] let top = dropWhile (/= "*" +-+ pkg) contains_pkg if null top then error $ pkg +-+ "hackage not found" else do let field = " Default available version: " let avails = map (removePrefix field) $ filter (isPrefixOf field) top if null avails then error $ pkg +-+ "latest available version not found" else do let res = pkg ++ "-" ++ head avails putStrLn $ res +-+ "in Hackage" return $ PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName pkg) $ readVersion $ head avails checkForSpecFile :: Maybe PackageName -> IO (Maybe FilePath) checkForSpecFile mpkg = do allSpecs <- filesWithExtension "." ".spec" -- emacs makes ".#*.spec" tmp files let predicate = maybe ((/= '.') . head) (\ pkg -> (`elem` [pkg <.> "spec", "ghc-" ++ pkg <.> "spec"])) (display <$> mpkg) specs = filter predicate allSpecs when (specs /= allSpecs && isNothing mpkg) $ putStrLn "Warning: dir contains a hidden spec file" case specs of [one] -> return $ Just one [] -> return Nothing _ -> error' "more than one spec file found!" checkForCabalFile :: Maybe PackageName -> IO (Maybe FilePath) checkForCabalFile mpkg = do allCabals <- filesWithExtension "." ".cabal" let predicate = maybe (const True) (\ pkg -> (== pkg <.> "cabal")) (display <$> mpkg) cabals = filter predicate allCabals case cabals of [one] -> return $ Just one [] -> return Nothing _ -> error' "more than one cabal file found!" checkForPkgCabalFile :: PackageIdentifier -> IO (Maybe FilePath) checkForPkgCabalFile pkgid = do let pkg = pkgName pkgid cabalfile = display pkg <.> "cabal" pkgcabal <- doesFileExist cabalfile if pkgcabal then return $ Just cabalfile else do exists <- doesDirectoryExist $ display pkgid if exists then fileWithExtension (display pkgid) ".cabal" else return Nothing pkgSpecPkgData :: Flags -> Maybe PackageName -> Bool -> Bool -> IO PackageData pkgSpecPkgData flags mpkg revise keep = do mspec <- checkForSpecFile mpkg case mspec of Just spec -> specPackageData spec Nothing -> do mcabal <- checkForCabalFile mpkg case mcabal of Just cabalfile -> do (pkgDesc, docs, licenses) <- simplePackageDescription flags cabalfile return $ PackageData Nothing docs licenses pkgDesc Nothing -> case mpkg of Just pkg -> prepStreamPkg flags Nothing defaultLTS pkg revise keep Nothing -> do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory case simpleParse (takeFileName cwd) of Just pdir -> prepare flags (streamPkgToPVS Nothing (Just pdir)) revise keep Nothing -> error' "package not found for directory" where specPackageData :: FilePath -> IO PackageData specPackageData spec = do assertFileNonEmpty spec cabalfile <- cabalFromSpec spec (pkgDesc, docs, licenses) <- simplePackageDescription flags cabalfile return $ PackageData (Just spec) docs licenses pkgDesc where cabalFromSpec :: FilePath -> IO FilePath cabalFromSpec specFile = do namever <- removePrefix "ghc-" . head <$> rpmspec ["--srpm"] (Just "%{name}-%{version}") specFile case simpleParse namever of Nothing -> error "pkgid could not be parsed" Just pkgid -> bringTarball pkgid revise (Just specFile) builddir <- getBuildDir let pkgsrcdir = builddir namever dExists <- doesDirectoryExist pkgsrcdir if dExists then do specTime <- modificationTime <$> getFileStatus specFile dirTime <- accessTime <$> getFileStatus pkgsrcdir when (specTime > dirTime) $ do rpmbuild True Prep specFile dExists' <- doesDirectoryExist pkgsrcdir when dExists' $ cmd_ "touch" [pkgsrcdir] else rpmbuild True Prep specFile tryFindPackageDesc pkgsrcdir -- findSpecFile :: PackageDescription -> RpmFlags -> IO (FilePath, Bool) -- findSpecFile pkgDesc flags = do -- pkgname <- findPkgName pkgDesc flags -- let specfile = pkgname <.