module Cabal2Nix.CorePackages ( corePackages, coreBuildTools ) where -- | List of packages shipped with ghc and therefore at the moment not in -- nixpkgs. This should probably be configurable at first. Later, it might -- be good to actually include them as dependencies, but set them to null -- if GHC provides them (as different GHC versions vary). -- -- The commented packages have previously been non-core, so we don't filter -- them. corePackages :: [String] corePackages = [ "array", "base", "bin-package-db", "bytestring", -- "Cabal", "containers", "directory", -- "extensible-exceptions", "ffi", -- "filepath", "ghc", "ghc-binary", "ghc-prim", "haskell2010", -- new as core, but doesn't work in older GHCs anyway "haskell98", "hpc", "integer-gmp", "old-locale", "old-time", "pretty", "process", -- "random", "template-haskell", -- "time", "unix" ] coreBuildTools :: [String] coreBuildTools = [ "ghc", "hsc2hs" ]