{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, RecordWildCards, CPP #-} {- | Module : Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Cabal License : BSD3 Maintainer : nix-dev@cs.uu.nl Stability : provisional Portability : PatternGuards A represtation of Nix expressions based on Cabal builder defined in @pkgs\/development\/libraries\/haskell\/cabal\/cabal.nix@. -} module Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Cabal ( Derivation(..) , parseDerivation , DerivationSource(..) , module Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Meta , module Data.Version ) where import Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Meta import Distribution.NixOS.Fetch import Distribution.NixOS.PrettyPrinting import Distribution.NixOS.Regex hiding ( empty ) import Distribution.Package import Distribution.Text #ifdef __HADDOCK__ import Distribution.PackageDescription ( PackageDescription ) #endif import Distribution.PackageDescription ( FlagAssignment, FlagName(..) ) import Data.Version import Data.List import Data.Char import Data.Function -- | A represtation of Nix expressions for building Haskell packages. -- The data type correspond closely to the definition of -- 'PackageDescription' from Cabal. -- -- Note that the "Text" instance definition provides pretty-printing, -- but no parsing as of now! data Derivation = MkDerivation { pname :: String , version :: Version , src :: DerivationSource , isLibrary :: Bool , isExecutable :: Bool , extraFunctionArgs :: [String] , buildDepends :: [String] , testDepends :: [String] , buildTools :: [String] , extraLibs :: [String] , pkgConfDeps :: [String] , configureFlags :: [String] , cabalFlags :: FlagAssignment , runHaddock :: Bool , jailbreak :: Bool , doCheck :: Bool , testTarget :: String , hyperlinkSource :: Bool , enableSplitObjs :: Bool , phaseOverrides :: String , metaSection :: Meta } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance Text Derivation where disp = renderDerivation parse = error "parsing Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Cabal.Derivation is not supported yet" instance Package Derivation where packageId deriv = PackageIdentifier (PackageName (pname deriv)) (version deriv) renderDerivation :: Derivation -> Doc renderDerivation deriv = text "# This file was auto-generated by cabal2nix. Please do NOT edit manually!" $$ text "" $$ funargs (map text ("cabal" : inputs)) $$ vcat [ text "" , text "cabal.mkDerivation" <+> lparen <> text "self" <> colon <+> lbrace , nest 2 $ vcat [ attr "pname" $ string (pname deriv) , attr "version" $ doubleQuotes (disp (version deriv)) , sourceAttr (src deriv) , boolattr "isLibrary" (not (isLibrary deriv) || isExecutable deriv) (isLibrary deriv) , boolattr "isExecutable" (not (isLibrary deriv) || isExecutable deriv) (isExecutable deriv) , listattr "buildDepends" empty (buildDepends deriv) , listattr "testDepends" empty (testDepends deriv) , listattr "buildTools" empty (buildTools deriv) , listattr "extraLibraries" empty (extraLibs deriv) , listattr "pkgconfigDepends" empty (pkgConfDeps deriv) , onlyIf renderedFlags $ attr "configureFlags" $ doubleQuotes (sep renderedFlags) , boolattr "enableSplitObjs" (not (enableSplitObjs deriv)) (enableSplitObjs deriv) , boolattr "noHaddock" (not (runHaddock deriv)) (not (runHaddock deriv)) , boolattr "jailbreak" (jailbreak deriv) (jailbreak deriv) , boolattr "doCheck" (not (doCheck deriv)) (doCheck deriv) , onlyIf (testTarget deriv) $ attr "testTarget" $ string (testTarget deriv) , boolattr "hyperlinkSource" (not (hyperlinkSource deriv)) (hyperlinkSource deriv) , onlyIf (phaseOverrides deriv) $ vcat ((map text . lines) (phaseOverrides deriv)) , disp (metaSection deriv) ] , rbrace <> rparen , text "" ] where inputs = nub $ sortBy (compare `on` map toLower) $ filter (/="cabal") $ filter (not . isPrefixOf "self.") $ buildDepends deriv ++ testDepends deriv ++ buildTools deriv ++ extraLibs deriv ++ pkgConfDeps deriv ++ extraFunctionArgs deriv ++ ["fetch" ++ derivKind (src deriv) | derivKind (src deriv) /= "" && not isHackagePackage] renderedFlags = [ text "-f" <> (if enable then empty else char '-') <> text f | (FlagName f, enable) <- cabalFlags deriv ] ++ map text (configureFlags deriv) isHackagePackage = "mirror://hackage/" `isPrefixOf` derivUrl (src deriv) sourceAttr (DerivationSource{..}) | isHackagePackage = attr "sha256" $ string derivHash | derivKind /= "" = vcat [ text "src" <+> equals <+> text ("fetch" ++ derivKind) <+> lbrace , nest 2 $ vcat [ attr "url" $ string derivUrl , attr "sha256" $ string derivHash , if derivRevision /= "" then attr "rev" (string derivRevision) else empty ] , rbrace <> semi ] | otherwise = attr "src" $ text derivUrl -- | A very incomplete parser that extracts 'pname', 'version', -- 'sha256', 'platforms', 'hydraPlatforms', 'maintainers', 'doCheck', -- 'jailbreak', and 'runHaddock' from the given Nix expression. parseDerivation :: String -> Maybe Derivation parseDerivation buf | buf =~ "cabal.mkDerivation" , [name] <- buf `regsubmatch` "pname *= *\"([^\"]+)\"" , [vers'] <- buf `regsubmatch` "version *= *\"([^\"]+)\"" , Just vers <- simpleParse vers' , sha <- buf `regsubmatch` "sha256 *= *\"([^\"]+)\"" , sr <- buf `regsubmatch` "src *= *([^;]+);" , url <- buf `regsubmatch` "url *= *\"?([^;\"]+)\"? *;" , rev <- buf `regsubmatch` "rev *= *\"([^\"]+)\"" , hplats <- buf `regsubmatch` "hydraPlatforms *= *([^;]+);" , plats <- buf `regsubmatch` "platforms *= *([^;]+);" , maint <- buf `regsubmatch` "maintainers *= *(with [^;]+;)? \\[([^\"]+)]" , noHaddock <- buf `regsubmatch` "noHaddock *= *(true|false) *;" , jailBreak <- buf `regsubmatch` "jailbreak *= *(true|false) *;" , docheck <- buf `regsubmatch` "doCheck *= *(true|false) *;" , hyperlSrc <- buf `regsubmatch` "hyperlinkSource *= *(true|false) *;" , splitObj <- buf `regsubmatch` "enableSplitObjs *= *(true|false) *;" = Just MkDerivation { pname = name , version = vers , src = case (sr,url) of ([] , _ ) -> DerivationSource "url" ("mirror://hackage/" ++ name ++ "-" ++ vers' ++ ".tar.gz") "" $ head sha (sr':_, [] ) -> DerivationSource "" sr' "" "" (sr':_, url':_ ) -> DerivationSource (drop (length "fetch") . head . words $ sr') url' (head $ rev ++ [""]) $ head sha , isLibrary = False , isExecutable = False , extraFunctionArgs = [] , buildDepends = [] , testDepends = [] , buildTools = [] , extraLibs = [] , pkgConfDeps = [] , configureFlags = [] , cabalFlags = [] , runHaddock = noHaddock /= ["true"] , jailbreak = jailBreak == ["true"] , doCheck = docheck == ["true"] || null docheck , testTarget = "" , hyperlinkSource = hyperlSrc == ["true"] || null hyperlSrc , enableSplitObjs = splitObj /= ["false"] , phaseOverrides = "" , metaSection = Meta { homepage = "" , description = "" , license = Unknown Nothing , maintainers = if null maint then [] else concatMap words (tail maint) , platforms = concatMap words (map (map (\c -> if c == '+' then ' ' else c)) plats) , hydraPlatforms = concatMap words (map (map (\c -> if c == '+' then ' ' else c)) hplats) } } | otherwise = Nothing