> "spec" -- exists <- doesFileExist specfile -- return (specfile, exists) data PackageData = PackageData { specFilename :: Maybe FilePath , docFilenames :: [FilePath] , licenseFilenames :: [FilePath] , packageDesc :: PackageDescription } prepPkgId :: Flags -> Maybe FilePath -> PackageIdentifier -> Bool -> Bool -> IO PackageData prepPkgId flags mspec pkgid revise keep = do (cabalfile, mtmp) <- tryUnpack pkgid revise keep (pkgDesc, docs, licenses) <- simplePackageDescription flags cabalfile unless keep $ maybe (return ()) removeDirectoryRecursive mtmp return $ PackageData mspec docs licenses pkgDesc prepStreamPkg :: Flags -> Maybe FilePath -> Stream -> PackageName -> Bool -> Bool -> IO PackageData prepStreamPkg flags mspec stream pkg revise keep = do pkgid <- latestPackage (Just stream) pkg mcabal <- checkForPkgCabalFile pkgid case mcabal of Just cabalfile -> do (pkgDesc, docs, licenses) <- simplePackageDescription flags cabalfile return $ PackageData mspec docs licenses pkgDesc Nothing -> prepPkgId flags mspec pkgid revise keep -- Nothing means package in cwd prepare :: Flags -> Maybe PackageVersionSpecifier -> Bool -> Bool -> IO PackageData prepare flags Nothing revise keep = pkgSpecPkgData flags Nothing revise keep -- Something implies either new packaging or some existing spec file in dir prepare flags (Just pvs) revise keep = case pvs of PVPackageName pkg -> pkgSpecPkgData flags (Just pkg) revise keep PVPackageId pkgid -> do mspec <- checkForSpecFile $ Just (pkgName pkgid) mcabal <- checkForPkgCabalFile pkgid case mcabal of Just cabalfile -> do (pkgDesc, docs, licenses) <- simplePackageDescription flags cabalfile return $ PackageData mspec docs licenses pkgDesc Nothing -> prepPkgId flags mspec pkgid revise keep PVStreamPackage stream Nothing -> do mspec <- checkForSpecFile Nothing case mspec of Nothing -> do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory let trydir = simpleParse (takeFileName cwd) case trydir of Just pdir | pkgVersion pdir == nullVersion -> prepare flags (streamPkgToPVS (Just stream) trydir) revise keep _ -> error' "package not found" Just spec -> do let pkg = mkPackageName $ removePrefix "ghc-" $ takeBaseName spec prepStreamPkg flags (Just spec) stream pkg revise keep PVStreamPackage stream (Just pkg) -> do mspec <- checkForSpecFile (Just pkg) prepStreamPkg flags mspec stream pkg revise keep -- redundant mdir was earlier for update patchSpec :: Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () patchSpec dryrun mdir oldspec newspec = do diff <- cmdIgnoreErr "diff" ["-u2", "-I", "- spec file generated by cabal-rpm", "-I", "Fedora Haskell SIG ", oldspec, newspec] "" >>= cmdIgnoreErr "sed" ["-e", "s%.Cblrpm/%%", "-e", "s/.cblrpm//"] . dropChangelog putStrLn diff unless dryrun $ do putStrLn "" out <- cmdIgnoreErr "patch" opts diff putStrLn out where opts = ["--fuzz=1"] ++ ["-p" ++ show n | let n = count '/' (removePrefix ".Cblrpm/" newspec)] ++ maybe [] (\ d -> ["-d", d]) mdir count :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int count x = length . filter (==x) dropChangelog :: String -> String dropChangelog cs = let ls = lines cs in if " %changelog" `elem` ls then let rest = (dropWhileEnd ("@@ " `isPrefixOf`) . dropWhileEnd (== " ") . takeWhile (/= " %changelog")) ls in if length rest > 2 then unlines rest else "" else cs packageManager :: IO String packageManager = do havednf <- optionalProgram "dnf" if havednf then return "dnf" else requireProgram "yum" >> return "yum" repoquery :: [String] -> String -> IO String repoquery args key = do havednf <- optionalProgram "dnf" let (prog, subcmd) = if havednf then ("dnf", ["repoquery", "-q"]) else ("repoquery", []) sudo prog (subcmd ++ args ++ [key]) rpmInstall :: Bool -> [String] -> IO () rpmInstall _ [] = return () rpmInstall yes rpms = do pkginstaller <- packageManager let (inst, arg) = if pkginstaller == "dnf" then ("dnf", "install") else ("yum", "localinstall") tty <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout sudo_ inst $ ["-y" | yes || not tty] ++ [arg] ++ rpms editSpecField :: String -> String -> FilePath -> IO () editSpecField field new spec = cmd_ "sed" ["-i", "-e s/^\\(" ++ field ++ ":\\s\\+\\).*/\\1" ++ new ++ "/", spec] getSpecField :: String -> FilePath -> IO String getSpecField field spec = cmd "rpmspec" ["-q", "--qf", "%{" ++ field ++ "}", "--srpm", "--undefine", "dist", spec]