-- |
-- Module      : Distribution.TestSuite.Compat
-- Copyright   : 2014 Kei Hibino
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : ex8k.hibino@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- This module provides subset of compatibility interface names
-- for Cabal older than 1.16.
module Distribution.TestSuite.Compat (prop', prop, TestList, testList) where

import Test.QuickCheck (Testable, quickCheckResult, Result (Success))

import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))

#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,16,0)

import Distribution.TestSuite
  (Test (Test), TestInstance (TestInstance), Result (Pass, Fail, Error), Progress (Finished))

simpleInstance :: String -> IO Progress -> Test
simpleInstance name p = Test this  where
  this = TestInstance p name [] [] (\_ _ -> Right this)

suite :: String -> Maybe String -> IO (Either String ()) -> Test
suite n mayEmsg t = simpleInstance n $ do
  er <- try t
  return . Finished $ case er of
    Right (Right ()) -> Pass
    Right (Left m)   -> Fail $ m `mayAppend` mayEmsg
    Left e           -> Error $ show (e :: IOError) `mayAppend` mayEmsg

-- | Interface to make 'Test' with an error case message to append.
prop' :: Testable prop => String -> Maybe String -> prop -> Test
prop' n mayEmsg t = suite n mayEmsg $ qcEither <$> quickCheckResult t

-- | Interface to make 'Test'.
prop :: Testable prop => String -> prop -> Test
prop n = prop' n Nothing

-- | Interface type of 'Test' list to export.
type TestList = IO [Test]

-- | Convert interface into 'Test' list to export.
testList :: [Test] -> TestList
testList =  return


import Distribution.TestSuite
  (TestOptions (..), Options (..), ImpureTestable (..), impure,
   Test, Result (Pass, Fail, Error))
import qualified Distribution.TestSuite as TestSuite

test114 :: Maybe String -> IO (Either String ()) -> IO TestSuite.Result
test114 mayEmsg t = do
  er <- try t
  return $ case er of
    Right (Right ()) -> Pass
    Right (Left m)   -> Fail $ m  `mayAppend` mayEmsg
    Left e           -> Error $ show (e :: IOError) `mayAppend` mayEmsg

prop114 :: Testable prop => Maybe String -> prop -> IO TestSuite.Result
prop114 mayEmsg t = test114 mayEmsg $ qcEither <$> quickCheckResult t

data Suite114 t = Suite114 String (Maybe String) t

instance TestOptions (Suite114 prop) where
  name (Suite114 n _ _) = n
  options = const []
  defaultOptions = const . return $ Options []
  check _ _ = []

-- instance ImpureTestable (Suite114 (IO (Either String ()))) where
--   runM (Suite114 _ t) _ = test114 t

instance Testable prop => ImpureTestable (Suite114 prop) where
  runM (Suite114 _ me t) _ = prop114 me t

-- -- | Interface to make 'Test'.
-- suite :: String -> IO (Either String ()) -> Test
-- suite n t = impure $ Suite114 n t

-- | Interface to make 'Test' with an error case message to append.
prop' :: Testable prop => String -> Maybe String -> prop -> Test
prop' n me t = impure $ Suite114 n me t

-- | Interface to make 'Test'.
prop :: Testable prop => String -> prop -> Test
prop n = prop' n Nothing

-- | Interface type of 'Test' list to export.
type TestList = [Test]

-- | Convert interface into 'Test' list to export.
testList :: [Test] -> TestList
testList =  id


qcEither :: Test.QuickCheck.Result -> Either String ()
qcEither =  d  where
  d (Success {}) = Right ()
  d x            = Left $ show x

mayAppend :: String -> Maybe String -> String
mayAppend x mayEmsg = maybe x (\m -> x ++ ": " ++ m) mayEmsg